How to play The Golden Ages Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

The Golden Ages Game Rules


Welcome to The Golden Ages, an exciting and strategic board game where you take on the role of a civilization builder. In this game, you will guide your people through different ages, from ancient times to the medieval era, striving to create a prosperous and influential civilization that will be remembered throughout history.


To begin the game, each player should take a player board and place it in front of them. The player boards are divided into different sections that represent different aspects of your civilization, such as culture, science, military, and agriculture. Each player also receives a set of wooden cubes, which represent their resources and population.

The game board should be placed in the center of the table, and the Age cards should be shuffled and placed face-down next to the game board. Each player receives a starting hand of four Age cards. These cards represent different technologies, wonders, or buildings that you can develop during the game.


The Golden Ages is played over a series of rounds, with each round consisting of several phases. In each phase, players will take turns performing actions to develop their civilization.

During the Planning phase, players secretly choose one of their Age cards and place it facedown in front of them. This card represents the action they plan to take in the round.

Once all players have chosen their actions, the cards are revealed simultaneously, and the actions are resolved in turn order. Actions can include things like developing technologies, increasing population, building wonders, or exploring new territories.

Players will also need to manage their resources and population carefully. Resources are needed to develop technologies and construct buildings, while population is necessary to work on these projects and generate more resources.

End of the Game

The game ends when the Age cards have been depleted. At this point, players count up their victory points, which are earned by developing technologies, building wonders, and achieving specific goals.

The player with the most victory points is declared the winner and is celebrated as the greatest civilization builder of The Golden Ages.


I hope you enjoy playing The Golden Ages and that these rules provide a clear understanding of how to play. Remember, the key to success is careful planning, resource management, and strategic decision-making. Good luck, and may your civilization shine throughout the ages!

How to play The Golden Ages Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play The Golden Ages Official Rules UltraFoodMess

I have something incredibly important to share with you. Let’s talk about a remarkable game called Civilization. If you’re a fan of strategy and conquest, then this is the game for you. It’s filled with excitement and surprises at every turn. But before we get into all the details, I want to make sure you have everything you need to play the game. Here’s a list of the components you’ll find in the box:

– 1 game board

– 1 Player Aid

– Agora

– 16 glory tiles

– 17 continent tiles

– 1 sticker leaflet

– 100 gold

– 16 wonder cards

– 25 civilization cards

– 10 future technology cards

– 9 History’s Judgement Cards

– 24 building cards

– 4 player boards

– 12 colonists

– 4 score markers

– 64 technology tiles

– 4 capitals

– 48 cubes

– Rulebook

Now that we have everything set up, let’s dive into the game. Civilization is all about building and developing your own civilization from scratch. You’ll start off as a small tribe and grow into a mighty empire. Your goal is to expand your territory, explore new lands, trade with other civilizations, and ultimately become the most powerful civilization in the world.

As you progress through the game, you’ll have to make tough decisions that will impact the fate of your civilization. Will you focus on military might and conquer your neighbors? Or will you prioritize culture and science to ensure the long-term success of your people? The choice is yours, and it’s not an easy one.

But remember, with great power comes great responsibility. As you build your civilization, you’ll have to take into account the needs and desires of your people. Will you provide for their basic needs and keep them happy? Or will you disregard their well-being in pursuit of personal glory? The choice is yours, but be warned – neglecting your people can have grave consequences.

In the end, your success will be measured by the legacy you leave behind. Will you be remembered as a wise and benevolent leader? Or will your name be forgotten, drowned out by the sands of time? The fate of your civilization is in your hands.

So, are you ready to embark on this epic journey? If you have a thirst for adventure and a hunger for glory, then Civilization is the game for you. Get ready to shape history and leave your mark on the world. Are you up for the challenge? The choice is yours. Let the game begin!

How to play The Golden Ages Official Rules UltraFoodMess

First, let’s set up the game. Place the game board and the agora in the center of the table.

Next, take the continent tiles and sort them by size. Put them face down next to the game board. The square continent tile goes in the middle of the game board. You can choose how to orient it, or you can decide randomly.

Important: This game doesn’t require you to create a ‘correct’ map of our world using the tiles.

Now, let’s prepare the building cards. Sort them by Era (I, II, III, IV) and put them face down in four separate decks next to the game board.

