Tiny Epic Mechs Solo Rules
Hey there! If you’re like me and enjoy playing board games solo, then you’re in luck. I’m here to explain the solo rules for Tiny Epic Mechs – a game that packs a big punch in a small package.
Now, let’s get into it. When you’re playing Tiny Epic Mechs on your own, you control not just one, but two characters. This gives you double the fun and double the strategy. It’s like being a master of two different mechs at the same time!
But how do you go about playing solo? Well, it’s actually quite straightforward. Your goal is to earn the most victory points by the end of the game. To do this, you’ll need to battle it out with AI-controlled opponents and complete various objectives.
To decide the difficulty level of your AI opponents, you have a range of options. Each difficulty level represents a specific AI archetype, from the easiest to the hardest. You can choose to face off against the Technician, the Shieldbearer, or the Berserker, just to name a few.
Once you’ve selected your opponents, it’s time to get into the nitty-gritty of gameplay. You’ll take turns controlling both of your characters, making strategic decisions and utilizing their unique abilities.
During your turn, you have two main actions that you can take. The first action is movement. You can move your characters across the game board, exploring different areas and positioning yourself strategically.
The second action is combat. This is where the real excitement happens. You can attack opponents, defend yourself, or even capture objective cards to earn victory points.
Throughout the game, you’ll have the opportunity to customize your mechs with gear cards. These cards provide you with additional abilities and can give you the upper hand in battles. So, be sure to choose your gear wisely and adapt your strategy accordingly.
As you progress through the game, you’ll need to keep an eye on your energy level. Energy is a valuable resource that you’ll use to power your mech’s abilities. Managing your energy efficiently will be key to your success.
The game continues until a certain number of rounds have been played, or until a specific objective has been achieved. Once the game is over, you’ll tally up your victory points and see how well you did.
So, there you have it – the solo rules for Tiny Epic Mechs. It’s an exciting and challenging experience that will put your strategic thinking to the test. Are you up for the challenge? Get your mechs ready and let the solo adventure begin!
In solo mode, I’ll be facing off against two Robot Pilots. It won’t be an easy challenge, but I’m determined to emerge victorious!
But before I can dive into the action, let’s go over the setup for the solo game. Take a look at the image below for reference.
[Image: A visual representation of how to set up the game for the solo mode]
Here are the steps to get started:
1. We need to set up for a 3-player game, but with a slight twist. I’ll be positioned in the “single” northmost Base Zone, while the two Robot Pilots will take up residence in the other two Base Zones.
2. To make things interesting, both Robot Pilots will begin the game wearing Power Armor. You’ll want to turn their Power Armor so that it faces north, right towards where I’ll be standing.
3. It’s time to prepare the Robot Pilots’ Player Cards. You’ll need to place two Player Cards side by side for each Robot Pilot. On each resource track, make sure to place an Energy and Credits Token on the “3” space. Leave enough space around each card to accommodate other cards and tokens that will come into play later on.
With these initial setup steps completed, we can soon plunge into the exciting world of Tiny Epic Mechs solo play. Stay tuned for more exhilarating updates!
I won’t be using Pilot Cards for the Robot Pilots. Instead, I’ll keep track of their health on their Player Card. Just place their Health Token on the “9” space of their resource track.
Now, let’s flip the fourth Player Card that we haven’t used yet. This card will serve as a guide for resolving the Robot Pilots’ Program Cards.
Each Robot Pilot will receive 2 Basic Weapons and their corresponding Cards. One Robot Pilot will get a Pulse Pistol and an Energy Sword, while the other will have a Pulse Pistol and a Grenade Launcher. Make sure to place the 2 Basic Weapon Cards face-up under each Player Card.
To prepare the Program Cards for the Robot Pilots, first shuffle the 8 cards and then place them face-down in a stack under the Player Cards. Don’t forget to put each Robot Pilots’ Ad Hoc Mode Card back in the box.
Alright, let’s give this text a makeover!
Hey there! Have you ever wondered what goes on when it comes to those sneaky Robot Pilot Mines? Well, let me tell you all about it!
First things first – those tricky Robot Pilot Mines are pretty well-known in the world of technology. They can be quite the double-edged sword, if you ask me. On one hand, they can really elevate the performance of the robots they’re paired with. But on the other hand, they might cause some unexpected troubles.
So, let me break it down for you. The Robot Pilot Mines are responsible for regenerating responses in our robotic pals. It’s like giving them a boost of energy and making sure they’re always on top of their game. And believe me, in today’s high-tech world, that’s no small feat!
