The Amazing Nemesis Room Sheet
Hey there! Have you ever heard about the incredible Nemesis Room Sheet? If not, get ready to be amazed! This is no ordinary room sheet – it’s a game changer. Let me tell you all about it.
Have you ever struggled with organizing your room and keeping everything tidy? Well, the Nemesis Room Sheet is here to help you out. It’s like having a personal assistant for your room! No more mess, no more stress – just pure organization.
So, what exactly is the Nemesis Room Sheet? It’s a simple, yet powerful tool that allows you to keep track of everything in your room. From the smallest trinkets to the biggest furniture, the Nemesis Room Sheet has got you covered.
Let me walk you through how it works. First, grab a pen and the Nemesis Room Sheet. Start by writing down the names and descriptions of all the items in your room. Is there a fluffy teddy bear on your bed? Write it down. How about a shiny lamp on your desk? Write it down too. Everything deserves a spot on the Nemesis Room Sheet.
Once you have everything listed, you can start organizing your items. You can group them by category – toys, books, electronics, etc. You can also arrange them by size or importance. The choice is yours! The Nemesis Room Sheet allows you to customize it to fit your needs.
Now, here comes the best part. With the Nemesis Room Sheet, you’ll never lose anything again. I repeat, never lose anything again! No more searching high and low for that missing notebook or favorite toy. Just consult your Nemesis Room Sheet, and it will guide you to your lost treasures.
But that’s not all. The Nemesis Room Sheet also promotes cleanliness and tidiness. By using it regularly, you’ll develop good habits and keep your room neat and organized. Say goodbye to clutter and hello to a clean and serene environment.
So, are you ready to take control of your room and conquer the never-ending battle against messiness? Get yourself a Nemesis Room Sheet and let the transformation begin. Trust me, you won’t regret it. Your room will thank you, and you’ll thank yourself for making the smart choice.
In order to do anything within a room, you need to be in that room, unless you have a special ability that says otherwise. You can’t do anything in a room if you’re currently in combat. And if there’s a malfunction marker in the room, you also can’t perform any actions there.
Now, let’s talk about rooms that have a computer.
Oh, hey there! So, I noticed that some Rooms have this fancy Computer icon. Basically, it means that there’s a computer in that Room. Pretty cool, huh?
Now, here’s the thing: the Computer icon doesn’t really mean much on its own. It only becomes important when there’s a rule that specifically mentions it. You might come across some Action cards, Item cards, or Event cards that talk about the Computer icon.
But here’s the catch: if there’s a Malfunction marker in the Room, that means the Computer is out of commission. It’s as if there’s no Computer Icon at all. Bummer, right?
Now let’s talk about the Basic Rooms. There are 11 of them, and you can always count on them being in every game. You can spot them because they have the number “1” on their back.
And one of those Basic Rooms is the Armory. It’s pretty important, so it deserves a shoutout. Remember that!
Alright, hope that clears things up for you. Good luck exploring those Rooms!
Recharge your Energy Weapon: Get your Energy Weapons fired up by putting 2 Ammo tokens on one of them.
Pay Attention: This Room Action won’t reload Classic Weapons.
A Weapon can’t have more Ammo than its capacity, as displayed on the Weapon card.
Comms Room
Sending a Signal: To send a signal, I place a special symbol on the Signal space on my Character board.
Sending a signal is something I have to do for certain tasks, but it doesn’t have any other effect on the game.
Emergency Room
Take care of your injuries: Dress any serious wounds you have or heal one of your dressed serious wounds or heal all of your light wounds.
Evacuation Section A
Try Going into an Escape Pod: If there’s an unlocked Escape Pod in Section A that has at least one empty spot, you can try this action.
Roll the dice to see if you make any noise. If an Intruder shows up in the room, you won’t be able to enter the Escape Pod.
If no Intruders make it to the room after resolving the noise, you can place your character in an unlocked Escape Pod in Section A, as long as there’s room (each pod can hold up to 2 characters).
Check the Escape Pods section at the end of this room guide to find out what happens once you’re in a pod.
