How to play Tobago Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Welcome to Tobago Game Rules!

Hey there! Thanks for stopping by to learn about how to play the exciting game called Tobago. Giddy up, because we’re about to dive right in!

So, Tobago is a game that’ll have you exploring a mysterious island, searching for hidden treasures that’ll make your heart skip a beat. The island is full of clues, and it’s up to you to piece them together to find the exact location of these precious gems.

Here’s how it goes. Each player takes turns making choices and using their intuition to uncover the secrets of the island. As you progress, you’ll draw cards that provide hints on where the treasures might be buried. But here’s the catch – the more information you gather, the more narrow your search becomes!

It’s a delicate balance, my friend. You don’t want to jump the gun and dig too early, but you also don’t want to be left empty-handed when someone else steals the loot right from under your nose. So, think carefully and trust your gut when deciding when to dig and when to hold back.

As you explore the island, you’ll encounter mysterious statues called Moai. These ancient figures hold untold power and can even change the terrain itself! They might reveal secret pathways or block others from moving forward. Don’t underestimate their influence!

Now, let’s talk about the treasures. There are different kinds of treasures on the island, each with its own set of rules for discovery. Some are hidden beneath trees, while others rest in the shadow of towering statues. Pay close attention to the cards you draw, as they’ll give you valuable information on where to dig.

Your goal is to be the first to collect as many treasures as possible. But remember, my adventurous friend, greed can be a dangerous game. The more treasures you collect, the more the other players will catch on to your strategy. So, keep them guessing and outsmart your opponents if you want to come out on top!

Oh, and one last thing – luck is definitely on your side in Tobago. Sometimes, a perfectly timed event card will give you just the advantage you need to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. So, keep your eyes open and prepare for the unexpected!

Alright, amigo, that’s the lowdown on Tobago. It’s a thrilling game of exploration, strategy, and treasure hunting. So gather your friends, sharpen your wits, and get ready for an adventure you won’t soon forget. Happy treasure hunting!

  • I’ll tell you all about the game board, the ATVs, the huts, the palm trees, the Moai statues, the compass roses, the clue cards, the treasure cards, the curse cards, the site markers, and the amulets.

What’s the point of playing?

You see, the goal of the game is to put together pieces of treasure maps. You do this by finding clues and joining them together. And guess what? You can do it on your own or with other players. It’s up to you!

So, here’s the deal: you want to be the one who finds the treasure first. It’s a race against time, and the faster you solve the clues, the more treasure shares you get. And if you’re smart enough to use the amulets wisely, you’ll have an advantage and be protected from curses, too.

When the game is over, the player with the most gold coins is the winner.

Getting Started

1. First, put the game board together. It’s made up of 3 sections and 3 clamps.

The game board has two sides. The front sides (a, b, c) have fewer spaces than the reverse sides (A, B, C). You can choose any combination of these sides for your game board, like this:

So, here’s what you do: take those jagged edges of the 3 game board sections and fit them together, making sure there’s no gap in the middle. To finish up the game board, just use the three clamps to secure the three sections together.

So here’s the deal: if you put the sections in order based on that other option, just go ahead and flip the clamps.

Hey there! Let me tell you about TOBAGO, an exciting game that offers endless adventure with its 32 unique islands.

When it comes to designing the island, there are some important rules to follow. Let me walk you through the process.

1. Start by placing the 4 huts, 3 palm trees, and 3 statues on the island. Here’s what you need to keep in mind:

  • Each space can only have one object. So make sure you don’t overcrowd any area.
  • If you have multiple objects of the same type, like the palm trees, remember to place them at least four spaces apart.
  • The statues have a special requirement. They can’t be placed right next to the ocean, and each statue must directly face one of its 6 surrounding spaces.

2. Now, let’s move on to the treasure cards. You have a total of 39 treasure cards and 2 curse cards. Here’s what you need to do:

Take the lower 27 treasure cards and shuffle them with the two curse cards. Make sure to keep them face down. This will form your treasure card deck, ready for the adventure.

Here’s what you need to do:

1. First, grab your 21 amulets and carefully set them on the matching symbols that are on one of the clamps.

2. Now, each of you will choose an ATV (All-Terrain Vehicle) in your favorite color and place it on any space you like on the island.

3. You and your friends will then get 15 compass roses each, which are also color-coded. Make sure to take the ones that match your chosen color.

4. Next, it’s time to prepare the treasure map areas. Sort the 68 site markers by color into four separate piles and create the map areas next to the game board.

Hey there! Let’s talk about how to play a cool game called Treasure Hunt. Are you ready for an adventure? Perfect, let me explain the rules to you.