When someone decides to use Robot Pilot Mines, they need to be very careful in choosing the right ones. There are so many factors to take into account! Are you looking for a mine that can handle heavy-duty tasks? Or maybe you need one that specializes in precision movements? Whatever it may be, you’ve got to understand your needs before making a decision.
And let me tell you, once you find the perfect fit, it’s like a match made in heaven. Your robot will be unstoppable! But remember, it’s important to always be mindful of the potential risks. With great power comes great responsibility, you know?
But don’t worry, if you’re a fan of the Robot Pilot Mines, then you’re going to love this next part. Imagine this: all the mines are flipped face-down and shuffled randomly. Then, one random mine is placed face-down in each of the Robot Pilots’ Bases. It adds an element of surprise and keeps things interesting!
So, overall, the meaning behind Robot Pilot Mines is clear – they’re here to enhance the performance of our beloved robots. Just make sure to choose wisely and embrace the excitement that comes with it. Trust me, it’s an adventure you won’t want to miss!
Solo Gameplay
When I’m playing solo, I start by programming my 4 Program Cards just like in a regular game. However, in solo mode, I don’t have to hide my cards, although I can if I want to. In solo mode, the actions of the Robot Pilots are chosen randomly from their stack of face-down Program Cards.
Once I’m finished programming my cards, the round proceeds in the following way:
- First, I want you to execute your Program Card.
- Then, flip the top Program Card for the Robot Pilot on the left and execute it.
- After that, flip the top Program Card for the Robot Pilot on the right and execute it.
We need to repeat this process 3 times until each player has executed 4 actions. At the end of each round, we collect the Program Cards that were played by each Robot Pilot and shuffle them back into the Program Card stack. We’ll use this stack face-down for the next round.
How to Execute Robot Pilot Cards
Don’t worry about the movement direction on the card. Instead, focus on the action to determine where the Robot Pilot moves. You can find this information in the Robot Pilot Guide. Remember, the Robot Pilot will turn to face the direction it just moved, unless it’s performing a Diagonal Jump or a Double Jump.
The direction I’m facing as a Robot Pilot is really important! The side where my Weapons are pointing is considered the “front”.
The Rules for Moving as a Robot Pilot
- I’ll move in the direction I’m facing, depending on the card I have. I can see three Zones: forward, left, and right.
- Some cards will let me choose which Zone to move to based on the number value on the card (
). If there’s a tie in values, I’ll always move forward.
- I can’t move into a wall or a Zone where the other Robot Pilot is. If that happens, I’ll turn around 180 degrees and face the opposite direction, and then move forward.
- Robot Pilots can move into an occupied Zone without triggering the Mine or Turret.
Guide to Program Card Movement
Collect: Move forward 1 Zone.
Deploy Turret and Deploy Mine: Move to the highest-valued Zone.
Purchase and Power Up: Move to the lowest-valued Zone.
Diagonal Jump: Jump into the Zone of the human player if they are in ANY Zone diagonal to the Robot Pilot. This jump can be over any number of Zones in any diagonal direction. If the human player is not in a diagonal Zone, then the Robot Pilot does not move.
Double Jump: So here’s the deal – I can jump into your Zone if you’re hanging out in any Zone that’s in the same row or column as me, the Robot Pilot. And get this, I can jump over as many Zones as I want, in any direction – up, down, left, or right. Pretty cool, right? But here’s the catch – if you’re not in a Zone that’s right next to me, I can’t make the jump.
Executing Actions
After I make my move, it’s time to take action. Here’s what I do:
Collect: Just like any other good robot, I’ll collect any resources on the Zones that I control, as well as any resources on my Mines or Turrets. But hold on, there’s a limit. If I’ve maxed out on resources, then I won’t be able to collect anything else. Gotta make room for more, you know?
When I’m playing as the Robot Pilot in Tiny Epic Mechs, I have the option to deploy a Mine or Turret in a specific Zone. To do this, I need to have enough or
resources. If I have enough, I can choose to deploy a Mine or Turret. The Mines need to be shuffled face-down before I place one on the board. However, there are a few conditions that would prevent me from deploying a Mine or Turret:
1. I don’t have enough resources to afford it.
2. All of my Mines/Turrets have already been deployed.
3. The other Robot Pilot already has a Mine/Turret in that Zone.
Another option I have as the Robot Pilot is to purchase an Advanced Weapon from the row of available weapons. I can only purchase Advanced Weapons, not Basic Weapons. I start by looking at the weapons from left to right and choose the first one that I can afford. However, there is a condition that would prevent me from purchasing a weapon:
1. I don’t have enough resources to afford any of the weapons in the row.
It’s important to consider these factors when playing as the Robot Pilot in Tiny Epic Mechs and make strategic decisions based on the available options.
