How to play Word on the Street Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Let’s Play Word on the Street!

Hey there! Looking to have some fun with words? Then you’ll love playing Word on the Street. It’s a game that’s as tricky as it is entertaining. Now, you might be wondering, “How do I play this game?” Well, I’ve got you covered. Here are the rules:

  1. Split into Teams: Gather your friends and split into two teams. Each team will have its own side of the game board.
  2. Choose a Captain: Each team should choose a captain. The captain will be the one responsible for making the final decisions.
  3. Set Up the Game: Place the game board in the center of the table and arrange the letter tiles in the designated spots. Make sure everyone can reach the letters.
  4. Flip a Category Card: The opposing team flips a category card. The card will have a category printed on it, such as “Animals” or “Food and Drink.”
  5. Write Words: Choose a word related to the category and take turns writing it. The catch is that you can only use the letters that are on your side of the game board.
  6. Transfer the Letters: After writing a word, you’ll need to move the letters you used from your side to the middle of the game board. This helps both teams know which letters are no longer available.
  7. Take Turns: Alternate turns between teams, with each team trying to come up with words related to the category on the category card.
  8. Race for the Letters: If your team spots a word that the opposing team missed, shout it out! The first team to spot a word gets to transfer the letters to their side of the game board.
  9. Score Points: Keep track of the words your team finds. For each word, your team earns points equal to the number of letters in the word.
  10. Winning the Game: The game continues until all the letters have been transferred to one side of the game board. The team with the most points wins!

So there you have it, the rules of Word on the Street. Time to gather your team and dive into a world of words! Have fun, and may the best team win!

How to play Word on the Street Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play Word on the Street Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Imagine this: you’re about to play an exciting word game called Word on the Street. It comes with everything you need to have a thrilling time. In the game box, you’ll find 17 Letter Tiles, 216 Category Cards (that’s a whopping 432 categories!), a Divider Card, a Card Tray, a Timer set at 30 seconds, a Game Board, and a Rule Sheet. It’s all there, ready for some wordplay fun!

Now, let’s talk about the goal of the game. The aim is to collect Letter Tiles by choosing words that contain the specific letters you need. You want to grab those letters from the street before the opposing team snatches them back. The team that manages to capture eight Letter Tiles first will be crowned the champions of Word on the Street!

To set up the game, simply gather your friends and follow these steps.

How to play Word on the Street Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  1. First, let’s split everyone into two teams. If there’s an odd number, we’ll figure out which team gets the extra player.
  2. Next, we’ll set up the game board right in the middle of the two teams, like you see in the picture below.

How to play Word on the Street Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • Put each Letter Tile on the matching letter on the “Median Strip” (middle lane) of the game board.
  • Select which side of the Category Cards you want to use for the game. The blue side has more difficult categories than the green side. Put the Category Cards in the card tray with the chosen side facing forward.
  • Put the timer and the card tray at one end of the game board, where both teams can reach them.
  • Decide which team will take the first turn.
  • How to Play the Game

    When playing the game, teams will take turns on the street. The goal is to capture eight Letter Tiles before the opposing team. Here’s what a turn on the street looks like:

    First, a player from the team on the street will draw a card from the card tray. They will place it on the table with the color facing up and read the category out loud. At the same time, a player from the other team will start the timer.

    Next, the team on the street will brainstorm words that fit the category printed on the Category Card. It’s important to only come up with words that are allowed. (You can find the list of allowable words in the instructions).

    Once the team has agreed on a word, they’ll say it out loud and then move the Letter Tiles that correspond to the letters in that word. They must do this before the time runs out. (If you’re not sure how to move the tiles, check the instructions).

    When time is up, someone from the other team says “Stop” and we have to immediately stop moving the Letter Tiles. Our turn is over and we put the Category Card back in the card tray. To dispute a word choice or spelling, see Challenging a Word Selection or Spelling.

    The other team becomes the new team on the street and starts their turn with Step 1 of Playing the Game. Remember to wait for all the sand in the timer to run out before starting a new turn.

    Words You Can Use

    • Your word selection must be a single word.
    • You can use any word in English, including capitalized words like people’s names and place names.

    You’ll be free to use any word that fits the category on the card, including singular and plural forms. For example, if the card says “A Pizza Topping,” you can choose “Olives” because it’s considered one topping. However, “Pineapples” wouldn’t work because it’s usually listed as “Pineapple” when referring to a pizza topping.

    You can use words in the present or past tense as long as they fit the category. For example, if the card says “Something a Player did Today,” you can use “Cooked” because it’s the correct tense. But “Cooked” wouldn’t be the right tense for the card “Something you can do with an Onion.”

    Hyphenated words are only allowed if the hyphen is part of a name, like “Zeta-Jones” or “Winston-Salem.”

