Monumental Glossary Lexicon

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

The Grand Dictionary – Language Encyclopedia

Welcome, fellow language enthusiasts, to my grand dictionary, a tome of wisdom and knowledge spanning the vast expanse of the lexicon. I invite you to embark on this literary adventure, where we shall unravel the secrets of our beloved language.

Word Origins

Let’s dive deep into the origins of words and explore the historical tapestry they’re woven into. Every word has a story to tell, and by unraveling their etymology, we can gain a greater appreciation for their true meaning.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Have you ever found yourself searching for the perfect word to convey a particular idea or emotion? Fear not, for I have gathered a treasure trove of synonyms and antonyms, ensuring you find the precise word to express yourself with eloquence and flair.

Figures of Speech and Idioms

Language is a canvas waiting to be painted with vibrant strokes of creativity. Immerse yourself in the captivating world of figures of speech and idioms, elevating your expression to new heights. These linguistic gems are the spice that adds flavor to our conversations.

Uncommon Words

Why settle for the mundane when you can adorn your discourse with uncommon words? In this section, I present you with a gallery of lexical wonders, from sesquipedalian loquaciousness to succinct nuggets of linguistic brilliance.

The Art of Pronunciation

Pronunciation can be a daunting task, but fear not! I shall guide you through the labyrinth of phonetics and intonation, teaching you how to command each syllable with confidence and finesse. The spoken word shall become your symphony.

Language Evolution

Language is a living entity, shifting and evolving through time. Explore the vibrant history of our beloved language and witness the transformation it has undergone. From Old English to modern-day expressions, every era has its unique dialectical fingerprint.

The Pioneers of Linguistics

Let us pay homage to the great minds who have shaped the field of linguistics. From Ferdinand de Saussure’s structuralism to Noam Chomsky’s transformational-generative grammar, these linguistic pioneers have paved the way for our understanding of language.

Ready, Set, Go: Give a card a slight turn of 45 degrees and instantly receive any resources it provides (located in the top right corner). You can also utilize the other abilities of the card during this turn. It’s important to note that you can only activate a card once per turn.

Current Cultural Policy: This refers to the policy at the top of your Cultural Policy deck, which is the most recently developed policy.

Store for Later: When you store a card, you select any card in your City that you have not activated yet this turn and remove it from the game. If the card you store has a Knowledge card attached, the Knowledge card is discarded. The stored cards are placed beneath your Warlord card.

Essential Buildings: Workshops, Laboratories, and Archery Ranges are categorized as essential buildings.

Key Resources: Production, Science, and Military are considered key resources. Gold and Culture, on the other hand, do not fall into this category.

Bonus: When a cultural policy is developed or any future policies are developed, the immediate effect is gaining a bonus.

Coastal Province: A coastal province is any province that is next to a water tile.

Complete A Wonder Section: I can finish a section on a wonder that I already have under construction or I can complete the first section of a wonder from the development display and move it next to my city.

Controlled Province: A province is considered controlled if it has any number of warlords and/or soldiers on it.

Copy: I can use the effects of another card, even if that card has already been activated this turn. I can gain any resources given by the card again. The effects of the cards I can copy are limited to cards in my city or cultural policies that I have already developed.

Destroy: When a unit is destroyed, it is sent back to the player’s Capital tile.

Discard: When you discard a card, you choose any card in your City that you haven’t used this turn and put it in your discard pile. It’s important to note that this is different from the discard pile in the Development display (see Replenish Display below).

Draw A Card / Draw X Cards: To draw a card, you take the specified number of cards from the top of your City deck. If you need to draw a card but your City deck is empty, you shuffle your discard pile and use it as your new City deck. It’s worth noting that if your discard pile is also empty, you can’t draw any more City cards.

X Card Draw and Y Use: When you have to draw cards, take the specified number from the top of your City deck and choose the same number of cards to use. Use all effects of the cards you choose, including generating resources if applicable. After using all the chosen cards, put the drawn cards in your discard pile.

Gain: To gain resources, take the corresponding resources from the common stock and add them to your personal supply next to your City. You can gain resources through cards, Production tokens on the map, Market tokens, and Free Town tokens.

Some cards, like the Mine, require you to have specific basic resources in your personal supply to use their effects. The basic resources you have gained are the ones in your personal supply. These resources required for card effects, like the Mine, are not used up and can be used for other purposes.

Move: Move one of your Warlords, Soldiers, or Explorers from the province they are currently in to a neighboring province. Remember, units cannot move into water or Capital tile.

Pay: Sometimes, you will need to spend resources for certain effects. To do this, you must take the necessary resources from your personal supply and return them to the general supply.

Reinforce: At the end of your turn, you have the option to keep a card that you activated in your City instead of discarding it. However, if you choose to reinforce a card with a Knowledge card attached, the Knowledge card must be discarded.

Spend: There are certain effects, like the Forum, that will require you to spend resources in order to gain other resources or effects.

Take: You can choose to take either a Development card or a Basic Building card, depending on the ability indicated. Place the card on top of your deck without worrying about its cost.

Terrain Value: Each province tile has a number printed on it, ranging from 0 to 4. This number represents the Terrain Value of the province.

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