How to play Zooloretto Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Zooloretto Game Rules

Imagine you’re in a zoo, surrounded by wonderful animals of all shapes and sizes. You have the unique opportunity to become the zookeeper and create your very own zoo. But how do you do it? What are the rules of the game?

First, let’s talk about the goal. The main objective of Zooloretto is to create the best and most diverse zoo possible. You want to attract as many visitors as you can, so you need to fill your zoo with different types of animals.

To start the game, each player receives their own zoo board, which represents their zoo. The board is divided into different areas, like enclosures for animals and storage spaces for tiles, which we’ll talk about later.

Next, you need to get some animals for your zoo. The game comes with different animal tiles, each with a different animal on it. These tiles are placed face down in the middle of the table, forming a central supply.

On your turn, you have a few options. You can either draw an animal tile from the central supply and place it in one of your enclosures, or you can draw a tile from one of the storage spaces on your board. These storage spaces can hold tiles that you don’t have room for yet, so it’s important to manage them carefully.

But be careful! If you draw a tile and you can’t place it in your zoo, you have to place it in your barn, which is a storage area for unwanted animals. Having too many animals in your barn can negatively affect your zoo’s attractiveness to visitors.

The game also introduces a mechanic called the coin board. The coin board represents the income your zoo generates. By placing your animals in your enclosures, you can earn coins. These coins can be used to buy additional enclosures or attract specialists to your zoo, like zookeepers or tour guides, who can help you improve your zoo’s reputation.

At the end of each round, visitors come to the zoo and evaluate its attractiveness. Each type of animal is worth a different number of points, and having a diverse range of animals will score you more points. Additionally, having specialists and extra enclosures can also increase your score.

The game continues for a set number of rounds, and at the end, the player with the most points wins the game and becomes the most successful zookeeper!

Zooloretto is a fun and strategic game that allows you to create your own zoo and compete with others to have the best zoo in town. It’s a game that combines luck and strategy, making each playthrough a unique and exciting experience.

So, are you ready to become the ultimate zookeeper and create the zoo of your dreams? Let’s get started and see who can build the most amazing zoo in Zooloretto!

How to play Zooloretto Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Let’s dive into the exciting world of owning a zoo. In this game, each of us gets to be a zoo owner. And guess what? Our goal is to attract as many visitors as possible to our zoos and score points!

So, how do we do it? Well, it’s all about collecting animals. The more animals we have in our zoos, the better chances we have of drawing in those crowds. And to make things even more interesting, we need to collect matching sets of animals. It’s like putting together a fantastic animal puzzle!

But wait, there’s more! If we manage to get a lot of animals for our zoos, it might be a good idea to expand our spaces. After all, we want our furry friends to have enough room to roam around. Once all the enclosures are full, any new animals we get have to go into the barn. Don’t worry, though. Having vending stalls next to enclosures will ensure that we still get visitors, even if the animals are in the barn.

Now, here’s the catch. At the end of the game, we get some minus points for any animals left in the barn. So, let’s make sure we have as many animals as possible in our zoos by then to boost our final score and secure the win!

Game Components

How to play Zooloretto Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • There are 5 Zoo Boards
  • There are 5 Expansion Boards
  • We have 5 Delivery Trucks
  • We get 88 Animal Tiles, with 8 Animals per tile
  • There are 12 Vending Stalls, each of 4 Types
  • There are 12 Coin Tiles
  • There are 16 Round Offspring Tiles, with 8 Animals per tile
  • We have 30 Coins
  • There is 1 Round Wooden Disc
  • There are 5 Summary Cards
  • Comes with a Rule Booklet
  • You also receive a Pouch

Let’s Get Started

Okay, here’s the deal. We’ve got everything we need to set up our super awesome Zoo. It includes:

– 5 Zoo Boards: These are the main boards where we’ll be placing our animals and other game pieces.

– 5 Expansion Boards: These boards give us even more space to expand our zoo and showcase more animals.

– 5 Delivery Trucks: We’ll use these trucks to bring in new animals and supplies to our zoo.

– 88 Animal Tiles: Each tile represents a different animal. We have a total of 8 animals per tile, so that’s a lot of variety!

– 12 Vending Stalls: These stalls will be where our visitors can grab a bite to eat. We have 4 different types of stalls to choose from.

– 12 Coin Tiles: These tiles represent the money we’ll earn from our visitors.

– 16 Round Offspring Tiles: These tiles represent baby animals that we can add to our zoo. Each tile has 8 baby animals.

– 30 Coins: The currency of our zoo. We’ll use these coins to buy new animals, supplies, and upgrades.

– 1 Round Wooden Disc: This disc will help us keep track of the current round of the game.

– 5 Summary Cards: These cards provide a quick reference for the rules and important information.

