Bears vs babies game rules – how to play bears vs babies

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Bears Vs Babies: A Wild and Hilarious Card Game

Welcome to Bears Vs Babies, where the goal is to create a fearsome monster capable of devouring all those repulsive babies! In this game, the player who feeds their monster the most babies emerges victorious. But beware – only the most cunning strategists can prevail. Do you have what it takes?

Getting Started: Setting Up the Game

First, place the special placemat in the center of the playing area. Then, thoroughly shuffle the cards from both sets and combine them. Each player will be dealt one Bear Head card along with four other random cards. The remaining deck should be divided into four equal stacks, forming the three Draw Piles. And now, we’re ready to embark on a wild adventure!

Ready, Set, Play!

When it’s my turn, I can only choose to do one thing. I can Take Actions, Provoke, or Dumpster Dive. If I choose to Take Actions, I can do things like draw and play cards. If I choose to Provoke, I won’t take any actions, but I can choose which baby army to provoke. The third option is to Dumpster Dive, which means I can choose a card from the discard pile to take.

The game continues clockwise around the table, and the first player is chosen by the group. When I’m building monsters, I can play up to two cards during my turn. Every monster has to start with a Head Card, and I can make them stronger by adding body parts.

It’s important to make sure the stitches align properly when building a monster. If they don’t, the pieces may not fit together correctly. I can work on multiple monsters at a time, but I need to make sure they’re strong enough to eat the babies when provoked.

Hey there! Let’s talk about monsters, shall we? It turns out there are three types of monsters: land monsters, sea monsters, and sky monsters. The neat thing is that monsters of the same type stick together and fight as a team. Pretty cool, huh?

Now, let me explain what’s up with the babies. Believe it or not, there are baby armies too, and they come in three types, just like the monsters. These baby armies can be a bit cheeky, though. When they get provoked, they try to attack any monsters of the same type they find on the table. No monster is safe from them!

Here’s the deal: the player who manages to have the strongest monsters, the ones that can beat those rascally babies, gets to collect the babies as points. On the other hand, if none of the monsters can fend off the babies, well, the babies win! In that case, the monsters end up in the discard pile. Tough break, right?

Now, pay attention because this is important. The game ends when all the cards have been drawn. At that point, it’s time to tally up the points and see who came out on top. The player with the most babies eaten by their monsters wins the game! Simple as that.


So, to sum it all up, once all the cards have been drawn, it’s game over. The player with the most points wins. And how do you earn points? Well, it’s all about adding up the numbers on the baby cards that your monsters managed to gobble up. May the best monster wrangler win!

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