- 1 The Gallerist Game Rules
- 1.1 Set Up the Game
- 1.2 Your Goal
- 1.3 Placing Meeple and Taking Actions
- 1.4 Managing Artists and Artwork
- 1.5 Exhibitions and Visitors
- 1.6 Game End and Scoring
- 1.7 Components
- 1.8 Let’s Set Up!
- 1.9 Let’s Get Started
- 1.10 Going Places
- 1.11 The Big Decisions
- 1.12 Places
- 1.13 The Power of Influence
- 1.14 Tickets
- 1.15 Getting Points in the Middle of the Game
- 1.16 Fame and Being Famous
- 1.17 The Game Ends
The Gallerist Game Rules
Hey there! Welcome to the exciting world of The Gallerist. I’m here to explain the rules of the game and get you started on your art gallery adventure. Are you ready? Let’s dive in!
Set Up the Game
First things first, let’s set up the game board. Place the game board in the center of the table and give each player their player board. Choose a color and take the corresponding meeple and cubes. Shuffle the art tiles and place them face down. We’re almost ready to begin.
Your Goal
In this game, your goal is to become a successful art gallery owner. You’ll need to find talented artists, buy their artwork, display it in your gallery, and attract visitors. The more visitors you attract, the more money and reputation you’ll earn.
Placing Meeple and Taking Actions
On your turn, you’ll place your meeple on a specific action space on the game board. Each action space allows you to perform a different action, such as hiring an assistant, buying an art piece, or promoting your gallery. Some actions will require you to spend resources, while others will help you gain them.
After you’ve taken your action, you can choose to activate an adjacent action space. This will allow you to take a bonus action, giving you an advantage in the game. It’s all about strategy and making the most out of every turn.
Managing Artists and Artwork
As a gallery owner, you’ll need to manage your artists and artwork. You can buy and sell artwork, promote artists to increase their reputation, and even hire specialists to help you with specific tasks. Each artist has unique talents and abilities, so choose wisely and build a diverse collection.
Exhibitions and Visitors
To attract visitors to your gallery, you’ll need to organize exhibitions. Exhibitions showcase your artwork and allow you to earn money and reputation. Manage your artists and artwork to create the best exhibitions possible, and watch as the crowds flock to see your collection.
Keep an eye on your reputation track. The higher your reputation, the more visitors you’ll attract. And more visitors mean more money and success for your gallery. It’s a win-win situation.
Game End and Scoring
The game ends after a certain number of rounds, determined by the number of players. At the end of the game, you’ll calculate your final score based on your money, reputation, and completed objectives. The player with the highest score is declared the ultimate Gallerist and the winner of the game.
Well, that’s the overview of The Gallerist. Now it’s time for you to jump in and start building your own art empire. Have fun, and may the best gallery win!
Welcome to the age of art and capitalism, where a new profession has emerged – The Gallerist. As a Gallerist, I combine the roles of an art dealer, museum curator, and artists’ manager. My mission is to promote and support talented artists, while also buying, displaying, and selling their artwork. This endeavor allows me to establish my international influence and earn the respect needed to attract visitors from all over the world to my gallery. Although the task may seem daunting, there’s no need to worry. I have the option of hiring assistants to lighten the load and ensure success.
In this line of work, there’s no shortage of aspiring art enthusiasts eager to collaborate with someone of my stature. It’s up to me to seize the opportunity and build the most prosperous gallery ever.
- You’ll get 1 Game board
- You’ll have 4 Art Gallery (Player boards)
- Use those 4 Gallerist pawns
- Grab the Starting Player marker and 4 Influence markers
- There are 32 Work of Art tiles
- Check out 16 Artist tiles
- You’ll receive 16 Signature tokens
- Plus 10 Artist bonus tiles
- You’ll need 60 Tickets
- Don’t forget the 40 Visitors
- Put them all in the Visitors bag
- You’ll also have 40 Assistants in Player colors
- Get ready with 3 Easels
- There are 20 Reputation tiles
- Claim the 8 Fame markers and 8 Celebrity tiles
- Use the 20 Promotion tokens
- Don’t miss the 4 Art Dealer cards
- And the 4 Curator cards
- Finally, the 20 Contract cards
- We have Money too! (1,2,5,10,50,100)
Let’s Set Up!
Put the Game board right in the middle of the table. Place the Player boards around the Game board closest to the Gallery with the matching color.