– 1 Rule Booklet: A comprehensive guide that explains how to play the game. Make sure to read it carefully!

– 1 Pouch: A handy little bag to store all our game pieces.

Let’s Get This Zoo Party Started!

How to play Zooloretto Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • When playing with 3 players, remove two types of animal and offspring tiles from the game. When playing with 4 players, remove one type of animal and offspring tiles. When playing with 5 players, use all the tiles.
  • Turn all square tiles face-down and shuffle them. Take 15 tiles and set them aside to form a stack for the end of the game. Place the round wooden disc on top of the stack. Mix the remaining tiles face-down and make multiple stacks of any height. Put these stacks in the middle of the table.
  • Put the round offspring tiles face up in a casual pile close to the stacks of animal tiles.
  • Place delivery trucks next to each other in the middle of the table. The number of trucks should be equal to the number of players. Any unused trucks should be returned to the box.

As a player, I start by taking a zoo board and placing it in front of me. I also take an expansion board and put it face-down to the left of my zoo board. Any extra boards go back in the box.

Next, I grab two coins from the bank, while the remaining coins stay in the middle of the table.

To determine who goes first, the players can choose any method they prefer.

Now, let’s talk about how the game is played.

The game consists of multiple rounds. During my turn, I have to choose one of the following three actions:

1. I can add a tile to a delivery truck.

2. I can take a delivery truck and pass for the rest of the round.

3. I can perform a money action.

After I’ve taken my turn, the next player in clockwise order gets a chance to play. Once each player has taken a delivery truck, the round comes to an end, and a new round begins.

Now, let’s dive into the first action: adding a tile to a delivery truck.

I draw a tile from any stack and show it to everyone. Then, I pick an empty space on a delivery truck and put the tile there. My turn is done.

Each delivery truck can only hold up to 3 tiles. If all trucks are already full, I can’t choose this action. I have to pick either action B or action C.

Remember: I can only draw tiles from the stack covered by the wooden disc after all other stacks are empty!

B. Choose a truck and stop playing for the rest of the round

I pick any empty delivery truck and move it, along with any tiles on it, to my play area. I have to add the tiles from the truck to my zoo right away.

Remember: I can only choose a delivery truck that has at least one tile on it!

Once you’ve taken a truck, you’re done for the round and won’t get another turn until the next round. It’s easy to see who has passed in each round because everyone who has passed will have delivery trucks in front of them.

When you place the tiles in your zoo, you need to follow these rules:

  • Animals tiles should be placed in a row or column that matches the animal type. They can’t be placed diagonally.
  • Vending stalls should be placed next to animal tiles of the same type. You can’t place them next to a different type of animal tile, and you can’t place them diagonally.
  • How to play Zooloretto Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Animal Tiles

Vending Stalls

How to play Zooloretto Official Rules UltraFoodMess

If you’re looking to set up a vending stall, you have a couple of options. You can either find an empty space in the market or use a spot in your own barn.

Coins and Tiles

How to play Zooloretto Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you add a coin tile to your collection, it increases your number of coins by one. You can think of a coin tile as being equivalent to one coin. In other words, they are the same thing and can be used interchangeably.

About The Barn

How to play Zooloretto Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Remember: You can have as many tiles and types of tiles in your barns. Even if there’s an empty space in one of your enclosures, you can choose to place an animal tile in your barn.

C. Do one money action

You can do one of the following actions if you can afford it. You can use a combination of coins and/or coin tiles to pay.

You can choose from the following money actions:

  1. Remodel (Move or Exchange) How to play Zooloretto Official Rules UltraFoodMess
  2. Purchase or Discard a tile How to play Zooloretto Official Rules UltraFoodMessHow to play Zooloretto Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Let me show you how to level up your zoo! Check it out:

  1. Expand the zoo How to play Zooloretto Official Rules UltraFoodMessHow to play Zooloretto Official Rules UltraFoodMessHow to play Zooloretto Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Remember, when you’re carrying out these actions, it’s important to follow the placement rules I’m about to describe.

Important: You can only do one money action per turn. So, if you want to do some serious remodeling, you’ll have to choose the “carry out one money action” on multiple turns.

I. Remodel

Remodeling is gonna cost you one coin, paid to the bank. And hey, you can only remodel your own zoo, alright?

Now, there are two options for remodeling: Move or Exchange.


Have you ever played a game called Zoo Builder? It’s a lot of fun! Let me tell you how it works.

The goal of Zoo Builder is to create the best zoo possible. You start with a barn full of animal tiles and some empty enclosure spaces. Your job is to move the animal tiles from the barn to the enclosures in a way that creates a fantastic zoo. You can also move the vending stalls around to make the zoo even better.

But you have to be careful! You can’t just move the animal tiles or the vending stalls anywhere you want. There are rules to follow. The animal tiles can only be moved to empty enclosure spaces, and the vending stalls can only be moved to eligible spaces in the zoo.

