Welcome to the Topiary Game!
The Topiary Game is a fun and exciting game that challenges your creativity and strategic thinking. In this game, you will be creating beautiful topiary sculptures in a virtual garden.
The objective of the Topiary Game is to create the most visually appealing garden by strategically placing topiary sculptures. You will earn points based on the beauty and creativity of your garden.
Game Components
The game includes several components:
- Topiary Sculptures: These are the main pieces you will be placing in the garden. They come in various shapes and sizes, such as animals, geometric shapes, and everyday objects.
- Garden Tiles: These represent the garden area where you will be placing the topiary sculptures. The garden tiles are divided into squares, and each square can hold one topiary sculpture.
- Scoreboard: This keeps track of your score throughout the game.
Game Setup
To set up the game, follow these steps:
- Place the garden tiles in the center of the playing area, creating a grid.
- Shuffle the topiary sculptures and place them face-down next to the garden tiles to form a draw pile.
- Each player should choose a color and take the corresponding score marker.
The Topiary Game is played in turns, with each player taking the following actions:
- Draw a topiary sculpture from the draw pile.
- Place the topiary sculpture on an empty garden tile in the play area.
- Evaluate the beauty of your garden based on the position of the topiary sculptures.
- Score points based on the beauty and creativity of your garden.
- Pass the turn to the next player.
Your garden will be scored based on several factors:
- Visibility: Topiary sculptures that are more visible from different angles will earn more points.
- Proximity: Placing topiary sculptures near each other in a strategic way will earn more points.
- Themes: Creating themed areas in your garden, such as a zoo or a fairy tale forest, will earn more points.
Winning the Game
The game ends when all the garden tiles are filled with topiary sculptures. The player with the highest score wins the game and is crowned the topiary champion!
Now that you know the rules of the Topiary Game, it’s time to unleash your creativity and start creating stunning topiary gardens. Can you master the art of topiary and become the ultimate topiary champion? Let the game begin!
A beautiful, sunny day calls for a trip to the brand new topiary garden just outside of town! Picture this: stunning sculptures crafted with nature’s assistance, providing the ultimate relaxation for a perfect weekend. However, with the garden often filling up with visitors, it’s your responsibility to ensure that everyone gets the best view of these magnificent floral artworks.
What’s Included?
- 1 scoreboard
- 32 visitors
- 40 sculpture tiles +4 score markers
- Instructions
The Goal of the Game
Your objective is to earn points by reorganizing the topiary garden and strategically placing your visitors in positions where they can admire as many sculptures as possible. C
Hey there! Imagine creating the perfect garden with sculptures strategically placed to create the best sight lines. In this game, you can do just that! It’s all about positioning the sculptures in a way that makes them visible and pleasing to the eye.
- First, let’s get everyone ready. Each player will receive a set of visitors in their chosen color. The number of visitors you get depends on how many players are in the game. If there are two players, you’ll each get 8 visitors. With three players, it’s 6 visitors each. And if there are four players, you’ll get 5 visitors each. Any extra visitors can be put back in the box for now.
- Now, let’s set up the garden. Shuffle the sculpture tiles and create a stack. Then, deal the tiles face down in a 5×5 grid to form the garden. Make sure to leave some space between the tiles. Finally, flip the center tile face up. And we’re ready to begin!
#image.jpg I’m going to show you how to play Topiary, a fun game with interesting rules. It’s all about making a garden with sculptures! To start, we’ll need a 5×5 grid of face-down tiles. The tile in the center should be face up. |
Note: When playing with 2-3 players, make sure to remove all 5 sculpture tiles of a single type from the game before creating the garden.
Playing the Game
In the game of Topiary, players take turns in clockwise order, starting with the first player (decided in the setup). Each player will place one of their visitors on their turn. The game continues like this until all players have placed all of their visitors.
