Let’s Play Camicia!
Camicia is a fun card game for two players. It’s kind of like War or Beggar My Neighbor, but with a twist. The goal is to get rid of all your cards and make the other player lose.
Getting Set Up
To start the game, we need a dealer. The dealer can be anyone, and they’ll be in charge of shuffling the deck and dealing the cards. Each player gets 20 cards, so the dealer will divide the deck in half and give each player their stack.
Now, here’s where it gets exciting. Take your cards and keep them facedown. Don’t peek! Then, you’ll create a little deck with your cards, placing them on top of each other. This will be the deck you’ll be drawing from throughout the game. Keep it handy!
Understanding the Cards
In Camicia, suits don’t matter. There are three types of attack cards: Aces, 2s, and 3s. The rest of the cards are just fillers with no special actions.
During the game, attack cards are used to collect the other player’s cards. I’ll explain how this works in the gameplay section.
Now that both players have their decks, we can start the game. The player who didn’t deal the cards goes first. Each player takes turns flipping the top card of their deck and placing it in the center of the table. If it’s not an attack card, the turn ends, and the next player does the same.
However, if an attack card is revealed, the turn is played differently. The other player needs to flip a number of cards equal to the attack card played. For Aces, it’s one card. For 2s, it’s two cards. And for 3s, it’s three cards. If all the flipped cards are normal, the attack is successful, and the player who played the attack card collects all the cards in the pile and adds them to the bottom of their deck.
But if the opposing player flips an attack card, the previous attack card is canceled, and the new attack card takes effect. For example, let’s say Player 1 flips a three, and Player 2 has to flip three cards for the attack. If the first card is a 5, they keep flipping. But if the second card is an Ace, Player 1’s attack is nullified, and now Player 2 is attacking. Player 1 will need to flip a card, and if it’s not an attack card, Player 2 collects all the cards in the center pile.
The game comes to an end when I don’t have any more cards in my hand. Unfortunately, this means I’m the loser. But don’t worry, I can always try again to win the next time!
Once all the cards are gone from my hand, the game is officially over. Today, I might be the loser, but tomorrow is a new day and a new chance to be the winner. I can even play multiple games in a row to see who comes out on top in the end.