Let’s get started by placing the visitors in the cloth bag. If we have 4 players, we’ll use all of the visitors. But if we only have 3 players, we need to remove 2 of each type of visitor and put them back in the box. And for 2 players or if you’re playing a solitaire game, we’ll need to remove 4 of each type of visitor.
Now it’s time to set up the game board:
When we start a game, the first thing we need to do is place our Influence marker on the “10” space of the Influence Track.
Next, we need to set up the box office. The number of tickets we put in the box office depends on how many players there are. If there are 4 players, we put 20 tickets in the box office. For 3 players, we put 15 tickets. And for 2 players or solitaire games, we put 10 tickets. Any extra tickets can go back in the game box.
Now let’s move on to the Sales Office:
The contract cards need to be shuffled and placed face-down on the leftmost space. Then, we draw the top 4 cards and put them face-up on the four contract display spaces.
And finally, the Artist Colony:
We need to shuffle all 16 Artist tiles and place them one by one on the board, matching the color and art form of the Artist.
If I try to draw an Artist and there’s no empty space left, I have to put it back in the game box. And I have to keep doing this until all the spaces are filled. If there are any Artists left over, I have to return them to the game box too. But here’s the thing, I have to make sure that I have one blue and one red Artist for each Art form. That’s really important!
Let’s start by placing the first drawn blue Artist tile face-up. We should also mark its initial Fame with a white cube. You can find the initial Fame value printed on both sides of the tile.
Now, let’s move on to the rest of the Artists. They should all begin the game face-down. Take the Artist bonus tiles and shuffle them. Place one tile at random on each Artist. Any leftover Artist bonus tiles should be returned to the box.
Lastly, let’s not forget about the Visitors. Take one white Visitor (Collector) from the bag and place it on each red Artist tile.
And there you have it! The setup for the game is complete, and we’re ready to start. Have fun!
Alright, let’s get started! First, I’ll place the Artist’s Signature tokens next to all the Artist tiles. These tokens will help us keep track of each artist.
Next, we’ll shuffle the Works of Art for each art form. Once shuffled, we’ll place each stack face-up next to the corresponding studio. We’ll also set aside the top tile from each stack for now.
Now, it’s time to bring in some visitors! We’ll take a number of random Visitors from the bag and place them on top of each Work of Art. The number of visitors will be equal to the number of tickets depicted on the tile.
First, we’ll deal with the Promotion tokens. Take each of the Promotion tokens and stack them on the numbered spaces that match their numbers.
International Market:
Next, let’s set up the International Market. Grab 12 Reputation tiles and shuffle them up. Place each tile face up on the spaces in the upper 4 rows of the International Market. If you’re playing solo or with two players, you only need 8 tiles and you’ll only cover the upper 4 rows of the 1st and 3rd columns.
Now, let’s move on to the Works of Art. Take the 4 Works of Art you set aside earlier and shuffle them up. Place one of these works of art at random on each of the easels beside the board. For a 4-player game, use three easels. For 3 players, use two easels. And for 2-player and solitaire games, just use one easel. These works of art are internationally renowned and will attract visitors to your museum.
If there are any easels or works of art left over, put them back in the box for now.
Lastly, we need to add visitors to the game. Take 4 random visitors from the bag and place them in the Plaza. Then, place one random visitor in each player’s Lobby. These visitors are eager to explore your museum and will bring in excitement and revenue.
Hey there! Let me walk you through the setup process of the game.
First, we need to deal with the Reputation tiles. We want to create some unpredictability, so I suggest picking 4 tiles randomly from the remaining ones. Then, place one of these tiles face-up next to each Location on the game board. This will spice things up!
Now, it’s time to determine the start player. We’ll do this in a fun way – let’s choose someone randomly and give them the Starting Player marker. Exciting, right? Once we have the start player, the other players will take their turns in reverse order.
Next, each player gets to choose a Location and place their Gallerist there. This is where strategy comes into play! Each player will also take the Reputation tile from the Location they chose. The remaining tiles can be placed back in the box.
Finally, we should gather everything else and keep it near the game board. This will make it easier for everyone to access.
Now, it’s time for each player to choose a color and set up their Gallery. Here’s what you need to do:
- First, I’m going to put 8 Assistants on the unemployment queue spaces.
- Next, I’m going to place the remaining 2 Assistants at desks in the office.