If there’s an Intruder in the corresponding Evacuation Section Room, you can’t enter the Escape Pod.
Evacuation Section B
Section B addresses the Fire Control System. This is an important aspect of the overall system, as it plays a crucial role in preventing and combating fires. The Fire Control System is a complex and sophisticated mechanism that is designed to detect, suppress, and extinguish fires.
The Fire Control System works by employing various sensors and detectors to monitor the environment for signs of fire. These sensors are strategically placed throughout the premises and continuously scan the area for any indication of heat, smoke, or flames. When a potential fire is detected, the Fire Control System initiates a series of actions to suppress and extinguish the flames.
One of the key components of the Fire Control System is the sprinkler system. This system consists of a network of pipes that are installed throughout the building and are equipped with sprinkler heads. When a fire is detected, the sprinkler heads closest to the source of the fire are activated, releasing water or a fire suppressant to extinguish the flames.
In addition to the sprinkler system, the Fire Control System may also include fire alarms, emergency lighting, and fire extinguishers. These devices further enhance the system’s ability to detect, contain, and suppress fires.
Overall, the Fire Control System is an essential element of any fire safety plan. It plays a crucial role in protecting lives and property by detecting and extinguishing fires in their early stages. By investing in a reliable Fire Control System, you can significantly reduce the risk of fire-related incidents and minimize the potential damage caused by fires.
Here’s what you need to do to start the Fire Control procedure: Pick any Room. If there’s a Fire marker in that Room, get rid of it.
All the Intruders in that Room will then scurry away in a random direction. The direction will be determined by drawing an Event card – each Intruder gets one.
Hint: Even if there’s no Fire marker in the Room, you can still use the Fire Control Procedure to make all the Intruders run away from that Room.
Let’s set off or stop the self-destruct sequence:
The self-destruct sequence:
I’ll mark the first, green space of the self-destruct track to initiate the sequence.
Every time I move the time marker on the track, I’ll also move the marker on the self-destruct track by 1 space.
If any character decides to stop the self-destruct sequence, I’ll remove the marker. I’ll place it back on the green space if a new sequence starts.
If the marker reaches any yellow space on the self-destruct track, we won’t be able to stop the sequence anymore. All escape pods will unlock instantly, but they can still be locked again.
Once the marker reaches the last space with the “skull” icon, the ship will explode.
Just a friendly reminder: You can’t start the Self-Destruct if any of the Characters are already taking a nap.
If we happen to make a hyperspace jump during the Self-Destruct Countdown, the ship will still be completely gone.
Science Lab
Let’s analyze 1 object: I can only do this if we have one of the following things in the room (like if you’re holding it): a dead character, a dead intruder, or an egg.
We’ll find 1 card that shows a weakness of the intruder that matches this object.
Don’t worry, we won’t throw away the object after we’re done researching. You can drop it for free if you want, though.
Grab an Egg: Take an Egg from the Intruder Board. Then, roll to see if it makes a noise.
The Eggs on the Intruder Board show the ones in the Nest. Whenever you nab (or demolish) Eggs from the Nest, take them from the Intruder board.
If there are no more Eggs in the Nest (because they got swiped or wrecked), the Nest gets destroyed. Put an Injury marker in the Nest to show this.
If there’s a Fire marker in a Room with uncarried Eggs, one uncarried Egg gets destroyed when it’s time for the Fire Damage step during the Event Phase.
Note: You can’t Search in this Room.
Destroying Eggs:
Hey there! Did you know that whenever you’re in a room with uncarried eggs, you have the opportunity to destroy them? It’s pretty cool! To get rid of those pesky eggs, you can either shoot at them or attack them directly.
If you successfully hit an egg, it’ll be destroyed. Oh, and here’s the best part: if you choose to attack the eggs up close, you won’t have to worry about drawing a Contamination card or getting hurt if you miss. Nice, right?
But wait, there’s more! You can also throw grenades and Molotov cocktails into a room with uncarried eggs, just like you would with Intruders. One grenade takes out 2 eggs, while a Molotov cocktail gets rid of 1.
