How to play Via Appia Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Playing the Via Appia Game

Welcome to the world of the Via Appia game! Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey through ancient Rome? Get ready to explore this historical city and experience the challenges and triumphs of ancient Roman life.

Let me walk you through the game rules, so you can start your adventure with confidence:

Setting Up

First things first. When you open the box, make sure you have all the components needed to play the Via Appia game. You should have:

  • A game board depicting the streets of ancient Rome
  • Player tokens, each representing a different character
  • Cards that will guide your actions and decisions
  • Coins to use as currency in the game

Once you have everything ready, set up the game board on a flat surface and distribute the player tokens and cards to each player. Make sure everyone understands their character’s special abilities and how to use them to their advantage.


The objective of the Via Appia game is to earn the most victory points by completing various tasks and challenges. These tasks may include constructing buildings, trading goods, or participating in events.

On your turn, you have a few options:

  • Move: You can move your character token along the streets of ancient Rome. Each street segment has a cost, so make sure you have enough coins to pay for your movement.
  • Take Actions: Once you have moved, you can take actions based on your location. These actions may include collecting resources, trading at market stalls, or interacting with other players.
  • Play Event Cards: You can play event cards from your hand to influence the game. These cards can have positive or negative effects, so use them strategically.

Keep in mind that the goal is to earn victory points, so you should prioritize actions that will help you achieve that. Take into account the resources you need and the opportunities available to you.

End of the Game

The game continues until the end condition is met. This could be a set number of rounds or the depletion of certain game components.

At the end, each player counts their victory points. These points come from completing tasks, collecting sets of resources, and achieving special goals. The player with the most victory points is declared the winner!

Remember, the Via Appia game is not just about winning. It’s about immersing yourself in the world of ancient Rome and enjoying the journey. So gather your friends, embrace the challenges, and let the adventure begin!

How to play Via Appia Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play Via Appia Official Rules UltraFoodMess

I have some news for you! Let me tell you about the game components you’ll find in Via Appia. We’ve got a lot of cool stuff to play with, so get ready.

First up, we have the game board. It’s where all the action happens, and it’s where you’ll be building the famous Via Appia. This road was a big deal back in ancient Rome, and now it’s up to you to construct it.

To help you with your construction project, we’ve included 46 tiles. These tiles come in three different sizes – large, mid-sized, and small. You’ll need to strategically place these tiles to create the best road possible.

But that’s not all! We also have 41 bonus tokens for you to collect. These tokens come in three different colors – gray, brown, and beige. If you manage to collect these tokens, they’ll give you some extra benefits and help you earn points.

Speaking of points, we’ve got 9 victory point tokens. These tokens come in three different values – 6, 3, and 1 point. Keep an eye out for these tokens, as they’ll help you track your progress and see who’s winning the game.

Now, let’s move on to the quarry. We’ve included a quarry and assembly instructions to help you with your stone-pushing endeavors. You’ll also find a pusher and 64 wooden stones. Use the pusher to send the stones into the quarry and collect them for your road-building project.

Next, we have some important player components. Each player will receive a transport cart, a player piece, a scoring marker, a marker for reaching 50 points, and a screen. These components are essential for keeping track of your progress and hiding your strategies from the other players.

Last but not least, we’ve included 16 income cards, 4 tokens for extra pushing power, a start player token, and a rules booklet.

Now that you know what’s included in Via Appia, let’s talk about the objective of the game. Your goal is to build the best road possible and earn the most points. So gather your resources, strategize your moves, and get ready for an exciting journey along the Via Appia!

So here’s the deal: Rome wants to be able to get to Brundisium real quick, and they’ve given us the job of building the Via Appia. This road is gonna be a game-changer, making travel between the two cities super fast and easy. Okay, so here’s how we’re gonna do it:

First, we gotta head over to the quarry and break off some stone tiles. These tiles are gonna be the building blocks of our road. Once we got our tiles, it’s off to Brundisium we go! There, we’re gonna lay out the tiles and create the path that everyone will be using for years to come.