    Let’s talk about how to play a fun and challenging game called Word Street. In this game, players take turns creating words using letter tiles. The goal is to come up with as many words as possible and earn points for each word.

    To play Word Street, you’ll need a set of letter tiles. Each tile has a letter printed on it. The players take turns placing tiles on the board to create words. You can only place tiles next to each other if the letters form a valid word.

    One important rule to remember is that you can’t use the same letter tile more than once in a single word. So, for example, if you have two letter “A” tiles, you can’t use both of them in the same word.

    During the game, you can create words in any direction – horizontally or vertically. You can also build off of existing words by adding new letters to them. This allows you to form longer words and earn more points.

    Now, let’s talk about challenges in Word Street. If you think the other team made a mistake in spelling or word selection, you can raise a challenge. Challenges can result in consequences for the team being challenged or the challenging team.

    For example, if the opposing team thinks you made a spelling mistake, they can challenge your word. If they’re correct, you may have to move your tiles back. On the other hand, if they’re wrong, they may lose their next turn as a penalty.

    The same goes for hyphenated words and compound words. If someone suggests a hyphenated word or a compound word, it can be challenged by the other team. The challenge will determine whether the word is valid or not.

    Word Street is an exciting game that allows you to showcase your vocabulary skills and challenge your friends. Remember to be strategic with your word choices and keep an eye out for potential challenges. Have fun playing and see who can come up with the most impressive words!

    Let’s all work together and figure out if the chosen word is spelled correctly. If there’s a disagreement, we can check a dictionary or another reference to settle it.

    • If the spelling is correct, the Letter Tiles will stay in their new spots, and the team that challenged loses their next turn.
    • If the spelling is wrong, the tiles that were moved will stay in their new positions, but the tile that was moved incorrectly and all the tiles after it will go back to where they were.
    • If the word is actually two separate words or has a hyphen that’s not allowed, all the tiles for that word (or words) go back to where they were.

    Challenge to the Word Selection:

    When the other team questions our word choice, we have to explain why we think the word fits the category. If most of us agree, we keep the letter tiles where they are.

    If most of us disagree, all the letter tiles go back to their original spots. If it’s a tie, the letter tiles go back and we start a new turn.

    To move the tiles, we slide each one closer to the other team for every time that letter shows up in the word.

    Once we move the first tile, we can’t change our word choice.

    • On the street, we, the team members, spell out the word together and move the tiles accordingly.
    • During each turn, only one player from our team on the street can move the letter tiles.
    • The other team is not allowed to touch or move any of the tiles.
    • If we move a letter tile off our side of the street, it means we have captured that tile. Once captured, the letter tile never goes back onto the street.
    • Even if we have captured some letter tiles, we can still use them to create words. However, the captured tiles stay where they are.
    • To keep track of how many tiles we have captured, we keep the captured letter tiles next to the board.

    How to play Word on the Street Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Hey there! It’s me, Team B! And guess what word we picked? Purple! So, let’s dive right in and explore the world of purple together.

    How to play Word on the Street Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    1. First, I announce the letter P and move it one space.
    2. Then, I announce the letter U, but I don’t move any letters.
    3. Next, I announce the letter R, move it off the board, and the other team, Team B, captures it.
    4. After that, I announce the letter P again and move it another space.
    5. Then, I announce the letter L, but I don’t move any letters because it was already captured by the opposing team, Team A.
    6. Lastly, I announce the letter E, but I don’t move any letters.


    Part of the fun and challenge of Word on the Street is trying to distract the other team.

    During the brainstorming part, the other team can suggest words for the category, whether they are helpful or not.

    Let me show you an example. Imagine we’re playing a word game called Word on the Street. So, here’s how it goes: the opposing team gives a category, like “A Color,” and we have to come up with a word that fits that category using the available letter tiles. They might try to throw us off by suggesting a word that doesn’t work at all, like “Rhinoceros.” Sneaky, right? It’s all part of the game, but we should still be honest when deciding if a word is allowed or not.

    The goal of the game is to collect eight letter tiles before the other team does. So, it’s a race to see who can capture the most tiles first. And just to streamline things, some letters have been left out, like vowels and a few others. That way, the game stays fast-paced and exciting.

    So, are you ready to play Word on the Street? Let’s see who can come up with the best words and capture those letter tiles!

  • Category Cards don’t have specific timeframes. They can include anything from the past to the present, like people, places, things, and events.
  • Some Category Cards use “A player” or “one of the players” to refer to the people playing the game.
  • After playing all the cards, put the Divider Card at the front of the card tray. Shuffle all the Category Cards and place them back in the tray with the Divider Card at the back. Now you’re ready to have many more hours of fun playing Word on the Street!
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