Captive queens – learn to play with

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor


Hey there! Let’s talk about a cool card game called Captive Queens. It’s similar to Clock, but with its own unique twist. The game starts with a nice, clear space for you to play on. You’ll uncover the foundations and build on them, but only after you find them in the draw pile. Oh, and just so you know, you get two chances to reshuffle the cards if you need them.


All you need is a regular deck of 52 cards for this game. Make sure you give them a good shuffle to mix things up before you start the fun!


Now comes the exciting part: playing the game! Take one card at a time from the draw pile and flip it over. When you come across a 5 or a 6, put it in a circle, just like the picture below shows. And whenever you find a Queen, place it right in the middle of the circle. Queen power!

Once I start the foundation piles, I build each one to match. I build up from 6’s to Jacks, and I build down from 5’s to Kings. When I finish the foundations, they will be arranged as 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J and 5, 4, 3, 2, A, K.

If there are any cards that I can’t play, I place them face up in a waste pile. I can always play the top card of the waste pile. Once I run out of cards in the draw pile, I pick up the waste pile and start again. This is called a redeal, and I’m allowed to do it twice.


To win the game, I need to successfully move all the cards to the foundation piles.

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