Welcome to Concombre!
Concombre is a fun card game that you can play with 2 to 7 players. The main objective of the game is to avoid getting eliminated.
Let’s Get Started: Setup Instructions
To begin the game, we need to select a dealer for the round. The dealer will shuffle the deck of cards and then deal 7 cards to each player, facedown. This initial number of cards will remain the same for the first round. However, in subsequent rounds, the number of cards dealt will be determined by the card that the previous losing player received as a penalty. If there are not enough cards in the deck to distribute evenly among all players, everyone will still receive 7 cards. Any remaining cards will be placed in a facedown pile that is easily accessible to all players.
Now that the cards are dealt, let’s talk about the rankings. In Concombre, the cards are ranked from highest to lowest as follows: Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2. The suit of the cards does not matter in this game, so you can ignore it.
Experiencing the Game: Gameplay
When it’s time to play Concombre, we go through several rounds. The first card of the trick is played by the player on the left of the dealer. After that, the winner of each trick begins the next one.
During a trick in Concombre, the player starting the trick can choose any card they want. The other players then have to play a card of the same or higher rank, or if they don’t have one, their lowest-ranking card. The player with the highest-ranked card, or the last one to play, wins the trick.
The cards that players use are placed in front of them. If you need to figure out which card to play next, you can look through the cards of other players.
So, here’s how the game works: At the end of each round, the player who won the last trick gets penalized. Their penalty score is equal to the rank of the card they won the trick with. The Ace is worth 14 points, the King is 13, the Queen is 12, the Jack is 11, and the rest of the cards are worth their face value. To keep track, they also keep the card they were penalized for in front of them.
If a player’s score reaches 21 or more, they receive a “half-cucumber” symbol. This is shown by drawing a cucumber under their score. Now, they have to give the dealer all their penalty cards except for the highest-ranked one, and start over with that score. If their score reaches 21 or more a second time, they’re out of the game.
Now, when a new round starts, the player to the left of the dealer (if they haven’t been eliminated) becomes the new dealer. This goes on until we have a winner.
And here’s the end of the game:
The game is over when there’s only one player left who hasn’t been eliminated. They’re the ultimate winner!