Now, here’s the catch: after each attempt to destroy an egg, you gotta roll for noise. Gotta keep quiet and sneaky!
If you’re looking to find something, I have a handy trick for you. It’s called “Storage.” It’s a game where you get to draw cards and find what you’re looking for.
Here’s how it works: You start by choosing a color – Red, Yellow, or Green. Each color represents a different category.
Once you’ve chosen a color, you draw two cards from the Item deck of that color. These cards represent different items you can find.
Now comes the fun part. You get to pick one card from the two you drew. This is the item you want to find. The other card goes to the bottom of the deck.
It’s a simple but effective way to organize and search for things. Plus, it adds a bit of excitement to the process!
When it comes to performing a Surgery procedure, I have to scan all the Contamination cards in my deck, hand, and discard pile. My main goal is to remove any Infected cards that I find.
If there happens to be a Larva on my Character board, I need to get rid of it as well.
Once I complete the scanning process, I suffer a Light Wound, but on the bright side, I automatically pass. To keep things fair, I shuffle all my Action cards, including the ones in my hand, and put them back in my Action deck.
Keep in mind: After a Surgery procedure, my turn comes to an end, and I won’t have any cards in my hand until the start of the next turn.
Additional Rooms “2”
In every game, only 5 randomly selected Additional Rooms are used out of the available 9. These special rooms are distinguished by the number “2” on their back.
Airlock Control
Hey there! Let’s talk about Airlock Control. It’s a really important procedure that we need to understand. So, here’s the deal:
If you want to start the Emergency Airlock procedure, you need to choose any Yellow Room (you know, the ones with a yellow background on the Action part). But here’s the catch: the Corridors connected to the Room you choose cannot have any Destroyed Doors. It’s crucial to make sure everything is in good shape before we proceed!
Once you’ve selected the Yellow Room, all the Doors in the Corridors connected to this Room will automatically close. We’ll also place the Airlock Procedure token in this Room to signify that the Emergency Airlock Procedure is now active. But here’s the thing: if any of the Doors in the Corridors are opened before the current Player Phase ends, we’ll have to remove the token. So, let’s be careful and make sure those Doors stay shut!
Now, here’s where things can get serious. If, at the end of the current Player Phase (after all players have passed), all the Doors in the connected Corridors remain closed, well, everything in that Room will unfortunately meet a grim fate. Yep, that includes both Characters and Intruders. It’s a harsh consequence, but it’s necessary for the safety of everyone aboard. Once this happens, we’ll remove the token and move on.
Oh, and one last thing: if we had a Fire marker in this Room, don’t worry! We’ll take care of it and remove it. Safety first, right?
So, that’s the scoop on Airlock Control. It’s a crucial procedure that ensures our safety in this space adventure. Now that you know how it works, let’s get out there and explore the unknown!
Ah, take a breather: When I find myself in this Room at the beginning of my turn, and no unwelcome intruders have invaded, I get an extra card to take action with, one more than usual (so that’s 6 instead of the usual 5).
I have to note here that this Room’s special benefit doesn’t work when there’s a pesky Malfunction token lingering around.
Time for a snack! You can heal a minor injury by having a quick bite. And there’s more! You also have the option to inspect and remove any contaminated cards in your possession that aren’t infected.
But here’s the catch: if you happen to have an infected card among the contaminated ones, a larva will be spawned on your character board. And guess what? If you already have a larva on your board, your character won’t survive. To make things worse, a creepy creeper will appear in the room where you met your unfortunate demise.
Command Center
Open/close Doors: I can help you with opening or closing doors in the spaceship. Just let me know which room you want to work with, and I’ll take care of the doors connected to that room.
Remember, you have the freedom to choose which doors to open or close. You don’t have to open or close all of them if you don’t want to.
Engine Control Room
Check Engines Status: You can check the status of all three engines.
Even if there is a malfunction marker in the Engine Room, you can still check the status of the engines.
But keep in mind, you won’t be able to change the status of the engines in the Engine Control Room.
