Handball game rules – how to play handball

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor


I want to tell you about an exciting team sport called handball. It’s a high-speed game that combines elements of basketball and netball. People have been playing handball in the Olympics for a long time, since 1928!



The handball court measures 20 by 40 meters (approximately 66 by 131 feet). To distinguish the right and left sides, a center line runs through the middle of the court. Each end of the court features a 6-meter goal line where only the goalie may occupy. Penalty shots are taken from the 7-meter dash positioned just above the goal line. Additionally, there is a free-throw line, marked by a 9-meter dotted line located above the penalty line.


Each team consists of seven players.

Center: The central player assumes both offensive and defensive roles. They serve as the playmaker, much like the quarterback in American football. It is their responsibility to organize tactics for scoring goals.

Left and Right Backs: These players are typically the larger members of the team. In defense, they block shots, while in offense, they execute long-range shots at the opposing team’s goal.

Hey there! Let’s talk about handball positions and gameplay. I’m here to break it down for you in a simple and fun way!

First up, we have the center forward, also known as the circle runner. Their job is to disrupt the opponent’s defense and create opportunities for their team.

Next, we’ve got the left and right wingers. These players are usually the fastest on the team. They stay on their sides of the court, constantly on the lookout for openings to score.

Now, let’s talk about the goalie. This player has a crucial role in protecting the team’s goal. They use every part of their body to stop the opposing team from scoring. And guess what? They’re the only ones allowed to touch the ball with their feet!

The gameplay is where all the action happens!

Handball is a fast-paced and exciting game. The players work together to pass the ball, dodge opponents, and shoot for the goal. It requires skill, strategy, and teamwork to come out on top.

When the game starts, both teams try to score by throwing the ball into their opponent’s goal. The team with the most goals at the end wins.

Each player has a specific role and position on the court, but they need to be versatile and adaptable. They need to be able to attack, defend, and switch positions when necessary.

Handball is a game that requires agility, strength, and quick thinking. It’s all about making split-second decisions and working together as a team.

So, if you’re looking for a thrilling and fast-paced sport, handball might just be the perfect fit for you!

Handball game rules - how to play handball

In the sport of handball, there are two 30-minute periods that make up a game. At the beginning of the game, the teams have the option to choose which side of the court they want to play on, and they will switch sides for the second half. To determine who gets to start with the ball, a coin toss is used to decide. Once the whistle blows, the game officially begins with the throw-off.


During the throw-off, the person throwing the ball must touch the center line with their foot. Then, once the whistle blows, they can throw the ball to one of their teammates. It’s important to note that the throw-off team must be on their side of the court when this happens.

Just like the start of the game, the second half also begins with a throw-off. Additionally, after each goal is scored, a throw-off takes place. In this situation, the opposing team is the one that gets to do the throw-off.

Below the Knee Rule

As you may have guessed from the name, handball is primarily played with the hands. Players are allowed to use various parts of their body to touch the ball, with one exception – they are not allowed to touch the ball with anything below the knee.

How to Handle the Ball in Handball

When playing handball, it’s all about passing the ball between teammates to score goals on the opposing team’s side of the court. To do this, we need to follow some important rules for handling the ball:

  • Remember, you can’t stay in one place for too long! After 3 seconds, it’s time to dribble, pass, or shoot the ball.
  • And here’s another thing, you can’t take more than 3 steps before dribbling, passing, or shooting the ball.
  • Now, let’s avoid a penalty called “double dribble” where you dribble, hold the ball, and then dribble again. Keep the ball moving!
  • Oh, and one last rule for everyone except the goalkeeper – only the goalkeeper can touch the ball with their feet!

The Goal Area

If you’re not the goalkeeper, you’re not allowed to go into the goal area. Only the goalkeeper can be there. But if you throw the ball into the goal while you’re in the air and it lands in the goal area, it counts as a goal.

When the goalkeeper leaves the goal area, they have to follow the same rules as everyone else. They can’t have the ball in their hand when they come out of the goal area. If they do, the other team gets a penalty shot from 7 meters away.


In order to score, you have to shoot the ball past the back goal line and into the goal post from outside the goal area. After a goal is scored, the team that didn’t score has to go back to their side of the court for the throw-off.


If you break the handball rules, you might get a free throw, a penalty throw, or a yellow card.

Free Throw

When you’re shooting a free throw in handball, it’s crucial that all defenders keep their distance. They have to stand at least 3 meters away from you. The free throw takes place exactly where the foul happened. However, if the foul occurs between the goal area and the 9-meter free-throw line, the free throw happens at the nearest point of the 9-meter line.

If you hold, push, trip, or harm another player, the opposing team may be awarded a free throw.

Penalty Throw

The penalty throw is taken from a spot 7 meters away from the goal line. This throw is awarded in the following situations:

  • A defender illegally interferes with what could’ve been a goal.
  • A defender touches the ball while in the goal crease.
  • The goalie carries the ball back into the goal area.

Yellow Card

When a player exhibits excessive violence or unsportsmanlike behavior, they may receive a yellow card as a warning. If the same player commits a second offense, they will be suspended from the game for 2 minutes. Continuing to violate the rules could result in a red card, leading to disqualification.

Out of Bounds

If the ball goes out of bounds on the sidelines during the game, the team that did not have possession will be awarded possession. The opposing team will then throw the ball in from the sidelines.

If the ball goes out of bounds behind the goal line, the goalie will throw the ball from their goal area.

End of the Game

When you play a game of handball, the match is divided into two 30-minute halves. The team that scores the most goals at the end of the game wins! But what happens if the scores are tied? Well, there’s a solution for that too. If the game is still a draw, the teams play two 5-minute overtime periods. And if there’s still no winner after the extra 10 minutes, it all comes down to penalty throws. Each team selects five members to take the throws, and the team with the most successful shots wins the game.

I’m someone who loves to write and inspire others to have fun playing games. For three years, I organized pub crawls and hosted drinking games on a regular basis for my guests. Games have always been a big part of my life, since I come from a family that loves to play.

But that’s not all there is to me! I’m also a passionate traveler and music enthusiast. In fact, I’ve started personal blogs where I share my experiences and thoughts on travel and music. It’s safe to say that these two passions truly fuel my soul.

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