First, each player gets a clue card. There are 52 clue cards in total, and you pick one randomly. Place it face up on your treasure map. Don’t forget to mark the spot with one of your compass roses.

Now, we shuffle all the clue cards and each player gets 4 clues. If there are only two players, you get 6 clues each. Make sure to keep your clues face down, so no one knows what you have.

The remaining clue cards form the clue card deck. This is where we’ll draw more clues from as the game progresses.

Game Play

When we play the game, we take turns in a clockwise direction. We start with the player who has been to an island most recently. I want to tell you what we can do during our turn:

  1. We can play a clue card.
  2. We can move our ATV.

Now, here’s what’s cool. We can raise treasures and play amulets anytime during our turn, as long as we can do it.

A. Play A Clue Card

So, what we can do is choose a clue card from our hand and put it face-up below the last clue card of one of the treasure maps. Don’t forget to mark the clue card you just played with one of your compass roses.

Now, the fun part is that each clue helps us narrow down the places where the treasure can be. It’s like solving a puzzle!

When playing with a treasure map, new clue cards are added below the existing cards. These clue cards can come from any player and in any number. After that, I draw a new card from the clue card deck. It’s important to always have 4 cards in your hand (or 6 cards if you’re playing with two players).

Whenever the clue card deck runs out, I shuffle the discarded clue cards to create a fresh deck. You can refer to the supplementary sheet for explanations of the clue cards.

If my clue cards don’t satisfy me, I have the option to exchange all of them with an equal number of cards drawn from the clue card deck by playing an amulet.

When you have a treasure map, it’s like having a guide to finding hidden treasure. Each clue on the map helps you narrow down the search and eliminates certain areas on the island. The spaces that remain after each clue are the potential hiding spots for the treasure.

To keep track of these potential spots, you can use colored markers. As soon as you can cover every space with the available markers, mark them with the corresponding color. This may take a few clues to achieve.

Once you have marked the potential spots, each new clue added to the map will help you eliminate some of them. Remove the markers from the spaces that the clue eliminates. Eventually, there will be only one marker left for each color. That’s when you know exactly where the treasure is hidden, and you can retrieve it.

It’s worth noting that different treasure maps can have markers on the same space of the island. So, you might need to consider multiple maps to determine the final location of the treasure.

B. Get ready to ride your ATV

Did you know that you can actually move your ATV in different ways? It’s pretty cool! Let me explain. When it comes to moving your ATV, you have a few options to choose from. Let’s take a closer look.

1. Moving Within A Terrain

One way you can move your ATV is by staying within the same terrain type. This means you can travel as far as you want within that type of terrain. So if you’re riding through a forest, for example, you can move freely in any direction without any limitations. Pretty awesome, right?

Now, let’s talk about changing the terrain. I mean, imagine moving from one area to another, but they have different types of terrain. It’s like going from a dense jungle to a nearby lake. Pretty cool, right?

Important Reminders:
  • When you find a treasure, your movement for that turn is over, no matter how many legs you have left.
  • If you collect an amulet, your leg automatically ends.

Note: ATVs can go anywhere on the island, even if there’s a palm tree, a hut, a statue, or other ATVs. However, they cannot enter the ocean.

Finding Clues Narrows Down Possible Treasure Locations

Hey there! Let me walk you through an exciting game called Tobago. Take a look at the image below to get a sense of how the game works:


So, here’s what happens. Anna, one of the players, decides to add a clue to the treasure map. She writes “In the jungle” on the map, specifically in the white treasure area.

And guess what? The white treasure can only be found beside a hut and in the jungle. That means we can eliminate any spaces that are next to a hut but not a part of the jungle.

Next, let’s see what happens around the four huts. All white site markers that are not in the jungle get removed.

The picture on the left shows the situation around one of the huts. Exciting, isn’t it?


Ready to Add Clues?

Hey there! So, when you’re adding a clue to a treasure map, it’s like you’re giving someone a puzzle to solve. You want to make it fun and challenging, but not impossible. Take a moment to think about what you want to say and how you want to say it. Be creative and use your imagination!

First of all, think about where the treasure is hidden. Is it buried underground, or maybe it’s hidden in a secret cave? What kind of location would make the search exciting? Once you have that in mind, you can start coming up with your clue.

Now, the clue is like a riddle that points the way to the treasure. You want to give enough information to guide the person, but not too much that it’s too easy. Try using descriptive language or clever wordplay to make it interesting. For example, instead of saying “go left,” you could say “take the path less traveled.”