Now, here’s the catch: building this road ain’t gonna be cheap. It’s gonna cost us some sesterces, but trust me, it’s gonna be worth it. Not only will we get major bragging rights for getting this job done, but we’ll also score some serious victory points and glory from Rome. It’s a win-win if you ask me.

How to play Via Appia Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Setting Up the Game

First, let’s get everything ready so we can start playing!

  1. Organize the components: Take the bonus tokens for each road segment (A, B, and C) and place them on the corresponding spaces. Put the victory point tokens next to the cities in the order of 6-3-1, from top to bottom. Note: If you’re playing with just two people, use only the 6 and 1 tokens. Make sure to keep the stones, tiles, push +1 tokens, city markers, 50+ markers, and sesterces close by, within easy reach of all players.
  2. Shuffle the income cards: Lay out 7 income cards face up next to the game board. Place the rest of the cards face down to create a draw pile.
  3. LOAD THE QUARRY: First, I’ll need to slide the quarry into the slots on the game board. To set up the game, I’ll need 4 large stones, 8 mid-sized stones, and 12 small stones to be placed in the quarry. Make sure to arrange them randomly so that each game is different. Keep the pusher nearby, as we’ll need it later. DISTRIBUTE GAME COMPONENTS: Now, let’s determine the starting player by choosing someone at random. That player will receive the start player token. Each player should then take the following items:

– 1 Player piece in their preferred color, which should be placed at Rome.

– 1 Screen in their chosen color, which should be set up in front of them.

– 1 Scoring marker in their color, which should be placed on space 1 of the scoring track.

– 1 Transport cart, which should be kept next to their screen.

Additionally, the starting player should receive:

– 2 small (gray) stones

– 1 sesterce

Understanding the Game of Nova Luna

I’m excited to share with you all the details about the game of Nova Luna. It’s a strategic game that requires careful planning and resource management. Let’s dive in and explore all its fascinating aspects.

The Components

In Nova Luna, there are several components that make up the game:

  • The game board: A circular grid divided into spaces
  • Task tiles: Hexagonal tiles with various tasks on them
  • Player screens: Screens to hide your sesterces (currency) from other players
  • Sesterces: The currency used in the game
  • Stones: Gray and white stones used for certain tasks
  • Income cards: Cards that determine your income each turn

Now that you know what’s involved, let’s delve into the gameplay itself.


Setting up the game is straightforward. Each player receives a player screen, a certain number of sesterces, and a starting task tile. The task tiles are placed face-up on the corresponding spaces on the game board. Depending on the number of players, additional task tiles are also added face-up on their respective spaces. Lastly, the income cards are shuffled and placed face-up.

Players take turns in a clockwise direction, and each turn consists of several actions. Let’s explore the different actions and how they work.



During this action, you choose one of the face-up income cards. The card will show either a number of sesterces or stones. You receive the indicated amount from the general supply, keeping the sesterces hidden behind your screen and placing the stones in front of it. After taking your income, you flip the income card face down.

Task Placement

This action involves placing one of your task tiles onto the game board. The tile must be placed adjacent to one or more existing tiles and aligned with the spaces on the board. Various criteria need to be met, including matching colors and symbols on the task tiles. Some task tiles also require the use of stones. Once placed, you can perform the associated task on the tile.

Task Completion

If you have completed a task by aligning a certain number of tiles with their corresponding symbols, you can choose to complete it. Completing a task awards you with new task tiles, which you can add to your collection for future placement. This allows you to plan your strategy and work towards accomplishing more tasks in the future.

Task Exchange

If you do not wish to place any task tiles or complete any tasks, you have the option to exchange one of your task tiles for a new one. This allows you to refresh your hand and potentially get a tile that better fits your current strategy.

Winning the Game

The game continues until all the task tiles have been placed on the board. At that point, the player with the fewest remaining sesterces is declared the winner. In case of a tie, the player who has completed the most tasks wins. If there is still a tie, the player who completed their last task first wins.

