Unbroken Game Elements

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

All About Unbroken Game Elements


Let’s talk about the fascinating world of game elements. You know, those important things that make the game enjoyable and keep us coming back for more. In this article, I’ll explain what game elements are and why they are so crucial for a fantastic gaming experience. So, grab your controller and let’s dive in!

What are Game Elements?

When I play a game, I want to be fully engaged, excited, and maybe even a little challenged. So, what makes that happen? Game elements! These are the building blocks of a fantastic game. They include things like goals, rules, feedback, and challenges that keep you on your toes. Game elements are like puzzle pieces that fit together to create a unique and immersive experience.

Why are Game Elements Important?

Game elements are important because they elevate the overall gaming experience. Think about it – if a game lacks clear goals, it becomes aimless and confusing. And without any rules, it’s just chaos! Game elements give structure and purpose to a game by providing goals to strive for and rules to follow. They keep you engaged, motivated, and satisfied.

The Key Game Elements

Now, let’s dive into some key game elements that can greatly enhance your gaming experience:

1. Goals

Goals are the driving force behind every game. They give you something to aim for and create a sense of achievement when you reach them. Whether it’s rescuing a princess or scoring the winning goal, goals provide direction and purpose.

2. Rules

Rules are the backbone of any game. They set the boundaries and provide the framework for how the game is played. Without rules, there would be no structure, and the game would lose its charm. Rules ensure fairness, prevent cheating, and make the game more enjoyable for everyone.

3. Feedback

Feedback is essential for keeping you engaged and motivated. It lets you know how well you’re doing and gives you a sense of progress. Whether it’s receiving points, unlocking new levels, or hearing a cheer when you succeed, feedback keeps you going and makes you feel accomplished.

4. Challenges

Challenges are what make a game exciting and keep you on your toes. They push you to think, strategize, and improve your skills. Whether it’s defeating a tough boss or solving a mind-boggling puzzle, challenges provide that adrenaline rush that we all crave.


So there you have it – the fascinating world of game elements! They are the essential ingredients that make a game thrilling, engaging, and downright fun. Remember, it’s the goals, rules, feedback, and challenges that bring a game to life. Next time you pick up your controller, take a moment to appreciate these unbroken game elements – they’re the secret sauce that makes gaming so incredibly captivating. Happy gaming!

You know, resources are super important for your success. They’re what keep you alive and help you fight those scary monsters. See, there are different kinds of resources in this game, like encounter cards, skill cards, and weapon cards. Each of these resources lets you trade them for something else that you need. It’s pretty cool, right?

Effort is a Big Deal

So, let’s talk about effort. It’s probably the most important resource you have. It’s all about your life force, stamina, and determination. You need effort to do pretty much everything, like taking actions and, the best part, hurting those monsters. There are three levels of effort: small, medium, and large. Think of each level as its own special resource that you spend separately.

Large Effort
Medium Effort

When playing the game, I discovered an interesting strategy that you might want to try. Instead of using more effort, you can actually use a lower category of effort in place of a higher one. It may seem counterintuitive, but trust me, it can be a game-changer in desperate situations.

Let me explain. Typically, we’re taught to believe that using more effort is always better, but sometimes that’s not the case. Imagine you’re in a tricky situation and you need to make a move quickly. Instead of using a high category of effort, you can use a lower one. It might not be as powerful, but it can still get you out of a jam.

For example, let’s say you’re faced with a difficult puzzle. Normally, you would think that you need to use a lot of brainpower to solve it. But what if, instead of straining your brain, you take a step back and approach it with a different perspective? You might find that a simpler solution works just as well. It’s all about being cunning and thinking outside the box.

Of course, this strategy shouldn’t be used all the time. It’s a risky move that should only be taken as a last resort. But in those moments when you feel stuck and don’t know what to do, don’t be afraid to unleash your inner cunning and try a lower category of effort. You never know, it might just be the key to saving the day.

When it comes to overcoming challenges, it’s not always about using your strength and force. Sometimes, a clever and sly approach is needed. Cunning is all about being smart and inventive. It’s a skill that allows you to outsmart your opponents by learning about them and tricking them without having to resort to fighting.

Eating Well

Wow, revenge can really take a toll on you! It’s a demanding task that can exhaust your body. After completing each level, it’s crucial to make sure you have a good meal. Failing to do so will drain your strength and, believe it or not, you might even starve to death!

Types of Weapons

When you’re out there in a fight, you can’t rely on just your bare hands. You need to be resourceful and craft weapons using materials like wood and metal. It’s amazing how the skills you develop along the way can help you discover new and often aggressive ways to use these resources.

