Alchemists game rules – how to play alchemists

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Discovering the Art of Alchemy in the World of Alchemists

Hey there! Want to become an alchemist and unlock the secrets of alchemy? Well, you’re in luck! In this exciting game, you and a few friends can take on the role of alchemists and race against each other to uncover the mysteries of this ancient practice. You’ll earn points by publishing correct theories, but be careful – you’ll need to prove them with the help of the card reader!

So, how does it work? It’s quite simple, really. As an alchemist, you’ll mix different ingredients and test the results. This will help you in your quest to publish groundbreaking theories. But watch out! You’ll need to spend money on magical artifacts to gain more power, and that means risking your hard-earned cash. It’s a risky game, my friend, but the rewards can be enormous!

Now, let’s talk strategy. As you play, you’ll be putting your reputation on the line every time you publish a theory. Will you gain fame and fortune, or will your name be forgotten in the annals of history? Only time will tell. So gather your wits, think carefully, and make your moves wisely. May the best alchemist win!

Getting Set Up for the Alchemical Adventure

Alright, before we get started, let’s talk setup. First things first, place the gameboard in the middle of your playing area. Then, grab the exhibition board and put it to the side – we’ll need it later. Now, give all the decks a good shuffle and place them in their assigned spots on the gameboard. Easy peasy, right?

Next up, we need to deal with the artifact cards. These babies are divided into three different decks based on their ranking. Draw three cards from each deck and place them in the corresponding spot on the board. And voila! You’re all set and ready to dive headfirst into the world of alchemy!

When we start playing, we all put our player boards on the table so that we can all see them. If there are two of us, each will get six action cubes. If there are three of us, each will get five, and if there are four of us, each will get four. Then, we each draw two favor cards, but we can only keep one. After that, we draw three ingredients from the apprentice deck and two ingredients from the master deck.

The theory board can be put to the side of the main game board. To get the card reader started, we have to download and open the app. Then we choose the right option and start a new game. And now we’re ready to play!


Hey there! Let me tell you how the game is played. We’ll go through six rounds, and I’ll guide you every step of the way. First, it’s time to choose the play order. Each player will take turns selecting their position. You can’t choose the same spot as another player, so pick wisely. Once everyone has a spot, we move on to declaring and evaluating actions.

Step 1: Play Order

The player with the starting player marker gets to choose their position first. They’ll place their marker on an empty space. Remember, once a spot is taken, no one else can use it. Then, the rest of the players will go clockwise, picking their spots one by one. The order in which you pick a spot determines the play order for the rest of the round.

Step 2: Declaring and Resolving Actions

Now, it’s time to declare and evaluate your actions. Think carefully about your moves! Each player will announce what they plan to do and carry out their actions. Keep in mind that gameplay continues clockwise around the group, so pay attention to what others are doing. Once everyone has declared and resolved their actions, we move on to the next round.

So, with these simple steps in mind, you’re all set to start playing! Have fun and enjoy the game!

When we play this game, the person who is at the bottom of the order is the first one to say what they want to do. Then, we go in order from bottom to top, with each person choosing their actions. We do this by putting our action cubes on the actions we want to take. The person who chooses first puts their cubes on the bottom row, while the last person puts theirs on the top row.

We resolve the actions by going around the board in a clockwise direction. The person on the top row starts by taking their actions, and then we go down to the person on the bottom row. As we take our actions, we also take our cubes. Some of us might have two actions, and we take our second action after everyone has taken their first action.

If you don’t feel like taking an action, you have the option to decline. In that case, your cubes will be moved to the unused cubes space. At the end of the round, you’ll receive a favor card for each pair of unused cubes.

End of Round

The box next to the order spaces will remind you of what happens at the end of a round. Once scoring is done, you can set up the game for the next round. Five new ingredient cards will be dealt to the row, replacing any remaining ones.

All order markers will be moved from the order spaces. The player to the left of the first starting player will receive the starting player marker. This marks the beginning of the next round. Gameplay follows this pattern for six rounds.


So here we are, at the end of this game. After 6 rounds of playing, it’s time to see who’s got the highest score. The player with the most victory points will be crowned the winner!

The Score

Let’s talk about scoring. If you have any reputation points, they can be converted into victory points. Each reputation point you have becomes one victory point for you. First, let’s count the points for the player with the Magic Mirror, starting with their artifacts. If you have any favor cards, you can trade each card for two gold pieces. And for each gold piece you have, you get one third of a victory point.

After scoring the artifacts, it’s time for The Big Revelation. Gather around and take a look at the card reader. Tap the Show Answer button to reveal the answers associated with each ingredient. If your theory is correct, you will earn 5 points for a gold seal, 3 points for a silver seal, and no points for a plain seal. But if your theory turns out to be wrong, you’ll lose 4 points for a starred or unstarred seal, and no points for a properly hedged seal. Remember, these are victory points, not reputation points.

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