How to play Trivial Pursuit Family Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Trivial Pursuit Family Game Rules

Hey there! I’m here to give you the lowdown on how to play Trivial Pursuit with your family. Trust me, it’s gonna be a blast!

So, let’s dive right in. Trivial Pursuit is a game that will test your knowledge on all sorts of topics. And let me tell you, it’s not just for the brainiacs out there. Anyone can play and have a great time!

Here’s how it works. The game board is divided into different colored categories, like History, Sports, Entertainment, and more. Each category has its own set of challenging questions.

When it’s your turn, you’ll roll the dice and move your game piece across the board. Depending on the color you land on, you’ll need to answer a question from that category. And let me tell you, some of those questions will really make you scratch your head!

If you answer the question correctly, you get to keep going and answer another question. But if you’re stumped and can’t come up with an answer, no worries! Just pass the turn to the next player.

The goal is to collect all six colored wedges by answering questions correctly. Once you have a wedge from each category, you’re ready to make your way to the center of the board and win the game!

But wait, there’s a twist! In order to make it to the center, you have to answer one final question correctly from a category chosen by the other players. It’s like the ultimate test to prove your Trivial Pursuit supremacy!

And here’s a little secret for you. If you’re playing with younger family members, you can make it a bit easier for them by using the Trivial Pursuit Family Edition. It’s designed with questions that are tailored for kids.

Alright, now that you know the rules, it’s time to gather your family and get ready for some trivia madness! Get that trivia brain working and show off your knowledge!

How to play Trivial Pursuit Family Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play Trivial Pursuit Family Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • 1 gameboard
  • 300 question-and-answer cards (150 for adults, 150 for kids)
  • 2 card holders
  • 6 scoring tokens
  • 36 scoring wedges
  • 1 die

How to Play

Your goal is to be the first person to fill all six spaces on your Scoring Token with different colored wedges. You do this by answering questions correctly.

If you land on the center space first and answer a final question correctly, you win the game!

The dark blue cards are for players who are 14 years old or older. The bright blue cards are for younger players. Before starting the game, decide which deck of cards each player will use and make sure to return the cards to the correct deck.

Setting Up the Game

  1. Take an empty Scoring Token for each player or team and place it on the center space of the gameboard.

How to play Trivial Pursuit Family Official Rules UltraFoodMess

In this game, you’ll need a deck of dark blue cards and a deck of bright blue cards. Make sure to put each deck in its own card holder. Next, roll a die to see who goes first. The person who rolls the highest number gets the first turn.

How to Play

Here’s how to play:

  1. Roll the die.
  2. Move your game piece. Always move the exact number of spaces shown on the die.
  3. When you land on a space, it’s time to answer a question!

If you land on a colored space, one of the other players will pick up the first card from the front of the matching deck. They’ll read the question out loud to you. Each color represents a different category, and the answers are printed on the back of the card. If you land on the center space, you get to choose any category for your question.

Keep Moving!

When I start playing the game, I should move away from the center, following one of the spokes. Once I reach the circular track, I have the freedom to move in any direction I choose. It’s important to plan each move carefully, ensuring that I land on the space that is most advantageous to me.

I should never go back on the same path within a single roll of the die. For instance, if I roll a “5” and move three spaces clockwise, I cannot then move two spaces counterclockwise. However, on the next roll of the die, I have the option to change direction and move in the opposite way from my last move.

If I want, I can take a shortcut across the middle of the board by moving along the spokes. It’s also perfectly fine for me to land on the same space as another player.

The Right Answers

When you answer the question correctly, you get to roll the die again and take another turn. You can keep rolling and moving as long as you keep getting the answers right – there’s no limit to how many turns you can take in a row.

What Happens When You Get It Wrong

Sorry, if you get the answer wrong, that’s the end of your turn. The player to your left now gets to roll the die and take their turn.

Special Spaces

There are six spaces around the board with a picture of a large colored wedge. If you answer a question correctly when you land on one of these wedge spaces, you get to place a matching-colored scoring wedge into your scoring token! After that, roll the die again and take another turn.

If you answer incorrectly, you’ll need to leave the spot and continue along the path on your next turn. Only then can you have another shot at winning a wedge of that color. Don’t worry, you can choose a different category if you don’t want to tackle it right away.

If you happen to land on the same spot later in the game and you already have a wedge of that color, just treat it as a regular spot and answer a question from the corresponding category.

Spaces for an Extra Turn

How to play Trivial Pursuit Family Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! So, here’s how it works: when you land on one of these spaces, you get to roll the die again. Pretty cool, huh?

Shortcut Spaces

How to play Trivial Pursuit Family Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Did you know that when you play Trivial Pursuit, there are special spaces on the board that can give you an advantage?

Imagine this – you’re moving your game piece around the board, and suddenly you land on one of these special spaces called shortcut spaces. These spaces have a picture of a small colored wedge on them.

Now, here’s the cool part. If you land on a shortcut space by counting the exact number of spaces, you get to move directly to the matching-colored wedge space! How awesome is that?

But wait, there’s more. Once you’ve made it to the matching-colored wedge space, you have the chance to win a wedge of that color. All you have to do is answer a question correctly, and voila! You’ve got yourself a new wedge to add to your collection.

So, what happens when the game ends?

How to play Trivial Pursuit Family Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Once you have collected a scoring wedge of each different color, it’s time to head back to the center space. Try your best to land on it by counting the exact number.

If you shoot past the center, that’s okay. Keep playing and answering questions based on the categories you land on until you finally reach the center.

When you reach the center, the other players will choose a category for you to answer a final, deciding question from. They won’t look at any cards!

If you give the wrong answer, you’ll have to leave the center space on your next turn. But don’t worry, you can come back later and try again by landing on it with the exact count.

If you manage to answer the deciding question correctly, congratulations! You’re the winner of the game!

Question Categories

  • BLUE: Geography
  • PINK: Entertainment
  • YELLOW: History
  • PURPLE: Art & Culture
  • GREEN: Science & Nature


Sport & Leisure

What do you think of when you hear the word “sport”? Maybe you picture a soccer game, or maybe you think of running or swimming. Sports can be lots of fun, and they’re a great way to stay healthy and active. But did you know that sports can also teach us important life skills?

When I play sports, I learn about teamwork. I have to work together with my teammates to score goals or win games. We have to communicate and support each other. Teamwork is not just important in sports, but in life too. It’s like building a puzzle – we have to work together to make it fit.

Sports also help me develop resilience. Sometimes I lose a game, but that doesn’t mean I give up. I keep practicing and trying my best. This teaches me that it’s okay to fail sometimes and that I can always bounce back. It’s like falling down while learning to ride a bike – you have to get back up and keep going.

Another thing I learn from sports is discipline. I have to train regularly and follow a schedule. I have to make sure I eat healthy and get enough sleep. This helps me stay focused and perform my best. It’s like studying for a test – if I don’t prepare and stay disciplined, I won’t do well.

Sports also teach me about goal-setting. I always set goals for myself, whether it’s improving my skills or achieving a personal best. I break my big goals into smaller steps and work towards them. It’s like climbing a mountain – you have to take one step at a time to reach the top.

Lastly, sports are a great way to make friends and have fun. I get to meet new people who share the same interests as me. We laugh, play, and support each other. It’s like going on an adventure – you never know who you’ll meet or what you’ll discover.

So, whether you’re playing soccer, swimming, or running, remember that sports are not just about winning or losing. They offer valuable life lessons that can help you become a better person. So, grab your sneakers, get out there, and have some fun!

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