Neutral Force Tokens Game of Thrones

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Neutral Force Tokens

I’d like to talk to you about something really cool – Neutral Force Tokens. They’re this new thing that’s shaking up the gaming world, and I’m excited to share it with you.

So, imagine you’re playing a game, and you want to have a little bit of extra power. You know, that edge that could make all the difference. Well, that’s where Neutral Force Tokens come in.

These tokens are like little unlockable boosts that you can use in your games. They can be earned or purchased, and they give you all sorts of cool abilities to make your gameplay even more exciting.

Now, you might be wondering, “How do these tokens work?” Well, it’s pretty simple. You just collect them throughout the game, and then when you’re ready, you can use them to give yourself an advantage. They might give you extra health or attack power, or they might unlock special abilities that can turn the tide of the game in your favor.

But here’s the really cool part: Neutral Force Tokens aren’t just for one game. You can actually use them in multiple games. So, if you earn a token in one game, you can save it and use it in another game. It’s like building up a collection of power-ups that you can use whenever you want.

And the best part? These tokens are designed to balance the playing field. They’re there to make the game more fun and exciting for everyone involved. So, even if you’re not the best player, you can still have a chance at winning with the help of a few well-placed tokens.

I know what you might be thinking – “This sounds too good to be true.” But it really is. Neutral Force Tokens are changing the way we play games, and they’re making it more accessible and enjoyable for everyone. So, the next time you’re sitting down to play a game, why not give them a try? You might just find that they take your gaming experience to a whole new level.

Neutral Force Tokens Game of Thrones UltraFoodMess

In the game, there are these things called Neutral Force tokens. They represent independent houses that don’t want to be controlled by players. At the beginning of the game, some Neutral Force tokens are placed on the board.

If you want to take control of an area with a Neutral Force, you can send your units to attack it. But be careful, because you can only attack if your units are strong enough to defeat the Neutral Force. You need to have a Combat Strength that is equal to or greater than the strength value shown on the Neutral Force token.

How to Defeat a Neutral Force

To defeat a Neutral Force and gain control of its area, your marching units must have enough Combat Strength. Here’s how you calculate it:

  • Add up the Combat Strength of your units. (Siege Engines only count their strength if the Neutral Force’s area has a Castle or Stronghold.)
  • No House cards are played.
  • The March Order bonus (or penalty) is enacted.
  • Neutral Forces cannot receive support from adjacent areas.
  • The attacking player can receive support against the Neutral Force from adjacent areas (just like in combat).
  • The Valyrian Steel Blade cannot be used to gain a +1 bonus.

If my troops have a Combat Strength that is equal to or greater than the strength value of the Neutral Force, we destroy the token and remove it from the game. Then, I can move my units into the area as I normally would.

Marching against a Neutral Force counts as the one attack allowed by the March Order.

Neutral Force Tokens Game of Thrones UltraFoodMess

In three-player games, most Neutral Force tokens are marked with a “~” instead of a strength value. These areas are impenetrable and off-limits to all players for the entire game.

Let’s say Tyrell wants to march into Sunspear from Yronwood. However, there’s a Neutral Force token with a strength of 5 in Sunspear.

Tyrell’s army consists of 1 Knight and 1 Footman, and they have the March +1 Special order, which gives them a total Combat Strength of 4. To match the strength of the Neutral Force, Tyrell can use his Support order in the Sea of Dorne. The presence of a Ship unit there grants Tyrell an additional Combat Strength point, bringing his total to 5.

Imagine this: I’m the Tyrell army, and I’m about to make a move on the city of Sunspear. The question is, how strong do I need to be to successfully take it over?

Here’s the deal: the Tyrell army, with a strength of 5 when counting support, needs to be as strong as the Neutral Force token in Sunspear. If we are, our march is a success, and we get to take over the city. And you know what happens next? We march our victorious army right into Sunspear.


Neutral Force Tokens Game of Thrones UltraFoodMess

Garrisons are like special shields that protect the home area of each House.

Every House has a Garrison token on its home area when the game starts. Garrisons don’t count as units, so they don’t take up space and can never be given orders.

If someone attacks a home area with a Garrison, the strength of the Garrison (the number shown on the token) gets added to the defender’s initial Combat Strength. Even if there are no units defending a location with a Garrison, combat still happens as usual, as if the Garrison was a single unit.

If a Garrison loses in combat (whether it’s defending alone or with other friendly units), it gets permanently removed from the game. It doesn’t matter how many Swords or Fortifications are on the House cards played during the combat.

When you play the game, you can’t give orders to a place that only has a Garrison. The strength of a Garrison only counts when its area is under attack, and it can’t help or do anything else. Garrisons are only meant for defense.

Garrisons don’t get affected by the Skull symbols on the “Tides of Battle” cards.

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