Keep in mind: In a 3-player game, remove all building cards with ‘4+’ from the game. In a 2-player game, remove all building cards with ‘3+’ and ‘4+’ from the game.

Finally, let’s organize the wonder cards. Sort them by Era (I, II, III, IV) and place them face down in four separate decks next to the game board.

Okay, so here’s what we need to do to get started. First, let’s sort the civilization cards into different decks based on their era. We’ve got four eras: I, II, III, and IV. Place each deck face down next to the game board.

Next, let’s shuffle all of the history’s judgement cards and draw five random ones. These cards will be placed face up next to the board. The rest of the cards can go back in the box for now, we won’t be using them in this game.

Now, shuffle all of the future technology cards and make a face down deck next to the game board.

Don’t forget to shuffle the glory tiles as well. Place them face down next to the board.

And finally, we need to get the gold ready. Put all of the gold next to the game board to create the general reserve.

Now, each player gets to choose their color and take their corresponding components. This includes a player board, technology tiles, a capital, colonists, cubes, and a score marker.

  • Make sure to place the score marker on space ‘0’ of the score track on the game board.

Players, it’s time to set up and get ready for an exciting game! Here’s what you need to do:

1. Each of you will place your player board in front of you. Check out page II for a detailed setup guide.

11. You’ll need some Gold to start your journey. Take 3 Gold pieces and place them on the Gold space on your player board. Remember, the amount of Gold you own will be visible to everyone during the game.

12. Each player receives 4 civilization cards, one from each Era, and a Future Technology card. Keep these cards face down in front of you without revealing them to anyone else. Any unused cards should be put back in the box without peeking.

Now, let’s talk about your player board. It’s a crucial part of your gaming experience, so pay attention!

Your player board is where all the action happens. It’s your guide to the available technologies, building spaces, invasion track, and actions you can take. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with it.

That’s it for the setup! Get ready to embark on a thrilling journey through time and build your civilization. May the best player win!

How to play The Golden Ages Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  1. First, you want to put the technology tiles in their right spots on the player board.
  2. Next, you’re gonna place 7 cubes on the special cube areas of the technology tiles. The other 5 cubes go on the reserve space on the player board.

How the Game Works

When you play the game, it’s divided into four different Era’s. In each Era, there are five phases that you need to go through:

  1. Era Setup
  2. Expand The Map
  3. Player Actions
  4. End of the Era
  5. Prepare for the next Era

1. Era Setup

At the start of each era, there are a few things you need to do:

How to play The Golden Ages Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  1. First, I want to reveal all the wonder cards of the current Era. These are some pretty amazing cards, and they should be displayed face up next to the game board so everyone can see them.
  2. Next, I’m going to reveal a number of building cards of the current Era that is equal to the number of players. These cards will also be placed face up next to the game board so they’re easily accessible to everyone.

Now, here’s something important to keep in mind: If a card has an immediate effect with a lightning sign, you have to apply that effect as soon as you choose the card. You can only apply the effect once, even if you decide to keep the card for the next Era. On the other hand, if a card has a permanent effect, it will stay in effect until you decide to discard the civilization card.

How to play The Golden Ages Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • I’m going to explain how to determine who goes first in the game. The player who has the civilization card with the lowest number in the upper right corner becomes the first player of that Era.
  • B. Let’s Make the Map Bigger

    Now, it’s time to expand the map. We’re going to do this step by step, starting with the first player and then moving clockwise to the other players. Here’s what we need to do:

    Place a Continent Tile:

    When it’s your turn, you’re going to draw a continent tile and place it on the game board. This is an essential step, so pay attention! In the first Era, make sure to choose a continent tile with three squares. After that, in all the following Eras, you should use a continent tile with only two squares.

    Place or Move Your Capital

    In the first Era, I need to pick a spot on my continent tile to place my capital. I make sure to choose a square with the active side facing up, which is the empty side. Then, I move the three colonists from my reserve and place them on this square. For my capital, I put it in the center of the square, covering up the resource symbol. This means that no player, including myself, can use that resource.

    In the next Eras, I have the option to move my capital to a new square on my most recently placed continent tile. If I decide to do so, I must move all the colonists from the square where my capital used to be to the new location of my capital.

    Remember: I must always either place my capital on the tile I just placed or keep it where it currently is.

