How to play Wizard s Brew Official Game Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Wizard’s Brew Game Rules

Welcome to the magical world of Wizard’s Brew! Get ready for a thrilling adventure filled with potions, spells, and enchantments. In this game, you will step into the shoes of a powerful wizard, concocting and brewing magical potions to gain victory.

Let’s delve into the exciting game rules and embark on a mystical journey together. As a wizard, your aim is to create potions by combining different ingredients. Each potion has its unique effects and can be used strategically to outsmart your opponents.

To play Wizard’s Brew, you will need a game board, ingredient cards, potion cards, and victory point tokens. The game board represents the mystical laboratory where you will brew your potions. It has various locations, such as the ingredient market, the potion mixer, and the magic library.

The ingredient cards showcase different magical ingredients that you can acquire from the market. Each ingredient card has a cost, a symbol, and a specific effect. You will need to gather the right combination of ingredients to create powerful potions.

Potion cards display the spells and enchantments that you can brew. These cards also have a cost and specific requirements in terms of ingredients. Some potions can grant you extra victory points, while others can hinder your opponents’ progress.

To brew a potion, you must first collect the necessary ingredients. Each ingredient has a cost indicated on the card. Spend your resources wisely to acquire the ingredients you need. Once you have gathered all the required ingredients, you can proceed to the potion mixer and start brewing.

When brewing a potion, you must pay attention to the symbol on the space where you place the ingredients. Matching the symbol on the potion card will grant you bonus victory points. However, mismatching symbols may result in a penalty, so be careful.

As you brew more potions, you will earn victory points. These points represent your progress and help determine the winner of the game. The player with the most victory points at the end of the game is crowned the grand master wizard.

Remember, brewing potions is not the only way to earn victory points. The magic library contains secret knowledge and powerful spells waiting to be discovered. Visit the library to gain additional advantages and boost your chances of victory.

Throughout the game, keep an eye on your opponents’ progress. Use your potions strategically to hinder their abilities or to gain an advantage for yourself. Timing and strategic thinking are key to achieving victory in Wizard’s Brew.

So, are you ready to become the greatest wizard of all time? Dive into the world of Wizard’s Brew, concoct magical potions, and outwit your opponents. Embark on this mystical journey and let the magic unfold. May the best wizard win!

How to play Wizard s Brew Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

Imagine this: I’m a wizard, exploring a magical land, armed with the ability to manipulate the four elements – earth, fire, water, and air. My mission is to create the most coveted potion in the realm – the elixir of life. Here’s the twist – I’m not the only alchemist vying for this prestigious title. Every wizard I encounter is on the same quest, concocting their own brew.

The competition is fierce, and only the most skilled sorcerers will succeed. To prove my worthiness, I must not only master the art of spellcasting but also collect the essential ingredients for my perfect elixir.

What it takes

How to play Wizard s Brew Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

  • 1 Game Board
  • 36 Spell Cards
  • 112 Element Cards
  • 6 Cauldrons – cardboard placards
  • 20 Landmark Tokens
  • 52 Ingredient Tokens
  • 1 Grab Bag
  • 60 Energy Cubes
  • 1 Special Six-sided Wooden Die
  • 1 Wizard Marker
  • Horse Marker
  • 2 Player Aid Sheets
  • Rulebook

Getting Started

To start playing, follow these steps:

First, set up the game board in the middle of the table. Don’t forget to place the special die next to the 1-6 boxes printed on the board.

Next, each player should take 10 energy cubes and one cauldron. Any extra cauldrons and energy cubes should be put back in the box.

Now, separate the element cards by type and place them in four stacks face-up next to the board. Each player should take one element card of each type.

How to play Wizard s Brew Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

When it comes to setting up the game board, it’s important to follow these steps. First, put all the ingredient tokens in the grab bag and mix them thoroughly. Next, draw three tokens at random and place them in each of the four city areas on the board. Then, place two tokens in each of the other areas of the board. Don’t forget to put the empty bag back in the box.

After that, shuffle the landmark tokens face down. Randomly choose one and place it face-up on each forest, mountain, ocean, desert, and plains area of the board. However, do not place any landmark tokens in the cities. This will create a unique set-up for each game you play.

How to play Wizard s Brew Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

When it’s time to start playing, we need to decide who goes first. This can be done by randomly choosing a player to be the starting player for the first round. The chosen player will then place the wizard marker in front of themselves and the horse marker in any of the four city areas.

