How to play Tower of Babel Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Welcome to the Tower of Babel Game!

Do you enjoy playing games that challenge your mind and test your vocabulary? If so, then you are in for a treat with the Tower of Babel Game! In this game, you will encounter various words and phrases from different languages, and it will be your task to decipher their meanings.

Here are the rules:

  1. You will be presented with a word or phrase from a foreign language.
  2. Your goal is to guess the correct meaning of the word or phrase.
  3. You can use context clues, word origins, or any other knowledge you have to help you make an educated guess.
  4. If you guess correctly, you will earn points and move on to the next challenge.
  5. If you need some extra help, you can use a hint. However, using a hint will deduct points from your overall score.
  6. The game will continue until you either complete all the challenges or run out of points.

Remember, the Tower of Babel Game is not just about guessing the right answer. It’s also an opportunity to learn about different languages and cultures. So, have fun, challenge yourself, and embrace the joy of linguistic exploration!

How to play Tower of Babel Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Let’s get started with the game setup, shall we?

First things first, before we dive into the fun of playing, we need to prepare the game board. To do that, carefully pop out all the building discs from their frames. It’s like setting the stage for an exciting adventure!

Next, take the four two-colored building discs and put them inside the box. If you want to know more about how these discs are used, you can check out page 4 of the rulebook.

Now it’s time to create some mystery! Shuffle the remaining 24 discs and place one face-up on each of the 24 building spaces. These spaces represent the magnificent wonders of the world. Isn’t that cool?

Quick tip: Remember to place the scoring marker on the topmost space of the scoring table. That’s where we’ll keep track of our points and see who’s leading the game.

Alright, we’re almost there! Let’s prepare the card supplies. Shuffle the action cards and stack them face down near the board. These cards will add extra excitement to the game. And don’t forget about the building cards! Shuffle them up too and place them face down near the board. These cards will give us options to build amazing structures.

Now it’s time for each player to choose their color and get their materials. Each player will receive 20 building parts and 1 column in their chosen color. That’s not all! You’ll also get a trading card and four building cards from the supply. These building cards will be vital for your construction plans.

And there you have it! The game board is all set and each player has their tools to start building. Have a blast and enjoy the wonders of the world!

So here’s the deal. We start off with all the players getting their own pile of cards. These cards are super important and we’re gonna use them to build stuff later. Each player also gets a little building part that they place on the victory point track to keep score.

Now, we need to figure out who goes first. We can’t all go at once, that’d be chaos! So, we choose a start player. That person puts their column on the turn order track. Then, in a nice clockwise order, everybody else puts their columns on the track too.

What’s the Point?

Now, get ready, ’cause this is where things really get interesting. Our goal is to work together and create the 8 wonders of the ancient world. We wanna build these bad boys and get as many building parts and discs as we can. ‘Cause here’s the thing – both of those things get us victory points. And trust me, you wanna get those points.

So, the player with the most victory points when everything’s said and done, well, they’re the big winner. That’s right, they take home the glory!

How to Play

When it’s my turn to play (I’m the player whose column is at the bottom of the turn order track), I get to make a decision. I have two options:

First, I can choose to pass. This means I don’t take any actions during my turn. Instead, it’s now the next player’s turn to play – the player sitting to my left.

Take an Action

How to play Tower of Babel Official Rules UltraFoodMess

As I’m playing the game, I grab a building card from the supply and remove my column from the board. After that, I shift all the other columns down by one space.

Then, I put my column in the lowest empty space on the turn order track. Each player, including me, gets a building card from the supply. And just like that, I’ve completed my turn.

Now, let’s talk about building. This is where we use our building pieces in the wonders and get those building discs.

First, I choose a wonder and place my column on it. Then I take one of the building discs that match the wonder and put it on top of my column. The number on the disc tells me how many building cards I need of that type.

So, here’s the deal: these fancy two-colored building discs? Yeah, they’re pretty cool. But they can be a little confusing at first. Let me break it down for you. The numbers on the building disc come in two colors – one kind on one side, and another kind on the other side. Now, to solve the puzzle, you gotta find the numbers that match, one from each side of the disc.