The Amazing Hatch Control System
Hey there! Have you ever wondered how we can lock or unlock escape pods on a spaceship? Well, let me introduce you to the fascinating Hatch Control System.
With this incredible system, I can flip a token to either lock or unlock an escape pod’s hatch. It’s like having the power to control the fate of a pod with just a simple flip!
Picture this: You’re on a spaceship, exploring the vast unknown of outer space. The Hatch Control System allows you to keep the escape pods locked, ensuring the safety of everyone on board. But when you need to make a quick escape or rescue mission, a swift flip of the token unlocks the pod in an instant!
It’s truly remarkable how this system gives you complete control over the escape pods. You can decide who gets to use them and when they become accessible. It’s all in your hands!
So, the next time you find yourself aboard a spaceship, just remember the importance of the Hatch Control System. With a simple flip, you can make a world of difference in the lives of those on board. It’s a power like no other!
My Secret Mission in the Monitoring Room
Today, I want to share with you an exciting adventure that I had in the Monitoring Room. This room holds a special power – it allows me to secretly explore uncharted territories and gather valuable information. Let me tell you all about it!
When I step into the Monitoring Room, I immediately feel a surge of anticipation. It’s like stepping into a vault of hidden treasures, waiting to be discovered. My mission is simple – to check one room and its Exploration token. It’s like being a detective, deciphering clues and uncovering mysteries.
With a sense of purpose, I carefully select a room that intrigues me. I take a moment to study it, observing every detail and wondering what secrets it holds. And then, the magic happens. I secretly look at the room tile and its Exploration token.
As my eyes scan the tile, I am filled with a sense of wonder. It’s like glimpsing into another world, where anything is possible. The Exploration token holds even more surprises, like a map leading to hidden treasures waiting to be found.
After absorbing every detail, I place the room tile and the Exploration token back on the board. This is where the real adventure begins. You see, I don’t have to reveal everything I saw. I can keep some secrets to myself, adding an extra layer of intrigue to the game.
The Monitoring Room is not just a room – it’s a portal to a world of mystery and discovery. It allows me to be a master of secrets, wielding knowledge that can change the course of the game. It’s a responsibility, but also a thrilling opportunity.
So, my friend, if you ever find yourself in the Monitoring Room, embrace the adventure. Explore the uncharted, seek the unknown, and revel in the power of secrets. The Monitoring Room is waiting for you, ready to reveal its hidden wonders.
A Room Coated in Slimy Surprise
Get Ready to Be Slimed: When you step foot into this room, you’ll find yourself instantly marked by a slimy residue.
Keep in Mind: In this room, your ability to search for anything is completely hindered.
Shower Room
Time for a shower! If you happen to have a slimy marker on your Character board, don’t worry. You can just get rid of it.
And here’s a bonus: you can choose to scan all the contamination cards in your hand and toss out any non-infected ones.
Now, here’s the twist. If you find at least one infected card among the scanned ones, guess what? You have to place a Larva miniature on your Character board. Oh, and keep that infected card too – don’t toss it! If there’s already a Larva on your board, well, bad news. That means your Character is a goner. And just to make things even worse, you have to put a Creeper in the Room where you breathed your last.
Just a reminder: If there happens to be a Fire marker in the Shower Room, no big deal. You can deal with it using the usual methods. Taking a shower doesn’t magically make the fire disappear.
Special Rooms
Let’s talk about the 5 Special Rooms. These rooms always stay in the same spot on the board. You can’t miss them – they have their own distinct shapes, and they’re already marked on the board. They’re considered explored right from the start of the game.
Let me tell you about Special Rooms. These rooms are just like regular rooms in many ways. The only difference is that they are explored right at the start of the game. Also, characters can’t do any searching in these rooms. But don’t worry, they can still get hit with fire or malfunction markers just like in any other room. It’s sort of like a surprise at the beginning of the game.
Flight controls: Choose your next move – Check Coordinates or Set Destination.
Check coordinates: Take a sneak peek at the Coordinates card. Once you’re done, put it back on the board. You can keep it to yourself or share it with the crew, it’s up to you.