    How to play The Golden Ages Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Example: So, here’s how the game starts. In the first part of the game, I, the red player, decide to put my capital on the red highlighted tile A. Then, as we move into the second part of the game, I choose to place the green highlighted tile on the board at spot B. To make things interesting, I move my capital marker onto a square on the newly placed tile C, which covers up a resource symbol (rock). This means that none of the players can see or access that resource until I move my capital to a different spot.

    Now, when I move my capital, I have to take all of my colonists that are nearby and relocate them to the new capital location D. It’s a bit of work, but it’s part of the game.

    Here are the rules when it comes to placing continent tiles:
    • You can only place a continent tile next to another tile that’s already been placed.
    • All continent tiles must be within the grid.
    • You can rotate and place the continent tile in any direction you like.
    • When placing tiles on the map, it’s important to respect the conformation of the terrain. The land should touch the land, and the sea should touch the sea. The edges of the map don’t count in this matter. So, for example, if you place a tile with its sea side on one edge of the map, you can place a tile with its land side on the corresponding edge of the map.
    • You cannot place a continent tile on top of another continent tile, including the square continent tile.
    • A continent tile can cover the islands printed on the map.
    • When a continent tile covers a space, the colonists on that space go back to their respective capital.

    Player Actions

    This phase is the main phase of each Era. Each player takes turns, starting with the start player and then going clockwise, and must do one action per turn until all players have started a Golden Age.

    In my turn, I have a choice of eight actions to take. I can do the same action multiple times in each Era, except for starting a Golden Age, which I can only do once.

    The actions that require an upright colonist are as follows:

    1. Explorer: I can move a colonist and/or found a city.

    2. Builder: I can erect a building.

    3. Artist: I can score 3 victory points.

    4. Soldier: I can attack an opponent.

    5. Build a wonder.

    6. Activate a building or a wonder.

    7. Develop a technology.

    8. Start a Golden Age.

    Now, let’s dive deeper into the first action – Explorer.

    Let me break down this action into two parts for you. First, you have the option to move a colonist. This means you can relocate one of your settlers to a different location on the map. Keep in mind that once you’ve made this move, you can’t undo it.

    b. Found a city

    The second part of this action allows you to establish a new city on the map. This is a big decision, as the city will have a significant impact on your overall strategy.

    Remember, you have the choice to either move a colonist or found a city, or you can do both. Just remember to follow the order – you cannot move a colonist after you’ve already founded a city.

    How to play The Golden Ages Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    When I’m playing the game, I get to pick one of my colonists who is standing and decide where to move them on the map.

    Here are the Rules for Moving Colonists:
    • I can only move my colonist horizontally or vertically.
    • My colonist can travel over any part of the map, including the continent tiles, land, and sea.
    • My colonist can go onto a space that is already occupied by another player’s colonist, city, or capital.
    • At the start of the game, my colonist can only move one space. But there are certain technologies like ‘Carriage’, ‘Rail’, and ‘Aviation’ that can make them move farther.
    • If my colonist reaches the left or right edge of the map, they can go through it and come out on the opposite side.
    • But my colonist doesn’t have to move at all if I don’t want them to.

    So here’s the thing: when I make a move, if I end up on a space that has a resource symbol – like game, wheat, rock, or gem – and there isn’t already one of my colonists or cities there, I get to take control of that symbol. Pretty cool, right?

    Hey there! Want to know something cool? Those red circles you see on certain cards and technologies with a Gem/Rock/Game/Wheat symbol actually mean that you’ll get some gold when you take control of that resource. Neat, right? And you can do this by moving your colonist to a space that has one or two resource symbols or by founding a city there.

    Now, if you spot a simple black circle around a resource, that means you already control it. It’s like having one of your colonists or a city standing on that space. But here’s the interesting part: multiple players can actually share control of the same resource. For example, you and another player might have 2 colonists and 1 city on that square. But keep in mind that you can’t have cities of different players on the same square. Oh, and you know what’s really cool? When there’s a capital on a square, it covers the entire resource. That means no player can control it. Pretty powerful, right?

    How to play The Golden Ages Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Imagine this: you’re playing a game, and you have a city on a space with a rock. But then, another player moves one of their colonists to that same space. Now, you both control the rock. However, if the other player wants to found a city there, they have to attack you!