It may sound simple, but trust me, it can get a bit tricky. You’ve gotta be super observant and pay close attention to both sets of numbers. Once you’ve spotted the matching pairs, you’re good to go! Just line ’em up and you’re ready to conquer the next challenge.

These discs are like a secret code waiting to be cracked. So, keep your eyes peeled, my friend. And remember, practice makes perfect. The more you work with these discs, the better you’ll get at finding the matching numbers. It’s all about training your brain and sharpening those detective skills!

So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the world of these two-colored building discs and unlock their mysteries. Trust me, once you get the hang of it, you’ll be hooked. And who knows, maybe you’ll become a two-colored building disc master, impressing your friends with your newfound skills. The possibilities are endless!

How to play Tower of Babel Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When I play as the red player, I put my column on the Tower of Babel and grab the building disc that has 5 ships.

2., Can You Give Me a Better Offer?

Now it’s time for the other players to make me an offer. They have to decide how many building cards they are willing to give me in exchange for building the wonder. Each opponent secretly places their offer face down on the table.

Everyone does this at the same time. But there’s a limit! No opponent can offer me more cards than what’s shown on the building disc. And guess what? I don’t have to make an offer myself! Lucky me!

When making an offer, opponents have two options:

  • They can offer only building cards.
  • Or they can offer building cards and their trading card.

Now, let me explain the next step in the game. We all reveal our offers at the same time. Take a look at your cards. If you have any building cards that don’t match what we need, put them back in your hand.

Step 3: Choose Opponents

You have the option to select any number of opponents to join you in the building. If you choose an opponent, you must take their entire offer.

However, there’s a catch. You can only select one opponent if they included a trading card in their offer.

How to play Tower of Babel Official Rules UltraFoodMess
2 camels &
3 stone masons.

If you’re looking to choose the right building cards for your offers, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First, you must make sure that the total number of building cards in all your accepted offers doesn’t exceed the number needed, as indicated on the disc. This is important because you don’t want to have more building cards than necessary.

Second, if you’re using two-colored discs, there’s another rule to consider. The number of building cards you accept for each color must not be greater than the number shown for that color. This is to ensure a fair distribution of building cards and prevent one color from having an unfair advantage.

By following these guidelines, you can make sure you’re choosing the right building cards and playing the game fairly. Remember, it’s all about balance and strategy!

How to play Tower of Babel Official Rules UltraFoodMess

I like to play a game with my friends – it’s called the bidding game. We each put our offers face down and then we all reveal them at the same time.

How to play Tower of Babel Official Rules UltraFoodMess

In this game, I am the red player and I choose to accept the offer made by the yellow player.

Now, let’s move on to the fourth step: building.

If I didn’t accept enough building cards to match the number required, I will have to add more cards from my own hand until the total matches the required number shown on the building disc.

It’s possible that I won’t need to add any more cards. But if I do, the selected opponents and I will place building parts of our respective colors on the wonder. The number of building parts we place will be equal to the number of building cards we contributed. After this, I will take the used building disc and place it face down in my play area.

But what if I, the active player, choose an opponent who happens to have a trading card in their offer?

In that case, I have to give that opponent the building disc and take back the building parts they just placed on the wonder. Then, I get to replace them with my own building parts.

How to play Tower of Babel Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Let’s look at an example where I’m the red player and you’re the yellow opponent. I can only choose your offer. So, to meet the requirements of the building disc, I have to add 4 ship cards from my hand to the 1 ship card you’re offering.

You, as the yellow opponent, place 1 building pan, and I, as the red player, place 4 building pans. Then, I take the building disc for myself.

How to play Tower of Babel Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Let’s dive into the exciting world of board games. In this game, I, as the red player, get to make some strategic choices. I have two opponents, yellow and green, and I have to decide which offers to select.

To make my decision, I assess the options and take into account the ship cards that yellow and green have placed on the table. From my hand, I add two ship cards to the three already offered by yellow and green. It’s like a thrilling game of poker!

