Kurkku game rules – how to play kurkku

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Welcome to the world of Kurkku!

Kurkku is an exciting card game that can be played by 3 to 4 players. It’s similar to another popular game called Cucumber. Let’s dive in and learn how to play!

Getting Set Up

First, we need to set up the game. One player will be chosen as the dealer for this round. They will shuffle the deck and deal 7 cards to each player. Remember, the cards are dealt face down. The remaining cards are placed in a pile near all the players. It doesn’t matter what suit the cards are. The rankings, from highest to lowest, are Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2.

Let’s Play!

The game consists of multiple rounds, and each round has 7 tricks. To start the game, the player to the left of the dealer plays the first card for the first trick. The trick winner then starts the next trick, and so on.

When you’re playing Kurkku, the game starts with one player choosing any card they want to play. Then, the other players have to play a card that is equal to or higher in rank, or they can play their lowest-ranking card. The player who plays the highest-ranked card or the last card wins the trick.

Remember, the cards that are played by the players remain in front of them. You can look through other players’ cards to help you decide which card to play next.


At the end of each round, when the last trick is won, the player who won that trick will receive a penalty. The penalty is equal to the rank of the card that was used to win the trick. For example, the Ace is worth 14 points, the King is worth 13 points, the Queen is worth 12 points, the Jack is worth 11 points, and the remaining cards are worth their face value.

The game ends when a player reaches a total of 30 points.


When playing the game, the goal is to avoid accumulating too many penalty points. Whoever reaches 30 or more points first loses.

Hey, I’m Amber! I’m from Austin and I’m really into gaming. I consider myself a gaming expert and I absolutely adore dogs, plants, and playing Dungeons & Dragons.

Hey, I’m Amber! I’m from Austin and I’m really into gaming. I consider myself a gaming expert and I absolutely adore dogs, plants, and playing Dungeons & Dragons.

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