So, as you play Zoo Builder, you’ll need to use your brain to figure out the best places to move the animal tiles and vending stalls. It’s a game of strategy and planning. But don’t worry, it’s also a lot of fun!

How to play Zooloretto Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Imagine this: You have 2 elephants in your barn and 3 elephants in an enclosure. So, you decide to move 1 elephant from the barn to the enclosure. Now, you have 4 elephants in the enclosure.

Imagine this (no pic): You have a vending stall in one place, but you want to move it to another empty stall space.


Here’s the deal: You can take all the tiles of one type of animal in either your barn or one of your zoo’s enclosures and swap them with all the tiles of another animal type in another location in your zoo. But there are rules. You can only do an exchange involving exactly two areas, and the animals must be different. You can’t swap two areas that have the same animal type.

Pay attention: You can’t do an exchange if one enclosure can’t fit all the new tiles that would go there, or if one of the areas is empty.

Hey there! I want to talk about something really important – exchanging vending stalls. Did you know that it’s actually not allowed? Yeah, you heard it right. Swapping vending stalls is a big no-no. But why is that?

Well, let me break it down for you. When someone sets up a vending stall, they pick a specific spot for a reason. It’s all about finding the right location to attract customers and make sales. So, if you start exchanging stalls with others, it can mess everything up and cause a lot of confusion.

Imagine this – you’re all excited about trying a new food truck that you saw in a certain spot, but when you get there, it’s not there anymore! Instead, you find a completely different stall in its place. That would be pretty frustrating, right?

That’s why it’s so important to respect each other’s designated spots. By sticking to your assigned stall and not trying to switch around, everyone can establish their own unique presence and provide a consistent experience for their customers.

So, next time you’re at a market or an event with vending stalls, remember to stay in your own spot. It may seem tempting to switch things up, but trust me, it’s best to keep things organized and avoid any unnecessary chaos. Plus, it’s just not allowed, so let’s all play by the rules!

How to play Zooloretto Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Example: I have 3 books on my bookshelf and 2 pens in my drawer. I swap the items, and now I have 2 books on my bookshelf and 3 pens in my drawer.

Original: Swapping items between two locations can be a perplexing task. It’s important to take into account what you have and what you need. When it comes to making the right choice, understanding the meaning behind the items is crucial. And if you like the items you already have, then you’ll love the items you receive in return. With these factors in mind, you’re looking for an elevate and regenerate response that will satisfy your needs and desires.

Rewritten: Swapping things between places can be a tricky job. You need to think about what you have and what you want. Understanding what each thing means is really important when you have to make a decision. And if you already enjoy what you have, then I’m sure you’ll be excited about what you get in return. With all this in mind, you need to find a response that will make you feel good and bring new life to your belongings.

How to play Zooloretto Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Imagine this: I have 3 elephants in one enclosure and 2 pandas in another. Then, something amazing happens – the two animal types switch enclosures!

II. Buy or Get Rid of a Tile

For only 2 coins, you have the option to either buy an animal or vending stall tile from someone else’s barn or discard one from your own barn.


You get to choose any animal or vending stall tile from another player’s barn and add it to your very own zoo.

  • The other player gets 1 coin,
  • and you pay 1 coin to the bank. Note: The other player cannot say no to the purchase.

Get Rid of

You have the power to discard any animal or vending stall tile from your own barn, removing it from the game.

Both coins go straight to the bank.

III. Grow Your Zoo

How to play Zooloretto Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When playing the game, I pay 3 coins to the bank and turn my expansion board face up. This adds another enclosure and stall space to my zoo.

Now, let’s talk about what happens at the end of the round. After each player has taken a delivery truck, the round comes to a close. We all return our empty trucks to the middle of the table, and then the next round starts with the player who grabbed the last truck in the previous round.

Here’s something important to note: If everyone except one player has passed, that player gets to keep taking turns until they’ve had enough and finally grab the last delivery truck. They can really make the most of it!

Next, there are two special situations to keep in mind.

First, there’s the situation with offspring. This is marked with a letter A.

How to play Zooloretto Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Did you know that each type of animal in this game has 2 fertile males and 2 fertile females? You can tell them apart by the little symbols on their tiles.

Here’s how it works: when you bring a fertile male or female to an enclosure where their partner is waiting, they immediately have a baby!

To show this, you take one of the baby tiles from the pile and put it in an empty space in the enclosure. The baby tile is then treated like any other animal tile.

If there’s no room in the enclosure, don’t worry! You can still add the baby to your barn instead.

Remember: the male and female only need to be in the same enclosure – they don’t have to be right next to each other.

