The Ancient World Citizen Actions

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

The Ancient World Citizen Actions

Imagine you are living in the ancient world; a time before electricity, cars, and even the internet. The world is a different place, but people are still people, and they have always cared about making a difference.

Back then, citizens knew that they had a responsibility to their community. They didn’t have social media to spread their ideas, so they had to find other ways to make an impact.

One way people in the ancient world contributed to their community was through civic engagement. They understood that getting involved and actively participating in society was crucial for the well-being of everyone.

So, what actions did ancient citizens take?

Well, they did things like participating in the political process. They knew that their voice mattered and that they could make a difference by voting, attending public meetings, and voicing their opinions.

Ancient citizens were also concerned about their community’s welfare. They would volunteer their time and skills to help those in need, whether it was by assisting the sick, helping the poor, or providing food and shelter.

Another action ancient citizens took was being environmentally conscious. They understood the importance of taking care of the earth and its resources. They would take steps to preserve nature and avoid wasting valuable assets.

Furthermore, ancient citizens would strive to promote peace and justice. They recognized that a harmonious and fair society was essential for everyone’s well-being. They would work towards resolving conflicts, promoting equality, and upholding the rule of law.

Lastly, they would educate themselves and others. They knew that knowledge was power, and they would actively seek out information to understand the world better. They would also share their knowledge with others, promoting learning and intellectual growth.

Now, let’s fast forward to the present day. We might have different tools and technologies, but the importance of citizen action remains the same. We still have a responsibility to our community and can make a difference by engaging in these timeless actions.

So, take a moment to reflect on how you can contribute to your community today. Remember, your voice matters, and your actions can have a positive impact on the world around you. The power is in your hands.

If you’re a player, you have citizen tokens that you can use to perform various actions. Let’s take a look at what you can do with these tokens.

When playing the game, I can send my citizen tokens to different places on the board called action spaces. Each action has its own unique effect, and there are some special rules to take into account. It’s important to remember that if there is already a citizen with a higher value on a certain action space, I will have to pay an extra coin when I place my citizen there.

Let’s take a closer look at each action:



Hey there! So, here’s the scoop: I collect two coins. Pretty cool, right? But that’s not all – I’ve got something even cooler to show you. Brace yourself for the Build part. Yeah, it’s pretty awesome.

Hey there! Did you know that in this game, you can pay to build cards? Yup, it’s true! You can choose from the empire cards in the empire card row or the cards from the empire C deck on the board. Just a little reminder – feel free to take a peek at the empire C deck anytime you want. But here’s the thing, you can only build a card if you have enough room for it. You see, your capacity is determined by your district cards and titan cards, as well as your capital city on the player board.

Now, each empire card takes up 1 capacity, and that includes the 2 starting empire cards. So, if you don’t have enough room, sorry, but you won’t be able to get a new empire card. Keep an eye on your capacity by checking the capacity track at the bottom of your player board. It’s important to note that only empire cards require and use capacity. Even if they’re damaged, they still take up 1 capacity. So, be mindful of that!

Empire Card

Hey there! So when I get my grubby little hands on an Empire Card in this game, I need to pay up in coins and knowledge to the supply. Then, I pop that shiny new card to the right of my player board, down in the bottom row of cards. These Empire Cards are really special because they come with all sorts of bonus goodies and special abilities. You can find all the nitty-gritty details about what each card can do in the “Card Abilities” section over on page 14.

Important: Don’t you worry about refilling that empire card row just yet. We’re gonna let that rest until the next round rolls around.


I want to talk about the exciting world of social media and how it has changed the way we communicate. Social media is a powerful tool that allows us to connect with people all over the world and share our thoughts and ideas. It has become an integral part of our lives, and it’s hard to imagine a world without it.

When you look at social media, you can see that it offers us so many opportunities to express ourselves and connect with others. We can share photos, videos, and messages with our friends and family. We can follow our favorite celebrities and see what they’re up to. We can even join groups and communities that share our interests and passions. Social media truly opens up a whole new world of possibilities.

But, like any tool, social media comes with its pros and cons. On one hand, it allows us to stay connected with people who are far away. We can easily keep in touch with our loved ones and never miss out on important milestones in their lives. Additionally, social media provides a platform for us to raise awareness about important issues and connect with like-minded individuals. It’s an incredible tool for spreading important messages and initiating change.

On the other hand, social media can also have negative effects. It’s easy to get caught up in the virtual world and lose touch with reality. We can become so consumed with our online persona that we forget to live in the present moment. Moreover, social media can sometimes lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem as we compare ourselves to others. It’s important to remember that what we see on social media is often a curated version of reality, and we shouldn’t let it define our worth.

So, how can we navigate the world of social media in a healthy and productive way? It all starts with being mindful of our usage. It’s important to recognize when we’re spending too much time on social media and take steps to disconnect and engage in real-life activities. We should also be conscious of the content we consume and make sure it aligns with our values and goals.

In conclusion, social media has had a profound impact on the way we communicate and connect with others. It opens up a world of possibilities and allows us to express ourselves in unique ways. However, it’s important to use social media mindfully and be aware of its potential pitfalls. By striking a balance and being intentional with our usage, we can harness the power of social media and make it work for us.

Hey there! I wanted to talk to you about something important. It’s all about this awesome game mechanic called the Sword Attack Value. Have you ever heard of it? If you’re a fan of strategy games, then you’ll definitely love this.

