Welcome to Arizona 29-Card Pitch!
Hey there! Have you heard of Arizona 29-Card Pitch? It’s an exciting game where you and your partner make bids on how many tricks you think you can win. Then, it’s time for the showdown – you’ll play your hand of tricks and earn points based on your success.
Now, this game is a little different from traditional Pitch, but don’t worry! I’ll walk you through all the important rules. If you want to explore other similar games, be sure to check out the rules for Pitch on our website.
Getting Started
To play Arizona 29-Card Pitch, you’ll need a modified deck of cards. Take a standard 52-card deck and remove all the 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 7s, 8s, and jokers, leaving you with a deck of 29 cards.
Once you have your deck ready, shuffle it up and deal each player a hand of 6 cards. You’ll also have 5 cards left in the center, which will remain secret for now.
Card Rankings
The trump suit is ranked in the following order: Ace (highest), King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 6. The other suits have the same ranking, but they do not include a joker.
Now that we all have our hands, it’s time to start the bidding. The player to the left of the dealer gets to go first, and then we take turns, each of us bidding higher than the previous player or passing. Our bids are based on how many points we think we can win in a round. The higher the bid, the more we have to achieve from the list below.
Here’s what gets us points: winning the trick with the highest played trump, winning the trick with the lowest played trump, winning the trick that has the joker, winning the trick that has the jack of the trump suit, and getting the most value out of the tricks we take.
Hey there! Let’s talk about cards and how they work in this game. Each card has a specific value. Here’s the breakdown: Aces are worth 4 points, Kings are worth 3 points, Queens are worth 2 points, Jacks are worth 1 point, and 10s are worth 10 points. The team with the higher total value of cards wins the point for that round. If there’s a tie, no points are awarded.
It’s worth noting that you can only earn a point if you have the card you need to complete it. If the card is not available, tough luck, no point for you!
Now, let’s talk bidding. To win a bid, you just need to make a bid and have all the other players pass, or when the maximum bet is reached. Simple, right?
Alright, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of gameplay. The player who wins the bid gets to play the first card and also gets to choose the trump suit. After each trick, the winner of the previous trick leads the next one. When it’s your turn to play, you have to either play a trump card or follow suit. If you can’t do either, you can play any card you want.
Now here’s the exciting part: the highest trump card wins the trick! But if there’s no trump played, then the highest card of the suit that was led takes the trick.
Once all the tricks have been played and won, it’s time for scoring. That’s how the game goes!
After each round, scoring takes place. You and your fellow players will determine how many points are earned based on the success or failure of the bidder’s bid. If the bidder successfully completes their bid, they will earn as many points as they won, which could be more than they originally bid. However, if the bid is not completed, the bidder will lose the same amount of points that they bid.
End of the Game
The game continues until a specific point value is reached.
The game continues until a specific point value is reached.