Mamma mia game rules – how to play mamma mia

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor


Hey there! Let’s talk about Mamma Mia, an exciting game where you get to make pizzas. I’ll tell you all about it, so listen up!


Alright, let’s get started. First, we need to set up the game. Depending on how many players are joining in on the fun, we have to remove some ingredient cards from the game. If it’s just two players, we take out five of each ingredient. For three players, three of each ingredient go out, and for four players, one of each ingredient is removed. Don’t worry, these cards are safely kept in the box. After that, we shuffle the remaining cards and deal six cards to each player. Got it so far? Good!

So here’s how you play the game. First, we need to shuffle the rest of the ingredient cards and the mamma mia card together. Once they’re shuffled, we’ll place them face down in the middle of the playing area.

Now, each player will need to collect eight orders. Make sure to grab ones that have matching backs. After collecting the orders, give them a good shuffle and place them face down in front of you. This is your waiter. Don’t forget to draw one of the order cards to add to your hand.

Next, we need to set up the oven. Place it beside the ingredient supply. The oven will act as the discard pile for the game. Now, we just need to choose the first player and we’re ready to start.

The gameplay will go around the group in a clockwise order. Everyone will take turns playing.

When it’s my turn to play, I have to put at least one ingredient from my hand into the oven. I place it face up on the discard pile. If I want, I can put more than one ingredient, but they all have to be the same. Then, I tell everyone how many cards I put in and what type of ingredient.

Once I’ve put my ingredients in, I can also put an order card from my hand into the oven. I only do this if I think there are enough ingredients to finish my pizza, but I can’t actually check. After that, I get to draw more cards to fill up my hand. Then, the player on my left gets their turn.

When all the cards in the supply have been drawn, the round ends. If I hold the Mamma Mia card, it’s my job to take the pizzas out of the oven. I make sure to keep the order of the pizzas the same by placing them face down. Then, I reveal the cards one by one from the oven. As I do this, all the players check if they have the ingredients listed on the order card.

If all the ingredients are there, the pizza is ready and I add it to my delivery stack. But if some ingredients are missing, I need to add them from my hand to complete the pizza and make it ready for baking. Any unused ingredients in the oven go into a new oven, and the ones that were used are shuffled to create a new supply of ingredients. And just like that, a new round starts.


The game ends when the oven is empty, and all the pizzas have been delivered for the third time. The player who delivers the most pizzas wins!

Hi there! I’m Ellie, and I live in Northeast Tennessee. I’m a big fan of animals, especially ones with unique shapes and sizes. I also enjoy diving into fantasy fiction books and spending time outdoors. I’m lucky to have a fantastic husband who adores me almost as much as our two furry little ones. Being part of this wonderful community makes me incredibly happy.

Hi there! I’m Ellie, and I live in Northeast Tennessee. I’m a big fan of animals, especially ones with unique shapes and sizes. I also enjoy diving into fantasy fiction books and spending time outdoors. I’m lucky to have a fantastic husband who adores me almost as much as our two furry little ones. Being part of this wonderful community makes me incredibly happy.

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