Once I’ve made my selection, it’s time to build. The yellow opponent puts down one building pan, showing their eagerness to construct. As for me, I’m ready to go all out! I place four building cards on the table: two from my hand and two to replace the ones offered by green. You see, green played a trading card, and that opened up an opportunity for me.

To complete this building frenzy, the green opponent snatches the building disc. So that means they get to make a move too!

5. End of the Build Turn

Now that we’re done with the building madness, it’s time to tidy up. The active player, that’s me, and the opponents who were selected in my offer, place the building cards face up on the discard pile. As for the opponents whose offers weren’t chosen, well, they’re not totally out of luck. They get some victory points based on the building cards they offered.

Now here’s the catch: they don’t get any points for offering a trading card or building cards that weren’t needed. Kind of a bummer for them, but hey, it’s all part of the game. After receiving their points, these opponents gather up their offered cards and bring them back into their hands. And as for me, I return any trading cards back into my hand. It’s like a reset button.

How to play Tower of Babel Official Rules UltraFoodMess

So, here’s what happened: the blue opponent had exactly what I needed – a building card. But guess what? They weren’t chosen. It’s like a missed opportunity. So they just take their card back and get a measly victory point, just for participating.

Anyway, let’s get to the interesting part. Now it’s my turn. I shift all the other columns down one space, creating some chaos on the board. Then, I slyly slide my column into the bottom-most empty spot on the turn order track. Smart, right?

Oh, and don’t forget – everyone gets to grab a building card from the supply. It’s like a little treat after all the maneuvering. I mean, even the active player gets to join in on the fun.

Now, here’s something to ponder: what if the required building cards aren’t offered? Well, nothing really happens. No buildings go up, no parts get placed. It’s like it never even happened – except, of course, for the building disc. It goes back to where it started, as if teasing us with what could have been.

When opponents submit building cards that match the kind(s) required by a building disc, they each earn 1 victory point for each card offered. This includes the active player. Each player, including the active player, selects a building card from the supply. The active player’s turn is now complete.


Once the last building disc of a wonder is filled, it is time to score. Players earn victory points based on the number of building parts they contributed. The scoring table displays the values for the top two contributors in the current row, where the scoring marker is located.

The player who contributed the most building parts to the wonder is awarded the highest value in victory points shown on that row of the table. The player with the second most building parts on the wonder is awarded the second highest value in victory points.

If you have built at least one part of the wonder, you will earn 3 victory points. This applies to all players.

In cases where there is a tie for the most building parts, each tied player will score points for second place. All other players with at least one building part will also score 3 points.

If only one player has the most building parts, but there is a tie for second place, the player with the most parts scores the highest value. All other players with at least one building part score 3 points. Make sure to keep track of your victory points by moving your counter on the victory point track. Don’t forget to move the scoring marker on the scoring table down one space.

How to play Tower of Babel Official Rules UltraFoodMess

So, here’s the deal. There are 6 different building parts in this game, and guess what? Red has the most of them! And you know what that means? They score a whopping 8 victory points! Yellow is the second in line with 4 building parts, which earns them 4 points. Green is next, not too far behind, with a decent 3 points. And poor Blue, well, no building parts for them, which unfortunately means they get a big fat zero.

How to play Tower of Babel Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Red and yellow are the kings of building pans, as they each earn a whopping 4 points. Meanwhile, green and blue bring in a solid 3 points for their efforts.

Now, let’s talk about what happens next. The active player, the one who just completed the wonder, gets to take 1 action card from the supply. This is a special bonus for their hard work. And don’t worry, everyone gets their building parts back once the wonder is finished.

Action Cards

Here’s where things get really interesting. If you’re the one who started the scoring, you’ll be rewarded with an action card. These cards give you special abilities that can really shake things up. But remember, once you use a card, it’s gone for good. There are 15 different action cards in total:

How to play Tower of Babel Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Welcome to the Card Trade!

Hey there! In this game, you have the power to change your hand of building cards. You can choose to get rid of up to 5 cards from your hand and replace them with new ones from the supply. The best part is, you can do this whenever you want during the game.