So, here’s the deal. The Sword Attack Value is how much damage you can do when you attack. The cool thing is that you can increase your Sword Attack Value by having more citizen tokens. Each citizen token you have gives you an extra point of Sword Attack Value for the whole round!

Let me give you an example to make it crystal clear. Imagine you have two citizens on “Draft” action. That means you’ll have two extra swords to use when you attack. Pretty cool, right?

This extra attack power is like having a secret weapon up your sleeve. You can use it in multiple titan attack actions throughout the round. It’s like a boost that keeps on giving!

So, next time you’re playing a game and you see an opportunity to increase your Sword Attack Value, go for it! It could be the key to victory!

When you want to add more districts to your player board in the game, you have to make a choice. You can either pay 1 knowledge or 3 coins to the supply. It’s up to you which one you prefer.

Once you’ve made your payment, you get to draw the top 3 cards from the district deck. Take a good look at these cards because you can only keep one of them. Choose the district card that you think will help you the most and place it in the districts area beside your player board.

The other 2 cards that you didn’t choose should be placed at the bottom of the district deck. But before you do that, make sure to turn over the next card on the deck so that it’s face up. This new card will be available for the next player.

It’s important to note that district cards not only give you extra capacity, but they can also grant you special abilities. These abilities can really come in handy during the game. And the best part? You don’t need any extra capacity to use these cards.

Hey there! Did you know that you can get your hands on some valuable knowledge by spending just 3 coins? It’s true! When you need a bit of a brain boost, you can simply pay 3 coins to the supply and gain 1 knowledge. It’s like a mini power-up for your brain!

But wait, there’s more! If you’re ever in a sticky situation and need to start fresh, you can “Rebuild”. This is your chance to hit the reset button and build a new strategy. It’s like getting a second chance to make things right!

So next time you’re low on knowledge or need a fresh start, remember that you have the power to gain knowledge and rebuild. It’s a pretty cool feature that sets this game apart from the rest. Enjoy the journey of learning and growing!

When I play this game, I have the ability to fix up to 2 empire cards that have been damaged. It’s like bringing them back to life! I get to flip those cards over so I can see what they say. It’s exciting to reveal their secrets!

Oh, and I can’t forget about the 1st-player token. I get to grab that too and flip it over. You know, the side that looks like a hand? That means no one else can take the token for the rest of the round. It’s like it’s mine for keeps!

And guess what? I even get a coin as a reward for taking this action. It’s like a little bonus, and who doesn’t love extra money?

If I already have the 1st-player token when I play this action, I should flip the token just to show off!


When I play the game, I can pick one of the military cards from the board’s military card row. When we start the game, each of us has a limit of 2 soldiers (which we get from our capital city). This means that we can’t have more than 2 active military cards. But don’t worry, because we can increase our army limit by using district and empire cards, as well as some titan cards. On my player board, my capital city gives me a limit of 2 soldiers. Most military cards are free, but some have a cost that I need to pay in order to claim them. The cost is right below the card’s name. Once I’ve chosen a card and paid the cost (if there is one), I can decide to put it in one of my army slots. If I don’t have any open slots, I have to retire one of the military cards that I already have.

Note: It’s important to remember that you can only retire a military card that hasn’t been used to attack yet in the current round. This means the card should have no coins on its name area.

To retire a military card, you need to remove all the coins on the card and return them to the supply. Then, you flip the card over so that the legacy abilities are visible. These abilities represent the skills that the older soldiers passed down to the new recruits. If there were previous legacy abilities on the card, they should also be visible. Next, you place the new military card face up on top of the old cards, making sure that all the legacy abilities from the previously active military cards are still visible. While the legacy abilities can also be seen on the front of the card in the top right corner, they don’t actually come into play until the military card has been retired.

Important: Please refrain from refilling the military card row until the next round.

An army consists of one active military card and any number of retired military cards below it.

Let’s explore how to build your army:

– Draw 5 empire cards from the current empire deck and choose 1 to keep.

– Put one of the empire cards on the empire card row on your board.

– Keep one empire card from the empire C deck.

When you store an empire card, place it face down near the bottom left corner of your player board. Make sure it’s horizontal to remember that it’s not built yet. Any empire cards you drew but didn’t store should be placed in the discard pile.

Stored cards don’t give you any benefits right away, but you can buy them later using the “Build Stored” action (which doesn’t require a citizen to use). You can own as many stored cards as you want.


(Available on round 3). When I want to expand my empire, I can choose to use the “Grow” action. This action allows me to gain an extra citizen token by spending 3 coins. The citizen token I receive will have the lowest skill number that is not already represented in my collection. For example, let’s say I already have citizen tokens with skills 1, 2, and 3. If I choose the “Grow” action, I will receive a citizen token with skill 4. These new citizen tokens will be placed on the left side of my player board in the “starving/new” area. However, I cannot use them until the next round.

Remember: To gain a new citizen, I don’t need to have any unused food. But in order to use all of my citizens in the next round, I must ensure that I have at least 1 food per citizen by the end of each round.

B. Empire Card Actions

When playing the game, you can choose to put one of your citizens on an action of your empire cards. However, you can only do this if there isn’t already a citizen token on that action.

Remember, you can only place your citizen token on your own empire cards. You can’t put them on someone else’s cards.

For more information about specific actions on the empire cards, refer to the “Card Clarifications” section.

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