Horse poker rules – how to play horse poker

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor


Hey there! Ready to try your hand at HORSE poker? This game is a mix of five different poker variants, and it’s a lot of fun. In HORSE poker, every few hands, the game changes to a new variant. Here’s how it works:

Hold’em: The first game is Texas Hold’em. I’m sure you’ve heard of it before! You’ll receive two hole cards, and then five community cards are dealt. The goal is to make the best possible five-card hand using any combination of your hole cards and the community cards.

Omaha Hi-Lo: Next up is Omaha Hi-Lo. This variant is similar to Hold’em, but with a few twists. In Omaha Hi-Lo, you’ll receive four hole cards instead of two. And when it comes to making a hand, you have to use two of your hole cards and three of the community cards. Plus, the pot is split between the best high hand and the best low hand.

Razz: After Omaha, it’s time for Razz. This one is a lowball poker game, which means the goal is to make the lowest possible hand. You’ll receive seven cards, and the best hand you can make is A-2-3-4-5 (straights and flushes don’t count against you in Razz).

Stud: Okay, still with me? Great! Now we move on to 7-Card Stud. In this game, each player receives seven cards. Four are dealt face-up, and the other three are face-down. The player with the best five-card hand wins the pot.

Eight-or-Better (7-Card Stud Hi-Lo): Last but not least, we have Eight-or-Better, also known as 7-Card Stud Hi-Lo. Similar to Omaha Hi-Lo, the pot is split between the best high hand and the best low hand. The low hand, however, must contain five cards ranked 8 or lower. If there is no qualifying low hand, the high hand wins the whole pot.

And that’s the gist of HORSE poker! Remember, every time the game changes, you’ll need to quickly adapt to the new rules. It’s a challenging game that requires both skill and strategy. Are you ready to give it a try? Good luck, and have fun!

When you play Horse Poker, you’re playing five different games at the same time! Horse Poker is a cool twist on regular poker where each hand is a different poker game. You can play Horse Poker with anywhere from 2 to 7 players. Everyone playing needs to know how to play each of the different games. So, let’s go over the rules and basics of Horse Poker, and I’ll also provide links to more detailed explanations of each game.


HORSE is a special mix of five different poker variations:

  • Texas Hold ‘Em: A game where you use two hole cards and five community cards to make the best hand possible.
  • Omaha Hi/Lo: Imagine playing a game of Texas Hold’em, but with a twist. In Omaha Hi/Lo, you receive not two, but four hole cards! And just like in regular Omaha, you’ll also have five community cards to work with. But here’s the catch: the pot is split between the highest and the lowest hands! It’s a whole new level of excitement and strategy. Razz: Are you ready for a challenge? Razz is a variation of Stud Poker where the goal is to make the lowest possible hand. That’s right, the lowest! So instead of aiming for the highest cards, you’ll be carefully selecting cards with low values. It’s a game that will really test your skills and make you think differently. Seven Card Stud: Get ready for a classic! In Seven Card Stud, the dealer deals you two hole cards and four face-up cards. But here’s the twist: the River card is dealt face-down, adding an element of mystery and strategy. It’s a game that requires careful observation and calculated decisions. Eight or Better (Seven Card Stud Hi/Lo): This variation of Seven Card Stud takes things to a whole new level. Not only do the highest hands get a chance to win, but the lowest hands as well! In Eight or Better, the pot is split between the highest and lowest hands, creating even more opportunities to win big. It’s a game that caters to both high and low hands, making it a unique and thrilling experience.


Now that you know the different variations of Horse Poker, let’s talk about the setup. Each hand, the first dealer should be chosen randomly. After that, the dealer role moves to the player on the left for each new round. This ensures fairness and keeps the game flowing smoothly. So gather your friends, set up the table, and get ready for a game of Horse Poker!

When it comes to playing card games, the first thing you need to know is that each game uses a standard deck of 52 cards. There are different types of card games, including Texas Hold’em and Omaha Hi/Lo.

In Texas Hold’em and Omaha Hi/Lo, the hole cards are hidden from the other players. So, you have your own secret cards, and everyone shares the same community cards. It’s like a secret that you keep to yourself, but you also have to work with everyone else.

Razz, Seven Card Stud, and Eight or Better are what we call board games. In these types of games, a player’s face-up cards determine the starting player’s bet for a round. It’s like having your cards on the table for everyone to see, and their value affects the game.

Here’s how to deal in Horse Poker:

When it’s time to deal in Texas Hold’em and Omaha Hi/Lo, the dealer starts by giving each player their hole cards. In Hold’em, you get two cards, whereas in Omaha, you receive four hole cards. After that, the dealer places the flop, turn, and River cards on the table. These community cards are face-up and can be used by all players.

When playing board games, I get a set of cards just for me. The dealer gives me two cards face down to start. Then I get three more cards, one at a time, all face up. Finally, I get one last card face down.


Horse poker rules - how to play horse poker

Hey there! Let’s dive into the exciting world of HORSE, a mixed poker game that combines five popular variations of poker.

In HORSE, you get to play Texas Hold ‘Em and Omaha with blinds, Razz, Seven Card Stud, and Eight or Better with bring-in bets and antes.

Here’s how it works: with each hand, the game cycles through these variations in the order of the abbreviation. Just keep in mind that if there are more than seven players, the players to the dealer’s right (the last player) sit out on Razz, Seven Card Stud, and Eight or Better so that the deck doesn’t run out. It’s important that each player sits out an equal number of hands during those rounds.

Oh, and here’s a fun fact: in casinos, the game is switched every 30 minutes when a new house dealer arrives.


