Bermuda pirates game rules – how to play bermuda pirates

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor


So, here’s the deal. There’s this place called the Bermuda Triangle, right? It’s like this super dangerous part of the ocean that even the bravest pirates are afraid of. But guess what? There’s a freakin’ treasure hidden there that tempts all those rich pirates sailing the seas. And now, a gang of pirates has their eyes on this treasure. They’re ready to risk it all to get to that island. Sounds crazy, right? But wait, it gets even crazier!

You see, there are these ferocious whirlpools in the Bermuda Triangle that suck boats deep down into the dark depths of the sea. Yeah, I know, it’s a nightmare. But here’s the thing, some pirates might just have what it takes to navigate those wild waters and come out on top. Can you imagine that? Outsmarting those crazy whirlpools, grabbing the treasure, and making it back home in one piece. Now, that’s a challenge!


Okay, let’s get this game started. First things first, place the centerpiece right in the middle of our playing area. Then, we gotta attach these underboards to the centerpiece using some pins. We can switch things up by shuffling the underboards each time we play, making it a bit different every single time. Alright, once we’ve got that sorted, it’s time to align the game board over the underboard and cover it up using the pins on the centerpiece. Oh, and we can’t forget about those cool little flags attached to each pin. They’re like the finishing touch! Now we’re ready to dive into the adventure of the Bermuda Pirates!

Let’s talk about a fun game called Treasure Island. The game starts by placing six treasures of each color on the center island, along with their matching flags. Now it’s time for you to choose a boat in the color you like, which will determine your corner of the game board. Make sure to pay attention because this choice is crucial.

After selecting your boat, you will need a set of buoys. The number of buoys you get depends on how challenging you want the game to be. If you’re up for a real challenge, take fewer buoys.

Ready to start the game? The youngest player takes the role of the first player, and now it’s time for some exciting gameplay.


During your turn, you will have four important actions to complete. First, push your board closer to the treasures. Then, load your boat with the treasures you’ve collected. Next, head towards your base. Finally, you can place, move, or take one of your buoys from your board. These actions are essential to your success in the game.

When I’m moving my boat, I can only use one finger to push it across the board. I can’t go over islands or shipwrecks, but I can go over marine animals. During my turn, I can keep pushing my boat until I get grabbed by a whirlpool, I make it back home safely, or I run aground or off the board.

If I make it to the center island, I can load one treasure from that section onto my boat. If I touch a treasure in the sea, I can load it into my boat only if it’s a different color from the treasure I already have on board. If a treasure falls off my boat, it’s lost at sea and I have to touch it with my boat before I can pick it up again.

Hey there! I wanted to share something really cool with you. Did you know that whirlpools are created by magnets underneath the board? These magnets have the power to pull boats towards them, causing quite the commotion! When a boat gets caught in a whirlpool, the players lose all the treasure they’ve collected on that boat – it gets swallowed up by the sea! The only way to keep the treasure is if it lands on their base. But here’s the catch – after that happens, they have to skip a turn before continuing. Sneaky, right?

If you want to play strategically, you can place buoys near the whirlpools. They might be a bit tricky, but keep in mind that they can’t block docks or bases. They can be moved around too, so play around with it!

The Exciting Conclusion

So, how does the game end? Well, it’s simple. The moment a player collects a treasure of each color and returns to their base, the game is over. But here’s the fun part – everyone gets to complete their turn before the final score is calculated. The player who has a complete set of colored treasures is the winner! And if there are players tied for the win, guess what? They all win together!

By the way, I’m Ellie, a little adventurer from Northeast Tennessee. I love everything about animals, fantasy books, and enjoying the great outdoors. Oh, and did I mention I have an amazing husband and two adorable fur babies? Being a part of this awesome community brings me so much joy. So glad to share this whirlpool story with you!

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