Next, we have to prepare the Spell cards. Start by shuffling the deck of Spell cards and dealing two cards to each player. The remaining cards should be placed face down next to the board. Each player then has the option to discard one or both of their Spells and draw replacement cards.

It’s important to remember that once a player draws new Spells, they must keep them. Any Spells that are discarded, whether before or during the game, should be placed face down at the bottom of the deck.

Now it’s time for the secret part of the game. Each player will secretly place one or more Energy cubes on each of their two Spells. Make sure to hide the cards with one hand while placing the cubes with the other. Once all players have placed their cubes, the Spells are revealed.

Spells in the game are acquired and strengthened using the Energy cubes that players have left. It’s important to keep your Spells face up on the table in front of you.

How to play Wizard s Brew Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

Game Play

Hey there! So, let me break it down for you – Wizard’s Brew is a game that is played in rounds. Each round has four phases that go like this:

  1. Spell Phase – This is where things get exciting! Players bid on new Spell cards. These cards give you awesome Elemental powers and special abilities that you can use in the later rounds.
  2. Element Phase – In this phase, you receive the Elements that your Spells generated, if you have any. Pretty cool, right?
  3. Ingredient Phase – Now, this is where it gets interesting. The player who has the Wizard marker rolls a die to decide how many areas you and the other players will visit to compete for Ingredients. The die is then placed on the board, and as the game progresses, it moves down as areas are visited.
  4. Energy Phase – Time to recharge! In this phase, you remove one or two Energy cubes from each of your Spells. The Spell cards will show you how many Energy cubes to remove. If a Spell has no Energy cubes left, you discard it. Gotta keep your Spells charged up!

Step 1: Casting Spells

When it’s time to cast spells in this game, we do it in a special way. Let me break it down for you:

  • First, the person who has the Wizard marker turns over the top card of the Spell deck.
  • Next, they have a choice. They can either pass on bidding or make a bid using their Energy cubes. But they can’t bid more than they have!
  • Once the bidding starts, it goes around the table in a clockwise direction. Each player gets a chance to either raise the previous bid or simply pass on bidding.
  • Finally, the player to the right of the person with the Wizard marker gets the last opportunity to make a bid.

When we play this game, each of us takes turns bidding on Spells. The person who bids the highest wins the Spell and gets to keep it. They also get a special Wizard marker and some Energy cubes to use with the Spell. We can own as many Spells as we want, but we can only have as many Spells as we have Energy cubes.

If no one wants to bid on a Spell, it gets discarded and we don’t get a replacement one. The person with the Wizard marker starts the next auction by showing a new Spell card. When we’ve auctioned and discarded Spells for each player, the Spell Phase is over.

The Spell cards have colors, symbols, and text that tell us how the Spells work and what they do. The Spells can do things that change the normal rules of the game, so they’re very powerful.

Element Production – When a Spell card has symbols in the upper left-hand corner, it creates elemental power during the Element Phase.

For each symbol in the corner, you get an Element card of that type. If there’s a wild symbol, you can choose any Element card you want.

How to play Wizard s Brew Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

Energy Cost: In the upper right-hand corner of a Spell card, you’ll find the amount of energy needed to maintain that Spell each round. During the Energy Phase, which I’ll explain in detail later, you’ll remove the number of Energy cubes shown on the card.

Spell Text: You’ll notice that many spells have special powers or effects that can really change how the game is played. All of these additional powers are described in the text box located below the picture on the spell card.

Spell Color: To easily identify when a spell’s power takes effect, the spell cards are color-coded according to the phase in which they can be used.

How to play Wizard s Brew Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

  • Green – The Element Phase
  • Blue – The Ingredient Phase
  • Yellow – The Energy Phase
  • Red – The Element, Ingredient, and Energy Phases

When it comes to understanding the importance of different phases, it’s important to take into account the colors that represent each phase. These colors can help elevate your understanding and regenerate your response to the subject.

First, let’s talk about the Element Phase, which is represented by the color green. This phase is all about the fundamental building blocks of a subject. It focuses on the elements that make up a whole.

Next, we have the Ingredient Phase, represented by the color blue. This phase is about the various components or ingredients that contribute to the subject. It examines the different parts that come together to create something.

Moving on to the Energy Phase, which is represented by the color yellow. This phase focuses on the energy and dynamics surrounding the subject. It explores the forces and interactions that drive and shape the subject.

Finally, we have the Red Phase, which encompasses all three phases – Element, Ingredient, and Energy. This phase takes into account the comprehensive understanding of the subject by considering all aspects and perspectives.

