Lamarckian poker game rules – how to play lamarckian poker

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Welcome to the world of Lamarckian Poker!

In this exciting game, we all make our moves at the same time. Our goal? To create the most amazing poker hand using four cards in the center of the table. But here’s the twist: we can swap cards in the center and add our own cards to the mix. The player with the best hand at the end of the game takes home the victory!

Let’s get started with the setup:

First things first, we need to choose a dealer. The dealer will shuffle the deck and give each player four cards. Oh, and don’t forget about those four cards they’ll place in the center of the table for all to see. Now, it’s time for each player to pick a card from their hand. This card will be their key to collecting cards from the center. Once we’re all set, we can begin!

Now, let the gameplay begin!

Let’s start with the highest card, and I’ll take my turn by picking a card from the table. I can collect all the cards that have the same rank and suit as the card I choose, but I have to leave my card on the table so other players can steal it.

The cards I collect go straight into my hand. If I play a card that doesn’t match any cards on the table, I don’t get any new cards, but at least I can get rid of a card from my hand.

If I don’t have any cards left in my hand, I have to leave the game. Once everyone has taken their turns, we clear the table and add four new cards to the center. The game ends when we’ve used up all the cards in the deck.


The game comes to an end when we’ve used up all the cards in the deck. The player with the best poker hand wins the game!

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