Chor voli – game rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Welcome to Chor Voli!

Chor Voli is an exciting card game designed for four players. In this game, you’ll be using your hand to create up to four combinations of three cards each. These combinations will be pitted against the other players, and the winners will earn chips that will be crucial in determining the ultimate winner.

Getting Started:

Before we begin, each player needs to contribute one chip to the center pot. The first dealer is chosen randomly, but in future rounds, the dealer will be the player who won the previous round.

The dealer will then shuffle the cards and deal each player a hand of 13 cards, one at a time.

Now that you have your cards, you’ll check if you have four of a kind. The player with the highest four of a kind wins the entire round and collects all four chips from the pot. After that, you shuffle the cards and deal them for the next round.

If no four of a kinds are present, you can start creating combinations. You can try to make up to four different combinations. Let’s go through the various kinds of combinations:

1. Four of a Kind: This is the highest and most desirable combination. If you have four cards of the same rank, you have a four of a kind. It’s a strong hand that can give you an advantage in the game.

2. Full House: This combination consists of three cards of one rank and two cards of another rank. For example, three Kings and two Queens. A full house is a strong hand that can help you win the round.

3. Three of a Kind: If you have three cards of the same rank, you have a three of a kind. This combination is weaker than a four of a kind or a full house, but it can still be valuable in certain situations.

4. Two Pair: This combination consists of two pairs of cards with the same rank. For example, two Jacks and two Sevens. Having two pair can give you a decent hand that can compete with other players.

Remember, these combinations will be kept in your hand, and any unused cards must be discarded. Each player must discard at least one card. Once all players have discarded their cards, the game can begin.

Card Rankings and Combinations

When it comes to Chor Voli card ranking, I wanted to share with you the traditional ordering. It’s pretty simple – Ace is the highest card, followed by the king, queen, jack, and then the numbers 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, and 2.

Knowing this ranking is important because it helps us figure out which combinations are stronger than others. Speaking of combinations, there are five types in Chor Voli.

The first one is called Three of a Kind, and it’s the highest-ranked combination. To have a Three of a Kind, I need to have three cards of the same rank. The best possible Three of a Kind is when I have three Aces, and the lowest one is when I have three 2s.

Next up is the Three-card Straight Flush. To make this combination, I need three cards in a row, all of the same suits. The highest Three-card Straight Flush is when I have Ace, King, and Queen, all of the same suit. And the lowest possible Three-card Straight Flush is when I have the 4, 3, and 2, all of the same suit.

The other combinations are Three-card Straight, Three-card Flush, and Three Unrelated Cards. They all have their own rankings, with Three-card Straight being higher than Three-card Flush, and Three-card Flush being higher than Three Unrelated Cards. It’s important to keep these rankings in mind when playing Chor Voli.

So, now you know the card rankings and combinations in Chor Voli. Have fun playing and good luck!

If you want to form a Three-card Straight, you need three cards that are in order, regardless of their suits. These straight cards follow the same ranking as the three-card straight flush we discussed earlier.

A Three-card Flush requires three cards of the same suit, but their order doesn’t matter. To determine their ranking, compare the highest card of each flush. If they match, compare the second card, and so on. The highest possible flush is Ace, King, and Jack, while the lowest is 5, 3, and 2.

When it comes to Three Unrelated cards, you must have three cards that have no connection. This means they cannot be of the same suit or rank.


Once everyone has gotten rid of their extra cards, it’s time to start the game. The player to the right of the dealer goes first and the game moves in a counter-clockwise direction. Each player will play their best combination of cards, and then everyone else will follow suit, playing their own best combination. The player who plays the highest-ranked combination, or the first player to play it in case of a tie, wins the pot and takes one chip. They will then lead the next round by playing their second best combination. This process continues until all players have played all of their combinations. If a player runs out of combinations before everyone else, they won’t be able to participate in the next rounds for that hand. The player who wins the final round becomes the next dealer.

The Game Ends

The game comes to an end when a player runs out of chips or when all players agree to end the game. The winner is either the last player remaining or the player with the highest number of chips.

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