Set destination: Move the Destination marker to your desired spot on the Destination Track.
Note: You cannot change the Destination if any of the Characters are currently sleeping.
Remember the Coordinates you’ve checked. Be cautious! You can’t Set Destination if there’s an Intruder in the Cockpit.
Note: After the game ends, if the ship has not been destroyed before, we reveal the Coordinates card. The Destination marker shows where the ship is headed among the four options displayed on the Coordinates card.
Note: You are not allowed to do a Search Action in this Room.
Engine #1
Ahoy there! Listen up, mateys! We’ve reached the final leg of our journey, and it’s time to make some important decisions. When the game comes to an end, if our trusty ship is still afloat, we’ll uncover the mysterious Coordinates card. This card reveals the destination the ship is bound for, letting us know where adventure awaits among the four possible options.
But before we get too carried away with our excitement, there’s one little rule to keep in mind. In this Room, we don’t have the freedom to perform a Search Action. So, no matter how curious or eager we may be to dig around and uncover hidden secrets, we’ll have to exercise some restraint.
Now, let’s turn our attention to Engine #1. This powerful piece of machinery is one of the driving forces behind our epic journey. Its rumbling sound and steady vibrations remind me that we’re embarking on a great endeavor. With its reliability at our side, we can sail with confidence towards the unknown.
So, my brave friends, hold on tight as we navigate through uncharted waters. The end is near, but our story is far from over. Let’s keep our spirits high and our eyes locked on our destination. Adventure awaits!
Let’s start by checking the engine. In this engine room, you can sneak a peek at the top engine token to see its status.
Now, here’s the interesting part – you don’t have to reveal what you actually saw. The top engine token reveals the current state of the engine! Pretty sneaky, right?
Next, we have the option to repair or break the engine. Your character can take action to repair or break the engine in this room. All you need is a repairs action or a tools item card. Grab both engine tokens, check their contents in secret, and place them back in any order you choose.
When it comes to honesty, you don’t have to spill the beans about whether you repaired the engine or not. But if you changed the order of the tokens, you must fess up.
Here’s something cool – regardless of whether there’s a malfunction marker in the room or if you’ve even checked the engine’s status, you can still go ahead and repair or break the engine. No obstacles in your way!
Note: Hey there! Just wanted to give you a heads up — the spaceship I’m on has 3 engines. But get this, we don’t know for sure which one is working or not. It’s a mystery!
In the game, you can check the status of a specific engine. For example, you might go to the Engine Room to see what’s up. Then, at the end of the game, if the spaceship is still intact, we reveal all the top engine tokens to find out if it’ll explode when it tries a hyperspace jump. Nail-biting stuff, right?
Note: Oh, one more thing, you can’t do any searching in this room. Sorry!
Engine #2
So, we’ve got Engine #2. Just like Engine #1, this one has its own set of important stuff to consider. I mean, it’s kind of similar, but not exactly the same. You know what I’m saying?
Engine #3
Alright, let’s talk about Engine #3. Now, you might be wondering what in the world I’m talking about. Well, it’s actually not that complicated. You see, Engine #3 is a term used to describe a specific type of engine. It’s like calling a certain engine by its nickname.
Now, let’s get down to business. Engine #3 is a powerful engine. It’s known for its strength and efficiency. When you’re using Engine #3, you can expect your machine to run smoothly and effortlessly.
But here’s the thing – Engine #3 is not for everyone. You have to take into account a few things before you decide to use it. First, you need to consider the size of your machine. Engine #3 is best suited for larger machines that require a lot of power. If you have a smaller machine, Engine #3 might be too much for it to handle.
Another thing to consider is the type of work you’ll be doing. Engine #3 is great for heavy-duty tasks. So if you’re looking to tackle some tough jobs, Engine #3 might be just what you need. But if you’re doing lighter work, you might want to go with a different engine.
Finally, you need to think about your budget. Engine #3 is a high-performance engine, and that comes with a price tag. So if you’re on a tight budget, Engine #3 might not be the best choice for you.