You know, it’s interesting to think about how animals reproduce. Did you know that each male and female can only have one baby? Yeah, it’s true! So, let’s say we have two fertile animals in an enclosure. If we add a third fertile animal, no baby will be born. The only way another baby can be born is if we bring in a fourth animal to create a second fertile pair in the enclosure.

Now, here’s something important to remember: these pairs only have babies in enclosures, not in barns or on delivery trucks. It’s like they have their own special spaces for creating new life.

B. The Last Enclosure Space Filled

How to play Zooloretto Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you place a tile on the last empty space in one of your enclosures, you’ll get some extra coins from the bank. The number of coins you receive is equal to the number shown in the enclosure, if there are any.

If there are coin tiles in the bank, you can choose to take them instead of the bonus coins. But if the bank is empty, you won’t receive anything.

However, there are a couple of exceptions to this rule. You won’t get a bonus if all the spaces in the enclosure are filled as a result of an Exchange action. And if a new tile from the exchange fills the last space, you won’t get a bonus either.

Remember: enclosures with 6 spaces don’t give you any bonus coins!

When the Game Ends

When playing Zooloretto, the game comes to an end when a player reveals the first tile from the stack underneath the wooden disc. At that point, the round is played to its completion. Once every player has taken a delivery truck, the game is over, and it’s time for scoring.

Scoring in Zooloretto is based on positive and negative points. Each player calculates their overall score by adding up these points earned in their zoo.

Here’s how the scoring works:

– For each enclosure in the zoo, players earn points based on the number of animals in it.

– If an enclosure is completely full (all spaces filled with animals), the player receives the higher of the two point values shown in that enclosure. This means a greater number of animals translates to more points.

– If an enclosure has only one empty space (all but 1 space filled with animals), the player earns the lower of the two point values indicated in the enclosure. So, having one empty space means a slightly lower score.

That’s how scoring works in Zooloretto. Keep these rules in mind as you play the game!

Note: In the game, when there are two or more empty spaces in an enclosure, you only score points if you have a vending stall on one of the stall spaces connected to the enclosure. For each animal in the enclosure, you score 1 point. However, if you have an enclosure with two or more empty spaces and no vending stall in the connected stall spaces, you don’t score any points for that enclosure.

Note: Even if both stall spaces next to a 4-space enclosure are occupied, you still only score 1 point per tile.

How to play Zooloretto Official Rules UltraFoodMess

So, you want to know how to win the game? Well, it’s simple: the player who has the most points is the winner!

But what happens if two players have the same number of points? In that case, we look at the number of coins each player has. The player with the most coins breaks the tie and takes the victory.

Now, let’s imagine a scenario where two players have the same number of points and the same number of coins. What happens then? Well, brace yourselves because in this rare case, both players are considered winners! They can celebrate together and share the joy of their victory.

Let me give you an example of how the scoring works:

How to play Zooloretto Official Rules UltraFoodMess

In the expansion enclosure, I have managed to fill all of the spaces with zebras. And you know what? I’ve scored a whopping 9 points for that!

But in the elephant enclosure, unfortunately, there’s a tile missing. This means I only get 5 points for that.

Now, let’s talk about the chimpanzee enclosure. There are two tiles missing, but luckily, there’s a vending stall next to it. So, I get 1 point for each missing tile, which adds up to 2 points in total.

Moving on to the panda enclosure. There are 2 missing tiles here, but there’s no vending stall nearby. As a result, I don’t get any points for this one.

Here’s the interesting part. I have 2 different types of vending stalls. And guess what? I get 2 points for each type. So, that’s 4 points in total.

Overall, when you add up all the points, I’ve scored a total of 20 points. Not too shabby, huh?

For each type of animal in the barn, you’ll lose 2 points, regardless of how many tiles of that animal you have in the barn. So, you’ll lose a total of 4 points.

Overall, you’ll have a total of 16 points.

Now, let’s talk about the 2-player variant. The normal rules still apply, but there are a few changes.

Each player will have 2 expansion boards. These boards are placed face-down next to your zoo board.

In this variant, you need to remove all animal and offspring tiles of three types from the game.

There will be 3 delivery trucks placed in the middle of the table.

Here’s an important change: Draw three tiles that were removed from the game at random. Place one face-down on one of the trucks, and the other two face-down on a second truck. These three delivery spaces will be blocked for the entire game.

So, here’s the deal: when you want to pick a truck in this game, you gotta make sure it has at least one tile facing up. That’s the rule. You can’t choose a truck with all face-down tiles; it’s a no-go.

Now, let’s say you find a truck with some sweet face-up tiles on it. When you grab it, you only take those face-up tiles and put them somewhere. The face-down ones? They stay right where they are, on the truck.

Now, here’s the kicker: the round ends when both of us manage to snatch a delivery truck. Once that happens, we gotta say bye-bye to any face-up tiles that are still on the truck. They’re outta here, gone from the game.

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