Remember to keep the clue concise and to the point. You don’t want it to be too long or confusing. Use simple language that is easy to understand. And most importantly, make sure your clue makes sense! You don’t want people scratching their heads, trying to figure out what you meant.

So, go ahead and get creative with your clues! Have fun with it and don’t be afraid to think outside the box. Just remember to make it challenging, but not impossible. Good luck!

So, here’s the deal. Let’s take a look at this clue situation with Anna and the treasure map. She wants to add the clue “In the jungle” to the black treasure map, right? But here’s the catch: there’s no statue O next to any of the jungle spaces. Bummer, right?

Finding The Treasure

Here’s what you need to do if you want to find that treasure:

  1. The treasure can only be found at one specific spot on the game board.
  2. If it’s your turn and your ATV reaches or is already on that spot, you can retrieve the treasure.

To get the treasure, you need to place one of your compass roses beneath the last clue card of the corresponding treasure map. Then, you can remove the site marker and put it back in its pile.

Next, each player draws treasure cards equal to the number of compass roses they have placed on or under the treasure map. After looking at the cards, pass them face down to the player who will distribute them.

Attention! Don’t reveal what kind of treasure card you saw, especially if it’s a curse card. Having certain information about the treasure gives you an advantage when sharing it with others.

Sharing a Treasure

Before looking at it, the player who is sharing the treasure takes an extra card from the treasure deck and adds it to the cards they received from the other players.

Once the cards have been mixed well, the top treasure card is shown face-up. Starting from the player who found the treasure, everyone with a compass rose on their map is asked in order – from bottom to top – if they want to claim the treasure card or not.

  1. First, I will ask the owner of the compass rose with the lowest value on or below the treasure map if they want the treasure card. If they say no, I will move on to the owner of the next higher compass rose, even if they have been asked before.
  2. If someone decides they want a treasure card, they will take the card and place it face down in front of them. They will also get their compass rose back. Any treasure cards that nobody wants are put in the discard pile.
  3. Next, I will turn over the next treasure card and offer it the same way as before. I will keep doing this until all the treasure cards for this particular treasure have been offered, or if there are no more compass roses left on the treasure map. Any leftover treasure cards will be discarded.

Cursed Treasures

Hey there! Have you ever heard of cursed treasures? They’re these mysterious and intriguing objects that have a reputation for bringing bad luck and misfortune to anyone who possesses them. It’s like they have a dark energy lingering around them, just waiting to cause trouble.

Picture this: you stumble upon an ancient amulet in an old, dusty attic. It gleams under the dim light, tempting you with its beauty. But little do you know that this amulet carries a curse that has plagued its previous owners. Strange things start happening – random accidents, unexplained illnesses, and a general feeling of unease. It’s like the amulet is haunting you, a constant reminder of the curse it holds.

But why would anyone want to possess such a cursed treasure, you might ask? Well, the allure lies in the mystery and the thrill. It’s like standing on the edge of a precipice, unsure of what will happen next. There’s a certain fascination in tempting fate, in defying the odds. It’s a twisted game of temptation and curiosity, driven by our innate desire for excitement and adventure.

However, it’s important to remember that cursed treasures are a double-edged sword. While they may offer a certain thrill, they also come with a heavy price. The misfortune they bring can be overwhelming, affecting not only the person who possesses them but also those around them. It’s like a ripple effect, spreading negativity and chaos wherever it goes.

So, if you ever come across a cursed treasure, it’s crucial to think twice before taking it into your possession. Do you want to risk inviting bad luck and misfortune into your life? Are you ready to face the consequences that may come with it? These are the questions you need to ask yourself before succumbing to the lure of the unknown.

In conclusion, cursed treasures may seem intriguing and exciting, but they come with a high price. They are not to be taken lightly, for they hold the power to bring unhappiness and chaos into your life. So, if you ever find yourself standing at the crossroads of temptation, remember to think twice before making a decision. After all, it’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to cursed treasures.

When you turn up a curse card during distribution, it means that the treasure is cursed.

This curse has two consequences:

  1. The remaining treasure cards of this treasure are not distributed.
  2. If you still have one or more compass roses on or below the treasure map, you must discard an amulet. If you don’t have an amulet, you will lose your most valuable treasure card.

Afterwards, the curse card is taken out of the game. The lost treasure cards are discarded along with the undistributed ones. If the second curse card is among these discards, it is also removed from the game without taking effect. You can take back your compass roses that are still on the treasure map.

Starting a New Treasure Hunt

All clue cards that belong to a raised treasure are placed on the clue card discard pile, which is kept separate from the treasure card discards.