Alright, now that you know a bit about Engine #3, you can make an informed decision. Remember, it’s all about finding the right engine for your needs. So take your time, consider your options, and choose wisely.
Give Hibernate a Try: You can do this if the hibernation chambers are open – when the token on the Time Track is on a blue space.
Now, roll for Noise. If you see any Intruder in this Room, that means your attempt at entering the hibernation chamber did not go well.
If you don’t spot any Intruder, take out your Character from the game – congratulations, you’ve managed to hibernate safely! Your participation in the game stops at this point. Whether your Character makes it or perishes along with the ship will be decided at the End of the Game.
Remember, if any of the Characters are already in hibernation, you can’t change the Destination or begin the Self-Destruct procedure.
If the Hibernatorium has any Intruder in it, you’re not allowed to enter a hibernation chamber under any circumstance.
Note: I want to make sure you know that you can’t do any searching while you’re in this room.
The spaceship’s artificial intelligence is designed to keep the crew members safe while they’re in hibernation. It won’t allow any movements that could put their lives at risk.
Escape Pods
When the game starts, all of the escape pods are locked. But don’t worry! You can unlock them manually by using items or taking certain actions in the rooms. Alternatively, the pods will unlock automatically if any character dies during the game or if the self-destruct marker reaches a yellow space on the self-destruct track.
If an escape pod is unlocked, you can enter it as a character. First, you need to roll for noise to make sure it’s safe. You can only enter if there are no intruders and no malfunction tokens in the room.
Once you’re inside the escape pod, put your character figurine in one of the spaces on the escape pod token. Then, you have a choice – you can either launch the escape pod immediately or wait for another character to join you in the same pod.
If you launch immediately, or in a future turn, remove your character figurine and the escape pod token from the game. That means you’re no longer playing. Will you win the game or not? You’ll have to wait until the objectives are checked at the end of the game to find out. But remember, any character in a launched escape pod is treated as if they made it back to Earth.
If you wait, you can choose to launch the escape pod at the start of your first round in each player phase. Or, if you want to get out of the pod without taking any action, you can do so during your turn by placing your character figurine back in the escape hatch that corresponds to the pod you’re leaving.
But here’s the thing – if you decide not to launch the escape pod on your turn, it means you automatically skip that turn.
If an intruder shows up in the evacuation section room while you’re waiting in the escape pod, all characters in the pods are brought back to that room. If another character joins you in the escape pod, they can choose to launch it right away.
Just so you know, heavy objects don’t take up any space in the escape pod. You’ll have plenty of room, even with all your gear!
#image.jpg Empty Escape Pods slots |
#image.jpg Locked Escape Pods |
#image.jpg Unlocked Escape Pods |
When I look at these images, I can’t help but wonder what lies behind each door. Something about escape pods fills me with a sense of adventure and intrigue. It’s like a whole world of possibilities waiting to be explored.
I can imagine myself in a tense situation, desperately searching for an escape. The empty escape pod slots remind me of missed opportunities. It’s a reminder that time is of the essence and every decision counts. I should be prepared for the unexpected.
Then there are the locked escape pods. They hold secrets yet to be revealed. I can’t help but wonder what lies beyond those locked doors. Will I find safety, or will they be a dead end? This uncertainty adds to the thrill of the escape.
Lastly, the unlocked escape pods give me hope. They offer a glimmer of a chance to survive. It’s a reminder that not everything is lost. The unlocked escape pods represent the possibilities that lie ahead, the potential for a new beginning.
As I take in these images, I can’t help but feel a mix of excitement and trepidation. The escape pods hold the key to survival, but there are no guarantees. It’s up to me to navigate this unknown terrain and make the right choices. One wrong move could spell disaster, but one right move could change everything.
So, as I look at these images, I can’t help but feel a sense of urgency. The escape pods are my lifeline, my last hope. There’s something both exhilarating and terrifying about that. The fate of my own survival rests in my hands. It’s a thrilling thought that keeps me on the edge of my seat.