The robots have a limit of 4 advanced weapons in their stockpile. This means they can’t carry more than that number when they go into battle. So, if a robot already has 4 advanced weapons, it can’t pick up any more.
When it comes to the pilot inside the robot, they need to be at full health in order to activate their special ability. This ability allows them to recharge their health completely. But if the pilot is already at full health, they won’t be able to recharge and instead they will collect something else.
Now, let’s talk about how to control these powerful robots. It’s not as easy as it looks! You need to have good reflexes and quick thinking. The key is to stay focused and make split-second decisions.
Remember, the robot is only as good as its pilot. If you’re not skilled enough, the robot won’t perform at its best. So, it’s important to practice and improve your skills.
Are you ready to step into the cockpit and take control of the mighty mech? With these tips in mind, you’ll be able to dominate the battlefield and emerge victorious!
If I, as the Robot Pilot, enter a Zone with an empty Mighty Mech, I automatically take control, regardless of my health, and score). I use the Mighty Mech Card to track my health.
It doesn’t matter which side I enter from, since I can’t use my ability. Just like a human player, I can’t Power Up while controlling the Mighty Mech (I Collect instead). If I defeat a human player who is controlling the Mighty Mech, I will take control of it.
Equipping the Robot Pilot
As soon as I, the Robot Pilot, purchase a Weapon Card, I equip it. I place the card face-up below my Player Card. If there are ever more than two Advanced Weapons in the stockpile while I’m wearing Power Armor, I shuffle all the cards and draw two to equip.
When you switch between the Power Armor and the Mighty Mech, you need to keep in mind that a Robot Pilot with the Mighty Mech cannot use its Basic Weapons. If the Robot Pilot is knocked out while using the Mighty Mech, it must immediately switch back to the Power Armor and equip any Basic and Advanced Weapons it has.
Combat with a Robot Pilot
To start combat with the Robot Pilot, gather all of its equipped Weapon Cards and shuffle them to form a face-down stack. When it’s the Robot Pilot’s turn to use a Weapon, flip the topmost card.
If the Weapon has an effect that requires a decision, like paying resources for extra damage, the Robot Pilot can only choose to pay the highest amount of the resource it can afford. Any other decision is disregarded.
I never retreat as the Robot Pilot. If I use up all my Weapons, instead of backing down, I just shuffle and reuse all my equipped Weapon Cards. It’s a neat trick to keep the fight going!
But I have to be careful. If the other Robot Pilot has Turrets or Mines, they can damage me before the Combat begins. It’s like taking a hit before the bell rings, but it won’t hurt the Robot Pilot itself. I’m resilient!
Since I don’t pre-program my moves, I never enter Ad-Hoc Mode after Combat. I rely on my instincts and adapt on the fly. It keeps things exciting!
One important thing to remember is Power Attacks. Pay attention to any that you or I might trigger when a Weapon Card is revealed. It could give us a big advantage or turn the tides of battle.
Now, here’s something cool. If I make a Diagonal Jump or a Double Jump into your Zone, I’ll immediately use a Power Attack as my first strike. It’s a surprise move that can catch you off guard. And if I survive the fight, I’ll end up facing “north” towards your Base. Sneaky, huh?
Oh, and one more thing! If you manage to KO me, that’s pretty impressive. I’ll give you a fist bump for that.
If my Robot Pilot gets knocked out, whether I’m wearing the Power Armor or the Mighty Mech, I’ll put it back in my Base Zone, facing “north” towards my Base or towards the human player if it’s in the row next to my Base.
If my Robot Pilot’s Base Zone is occupied, I’ll draw unused Program Cards from the stack and move it from its Base until it finds an open Zone. The Robot Pilot never loses its Power Armor if it’s knocked out and will respawn at full health. If my Mine/Turret knocks out a Robot Pilot, it doesn’t get to take its action.
The Game Ends
Just like human players, Robot Pilots score points for Combat, Zone-control, the Mighty Mech, and Weapons. Each Robot Pilot is scored individually. If I want to win, I need to have the highest final score.