New Angeles Deals

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

New Angeles Deals

Welcome to New Angeles, where the adventure begins! I’m here to help you find the best deals and make the most out of your visit. New Angeles has so much to offer, from stunning sights to exciting activities.

Let’s dive into the world of amazing deals! When it comes to exploring a new city, it’s always important to do some research and find the best deals that suit your interests. Luckily, you’re in the right place.

New Angeles is known for its spectacular landmarks. One must-see attraction is the breathtaking Skyline Observatory. From here, you can enjoy panoramic views of the city, including the iconic New Angeles Bridge. It’s a sight you won’t want to miss.

If you’re a nature lover, New Angeles has plenty to offer. Take a stroll through the beautiful Central Park, where you can escape the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy some tranquility. The park is also home to a stunning botanical garden, filled with colorful flowers and serene ponds.

For those seeking excitement, New Angeles offers thrilling activities such as helicopter tours. Imagine soaring above the city, admiring its stunning architecture and buzzing streets. It’s an experience that will leave you breathless.

And if you’re a food enthusiast, New Angeles won’t disappoint. The city is known for its diverse culinary scene, offering everything from gourmet dining to street food delights. Don’t miss the chance to taste some of the city’s famous dishes, like the mouthwatering New Angeles hot dog or the delectable taco al pastor.

When it comes to shopping, New Angeles has an abundance of options. From high-end boutiques to vintage shops, you can find something for every style and budget. Take a stroll down the famous Miracle Mile and explore the vibrant shops that line the street.

In conclusion, New Angeles is a city filled with wonder and excitement. Whether you’re interested in exploring its iconic landmarks, immersing yourself in nature, seeking thrilling adventures, indulging in delicious food, or shopping till you drop, this city has it all. Remember to take advantage of the amazing deals available and make the most out of your New Angeles experience. Enjoy your visit!

I’m going to reveal the asset card that’s furthest to the right on the turn track. This card has the highest number on its slot. Once I reveal it, I’ll read it out loud and place it faceup in the “Revealed Asset” box on the board. This way, all players can see it and know what it is (asset cards will be explained later on).

2. Main Offer

Now it’s time for me to choose an action card from my hand. I’ll pick one and place it faceup in the “Main Offer” box on the board. This card will be my main offer, and I’ll try to convince the other players that it’s really important throughout the deal.


When it comes to achieving success in New Angeles, negotiation is the name of the game. Winning a deal without the support of others is a rarity, so it’s important to gather as much support as possible. But how can you convince others to align with your actions?

Well, my friend, there are many ways to go about it. You can argue that your action is exactly what the city needs. Sometimes, though, necessity isn’t enough. That’s when a promised reward or a thinly veiled threat can be quite persuasive. And let’s not forget the power of good ol’ money – it can grease the wheels of industry like nothing else.

3. Counteroffer

So, here’s how it works: I’ll explain the process of proposing a counteroffer in the game. It starts with the player sitting to the left of the current player, and then goes clockwise from there. Each player gets one chance to propose a counteroffer.

To propose a counteroffer, all you have to do is choose an action card from your hand and place it faceup in the “Counteroffer” box on the board. Even if a counteroffer has already been proposed, you can still make your own. The only catch is that if you do, you’ll have to get rid of some action cards from your hand. The number of cards you have to discard is equal to the number of faceup action cards already in the “Counteroffer” box.

Once you’ve made your counteroffer, it goes on top of any other action cards that are already in the “Counteroffer” box. This makes it more expensive for the next player to propose their own counteroffer. And the player who ends up making the last counteroffer is called the countering player.

After every player (except for the active player) has had a chance to propose a counteroffer, the game moves on to the next step.

4. Support

So, if nobody makes a counteroffer, we can skip the back-and-forth and jump right to the resolution step. But if someone does counter, things get a little more interesting. Now, the players who aren’t the active player or the one countering become supporting players. They have the power to influence the outcome of the deal by using action cards. Here’s how it works:

First, we start with the supporting player to the left of the active player and go around the circle clockwise. Each supporting player gets a chance to support an offer. They can do this by choosing as many action cards as they want from their hand, then placing them face-down next to either the main offer or the counteroffer. And if they don’t want to support either side, they can just sit it out and abstain.

Now, here’s where things get really interesting. The active and countering players should be doing some good old negotiations with the supporting players. It’s their chance to sway them and gather support for their own offers. After all, who doesn’t love a little bargaining power?

So, that’s how the resolution step works. It’s the final showdown where players put it all on the line and try to come out on top. Will they have the support they need to seal the deal? Only time will tell. Now, let’s move on to the next step, shall we?

When we’re playing the game, the person who gets the most facedown action cards wins the deal. If both players have an equal number of action cards, then the person who made the last move wins. Once the deal is won, the winner gets to take the action card they offered and use it. They also get to claim the asset card that was revealed and add it to their collection. Finally, any action cards that were used as offers or support are put face down in the discard pile.

Here’s an example:

  1. As the active player, I, Jinteki, will reveal the rightmost asset card on the turn track. It’s called “Marco Cubrero” and I’ll place it in the “Revealed Asset” box.
  2. There are a bunch of illness tokens on the board, so I think I can convince the other players to go along with my “Clean Slate” action card. So, as my main offer, I’ll put it in the “Main Offer” box.
  3. Now it’s time for the Counteroffer step. It goes clockwise from me, Jinteki.
    1. Globalsec decides not to come up with a counteroffer. Haas-Bioroid does the same.
    2. Then Weyland proposes a counteroffer. They want to use the “Vanity Project” card, so they place it in the “Counteroffer” box.

Hey there! Let me tell you about a cool game called NBN. In this game, one player, let’s call her NBN, wants to bring something new to the table. She has a card called “Spin Doctors” that she wants to play as a counteroffer. But in order to do that, she has to get rid of one card from her hand. She puts that card next to the board’s garbage can icon, and then she places “Spin Doctors” on top of her other card called “Vanity Project.” It’s all about strategy and making clever moves. So, are you up for the challenge? Give NBN a try and see if you can outsmart your opponents!

  • Now it’s time to talk about the Support step. It’s an important part of the negotiation process, and it starts with Jinteki. After Jinteki, it goes clockwise to Globalsec, Haas-Bioroid, and Weyland, who are all supporting players in this game.
  • Globalsec plays a card to support the main offer. Haas-Bioroid does the same for the counteroffer.
  • At this point, both the main offer and the counteroffer have an equal number of action cards backing them up. This means that Jinteki, being the active player, will win the deal unless Weyland decides to support the counteroffer. NBN is aware of this and negotiates a trade with Weyland – two capital in exchange for one card to support the counteroffer.
  • Now we move on to the Resolution step. The counteroffer has more hidden cards supporting it than the main offer, so NBN ends up winning the deal. She proceeds to resolve “Spin Doctors” and then claims the “Marco Cubrero” asset.

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