Let’s kick off the game with some Texas Hold’em action, the first round of Horse poker. In this game, we’ll use our hidden pocket cards along with the community cards to make the best hand we can. Once the dealer gives each of us our pocket cards, it’s time for a round of betting. Then, the dealer reveals three more cards called the Flop, followed by another round of betting. After that, we get the Turn card and another betting round. Lastly, the River card is unveiled, and we have one final betting round. Here comes the exciting part – the showdown! Everyone left in the game shows their cards, and the person with the highest-ranked hand takes home the pot.


Now it’s time to switch things up and give Omaha Hi/Lo a go, a game that closely resembles Texas Hold’em. In Omaha, the dealer deals each player four hidden cards, and just like before, we’ll see the Flop, Turn, and River cards. After each set of cards is dealt, there’s a round of betting. The real twist comes in the showdown. Here’s where it gets interesting: the pot is split between the highest-ranked hand and the lowest-ranked hand. But here’s the kicker, one player can win both of ’em!


In the world of poker, there’s a unique game known as Razz. It’s a variation of Seven Card Stud poker, and you can find it under the “Variations” section. When you play Razz, your goal is to create the lowest-ranked hand possible. Let me explain how it works.

The game begins with the dealer giving each player two hole cards. After this, the first round of betting takes place. Then, each player is dealt Third Street, Fourth Street, and Fifth Street cards. Another round of betting happens after each round of cards. Finally, the last card, called the River card, is dealt face-down to each player. This card will remain hidden until the end.

At the final showdown, every player reveals their cards and tries to make the lowest hand possible using the cards they have in their possession. The player with the lowest hand wins the game. It’s all about strategy and skill!

Seven Card Stud (S)

Hey there! Do you know about Seven Card Stud? It’s a cool poker game where you can see some of your opponents’ cards. Your initial cards are hidden, but the dealer deals the Third Street, Fourth Street, and Fifth Street face-up. The player with the lowest card shown starts the betting for each round. The goal is to make the best hand from the cards you’re dealt during the showdown.

Another Version: Eight or Better!

If you’re looking for a twist, you should try Eight or Better. It’s a variation of Seven Card Stud that you can find in the “Variations” section. The gameplay is similar, but with a twist. During the showdown, both the player with the highest-ranking hand and the player with the lowest-ranking hand split the pot. It adds a whole new level of strategy!

HORSE Poker and Hand Rankings

Horse poker rules - how to play horse poker

In poker, the hand ranking is important. It determines the strength of your hand and whether you have a chance of winning. The hand ranking is the same for several popular poker games, including Texas Hold’em, Omaha, Seven Card Stud, and Eight or Better.

The highest-ranking hand you can get is a royal flush. This is when you have five cards of the same suit in ranking order, starting with the Ace and going up to the 10. It’s a powerful hand and almost unbeatable.

On the other end of the spectrum, the lowest-ranking hand is just a high card. This means you don’t have any of the traditional poker combinations, and your hand is only as good as the highest card you hold.

Now, in Razz, things are a little different. In this game, the hand ranking is reversed. The best hand you can have is a high card. This means that you want to have the lowest possible cards. The Ace is considered the lowest ranking card, and the King is the highest. In Razz, straights and flushes don’t count, so you’re only looking at individual card rankings.

As for Razz, the highest possible hand you can get is called a bicycle. It consists of the Ace, 2, 3, 4, and 5. It’s the best hand you can hope for in this game, and it’s quite challenging to achieve.


If you want to improve your poker game, we’ve got some strategies for you. Horse Poker can be a bit complicated, but by following these tips, you’ll become a pro in no time.


Hey there! I wanna talk about Horse Poker, this cool game that combines five different games into one. It’s super important to know how to play each game because they all have their own unique rules and strategies. If you’re not sure about how a round works, the other players might not take you seriously.

Be on the lookout for changes

Some of the games are pretty easy to tell apart, but the last three games can be a bit tricky. They have similar starting hands, so it’s important to pay attention and know which round you’re on. This will affect how you should bet and make decisions.

Keep an eye on the other players

One of the coolest things about Horse Poker is watching how the other players react to the different games. You can learn a lot by paying attention to their strategies and strengths. If you notice that a player is weaker at a certain game, you can use that information to your advantage in many clever ways!

Practice makes perfect

Practicing is really important when it comes to playing Horse Poker. You gotta put in the time and practice not only the Horse poker games, but each individual game that’s part of Horse. By watching how hands are played and getting comfortable with betting in each game, you’ll see your overall performance in Horse Poker improve.

Now let’s talk about some variations of Horse Poker. There’s C.H.O.R.S.E and C.H.O.R.S.E.L. These games are similar to HORSE, but they also include Crazy Pineapple and Low-Ball poker (either California or Ace-to-Five).

Then there’s R.O.E, H.O.E, H.O.S.E, and S.H.O.E. These variations are just like HORSE, but they have fewer rounds. They’re faster-paced than regular HORSE.

Finally, we have T.H.O.R.S.E.H.A – another variation of Horse Poker.

This version of poker, which emerged in 2008, combines eight different poker games. Some people refer to it as “Eight-Game Mix.”

If you’re not familiar with this version, it’s best to start with the standard rules of poker. We have a helpful guide for beginners! Here are a few other variations of poker to explore:

– Low Hole Poker

– Spit In The Ocean Poker

– Five Card Stud Poker

– Swedish Chicago Poker

– Mexican Stud Poker

– Have A Heart Poker

Amber (They/Them) is an Austin-based writer and avid gamer. Self-proclaimed as a master of gaming, they have a passion for dogs, plants, and all things D&D.

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