Now that you understand the rules and mechanics of Nova Luna, it’s time to gather your friends, set up the game, and embark on a strategic journey to become the master of tasks!

When there are only 3 or fewer cards left, you get both sesterces and stones. Plus, if you’re the one who takes the very last card, you also get a “push +1” token, as long as you don’t already have one.

Once the last card is flipped, grab 7 new cards from the pile and show them next to the game board. Then, mix up the face-down cards and all the income cards in the pile to create a new draw pile. If you’re supposed to get a stone that’s no longer in the storage, everyone needs to give back half of their stones of that size (rounding down). Then you can take your stone(s).

How to play Via Appia Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Note: This is important because it means that you can only have one “push +1” token at a time.

When you’re playing a game, it’s crucial to understand the rules and limitations. One thing to keep in mind is that you can’t have more than one “push +1” token in your possession at any given moment. This rule is in place to maintain fairness and to prevent any unfair advantages. So, if you already have a “push +1” token, you won’t be able to acquire another one until you’ve used or discarded the one you currently have.

This limitation may seem perplexing at first, but it makes sense when you consider the balance of the game. If a player were allowed to accumulate multiple “push +1” tokens, they could easily overpower their opponents and gain an unfair advantage. By limiting players to only one token, the game remains fair, balanced, and engaging for everyone involved.

Overall, the meaning behind this rule is to ensure a level playing field and to encourage strategic decision-making. It adds an element of complexity to the game, as players must decide when to use their “push +1” token effectively. By adhering to this rule, you ensure that the game remains challenging and enjoyable for everyone involved.

So, next time you’re playing a game that involves “push +1” tokens, remember the importance of this rule. It may seem restrictive, but it ultimately adds depth and excitement to the gameplay. Embrace the challenge, strategize wisely, and have fun!

How to play Via Appia Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Moving Stones into the Quarry

Hey there! Let me fill you in on how you can move your stones into the quarry. You have the power to push up to two of your stones, one after the other. Here’s how it works:

First, you place your first stone behind the quarry, like in the example on the right side. Then, you use the pusher to slide it into the quarry. You can push it from any angle you like, but just remember, the pusher can’t cross the line between the two bars.

If you have a second stone, you can push it into the quarry in the same way.

Exchanging and Selling

Now let’s talk about what happens when your stone drops off the quarry on the other side. You have two options:

Option one: you can exchange the stone for a tile of the same size or smaller. These tiles come from the tiles storage. Or…

Option two: you can sell the stone right away and get one sesterce. Nice and easy! Just remember to put the stones back in the stones storage after you’ve either exchanged or sold them.

When playing this game, you need to make sure that you place the tiles you receive onto your cart. It’s important to match the spaces on your cart exactly. Let’s say you pushed two stones into the quarry, but none of them fell off. Don’t worry! You still get rewarded with either a small tile or a sesterce. If you happen to have a “push +1” token, you can use it to your advantage. With this token, you can push a third stone into the quarry, giving you even more chances to collect rewards.

How to play Via Appia Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Alright, let me show you how to push a stone into the quarry. Follow these steps, and you’ll be a pro in no time!

First, take a look at the example below. You’ll see a dotted red line marking the limit of the quarry. Your goal is to push the stone into the quarry without crossing this line.


Now, here’s what you need to do:

  1. Choose the stone you want to push
  2. Position it behind the dotted red line
  3. Get ready to push!

When you start pushing, remember that none of the pusher’s parts should cross the red line. It’s like a rule we follow to make sure everything is fair.

So, give it a try! Push the stone into the quarry, and let’s see how far you can go!

How to play Via Appia Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! I have an important message about this space in your shopping cart.

Note: This area is specifically designed to hold certain types of content. It’s kind of like a puzzle piece that only fits certain shapes. Let me explain.

You have a few options for what you can load into this space, but there are some restrictions. You can choose one large tile, which will take up the entire space. Or, you can choose a combination of one mid-sized tile and one small tile. But remember, you can’t load two small tiles here – it just won’t fit!

