How to play Wits Wagers Family Edition Official Game Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Wits & Wagers Family Edition Game Rules

Welcome to the Wits & Wagers Family Edition! This is a fun and exciting game that the whole family can enjoy. In this game, you will test your knowledge and make educated guesses to answer interesting trivia questions. The goal is to place bets on the answers and earn points for correct guesses.

Here’s how the game works:

Question Setup:

I will read a question that has a numerical answer. The questions cover a wide range of topics, so be ready for anything! Once the question is read, each player secretly writes down their guess on their answer board.

Placing Bets:

After everyone has written down their guess, the answers are revealed. Now, it’s time to place your bets! Look at all the answers and decide which one you think is closest to the correct answer, without going over. You will then place one of your bidding chips on the answer board to indicate your choice.

Revealing the Correct Answer:

Once all the bets are placed, the correct answer is revealed. The player who has the correct answer will earn one point for each betting chip that was placed on their answer. Other players who placed bets on the correct answer will also earn one point for each betting chip they placed.

Settlements and Wagers:

If there are multiple correct answers, players who bet on any of the correct answers will earn points. Additionally, any player who bet on an answer within 50% of the correct answer will also earn points. However, players who bet on an answer that is above the correct answer will not earn any points.

Winning the Game:

The game consists of a certain number of rounds, and the player with the most points at the end of the game wins! If there is a tie, the player who bet on the correct answer more recently will win.

That’s it! Now that you know the rules, it’s time to gather your family and start playing the Wits & Wagers Family Edition. Get ready for a fun-filled trivia experience!

How to play Wits Wagers Family Edition Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Let me tell you about Wits & Wagers Family, a game that brings everyone in the family together for a fun time!

You can play this game on your own or form teams if you have 5 or more players. Get ready for lots of excitement and celebrations in your home!

How to play Wits Wagers Family Edition Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

What’s Inside

  • 125 question cards to test your knowledge
  • 5 dry-erase pens for writing your answers
  • 5 dry-erase answer boards to record your responses
  • 1 “1” answer board for scoring
  • 5 large Meeples to use as game pieces
  • 5 small Meeples for additional game actions
  • 1 dry-erase score board to keep track of points
  • 1 full color rulebook with clear instructions

How to Set Up

How to play Wits Wagers Family Edition Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

    So here’s what you’ll need to play the game: your very own Answer Board, two Meeples in your chosen color, a matching Dry Erase Pen.

Guessing Time

Ready for your first question? Great! I’ll read it out loud. Now, it’s time to write down your answer on your Answer Board. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers here, so just give it your best shot!

Don’t worry if you’re not sure – nobody’s expecting you to know everything, after all!

Let’s Organize

Once everyone has completed their answers, let’s flip those Answer Boards face-up and get organized. We’ll start by sorting them from smallest to largest, beginning with the “1” Answer Board.

If two or more answers are the same, don’t panic! Just stack them together neatly.

How to play Wits Wagers Family Edition Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

Let’s Place Our Meeples

Hey there! It’s time to play a fun game. You and your friends can all participate in this. Here’s how it goes:

  • Everyone will place their Meeples on the Answer Board(s) that they think are the closest. Remember, don’t go over!
  • You can either put both Meeples on the same Answer Board, or split them between two different ones.

Now, here’s the exciting part – you don’t have to put your Meeples on your own guess! The thrill lies in figuring out who might know the answer. So go ahead and place your Meeples on the “1” Answer Board if you think all the guesses might be too high.

Time to Determine the Winner

Once everyone has placed their Meeples, it’s time to unveil the question card and reveal the answer. Keep your fingers crossed!

The winner will be the one with the guess that is closest to the correct answer without going over. Good luck!

How to play Wits Wagers Family Edition Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

My version: I won the Answer Board game with a score of 115! The other player had 117, but that goes over the limit. So, I ended up being the winner!

How to play Wits Wagers Family Edition Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

OK, here’s the deal: The answer to the question is 120, and it looks like “1” is the right answer on the board.

How to Score Points

Now, let me explain how you can score points:

  • First, if you write down the correct guess, you get 1 point. Sometimes, more than one person can get this point.
  • Second, if you put a small Meeple on the answer you think is right, you also get 1 point.
  • Lastly, for those of you who put a large Meeple on the correct answer, you get a big reward of 2 points.

Here’s an example to help make it clear: Let’s say the right answer is 405. In this case, the closest guess that doesn’t go over this number is 372. So, the winning guess will be 372.

How to play Wits Wagers Family Edition Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play Wits Wagers Family Edition Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

In this game, each color gets points depending on the meeple they have and the answers they write.

The blue color receives one point for having a small meeple and another point for writing the winning answer.

Meanwhile, the green color receives two points for having a large meeple.

The pink color also receives two points for having a large meeple, and an additional point for having a small meeple.

What Happens Next

In the next round, you and your fellow players will take back your answer boards and meeples. Once you’re ready, place the used question card at the back of the card tray. To start the next round, simply read from the next question card.

End of the Game

The game ends when the first player or team accumulates a total of 15 points. If two players or teams reach or exceed 15 points in the same round, the player or team with the highest total score wins.

In the event of a tie, the player or team with the youngest player is declared the winner.

Note: Once you have finished going through the top questions on all 125 question cards, you can use the bottom questions for your future games.

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