Let’s Explore the Rules of the Zombies of Catan Game!
Hey there! I’m here to walk you through the exciting world of the Zombies of Catan game. If you’re a fan of thrilling board games, then you’ve come to the right place. Strap in and get ready for an adventurous journey.
The Basics
First things first – let’s talk about the basics. In the world of Zombies of Catan, you’ll find yourself in a post-apocalyptic reality where zombies roam the land. Your goal? Survive, of course! But it won’t be easy.
Just like in the original Settlers of Catan game, you’ll need to gather resources to build settlements, cities, and roads. In Zombies of Catan, these resources take the form of food, wood, and ammo. Each resource is vital for your survival and will help you defend against the relentless zombie hordes.
As you venture out into the world, you’ll come across different locations known as intersections. At each intersection, you’ll discover new items, zombies, or even other survivors. It’s up to you to decide where to go and how to best use your resources.
Speaking of zombies, be prepared for battles along the way. Your main objective is to eliminate the undead creatures and protect yourself. Ensure you have enough ammo to fend off these brain-hungry creatures. If you defeat a zombie, you’ll earn valuable experience points that will help you level up.
Experience and Leveling Up
Experience points are the key to success in Zombies of Catan. Every zombie you defeat will earn you experience, allowing you to level up. With each level you gain, your abilities and strength increase. This means you’ll be even more equipped to handle the challenges that lie ahead.
Special Abilities
Along your journey, you might come across survivors who possess special abilities. These abilities can be game-changers, granting you unique advantages in your fight against the zombies. Keep your eyes open and make sure to utilize these abilities whenever you can.
Victory and the Final Battle
This is what it’s all about – victory! Your ultimate goal is to defeat the zombies and emerge as the survivor who saves the day. But to do so, you’ll need to face the final battle. This battle will test your skills, strategy, and resourcefulness. Only the strongest and smartest will come out on top.
So, there you have it – the thrilling world of Zombies of Catan. It’s a game that combines resource management, strategy, and survival in a post-apocalyptic setting. Get your friends together, gather your wits, and embark on a memorable adventure. Are you ready to take on the zombies and prove your worth?
If you’re ready for a spooky twist on Settlers of Catan, I’ve got just the game for you! It’s called “Zombie Settlers” and it’s designed for 3 to 4 players. Let me walk you through the basics.
To play Zombie Settlers, you’ll need all the regular pieces from the original Settlers of Catan game. On top of that, you’ll need about 50 or more tokens or counters to represent zombies. These could be anything you have lying around, like coins or small objects.
Once you have all your components ready, set up the game board just like you would for a regular game of Settlers of Catan, with 3 to 4 players. The only difference is that you won’t need the Robber piece this time.
The goal of Zombie Settlers is to be the first player to reach 10 Victory Points, survive an island overrun by zombies, or be the last player remaining.
If every hex on the board has a zombie in it (except for the desert and sea hexes), that means the island of Catan has been fully overrun. In this case, the player with the most Victory Points wins the game.
In the event of a tie, the player with the most resource cards will come out on top. If there’s still a tie after that, all the tied players are considered winners. So there’s always a chance for everyone to claim victory!
Now that you know the basics, it’s time to dive into the gameplay of Zombie Settlers. Good luck, and may the best survivor win!
Alright, listen up. This version of Catan is a little different. We’re keeping all the usual rules, except for one thing – the robber. Instead of dealing with that pesky thief, we’re throwing zombies into the mix. How cool is that?
Placing the Zombies
Here’s how it goes: from the very first turn, whenever someone rolls the dice, they put a zombie token on the hex with the number that was rolled. If there’s more than one hex with that number, they get to pick which one to put the zombie on. Easy enough, right?
But hang on a minute, we’re gonna make it even easier for you. For the first two rounds of play, we’re just gonna pretend that sevens don’t even exist. No need to worry about them. You’re welcome.
The Zombie Invasion
Hey there! Let’s talk about zombie tokens and how they behave in the game. It’s pretty simple, but there are a few things you should know.
So, here’s the deal: in each hex, you’re allowed to have a maximum of 3 zombie tokens. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you have to place a zombie token in a hex that already has 3 of them, something interesting happens – the hex gets infested! When this happens, the zombies start to spread to the adjacent hexes. It’s like a chain reaction.
Now, if there are less than 3 zombies in an adjacent hex, you can go ahead and add one more zombie to that hex. But if the adjacent hex already has 3 zombies, you don’t need to worry about it. We’ll just ignore it and move on.
Here’s something to keep in mind: sometimes, you’ll get to choose where to place a zombie token. In that case, if placing a token in a certain hex will either add a zombie to that hex or allow it to infest adjacent hexes, you have to go with the choice that will cause either the addition or the infestation. That’s the rule!
Now, let’s say none of the available hexes will actually give you any new zombies. In that case, it’s totally fine to decline placing anything in the hex. We don’t want to force it, after all. It’s okay to leave things as they are.
Zombie Attack
Starting from the third round of the game, if I roll a 7, all the zombies on the board will attack nearby settlements and cities. I will need to check each settlement and city to see if they have been damaged by the zombies. To do this, I will look at each hex that the settlement or city can influence.
If there are 2 or more zombies in a hex with a settlement, I will have to discard one resource. If there are 3 zombies in a hex with a city, I will also have to discard one resource. I will need to do this for every hex and every settlement or city.
If I don’t have enough resources to discard, I will have to destroy buildings to make up for the resource shortfall. You can find more information on building destruction in the game’s rules.
If I don’t have enough resource cards to pay for the Zombie attack, I have to destroy some of my buildings to meet the attack amount. Each building that I have – a road, a settlement, or a city – has a certain value based on the number of resource cards it took to build. A road is worth 2 resource cards, a settlement is worth 4, and a city is worth 5.
I can choose to destroy one of my buildings instead of using resource cards to satisfy the Zombie attack. However, I won’t receive any additional resource cards in return for the destroyed building.
For example, let’s say I am attacked by Zombies and they inflict 4 damage on me. But I only have 3 resource cards. In this situation, I can decide to destroy my City and downgrade it to a Settlement to meet the Zombie attack requirement. However, I will lose the extra value that the City provided compared to a Settlement – in this case, one resource card.
If you don’t want to pay the full cost of resources to satisfy the damage, there is another option. You can discard 2 resource cards and destroy a road instead (2 cards + road (2 resources) = 4). However, remember that when destroying a building, you still need to follow the rules of legal game placement. This means you can’t just destroy road pieces anywhere and leave random sections on the board.
While settlements and cities don’t necessarily have to connect on a road, you still need to adhere to the normal building rules. If you choose to destroy a road, and doing so makes you ineligible for the longest road or no longer the player with the longest road, the longest road victory point bonus will pass to the next eligible player in turn order, starting with the player who currently has the bonus.
Development Cards
When you want to buy a Development card, you only need to spend two out of the three regular resources. It’s up to you to choose which two resources you want to use.
Defeating Zombies
Soldier cards are powerful enough to eliminate all the zombies in a single hex. And just like in regular Catan, Soldier cards remain in play, allowing you to earn the “largest army” victory point bonus. Simply follow the normal Catan rules when using a Soldier card.
Removing Players
If, at any point during the game, you find yourself without at least one settlement or city on the board, you will be eliminated from the game.