How to play Tower of Babel Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Building with the Joker

Hey there! Did you know there’s a special card in the game called the Joker? It’s pretty cool because it can be used when you want to build something. Let me tell you all about it!

When it’s your turn to build, you have the option to use the Joker card. This card is super handy because it counts as two of the building cards you need. So if you’re short on a particular card, the Joker can come to the rescue!

Imagine this: you’re planning a big construction project, but you’re missing one of the cards you need. That’s when the Joker card swoops in. It’s like having a magic trick up your sleeve!

With the Joker card in your hand, you can complete your building project without a hitch. It’s a real game-changer!

So next time you’re strategizing your moves, don’t forget about the Joker. It might just be the key to your success. Happy building!

How to play Tower of Babel Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Extra Bonus for Building Discs

When you play a round of scoring with your building discs, you get an extra victory point for each disc you have.

How to play Tower of Babel Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Getting Building Cards: A Fun Step in the Game!

When I play the Card Draw, I get to pick 3 building cards from the supply. It’s like a mini treasure hunt, looking for the best cards to add to my collection!

This card is really handy because you can play it whenever you want during the game. It’s like having a secret power that you can use to your advantage!

How to play Tower of Babel Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Triple Bonus (2)

When I make an offer for a building and it’s not chosen, I don’t just walk away empty-handed. Instead, I get a special reward—a triple bonus, to be exact! You see, instead of just earning one victory point for each offered needed building card, I get three victory points! It’s like hitting the jackpot!

How to play Tower of Babel Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Double Turn (2)

Hey there! Did you know that sometimes, in certain situations during a game, you can take not just one, but two turns back-to-back? It’s called a double turn, and it’s pretty cool!

So here’s how it works. After you finish your regular turn, whether you decide to pass or build something, you have the option to take a second turn immediately afterwards. It’s like getting an extra chance to make some moves and get ahead in the game.

Now, here’s the really interesting part. Both you and your opponents have to wait until after the second turn to draw your final building cards. That means you won’t know exactly what cards you have until that second turn is over. It adds a bit of mystery and excitement to the game, don’t you think?

One more important thing to note is that the active player, that’s you, can only move the columns and change the game board after the second turn. So, plan your moves carefully and keep an eye on what your opponents are doing, because those extra turns can really shake things up!

If you choose to pass on either turn, don’t worry, you still get a building card as part of the pass choice. So you won’t miss out on any opportunities to expand and improve your game.

Double turns can be a powerful strategy, but they also come with risks. They can give you an advantage, but they can also give your opponents a chance to catch up. It’s a double-edged sword, as they say. So, use your double turns wisely and make the most of the opportunities they bring!

How to play Tower of Babel Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Get Ahead (2 extra points)

You’re in luck! By following a particular strategy, you can earn an additional 2 victory points during the final scoring phase of the game.

Reach the Finish Line

The game will come to an end once the last building disc of any type is taken. Keep in mind that two-colored discs count as both colors for determining the game end. If a wonder is completed by the taking of the disc that triggers the end of the game, it will be scored before the dual scoring round.

Now it’s time for the final scoring. Start off by moving the scoring marker to the light-colored space on the scoring table. All incomplete wonders will be scored as if they were finished, but using the corresponding row on the table.

No action cards will be awarded during the final scoring. In addition, you’ll earn extra victory points if you have multiple building discs of the same type. You can check the bonus table on the game board to determine the number of points you’ll receive.

If you have a disc that has two colors, you need to decide which color to count it as. You can’t count it for both colors. To keep track of your victory points, you’ll move your counters along the victory point track.

Whoever has the most victory points at the end is the winner!

How to play Tower of Babel Official Rules UltraFoodMess

I place the disc with the camels. They are two-colored and quite interesting to look at. I earn 20 victory points for the 4 camels, which is a good amount. Additionally, I earn 5 victory points for the 2 ships, but unfortunately, I don’t get any points for the single crane. In total, I accumulate 25 victory points, which is not bad at all.

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