By following these colors and understanding their meanings, you can gain a holistic understanding of a subject. Whether you’re looking for a deeper appreciation or you’re just curious, exploring these phases can provide valuable insights. So if you’re interested, then you’ll love diving into the different phases and exploring their nuances.

So remember, when it comes to understanding a subject, it’s not just about looking at it from one angle. It’s about considering all the different phases and perspectives. By doing so, you can truly grasp the essence of the subject and elevate your understanding.

2. The Elemental Phase

When I cast Spells, something magical happens – I generate a special kind of energy called elemental energy. During this phase, I get to collect that energy so that I can use it later to acquire Ingredients. It’s like gathering ingredients for a secret potion!

To collect the elemental energy, I start with the Wizard marker and then go around the table in a clockwise direction. Each player collects the elemental energy produced by their Spells. If my Spell produces one or more types of elemental energy, but there are no cards of that type available, I can choose to take any other type of elemental energy cards instead. It’s like having options at a magical buffet!

3. The Ingredient Phase

Now it’s time for the exciting part – the Ingredient Phase! As the player with the Wizard marker, I get to roll a special die to determine how many areas we’ll be visiting in this round. These areas are where we’ll compete with each other to get our hands on the precious Ingredients we need for our Spells. It’s like a treasure hunt, but with magic!

So here’s how it works: I start by placing the die on the board in one of the boxes labelled 3, 4, 5, or 6. As I make visits, I move the die downwards to keep track of the number of visits. It’s a simple way to keep score.

In each area, we get to compete in auctions. It’s like a battle of the elements. We use our elemental powers to try to outdo our opponents. The goal is to overwhelm them and come out on top.

Now, in the first round of the game, we get to choose which area we want to visit. That area is called the City area. It’s like our starting point. But in the following rounds, things get a little more interesting.

The player who has the Wizard Marker gets to decide where we’ll go next. They move the marker to the area that the Horse is in. And that’s where we’re headed.

Here’s the exciting part: we have auctions to determine who gets what. It’s like a bidding war. The player who wins the auction gets an Ingredient from the area we’re visiting. They also take control of the Wizard marker and move the Horse to the next area to be visited.

Ready to bid?

Hey there! Let’s talk about how players compete for Ingredients in an auction. It’s a super cool way to get your hands on some awesome stuff! Here’s how it all goes down:

How to play Wizard s Brew Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

When I’m bidding for ingredients in a city, I can use all of my element cards. But when it comes to non-city areas, the type of landmark — whether it’s a monument, tower, temple, or fountain — determines the single type of element that I’m allowed to use for bidding (see below). Unless I have spells that say otherwise, I can’t use any other elements to bid for these ingredients.

Note: If no one bids in an area, the Ingredient Phase for this round ends right away.

Horse Movement

As the player with the Wizard marker, I have to move the Horse like this:

– After I’ve claimed an Ingredient from the current area, I must move the Horse to a neighboring area that has one or more Ingredients.

  • If there are no Ingredients in any adjacent areas, I move the Horse in a straight line until I hit an area with Ingredients. It doesn’t have to be the closest area, just one that I can reach by moving straight.
  • If all the areas that I can reach by moving straight have no Ingredients, I can move the Horse to any area that does have Ingredients.
  • I can move the Horse to an area that I’ve already visited in this phase.

4. Energy Phase

First, starting with the player who has the Wizard marker, and going clockwise, players who have yellow Spells can use their effects or choose not to.

If you have any Spells, you need to pay their costs by removing Energy cubes from each card. Each card shows the cost in the upper right-hand corner. Take out the same number of Energy cubes from each card as its cost.

After you remove the Energy cubes, return them to your pool of available Energy Cubes.

Don’t forget, if any of your Spell cards end up with no Energy cubes on them, you must get rid of them. Place those cards face down at the bottom of your Spell deck.

How to play Wizard s Brew Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

Game Over

The game comes to an end as soon as one of you collects enough Ingredients to brew the elixir of life. This magical mixture will grant the aspiring wizard immense power! The number of Ingredients you need to gather will vary based on how many players are in the game.

Number of Players
Victory Conditions
3-4 Collect 7 Ingredients of different colors, or a total of 8 Ingredients in any combination of colors.
5 Collect 6 Ingredients of different colors, or a total of 7 Ingredients in any combination of colors.
6 Collect 5 Ingredients of different colors, or a total of 6 Ingredients in any combination of colors.

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