When I claim the last treasure card during the distribution, I get to start a new treasure map. It’s exciting! I play a clue card from my hand face up in the empty treasure area, and I mark the card with one of my compass roses. Then, I draw a new clue card to replenish my hand. I make sure to have four clue cards, unless I’m playing with just one other person, in which case I have six clue cards.

There’s a special case, though. If the first card turned up during the distribution happens to be a curse card and no treasure cards are distributed, then the person who raised the treasure starts the new map.

The Mystery of the Amulets

Whenever a treasure is raised, something mysterious happens. It’s like a hidden power coming from the statues. Their unwavering gaze hits the coast, and suddenly, amulets start appearing in the ocean and get carried onto the shore.

So here’s what you gotta do. Grab three amulets from the pile and plop one down on each of the coasts in the last island space. Just make sure that space doesn’t already have an amulet on it. Easy peasy.

Now, get ready for some noise. The statues are gonna twist and turn to face where the next amulets will pop up. Give ’em a 60° clockwise rotation so they’re lookin’ towards the next spot next to them. It’s like they’re doin’ a little dance!

Getting Your Hands on Amulets

When it’s your turn, you have the chance to grab some amulets. Here’s how:

  1. If an amulet is already in a space where your ATV starts its turn, you can simply take it. This doesn’t count as an action.
  2. If there’s an amulet in a space where you want to move your ATV (Action B), you can pick it up by completing one of your legs in that space.

You can even snag multiple amulets in one action!

Take a Look at This Example

So, here’s the situation: I need to drive to amulet A, but I’ll have to make another stop before I can reach the end of the mountains. After that, I have to cross over to the beach to pick up amulet B from beneath Roger’s ATV.

Now, it’s Roger’s turn. He’s not too happy with my strategy because he could have just grabbed amulet B without even moving his ATV. Instead, he decides to be sneaky and go for amulets C and D. He starts by driving along the beach and then changes terrain twice to get to them.

Unfortunately for Roger, though, he can’t reach amulet E in the scrubland, even if he gets rid of one of his amulets to take an extra “Move your ATV” action. You see, picking up amulets isn’t allowed while using the special power of another amulet.

Here’s a hint for the experts: If Roger starts his turn with an amulet, he could snatch amulet E from beneath Anna’s ATV. First, he would have to discard his own amulet and use the extra action to drive to the space where amulet C is located. He can’t collect it because he used the extra action, so he starts his regular action. It takes him two more legs to pick up amulet D, and on the third leg, he finally grabs amulet E.

Powers of the Amulet

You can use as many amulets as you want during your turn, even if you just got them. When you play an amulet, you get one of these special powers:

Remove a Site Marker

Play a Clue Card

Move Your ATV

Protection Against a Curse

Exchange Your Clue Cards

Once you’re done with an amulet, whether you played it or got rid of it, it goes back to the pile of common amulets.

For example:

I can’t raise the gray treasure because there are still two gray site markers on the game board. So, I’ll use an amulet to remove one of the markers. Now, the treasure is in the same space as my ATV.

Before I take my regular action, I’ll raise this treasure. Then, I’ll move my ATV to the black site marker and raise the black treasure too.

Next, I’ll use another amulet to take an extra move with my ATV. I’ll move it to the space with the last brown and white site markers. Finally, I’ll raise both treasures separately, in any order I want.

For experienced players: –

Hey there! If you’re an experienced player, you’ve got some cool tricks up your sleeve. You can amp up your game by using additional amulet powers. Just remember, it’s important to use one amulet for each power you want to activate. These powers come into play when you have treasure maps that haven’t revealed their exact locations yet.

  • You can place two of your compass roses on a clue card you just played.
  • You can also add an extra compass rose to a clue card that already has one of your compass roses. This means you’ll have two compass roses on that clue card. And guess what? Each compass rose lets you claim one treasure card during the treasure distribution. Cool, right?
Swap positions of compass roses

If you want to mix things up, you can swap the positions of two single compass roses or two double-claims on the same treasure map. It’s a neat way to shake things up and strategize your next move!

End of the Game

The game ends once there are no more treasure cards left in the deck. But there’s a catch—it can’t end until all the treasure has been distributed. So keep your eyes on the prize and play until the very end!

Hey there! Let’s talk about what happens when there are still compass roses left while drawing the treasure cards. It’s a pretty important detail to take into account.

So, if there are any compass roses left, we’re going to shuffle the discarded treasure cards and keep going with the distribution like normal. Once that’s done, the game comes to an end right away.

Now comes the exciting part! Each of you gets to count up the gold coins on your treasure cards. The person who has collected the most gold coins is the big winner of the game! How cool is that?

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