- Then, I’ll take the Reputation tile that I got earlier and place it on the 3rd space of my Player board.
- After that, I’ll take 10 money from the bank.
- Now, it’s time to shuffle the Art Dealer cards and deal one to each player. I’ll do the same with the Curator cards. These cards are kept secret from other players.
Let’s Get Started
The game is played in rounds, starting with the Start Player. On my turn, I’ll move my Gallerist to one of the four Locations on the game board and choose one of the two actions available at that Location.
In addition to the Location action, I can also take one of two ‘Executive Actions’ on my turn, either before or after the Location action.
When I move my Gallerist to a Location where another Player is there, they get Kicked-Out. They can then do a special ‘Kicked-Out Action’ after my turn is over.
When you play the ‘Kicked-Out Action’ in this game, you get the chance to make extra moves outside of your regular turn. It’s an exciting twist that sets this game apart and keeps everyone on their toes.
Going Places
On your turn, if you’re at a Location (and haven’t been Kicked-Out), you must move your Gallerist pawn to a different Location. Remember, the next player to take their turn is always the one to your left who performed the last Location action. It keeps the game dynamic and gets everyone thinking.
But that’s not all! If you move from one Location to another, you can leave one of your Assistants behind on the space where your Gallerist pawn was. It can be an Assistant from your office desk or from another Location. And by leaving an Assistant behind, you gain a Kicked-Out action if your Assistant gets displaced. It’s a smart move that adds more strategy to your gameplay.
So, imagine you’ve arrived at a new place. Now what? Well, the first thing you gotta do is choose one of two actions available to you.
Here’s an example: Orange is up next. Right now, Orange’s Art Dealer is at the International Market. Orange decides to head over to the Media Center. But before Orange leaves, he leaves one Assistant behind at the International Market, so he grabs another Assistant from his office and places it at the International Market. If Orange had another Assistant at a different location, he could have moved that one instead. Finally, Orange gets to take one of two possible actions at the Media Center.
The Big Decisions
When it’s your turn, you have the chance to not only take a Location Action but also an Executive Action. And the best part is, you get to decide if you want to take the Executive Action before or after your Location Action.
There are 2 Executive Actions to choose from:
- Moving Visitors by offering tickets or using a bonus from a contract card.
Get Visitors Moving with Tickets!
I have a great strategy to get more visitors to your gallery – offering tickets!
So, here’s how it works: you can discard any number of tickets. And for each ticket you discard, you get to move one visitor of the same color one space closer to your own gallery on the board.
And here’s the cool part – you can even move the same visitor more than once in a single action!
Just remember, when you discard your tickets, they go on a discard pile next to the game board – they don’t go back to the box office.
If a visitor is hanging out at the plaza or in any of the lobbies, any player can move them. But once a visitor enters a gallery, they’re there to stay – discarding tickets won’t move them out.
Pro tip for collectors:
Did you know that there is a limit to the number of Collectors a Player can have in their Gallery? It’s true! You can only have a number of Collectors that is one more than the number of Works of Art you have sold.
If you’re playing the game, keep an eye out for this symbol in each player’s Gallery on the game board!
For example: Imagine you have a visitor, and you want to move them from the Plaza to their Lobby, or from their Lobby to their Gallery. You can even try moving them from another player’s Lobby to the Plaza.
Using a bonus from a contract card
Contracts have a lot of benefits
When you’re playing the game, you can acquire contract cards and place them on your board. These cards have bonuses that you can use when you take an Executive Action. To use a bonus, simply place one of your Assistants from your office or a location onto the card. But be aware, you can only use the bonus once. The Assistant you used will stay on the card, representing that you’ve already taken the bonus.
Here’s an example: Let’s say Blue has a contract card on his Player board. He can use an Executive Action to put one of his Assistants on the card and get the bonus shown. (Take a look at the image on the right to see an example of drawing a new contract card bonus).
Later on in the game, if the contract card is used to sell a Work of Art, Blue’s Assistant goes back to his office and the contract card is flipped over. Now it shows a new bonus that can be taken by doing another Executive Action. Check out the Player aid for more details on these bonuses.
Example story:
Once upon a time, there was a person named Blue who worked as an Assistant. Blue had a very important task. My job was to complete a contract card, as shown in the previous example, and then return to the office. Sometimes, I got lucky and could use an Executive Action later in the game to place myself back onto the card. This time, I even got to receive the top bonus on the back of the card. It felt good to be rewarded for my hard work!
