Cock tails – learn to play with

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Welcome to Cock & Tails

Get ready for a party card game like no other, with a touch of queerness! But don’t worry, anyone can join in – whether you’re a fan of Cock, Tail, or just Cocktails. This game is for everyone! Each card will let you know if you should take a drink, and your tolerance will determine if you can handle it. Cock & Tails is a super fun and hilarious game that will add some spice to any party!

If you have a big group or want to play longer, we also have digital expansion packs available!

Let’s Get Started

Setting up the game is a breeze! Just shuffle all the cards together and place them in a pile in the middle of the group.

How to Play

Now that everything’s set up, it’s time to dive in! There are no strict rules about who goes first. The first player simply picks a card from the top of the pile, reads it out loud, and shows it to everyone.

So here’s how it goes: when the game starts, we all take turns drawing a card from the top of the pile. Whatever the card says, we have to do it, or else we have to take a drink as a punishment.

The player who has taken the fewest drinks at the end wins. It’s like a scoring system, but there’s no set end point. We can end the game whenever we want, or when we’re all too drunk to remember that there’s even a game going on.

Now, let’s talk about the special cards.

All Player Cards

If a card applies to anyone playing, they all have to take a drink. But if the card applies to the person who drew it, that person has to take an extra sip.

The Challenge Cards

These cards have specific challenges written on them. We have to complete the challenge as stated on the card. Some challenges may require teams, and if we fail, both players on the team have to take a drink as punishment. And don’t forget, some challenges require silence. So keep quiet when it’s necessary!

Spill The Tea Cards

Let’s spill the tea! I’ll ask you a question, and you have to answer in front of everyone. But if you’re not feeling up to it, you’ll have to take a sip as punishment.

New Rules Cards

These are the new rules, my friend. You have to follow the rule written on the card for a certain amount of time. If you break the rule, you’ll have to take a sip as punishment. But if you really don’t want to follow the rule, you can opt-out by taking two shots!

The Category Is

Let’s see how well you know your stuff! I’ll give you a category, and each player has to answer something related to that category. The player who drew the card starts, and then it goes around the group clockwise. But here’s the catch – if you hesitate for more than three seconds or give the wrong answer, you’ll have to take a drink as punishment.

PrEP Cards

Let me tell you about safety cards. They’re like a secret weapon in a deck of cards, helping you out when you need it the most. There are only two of them in the entire deck, and once you use one, you can only put back one card to replace it!


How the game ends is up to you and your friends. The person with the fewest number of drinks is the winner!

How the game ends is up to you and your friends. The person with the fewest number of drinks is the winner!

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