Couillon: An Exciting Card Game for You and Your Friends
Hey there! Have you ever played the awesome card game Couillon? If not, let me introduce you to this fun-filled game that’s perfect for a group of 4 friends. Couillon is a trick-taking card game that’ll keep you on the edge of your seat!
So here’s how it works – grab three other buddies and split yourselves into two teams. Make sure each team sits opposite each other, and you’re good to go! Oh, and don’t stress about who your partner will be. You can either choose them or leave it up to chance.
The main goal of Couillon is to be the first team to earn enough points and win the game. How do you earn points, you ask? Well, it’s simple. You have to win rounds! Each round, your team needs to score more points than the opposing team to come out on top. Easy enough, right?
Now, here’s the cool part – we’re gonna simplify things for you. The original game of Couillon has a fancy scoring system and uses a deck of French-suited cards. But guess what? We’ll be using a regular 52-card deck instead, to make it easier for you and your friends to dive right into the action!
Let’s Get Set Up!
To kick things off, the first dealer is chosen randomly. And for every new round, the dealer role will pass clockwise. Oh, and don’t worry about those cards numbered 8 and lower – we won’t be needing them in this version of the game. We’ll set them aside and focus on the rest of the deck.
I’m going to explain to you how a card game starts. First, the dealer shuffles the deck and then the player on their right cuts the deck. Each player is then dealt a hand of 4 cards, 2 at a time. The remaining cards are placed face down in the middle of the table.
After that, the dealer flips over the top card of the deck. This card could be the trump suit, which is an important suit in the game. Starting from the player on the dealer’s left, each player can choose to accept or pass on the trump suit. If a player passes, the next player gets the same choice. Once a player accepts the trump suit, the game officially begins.
If all players pass on the trump suit, then the bottom card of the deck is revealed and becomes the trump suit for the game.
Once the trump suit is determined, the game starts and the players can begin playing with their hands.
Now, let’s talk about the rankings and values of the cards.
The way we rank cards follows a long-standing tradition. The highest card is the Ace, followed by the King, Queen, Jack, 10, and 9. If we’re using French cards, the order is slightly different, with 1 being the highest, followed by Roi, Dame, Valet, 10, and 9 at the bottom.
In addition to their ranking, cards also have values assigned to them for scoring purposes. In the order we mentioned earlier, Ace is worth 4 points, King is worth 3 points, Queen is worth 2 points, and Jack is worth 1 point. This means that each round offers the potential to earn a maximum of 40 points.
How to Play
To start the round, the player to the left of the dealer goes first, and then play proceeds clockwise from there. The starting player can play any card, and the other players have two options: they can either follow suit by playing a card of the same suit, or they can play a trump card if they have one. If a player doesn’t have a card of the suit led, they can play any card they want, including a trump card.
In card games, the highest-ranked trump or the highest-ranked card of the suit led wins a trick. The winning player takes the cards and adds them to their face-down pile for scoring. The winner of a trick also gets to lead the next one.
Once all the tricks have been won, scoring can begin. Traditional scoring will be discussed later, but for now, let’s focus on a more acceptable form of scoring.
Teams add up their tricks to determine their combined score. The team with the most points wins the round and earns one game point. This point is recorded on the scoring sheet. The scores are cumulative, meaning they are added up over several rounds. Decide on a predetermined point total for winning before starting the game.
If we’re on the team that chose the trump suit and we end up losing, we’ll actually lose a point from our game score. It’s a bit of a bummer, but hey, it happens.
Now, let’s say that by some miracle, both teams end up with the exact same score in a round. That’s a tie. And when that happens, we don’t just call it quits. Nope! We play another round, but this time it’s worth a whopping 2 game points. Talk about a nail-biter!
For the old-fashioned way of scoring, all we need is a good ol’ chalboard and some chalk. We’ll split the board right down the middle, giving each team their own side. To keep track of the game points, we’re going to draw horizontal lines. How many lines, you ask? Well, that’ll depend on the number of game points needed to win. Let’s keep it fair, folks.
So, here’s how it works. Whenever one of us scores a game point, we get to erase a line from our team’s side of the board. It’s like wiping the slate clean, you know? But, hold on a sec. If our team called the trumps and we happen to lose a round, things get a little more interesting. We’ll have to draw a little loop at the end of one of our lines. A loop means we need to win not just one, but two rounds to erase that line. It’s like a little challenge within a challenge.
Now, let’s say we end up with a tie in a round. Well, well, well…the next round gets special treatment. We get to either erase two lines or erase one line worth 2 game points. Talk about an opportunity to make a major comeback!
So, here’s the deal. The first team to erase all their lines is the big winner. They’ve conquered the game and they can bask in their glory. It’s a sweet victory, my friend.
Game Over
When a team reaches the required number of points, that’s it – game over, they’ve won!
It’s as simple as that. The moment a team accumulates enough points, victory is theirs. The satisfaction of achieving this milestone is unparalleled. It’s the culmination of hard work, strategy, and determination. Winning the game is a moment of triumph, a celebration of success.
Imagine the exhilaration coursing through your veins as you make that final move, surpassing the necessary point threshold. The crowd erupts in applause, a chorus of cheers enveloping you. It’s a feeling like no other.
But let’s not forget the journey that led you here. The trials and tribulations, the ups and downs, and the relentless pursuit of victory. It’s not just about reaching the finish line; it’s about the path you took to get there.
Every point earned was hard-earned, a testament to your skills, teamwork, and resilience. Each play was a strategic move, bringing you one step closer to glory. And now, with the game points conquered, you can revel in the knowledge that you emerged victorious.
So, whenever you find yourself in a game, remember this: that sweet taste of victory is within your grasp. Push through the challenges, strategize, and work together with your team. And when you shoot past that final point threshold, you can proudly say, “Game over. We won!”