On your turn, you must follow two steps:
- Place a Visitor (mandatory)
- Move Sculptures (optional)
Step 1: Find the Perfect Spot
Ready to explore the garden? Place one of your visitors on the outer edge of the garden. You can choose any unoccupied spot. Make sure your visitor has a clear line of sight along a row, column, or diagonal of sculptures.
Remember, you can’t place your visitor where another one is already standing. Each sight line can only have one visitor. Be sure to position your visitor in a way that clearly shows which sight line it belongs to.
Step 2: Rearrange Sculptures
Now it’s time to rearrange the sculptures in the garden. You have the option to pick up one of the face-down sculptures that the visitor you just placed can see. This sculpture tile will be added to your hand.
Once you’ve picked up a sculpture tile, you can then place any sculpture tile from your hand into the empty spot you just created in the garden. Make sure to place the tile face up.
When all the visitors have been placed, the game comes to an end. Use the scoreboard and score markers to calculate points for each player, one at a time. There are three scoring categories: visitors, type bonuses, and tiles in hand.
Each visitor earns points based on the total value of the sculptures they can see in their sight line. To be visible, a sculpture must have a smaller number than any sculptures closer to the visitor.
Hey there! Let me break it down for you. When you’re at an art exhibition and check out some sculptures, the bigger ones can hide the smaller ones positioned behind them. It’s like a human traffic jam where the tall people block the view of the shorties, you know? But here’s the thing: if a sculpture is lying face-down, it’s considered a zero and doesn’t block anything. So you can still enjoy the view without any obstacles.
Here we go: In this cool spot’s line of sight, I can see the Polyhedron 3, Pom Pom 4, and Spiral 5. Those are all visible. I can look right through the face-down tile, but the Polyhedron 4 is hidden from view because the Pom Pom 4 is blocking it.
Extra Points for Types
You get extra points if you see multiple sculptures of the same kind in your line of sight.
If you can see 2 or more sculptures of one type, you get 1 extra point for each sculpture of that type. You can even score bonuses for 2 different kinds of sculptures at the same time!
Example B: I am the blue player and I can see T-Rex 2, T-Rex 3, and T-Rex 5. That’s three bonus points for me!
Oh, I also see a Swan 4, but I can’t see Swan 5. T-Rex 5 is blocking my view. So, I don’t get any bonus points for the Swan.
Tiles in Hand
Let’s see what tiles I have left in my hand. Ah, here they are! I have three of them. For each tile, I can score points equal to its face value. But there’s a condition – I can only score points if there is a bigger sculpture of the same type visible to at least one of my visitors somewhere in the garden.
Imagine this: In the game, there are different types of sculptures, like the T-Rex, the Whale, and the Pyramid. Each player has a hand of cards with these sculptures on them. The goal is to score points by having visitors who can see larger sculptures of the same type in the garden.
Let’s say I’m the red player, and I have a T-Rex and a Whale in my hand. I can score 1 point for the T-Rex and 2 points for the Whale because there are larger sculptures of those types in the garden.
But I can’t score the Pyramid in my hand because there is no larger Pyramid in the garden. A Pyramid with a size of 5 is already the biggest one!
After scoring all the categories, the player with the highest total points wins the game. If there’s a tie, the winner is the player with the most points scored from tiles they still have in their hand. If there’s still a tie, the winner is the player who took their turn later.
Picture this: You and three other players are engaged in a thrilling game. It’s an intense battle for victory, and right now, it’s the red player’s turn. The red player’s visitors have been scoring some impressive points, adding up to a grand total of 40 points (9+12+9+5+5). But that’s not all! Let’s not forget the 3 points from the tiles in the red player’s hand (refer to Example C above). When we add it all up, the red player’s final score is an impressive 43 points.
Here’s an interesting twist:
If you feel like reducing the element of luck in the game, here’s a variant you can try out:
During the game setup, after each player receives 3 sculpture tiles, instead of returning the remaining tiles to the box, deal them all to the player who is last in line for the initial turn. They get the chance to evaluate all the tiles they have been dealt. From this selection, they can choose any 3 tiles to keep as their starting hand.