The Hunt for Treasure

Ah yes, the reason for your initial journey! It may not be very helpful once you’re deep down, but if you manage to make it back alive, treasure is what will earn you the most points and showcase just how impressive your unlikely triumph was.

Now, let’s talk about time.

When playing this game, you need to be mindful of the time you spend preparing and exploring each level. If you take too long, the monster will become aware of you and attack. Every encounter and certain actions you take consume time, bringing you closer to inevitable combat.

Keep track of your resources by adjusting the tokens on your display sheets. When you gain a resource, increase the corresponding token. When you spend or lose a resource, decrease the token. Each type of resource has its own bar.

Remember that you can never have more of a resource than its corresponding bar can hold. If you would gain more than the bar can accommodate, the excess is lost.

Types of Cards

Character sheets provide information about the unique abilities of the character you are playing. During the game, there will only be one character card in play at any given time.

Weapon sheets are a powerful tool that can help you overcome formidable enemies. By allocating your energy wisely, you can effectively weaken their armor and cause significant damage. It’s important to note that you can only have one weapon in use at any given moment.

Monster sheets are what I call the profiles of the bad guys you come across in the catacombs. There are four levels, and as you go up, the monsters get tougher.

Encounter cards are a special type of cards that you come across while exploring. They give you chances to get or trade resources.

You know what’s great? Skill cards. They’re like little power-ups that you get when you win a fight. And let me tell you, they can be a game-changer.

Once you’ve got a skill card, it’s yours to keep. You can collect as many as you want. The more you have, the more tricks you’ll have up your sleeve.

These skill cards are like a secret weapon. They give you extra abilities that can help you on your journey. Need a boost in strength? There’s a skill card for that. Want to heal up a bit? There’s a skill card for that too.

Now, I’m not gonna lie, it’s pretty awesome to have all these skills at your disposal. But it’s also a bit daunting. With so many options, which do you choose?

Well, here’s the thing. You don’t have to choose. That’s right, no tough decisions here. You can have them all. Every single skill card that comes your way is yours to keep.

So, the next time you win a big battle, don’t forget to pick up your skill card. Trust me, you’ll be glad you did.

Condition cards are special cards that show temporary effects that can affect your character. These cards only come into play when you are fighting against monsters, and they usually have negative effects.

Plus, you’ll have the reference sheet, time/monster tracker, and effort/resource tracker for keeping track of important details while playing the game.


A Look at Monster Attributes

Throughout the game, you’ll come across four unique monsters, one on each level. Each monster you encounter will be tougher to defeat than the last. To understand how difficult each monster is, it’s important to consider the following attributes:


Hey there! Ever wondered how tough those monsters you encounter in games are? Well, let me introduce you to a cool concept called “toughness.” This measure tells you how many wounds you need to inflict on a monster to defeat it. Cool, right?

Let’s talk about armor

Now, armor plays a crucial role in this game. It’s like a shield that protects you from the monster’s attacks. The better your armor, the less damage you’ll take when the monster strikes. So, it’s important to choose your armor wisely.

But wait, there’s more! You can also use weapons and skills to your advantage. They allow you to turn your effort and other resources into powerful attacks that can inflict wounds on the monster. And who doesn’t love a good power-packed attack?

So, the next time you face a monster, remember this: its toughness determines the number of wounds you need to defeat it. Choose your armor wisely, and use your weapons and skills to unleash those powerful attacks. Happy gaming!

When you encounter certain monsters, they have protective armor that you need to break before you can damage them. Some weapons can break armor more effectively than others. However, there are also skills that allow you to bypass armor entirely.

Ambush Effect

If you run out of time during the Travel Phase, you might be ambushed by the monster. This is a negative effect that you should try to avoid!

Trickery Cost

You can use certain resources to trick the monster and escape the level without fighting them. However, it’s important to note that some monsters, particularly level IV monsters, cannot be bypassed using trickery.

Special Effect

Some monsters have special effects that introduce new rules and actions during combat. These effects can change the dynamics of the battle and give you new options.

Combat Actions

When it’s the monster’s turn to attack during a fight, we roll a six-sided die to see what happens. We refer to the combat actions table to find out the outcome of the roll, and then we apply the effect that corresponds to it. It’s pretty exciting!


If you manage to defeat the monster in a fight, you get some really cool rewards. These rewards are listed right here. But remember, if you use tricks to avoid fighting the monster, you don’t get any of these rewards. So choose wisely!

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