Zingo! Time-Telling Game Rules
Hey there! Let’s dive into the exciting world of Zingo! and learn how to play this awesome time-telling game together. Are you ready? Then let’s go!
To start off, you’ll need a Zingo! Time-Telling Game set, which includes a game tray, 32 double-sided Zingo! cards, and a set of time tiles. The objective of the game is to be the first player to fill your Zingo! card with time tiles that match the time shown on the clock on the corresponding card. Simple, right?
Here’s how the game works: First, each player takes a Zingo! card and places it in their game tray. Then, all the time tiles are placed face down in a pile within easy reach of all players. The youngest player goes first, and play continues clockwise.
On your turn, you’ll take the Zinger, which is like a special dispenser, and slide the Zinger forward. This will reveal two time tiles. If either time tile matches the time shown on your card, shout out the time and grab the matching tile. Be quick, though, because everyone is competing to find the matching tiles!
But what happens if neither of the time tiles matches the time on your card? Don’t worry! Just slide the Zinger back to its starting position, and play passes to the next player. Remember, it’s a race to fill your card, so be vigilant and keep an eye out for those matching tiles!
The game continues until one player fills their Zingo! card with all the matching time tiles. And voila, they are the winner! Congratulations!
Zingo! Time-Telling is not only loads of fun, but it also helps improve your time-telling skills. You’ll be a master at reading clocks in no time!
Now that you know the rules, gather your friends or family, and get ready for an exciting game of Zingo! Time-Telling. Have a blast and may the fastest player win!
I’m excited to introduce a game that combines two of your favorite activities: playing Zingo and learning about time! Zingo! is a game that adds a fun and interactive twist to the traditional game of Bingo.
With the time-telling version of Zingo, we take the excitement of Zingo and incorporate the skill of reading analog and digital clocks. By playing this game, you’ll become a pro at reading the hour and minute hands on an analog clock and translating that into a digital clock display. We’ve even made it more exciting with two levels of play, allowing you to start at an easier level and progress as you become more confident!
What’s Inside
- 32 Hour Tiles
- 32 Minute Tiles
- 6 Double-sided Zingo! Time-telling Cards
- 1 Zingo! Zinger
- Instructions
How to Play
In this game, you want to be the first to fill up your Zingo! card with the right “hour” and “minute” tiles. To do that, you need to correctly figure out all four clock times.
Getting Started
- Open the Zingo! Zinger and mix up the 64 tiles.
- Load the tiles into the Zinger in two stacks. Put the blue “hour” tiles on the left side and the orange “minute” tiles on the right. Close it up.
- Make sure everyone can see the Zingo! Zinger before we start playing.
- Pick a card. You can choose either side. Here’s the deal:
- The green side is good if you’re new. It shows the time in both digital and analog. Your job is to match the hour and minute tiles.
- The red side is for those who know their stuff. It only shows the time in analog, and you have to use the tiles to show it correctly in digital form.
- First, you need to decide who will be the Dealer in the game. The Dealer is the one who operates the Zingo! Zinger. You can either choose one person to be the Dealer for the whole game, or you can take turns being the Dealer. It’s a good idea to have an adult or older child be the first Dealer.
- The Dealer moves the Zingo! Zinger back and forth, and as they do, two tiles are revealed.
- Here’s how the game works: Each player has a card with spaces for different numbers of hours and minutes. When a player sees a tile that matches a space on their card, they need to call out the number and increment (like “six hours” or “thirty minutes”). They can then take that tile and cover up the corresponding space on their card.
- Let’s learn about clocks: First, let me explain what each part of a clock does. We have the face, which is the round part with numbers on it. Then we have the hour hand, which is shorter and tells us the hour. Finally, we have the minute hand, which is longer and tells us the minutes. It’s important to understand what each hand represents and where they are pointing to.
I want to talk to you about the game known as Rock-Paper-Scissors. It’s a simple game that many people enjoy playing. You may have played it before, or maybe you’re just learning about it now. Either way, I’m here to give you a rundown of how it works and why it’s so popular.
Rock-Paper-Scissors is a game that doesn’t require any special equipment or a lot of space. All you need is your hands and a willing opponent. The goal of the game is to choose one of three options: rock, paper, or scissors. Each option beats one of the other options, creating a triangle of possibilities.
When you play Rock-Paper-Scissors, you and your opponent both make a gesture with your hand to represent one of the three options. To determine the winner, you compare the gestures you both made. Rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper, and paper beats rock. If you both make the same gesture, it’s a tie, and you can play again to break the tie.
The game is played in rounds, with each player keeping track of their wins. You can play as many rounds as you want, or you can set a specific number of rounds to determine the winner. It’s a game of strategy and luck, as you try to anticipate what your opponent will choose and choose the option that will beat it.
Rock-Paper-Scissors is fun to play because it’s simple and fast-paced. It doesn’t require a lot of time or effort, making it a great game to play when you have a few minutes to spare. It’s also a game that anyone can learn and play, regardless of age or skill level. It’s a game that brings people together and can be enjoyed by people of all backgrounds.
So, if you’re looking for a quick and entertaining game to play with a friend, give Rock-Paper-Scissors a try. It’s a classic game that never gets old and is sure to provide hours of fun and laughter. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced player, Rock-Paper-Scissors is a game that will always be a hit.
The Dealer takes any tiles that weren’t claimed and puts them back into the Zingo! Zinger through the slots at the top of the device.
If two or more of us need the same tile, the player who shouts out the correct number and increment first gets it. If there’s a tie, the Dealer puts the tile back in the Zinger.
Whenever I complete a clock by covering both the hour and the minute spaces, I have to shout out the entire time that the clock is showing.
The Game Ends
The winner becomes the Dealer for the next game.
Variations of the Game
Minutes or Hours: In this version, the winner is the first player to correctly match all four blue hour spaces or all four orange minute spaces on their card. We decide whether to play with hours or minutes before the game starts.
Before’s and After’s: Let’s practice saying different times! When I say a time, you can tell me the time that comes right after it. For example, if I say “5 o’clock”, you would say “5 after”. Ready?