Labyrinth – learn how to play with

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Welcome to the Labyrinth!

Hey there! I’m here to tell you all about the amazing game of Labyrinth. It’s a super fun board game that can be played by 2 to 4 players. The whole point of the game is to navigate your way through a tricky maze, collect the objects you need along the way, and then make it back to the starting point to win. How cool is that?

Getting Started

Before you begin your labyrinth adventure, you need to set up the game. First, take all the maze tiles and give them a good shuffle. Then, randomly place them on the game board to create a completely unique maze every time you play. Oh, and don’t forget about that extra tile – it’s used to move the maze around, so keep it close to the board.

Next up, it’s time to deal out the object cards. These cards have the items you need to collect hidden on them. Shuffle them up and give each player an even pile of cards, face down.

Finally, it’s time to choose your character. Pick the one that speaks to you the most and put it on the starting piece of the board. Now you’re all set and ready to play!

Let the Game Begin!

When it’s my turn in the game, I start by looking at the top card of my object pile. I don’t show it to anyone else. Then, I look at the board and figure out the best way to get to my current object. I grab an extra piece and choose one of the 12 arrows on the board. Once I’ve made my choice, I slide the piece along the arrow in the direction it points. The piece pushes any other pieces at the end of the arrow out of the way.

If I push another player off the board this way, they have to move to the new piece I just added.

After adding the new piece, I can decide how far to move my character along the path I’m currently on. I can move as far down the path as I want, or I can choose not to move at all.

If you can reach the thing you’re looking for, reveal the card and keep it in front of you. On your next turn, you’ll look at the next card in your pile.

If you can’t reach your goal right away, it’s a good idea to position yourself for success on your next turn.

Multiple players can be in the same spot on the board.


The game ends when you successfully reach all your cards and return to the starting position. The first one to do this wins.


To make it easier for younger kids, you can change a few rules.

Before each turn, players can look at their cards and decide which one they want to go for.

Instead of going back to the beginning, you can win the game by reaching any square. To win, all you need to do is collect all of your objectives. Once you’ve collected the last objective, you can take your piece off the board and declare yourself the winner.

Hi there! My name is Amber and I’m from Austin. I absolutely love games and I consider myself a gaming expert. I also have a soft spot for dogs, plants, and Dungeons & Dragons.

Hi there! My name is Amber and I’m from Austin. I absolutely love games and I consider myself a gaming expert. I also have a soft spot for dogs, plants, and Dungeons & Dragons.

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