Now, let’s talk about your options. You can load a single mid-sized tile into this space. This tile is a bit smaller than the large tile, but it still provides a good amount of information or imagery. Alternatively, you can load a small tile into this space. This tile is even smaller than the mid-sized tile, but it can still showcase some important details or a small image.

So, to sum it up – you have a few choices for what you can load into this space. You can go for one large tile, or a combination of one mid-sized and one small tile. But remember, you can’t load two small tiles here. I hope this helps you make the right decision for your shopping cart!

How to play Via Appia Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Road Construction

So, here’s the deal. You and I are in charge of building the Via Appia, and we need to follow a few rules. Let me break them down for you:

  • If you’ve visited a city in the game, you can do some construction work on the road segment next to it. Nice.
  • Now, pay attention! You can only place tiles on spaces that are connected to another tile by a line or to a city that’s behind it. No random placements, got it?
  • Okay, things are getting a little trickier here. When it’s your turn, you can add a second tile, but it has to be in the same road segment where you placed the first one. Not only that, all the previous road segments must be completed. In other words, you can’t add two tiles to segment B unless you’ve finished segment A. Makes sense, right?

When you play the game, you’ll get a bonus token for each road segment you add tiles to. These tokens give you extra points. Let me break it down for you:

– If you add a large tile, you get 5 victory points.

– If you add a mid-sized tile, you get 3 victory points.

– If you add a small tile, you get 1 victory point.

Let me give you an example. Imagine Ani, who’s playing as the blue player, and Frank, who’s playing as the red player. They’ve both traveled to Tarracina, so they can do some road construction work on both segment A and segment B of the Via Appia.

How to play Via Appia Official Rules UltraFoodMess


When I play the game, I can move my player piece forward 1, 2, or 3 tiles. But it’s gonna cost me some sesterces – 1, 3, or 6, to be exact.

My player piece can only move on or over spaces that have tiles on them. And I can only move along the lines that connect the tiles.

Oh, and here’s another rule – only one player piece can be on a small or mid-sized tile. But two player pieces can be on a large tile at the same time.

Now, I can’t just keep moving forever. I have to stop at the next city. When I do, I get the topmost victory point token from that city and place a city marker on the city marker space. (But if I’m the last player to reach the city, I skip this step).

Here’s an interesting twist – each city marker on a city’s marker space reduces the cost of travel for everyone on that road who hasn’t reached that city yet. Each marker lowers the travel cost by one sesterce.

How to play Via Appia Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Example: You can’t move along the red arrows because there are no connecting lines, and there is no tile on the space under the left arrow. However, you can move along the green arrows because they are legal moves.

Note: Remember, you can only move onto spaces that are covered by tiles!

How to play Via Appia Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Like, hey there! Let’s talk about this cool game called Benvenutum. There’s this city marker that’s pretty important. It’s only found in Benvenutum. So, when you’re in segment B, you can move forward 1 tile for free. But, if you want to move 2 tiles forward, you’ll need to pay 2 sesterces. And if you’re feeling extra adventurous and want to move 3 tiles forward, that’ll cost you 5 sesterces. Oh, and just so you know, the city marker doesn’t do anything in segment A. It only reduces travel costs, so you won’t earn any sesterces from traveling on a road. Just keeping it real, you know?

Oh, and by the way: The game ends when, either someone grabs a victory point token in Brundisium, or when the construction of the Via Appia is finished. That’s when the final scoring happens and we see who’s the big winner!

Whoever has the most money gets 2 points, and if there’s a tie, everyone with the same amount of money gets 2 points. Then we count up the bonus tokens from the different road segments to see who has built the most tiles in each segment:

  • Whoever has built the most tiles in a segment gets 8 points.
  • The person with the second most tiles gets 4 points.

In both cases, everyone plays a full round so that everyone has the same number of turns.

If there’s a tie for the most tiles, the tied players share the points for first and second place. If there’s a tie for second place, the tied players evenly split the 4 points.

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