Huutopussi – learn how to play with

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor


Hey there! Let me introduce you to a fantastic game called Huutopussi. It’s a super fun game that will keep you entertained for hours.

So, what exactly is Huutopussi? Huutopussi is a Finnish card game that is full of excitement and friendly competition. The game is played with a standard deck of playing cards and can be enjoyed by two or more players.

The goal of Huutopussi is to get rid of all your cards as quickly as possible. The great part is that you can play any card you want, as long as it matches the suit or rank of the previous card played. And watch out for those special cards! They can really shake things up and turn the game around.

Now, let’s talk about why Huutopussi is so special. First off, it’s a game that anyone can learn and enjoy. Whether you’re a kid or an adult, you’ll have a blast playing Huutopussi with your friends and family.

But what really sets Huutopussi apart is the excitement and unpredictability of the game. With every card played, the situation can change in an instant. One moment you could be winning, and the next moment you could find yourself with a full hand of cards. It’s a rollercoaster of emotions that keeps you on your toes.

Huutopussi is also a great way to socialize and bond with others. It brings people together and creates lasting memories. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of laughing, cheering, and strategizing with your friends as you try to outwit each other in Huutopussi.

So, whether you’re looking to have a fun game night with your family or spice up a party with some friendly competition, Huutopussi is the perfect game for you. Give it a try, and I guarantee you’ll be hooked in no time.

Remember, in Huutopussi, it’s all about having a good time and enjoying the thrill of the game. So gather your friends, shuffle those cards, and let the excitement begin. Who will be the first to yell “Huutopussi”?

Imagine a fun game called Huutopussi! It’s a game that involves strategy, teamwork, and a little bit of luck. Four players get together and form two partnerships, sitting across from each other. The objective of the game is simple – be the first team to score 500 points!

How do you earn these points, you ask? Well, it’s all about making bids and winning tricks! Each player takes turns making bids, guessing how many tricks they think they can win. The highest bidder gets to choose the trump suit for that round. Once the bidding is done, the real action begins!

How do we set up and start bidding?

First things first, we need to modify the deck by removing all cards that are 5 or below. This leaves us with a deck of 36 cards to play with. Shuffle the deck and let luck decide who the first dealer will be. The dealer will then pass the deck to the player sitting on their left, who cuts the deck. Each player is then dealt a hand of 9 cards, going clockwise.

Once the cards are dealt, we can start bidding. Bidding is when each player has the opportunity to state how many points they believe they can score with their hand. The bidding starts with the player to the left of the dealer and goes around in a clockwise direction. The first bid must be at least 50 points, and all subsequent bids must be in increments of 5. Each player has the option to either bid or pass.

If a player decides to pass, they are out of the bidding process for that round. This means they will not have the chance to win the bid or become the declarer. However, if a player decides to bid, they must make a higher bid than the previous player. The bidding continues in a clockwise direction until either three out of the four players pass or a maximum bid of 440 is reached.

Once the bidding is complete, the player who made the highest bid becomes the declarer. The declarer is the player who will play the hand and try to fulfill their bid by scoring the number of points they stated. The bidding process is an important part of the game, as it determines the declarer and sets the stage for the rest of the round.

Now it’s time for me to choose three cards and give them to you, my partner. Take a good look at them because we need to set a contract. Make sure the contract is at least as high as our last bid during the betting. The contract will determine how many points we need to score in order to win this round. Once you set the contract, hand me back any three cards so we all have 9 cards again.

If you have three or more 6s in your hand or if you don’t have any card higher than a jack, you can ask for a redeal. Just let us know during your turn and all the cards will be collected and we’ll start again.

Let’s talk about the ranking and values of the cards:

The Ace is the highest-ranking card, followed by 10, King, Queen, Jack, 9, 8, 7, and 6, which is the lowest.

The cards in the game have different values. Aces and 10s are worth 10 points, while kings, queens, and jacks are worth 5 points. Other cards don’t have any value. Additionally, you can earn 20 points by winning the last trick or by making marriages based on suits, which are used to declare trumps.


The game starts with the declarer, who can play any card. The other players must follow suit if they can. If you’re following suit, you must also try to beat the current winning card, even if it’s held by your partner.

The game doesn’t begin with a trump suit, but it can be declared at some point. If a trump suit is declared and you can’t follow suit, you must play a trump card. If a trump has already been played, you must also try to beat it if you can.

If you can’t follow suit and don’t have any trumps, or if there’s no trump suit, then you can play any card to the trick.

A trick is won by the highest trump played, if there is one. Otherwise, it’s won by the highest card of the suit led. The person who wins a trick adds it to their score pile and leads the next trick.

If certain conditions are met, a player can declare a trump suit. These conditions include having led and won the previous trick. Before leading the next trick, the player has the option to declare a trump suit in the following ways. Note that only one declaration attempt is allowed. You can declare by stating a marriage you have in your hand, asking your partner for a marriage, or asking your partner for a half marriage.

If you want to declare a marriage from the cards you have in your hand (a king and queen of the same suit), you state the suit of the marriage. This suit then becomes the trump suit.

If you’re asking your partner to marry you in the card game, they may hold a marriage card in their hand, which becomes the most important suit. Once you ask for a marriage, you can no longer declare marriages from the cards in your hand, and your partner can’t ask you for full marriages either.

If you’re asking for a half marriage, you have to declare a king or queen of a suit. If your partner has the other needed card in their hand, they can say yes, and that suit then becomes the most important. Once you ask for a half marriage, you and your partner can’t declare full marriages anymore. You also can’t ask your partner for full marriages, and they can’t ask you for full marriages either.

Any cards used for marriages must be held at the time of asking. Each suit can only be called once during the game, so you can’t declare the same marriage more than once.


Once the tricks are done, we start tallying the scores. Each side adds up the points they earned from the cards won in the trick, as well as any points from declared marriages. The team that wins the last trick also gets points for that trick.

Marriages are scored according to the suits. A marriage of spades is worth 40 points, clubs are worth 60, diamonds are worth 80, and hearts are worth 100 points.

The team that didn’t declare the marriage scores any points they earned towards their final score. The team that declared the marriage, on the other hand, can only score if they fulfilled their agreement, and they can only score the specific amount they agreed on, even if their score goes over that amount.

If the team that declared the marriage fails to win any tricks, they have to deduct the amount they agreed on from their score.

It’s allowed to have negative scores, and if a team reaches negative 500 points, they are not allowed to make any bids, except for the mandatory 50 if they are the ones starting the bidding process.


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