Last word game rules – how to play last word

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor


Last Word is a super fun game for parties where you can really let loose. It’s all about quick thinking, interrupting, and trying to have the final say before time runs out. And the best part? The timer goes off randomly, so there’s no waiting until the last second to cheat. You have to think fast, answer quickly, and just have a blast!


Start by placing the two game boards in the middle of the table where everyone can reach them easily. Make sure to turn on the timer. Each player will pick a color pawn to represent themselves on the board. Put each player’s pawn on the starting space on the scoring board.

In this game, we use letter and subject cards. They’re split up and shuffled separately. Once they’re shuffled, we put them in their assigned places on the card stacking board. These form the two draw piles that we’ll use throughout the game. Then, each player takes a card from the subject draw pile. They read it quietly to themselves and hide it from the other players. Now we’re ready to start!


Anyone can reveal the top letter card to start a round. They read it out loud to everyone and put it face up on the assigned place. Now, each player has to think of a word that starts with that letter and fits the category of their subject card.

Hey there! Wanna play a fun game? It’s called the Subject Stacking Challenge. Here’s how it goes:

The first player to place their subject card on the card stacking board, read it out loud to the group, and shout out something that fits the category and starts with the given letter, will kick off the game. So, for example, if the subject is “Animals” and the card starts with the letter “C,” I might say “Cat” to start the timer!

Now, all the players have to quickly come up with words that start with the letter and fit within their own category. Remember, duplicate words don’t count, and everyone needs to be silent once the buzzer goes off!

The player who manages to say a correct word right before the timer ends will win the round! They get to move their pawn one space closer to the finish line. But here’s the twist: if someone is in the middle of saying a word when the timer goes off, the player who last said a word wins instead. Tricky, right? And, of course, the player who played their subject card will draw a new one for the next round.

And so the game goes on, round after round, until someone reaches the finish space on the board. That’s when the fun comes to an end.


Hey there! I’m Ellie, and I live in Northeast Tennessee. I’m a big fan of animals, fantasy books, and spending time outdoors. I’ve got a great husband who loves me almost as much as my two furry friends. And let me tell you, being part of this fantastic community is the best!

Okay, here’s the deal: the game ends when someone reaches the finish space on the board. And guess what? The first player to do that is the winner! It’s that simple!

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