    Now, let me explain how you earn Gold in this game. It all depends on the technologies you’ve developed and the cards you have.

    b. Found a City

    After you move your chosen colonist (or choose not to), if they’re on a continent square without any cities or capitals, you can found a city there. Just take one cube from your reserve and place it on the space. If you’ve developed ‘Construction,’ you can place two cubes!

    If you don’t have enough cubes, that’s okay. Just take the ones you need from anywhere on the map. They’re yours for the taking!

    When you place a cube on the map, you earn Gold as a reward. The amount of Gold you receive depends on the technologies you have developed and the cards you possess.

    It’s important to understand the distinction between ‘cubes’ and ‘cities’ in these rules and on the player aid. A ‘cube’ refers to the physical wooden cube on the map or your player board, while a ‘city’ refers to one or two connected cubes forming a city on the map!

    You can only establish cities on continent tiles. It is not allowed to establish a city on the islands depicted on the map.

    When the explorer action is complete, you must place the used colonist token aside.

    How to play The Golden Ages Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    My Experience as a Builder

    Hey there! Let me tell you about my journey as a builder and the valuable lessons I’ve learned along the way. So, sit back, relax, and get ready to be inspired!

    First off, I want to emphasize the importance of being a builder. The ability to create something from scratch is an incredible skill to have. It’s like having a superpower – you hold the power to bring ideas to life. And trust me, that feeling is unmatched.

    When I first started on this path, I was overwhelmed with the multitude of choices I had to make. It can be a bit puzzling, but don’t worry, we all feel that way at first. The key is to take it one step at a time and not be afraid to explore different options.

    I quickly realized that choosing the right tools and materials was crucial. It’s like picking the perfect paintbrush for a masterpiece or finding the ideal ingredients for a recipe. Each choice has its own impact and can make or break the end result. So, I encourage you to experiment and find what works best for you.

    Understanding blueprints and designs became my bread and butter. It’s like deciphering a secret code – a satisfying challenge. These drawings hold the key to turning an idea into reality. They guide my every move, and getting them right is essential. But don’t worry, it gets easier with practice!

    One of the most rewarding aspects of being a builder is seeing your creation come to life. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of stepping back and admiring something you’ve built from the ground up. It’s a testament to your hard work and dedication.

    But it’s not all smooth sailing. There are times when things don’t go as planned, and that’s okay. As a builder, you learn to adapt and find creative solutions. Sometimes, those unexpected challenges lead to even better outcomes.

    So, if you’re considering the path of a builder, my advice to you is this – follow your passion and embrace the journey. It may not always be easy, but the rewards are worth it. Believe in yourself, stay curious, and never stop learning. Who knows, you might just build something that changes the world.

    How to play The Golden Ages Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    When I play the game, I get to choose where I want to put my colonist on the game board and place it on the agora. Then, I can take a building card from the table and put it on an empty building space on my player board. But here’s the thing – at the start, I can only use building space 1. If I want to unlock more spaces, I need to develop my ‘Writing’ and ‘Architecture’ skills.

    If there are no empty building spaces available, I have to get rid of a building from my player board. It’s gone forever! But the cool thing is, I can have multiple copies of the same building.

    Let’s Break Down a Building Card:

    How to play The Golden Ages Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    3. Creative Genius

    Hey there, wanna hear something totally mind-blowing? Just think about it – have you ever noticed how some people can take a paintbrush or pencil and create a masterpiece that fills you with a sense of wonder and awe? It’s like magic, right? Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s not magic at all – it’s pure, unadulterated creativity.

    You see, being an artist is about more than just pretty pictures or catchy tunes. It’s about tapping into something deep within ourselves – something that allows us to see the world in a way that others simply can’t. It’s about using our imagination to bring something entirely new into existence – something that has never been seen or heard before.

    Now, I know what you’re thinking – “But how do they do it? How do they come up with these incredible ideas?” Well, my friend, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to that question. Each artist has their own unique process – their own way of finding inspiration and channeling it into their work.

    Some artists find inspiration in the world around them – in the beauty of nature, the hustle and bustle of city life, or the stories of people they meet along the way. Others find inspiration within themselves – in their own emotions, experiences, and dreams.

