Dragon farkle game rules – how to play dragon farkle

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor


Imagine a village that used to be peaceful and calm, but now it’s under attack by a terrifying dragon. All the tranquility has vanished, and everyone is living in fear. The dragon is wreaking havoc, devouring the livestock and causing chaos among the locals. But fear not! There are heroes among us who have risen to the challenge of defeating this monstrous creature. I’m one of those heroes, and I’m ready to face this beast head-on. Are you?


First, grab your player mat and six dice of your favorite color. We’re going to need them to take down the dragon. Next, we need to shuffle two decks: one for Magic Item Cards and another for Companion Cards. Place these decks facedown in the middle of the table. Now it’s time to bring in the dragon. Put it beside the cards, and don’t forget to add three damage counters. Lastly, gather some soldier tokens and place them in a stockpile. We’re all set and ready to take on this epic quest!

Alright, let’s get this game started! First things first, we all need a Companion card. Put it on your mat where you can see it. Now, each of us gets a Magic Item card. You can either keep it in your hand or place it face-down in front of you. Make sure it’s a secret!


Now that we’re all set up, it’s time to begin the game! We’ll take turns going clockwise around the group. Oh, but before we start, the person who brought the most snacks gets to go first. So, if that’s you, congratulations!


On your turn, you can choose from three different actions: recruit soldiers, brawl with another player, or venture into the Dragon’s keep for an epic battle. Whichever action you choose, you’ll need to roll the six-soldier dice and the event dice.

The event die is like a special dice with different possibilities. It has four sides that do nothing, one side that lets a dragon eat the soldiers you could have gained, and one side that lets you double the value of the dice or draw a Magic Item.


This is how you add soldiers to your army. Start by rolling all the dice. After each roll, you have to keep at least one of the dice that score points. Use soldier tokens to keep track of the number of soldiers. You can end your turn and add the soldiers to your army. But if you can’t keep any dice because of the soldier table on your mat, you lose any potential gains from the roll. This is called Farkle.


When I want to steal soldiers from other armies, I choose to brawl. I pick a player to fight against and roll my dice. Every time I roll, I have to set one scoring dice aside. These dice will be used to keep track of my brawl score. The player I’m fighting against then has a chance to roll their own dice and try to beat my score. They can only use five soldier dice and the event die.

The player with the highest brawl score wins the battle. They take soldiers from the loser based on the difference in our scores. Not only that, but they also get an additional five hundred soldiers from the stockpile.

Final Battle

Hey there! Did you know that when I have at least five thousand soldiers, I can choose to go up against the fierce Dragon? It’s an exciting opportunity! If I manage to deal three damage to the Dragon, victory is mine!

Now, when it comes to battling the Dragon, things work a little differently. Listen to this: if I roll the Dragon symbol on the event die, the Dragon takes a hit, losing one health point. Additionally, all those scoring dice are counted, and the number of soldiers I lose matches what the soldier table says. Tough luck!

But wait, there’s more! There’s also a chance of rolling the rally symbol on the die. If that happens, the Dragon takes an even bigger blow and sustains two damage. And guess what? The number of soldiers I lose this time is equal to the number shown on those scoring dice. Ouch!

Oh, one more thing. If the blank side comes up on the die, I still lose soldiers based on the scoring dice, but no harm comes to the Dragon. Phew, that’s a relief!

Here’s the kicker: if I can’t defeat the Dragon and it ends up surviving the fight, it’s going to regenerate all the damage done to it. Yep, all that hard work goes to waste! The Dragon always starts a battle with full health, ready to face new challengers.

The Game Comes to a Close

Hey there! I’m thrilled to share a little bit about myself with you. My name is Ellie, and I live in Northeast Tennessee. I’m a huge animal lover, and I’m fascinated by all kinds of creatures, both big and small. When I’m not busy exploring the great outdoors, you can usually find me curled up with a captivating fantasy novel. Oh, and did I mention how much I adore my adorable fur babies? They bring so much joy to my life, just like my amazing husband. Being a part of this incredible community fills me with a sense of belonging and happiness.

Now, let’s talk about a fun game – the one that doesn’t involve my furry friends. This game is all about dragons! Exciting, right? The goal is to defeat the dragon before your opponent does. It’s a thrilling race to see who can emerge victorious as the first dragon slayer.

So, here’s how it works. When the dragon is defeated, the game comes to a close. Whoever manages to take down the fearsome beast first is declared the winner. It requires strategy, quick thinking, and a fair bit of luck. Are you up for the challenge? If so, get ready to embark on an epic adventure in a world filled with magic, warriors, and mythical creatures.

I hope you enjoy the game as much as I do. It’s a truly exhilarating experience that tests your skills and keeps you on the edge of your seat. Get ready to prove yourself as a legendary dragon slayer!

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