    But it’s not just about finding inspiration. It’s also about daring to take risks – to push boundaries and challenge the status quo. It’s about having the courage to share our creations with the world, knowing that not everyone will understand or appreciate them.

    And let me tell you, being an artist is not always sunshine and rainbows. There are days when the ideas just won’t come, when everything feels stale and unoriginal. There are days when self-doubt creeps in and we wonder if we’re good enough. But here’s the thing – it’s in those moments of struggle that the real magic happens.

    Because when we push through the doubt and keep creating, we discover something amazing – that we are capable of more than we ever thought possible. We find new ideas and perspectives that we never knew existed. We surprise ourselves with what we can accomplish.

    So, my friend, if you have a spark of creativity within you – if you feel that burning desire to make something beautiful – don’t ignore it. Embrace it. Nurture it. And who knows? You might just discover a whole new world of possibilities.

    How to play The Golden Ages Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    When I play the game, I get to choose where I want to place one of my colonists on the game board, and I put them down on the agora. I feel a surge of excitement as I see my score marker move forward 3 spaces on the score track, earning me 3 victory points.

    4. Fighter

    How to play The Golden Ages Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    So here’s the deal: you get to pick one of your colonists who’s just standing around on the game board, and you can move them to a space that has some of your opponents’ colonists or one of their cities. But hold up! The big cities, like capitals, are off-limits for attack, so don’t even bother trying.

    Now, when it comes to moving, you follow the same rules as with the Explorer. Easy peasy.

    Once you’re done moving (or if you decide to stay put), you gotta pay up. The amount of Gold you need to cough up is shown on the leftmost free space on your invasion track. That gold goes straight into the general reserve.

    Oh, and here’s a little heads-up: you can only pull off a maximum of four Soldier actions per game. Gotta pace yourself, you know?

    So, here’s what happens: the opponent’s cubes go back to their stash. Any colonists the opponents had on that space go back to their home bases (if they were still standing when this went down, they stay standing). And just to add some excitement, the attacker gets to snatch a random glory tile and put it face down on their invasion track, starting with the first free space.

    Now, here’s the cool part. Right after all that, the attacker can straight away do action 1b) Found a City. And to finish things off, they put down one of their colonists.

    How to play The Golden Ages Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Let me give you an example: Imagine you’re playing a game where there are two players, one with red pieces and another with blue pieces. The red player wants to attack the space where the blue player has a city. The red player has developed a special skill called ‘Construction’, which allows him to have two cubes in his city. He moves one of his colonists to the space and pays 8 Gold because he has already attacked twice before. When the red player attacks, the blue player has to remove his city cubes and put them back in his reserve. The yellow player, who is also playing, has to remove his standing colonist and put it back next to his capital.

    Remember: If a player has developed the ‘Rocketry’ skill, he doesn’t need to move a standing colonist to attack.

    5. Let’s Build a Wonder!

    How to play The Golden Ages Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    When you play the game, you get to pick a wonder card that is available. You have to pay for it using Gold and then put the card next to your player board. However, there are some civilization cards that can make the cost cheaper for you if you have them.

    How to play The Golden Ages Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    When you create a wonder card, make sure to activate the instant effect right away, if there is one.

    Don’t worry about how many wonders you can build – there’s no limit!

    Let’s Take a Look at What Makes a Wonder Card:

    How to play The Golden Ages Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    6. Activate a Building or Wonder

    To activate a building or wonder, you will first need to meet the necessary requirements. These requirements can include having enough resources, reaching a certain level, or completing specific quests or tasks. Once you meet the requirements, you can activate the building or wonder and start benefiting from its unique features and bonuses.

    When I activate a building or wonder, I feel a sense of accomplishment. It’s like unlocking a new chapter in my city’s history. I get excited about the new opportunities and benefits that come with it. I can improve the efficiency of my city, attract more citizens, and expand my influence.

    But activating a building or wonder also comes with its challenges. I have to carefully manage my resources to ensure that I can sustain the new features and bonuses. I need to make strategic decisions and prioritize certain buildings or wonders over others.

    Overall, the process of activating a building or wonder is an important aspect of the game. It adds depth and complexity to the gameplay, allowing me to continuously improve and evolve my city. It’s a rewarding experience that keeps me engaged and excited about what’s to come. So go ahead and activate that building or wonder – you won’t regret it!

    How to play The Golden Ages Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    When playing, you have the option to select one of your buildings or wonders that has an activation ability. This means you can utilize the power associated with that particular card. Once you activate the power, you will flip the card to indicate that it has been used during this Era. It’s important to note that you can only use each card’s power once per Era.

    7. Acquire New Technology

    How to play The Golden Ages Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    When I’m playing the game, I get to make a choice about which technology to focus on. I have to pay the costs shown on the tile and then I place the tile face down next to my player board. If there are any cubes on the tile, I add them to my reserve. The best part is that I get to enjoy the benefits of the new technology right away!

    Now, here’s the interesting part. Some technologies can make the old ones useless. So, when I choose to develop a new technology, I have to say goodbye to the benefits of the old one. It’s like giving up something good for something even better!

    How to play The Golden Ages Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Listen up folks, because this is big. We’re about to embark on a journey of discovery, a quest to unlock the secrets of technology. Let me break it down for you: to create a new technology, we need to have the previous ones in place, like stepping stones leading to a golden age. It’s like building a tower, one block at a time, each piece supporting the next.

    Step 8: Ignite a New Era

    If we want to reach the pinnacle of progress and prosperity, we have to start at the bottom and work our way up. You see, each technological breakthrough builds upon its predecessors, leveraging their knowledge and foundations to propel us forward.

    Imagine this: you want to develop something revolutionary, let’s say, ‘Construction.’ But here’s the catch – before you can even think about construction, you need to have already developed ‘Me3allurgy.’ It’s like a chain reaction of innovation.

    We’re talking about the birth of a golden age, a period of unparalleled advancement. But remember, my friend, it all starts with a single spark. With every technology we create, we unlock the potential for even greater discoveries, propelling us further into the future.

    So, let’s not forget the wisdom of our past. We stand on the shoulders of giants, building upon the knowledge that has come before us. The path to progress is paved with resilience and determination, and it’s up to us to seize the opportunities that lie ahead.

    How to play The Golden Ages Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    If I don’t have any colonists on the game board, I can start a Golden Age. This means I can’t do anything else on my turn, and I don’t get any money. Instead, I get 2 Gold from the general reserve whenever I would normally take a turn.

    To start my Golden Age, I need to flip my capital to the Golden Age side. This is the side with the sticker. The first player to start a Golden Age in the current Era gets to choose a “History’s Judgement” card and put it next to the agora.

    When all players have started a Golden Age, the Era ends right away. The only exception is the end of the fourth Era, which is triggered when the first player starts a Golden Age (see End of the game).

    When it’s time to prepare for the next era, every player will earn victory points based on the ‘History’s judgement’ card at the agora.

    Just a quick note: if it’s already the end of the fourth era, you can skip this phase.

    Here’s what you need to do to get ready for the next era:

    1. Get rid of any building cards or wonder cards that weren’t put into play this era. Also, discard the history’s judgement card that was next to the agora. Put all of these cards back in the box.

    2. Flip all the capitals over so that the blank side is facing up.

    3. Keep all the colonists on the map standing upright. They stay in the same spots.

    4. Take all the colonists from the agora and put them standing upright on the square with the capital that they belong to.

    Finally, when a player starts a Golden Age during the fourth round or era, that’s the last turn. After that, every other player gets one last action before the game is over.

    When the game comes to an end, it’s all about the player who triggered the ending. They pass the turn to the player on their right, and that’s when the game officially concludes. But before we wrap things up, we have to resolve the chosen History’s Judgment card, and then it’s game over!

    Now, let’s talk about scoring. At the end of the game, each player will earn points based on different factors:

    • Gold: You’ll get 1 victory point for every 3 pieces of Gold you have.
    • Developed technologies: Check the victory point values on the back of the technology tiles next to your player board.
    • Glory tiles: The victory point values on the glory tiles on your invasion track will contribute to your score.
    • Future technology card: If you’ve met the prerequisite for your future technology card, reveal it and tally up the victory point value.

    So, who will emerge as the ultimate victor? Well, the player with the highest number of victory points takes the crown.

    But what happens in case of a tie? If two or more players have the same number of victory points, we’ll shift our focus to the map. The player with the most cities on the map will be declared the winner. And if the tie still persists, then it’s a shared victory among the tied players.

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