Now, let me tell you about Kicked-Out Actions. If someone happens to move their Gallerist pawn to a Location where there’s already another Gallerist pawn or Assistant, that poor person gets ‘Kicked-Out’ and sent to the black space right in front of the Location space. It’s not a great feeling to be kicked out, but there is a silver lining. After the active player finishes their turn, the person who was kicked out gets to take a special ‘Kicked-Out Action’. Then, both the Gallerist pawn and Assistant return home, which is known as Going Home.
Sometimes, you might even have to kick out your own Assistant. It sounds strange, but it can happen. The rules don’t discriminate! Just remember that after the Assistant returns home, they still have the opportunity to take a special action. It’s like a second chance to make things right. So, even if you accidentally kick out your own Assistant, don’t worry too much. You’ll still have a chance to recover and make the most out of the situation. Keep your head up and keep playing!
If you’re a Player, you have the power to kick out your own Assistant. But here’s the catch: when you kick out your Assistant, they return home, but you don’t get to perform a Kicked-Out Action.
So, what are these Kicked-Out Actions, you ask? Well, here they are:
- You can reduce your Influence back to the previous Fame icon in order to perform one of the Location’s Actions.
- You can take an Executive Action, just like I explained earlier.
Now, keep in mind that taking a Kicked-Out Action is optional. However, even if you choose not to take an action, your Assistant will still go home.
Now, time to go home
When someone plays the game Gallerist, and their Gallerist pawn gets kicked out from a location, there is an interesting twist. The pawn is not discarded or removed from the game. Instead, it goes right back to their Gallery on the game board.
Every time I come back home, I put myself down on an empty desk in my cozy little office. But hold on! If all the desks are already taken, then I’ll sadly have to be removed from the game and sent back to the box.
Let me give you an example: So, it’s Purple’s turn now. She decides to head to the Sales Office, where she sees the Yellow Player’s Assistant sitting comfortably. But guess what? Yellow’s Assistant gets kicked out to make room for Purple, and it goes to the black space in front of the Location space.
Once Purple finishes her task at the Location, Yellow has an opportunity to use her Kicked-Out Action and also perform the Location Action. This allows her to move her Influence marker back to the previous Fame icon. And that’s when the Assistant happily returns home.
When I think about important places, a few come to mind. The first one is my home. It’s where I feel safe and comfortable, and where I can be myself. Another place that’s important to me is school. It’s where I go to learn new things and make friends. And finally, there’s the park. It’s a place where I can play and have fun with my family and friends.
The Power of Influence
Have you ever thought about how much influence the people around you have on your life? I certainly have. The people we spend time with can shape our thoughts, beliefs, and actions. This is known as influence, and it can be a powerful thing. Sometimes, we may not even realize how much the people around us are affecting us. It’s important to take a step back and think about the kind of influence we want in our lives.
I earn Influence by having VIP’s and Collectors in my Gallery and by taking Location actions in the International Market. My position on the Influence track also earns me extra money at the end of the game. I can spend my Influence in the following situations:
- I can take a Location Action during a Kicked-Out Action.
- I can take the Promotion Action from the Media Center.
- I can use money to buy a Work of Art, hire Assistants, or make an offer in the International Market;
- I can perform an action that increases the Fame of an Artist.
If the marker reaches the end of the Influence track, any additional Influence I gain is lost.
The first two situations have already been explained in the rules. Now, let me explain the other two situations.
Get Rich Quick!
Hey there, have you ever dreamed of striking it rich? I sure have! The idea of making a ton of money in no time at all sounds amazing to me. Just imagine all the things we could do and buy if we didn’t have to worry about money!
Now, before we get too carried away, let’s talk about the reality of gaining money. It’s not as easy as it seems, and we need to be smart about our approach. So, how exactly can we make that dream of wealth a reality?
First off, it’s important to remember that there are no magic shortcuts to getting rich. We can’t just snap our fingers and suddenly have all the money we want. Sorry to burst your bubble!
But don’t worry, there are plenty of legitimate ways to make money. One option is to get a job. By finding employment and working hard, we can earn a steady income. It may not be the fastest way to get rich, but it’s a reliable method.
If you’re more of an entrepreneur, starting your own business could be the way to go. With dedication and a solid business plan, you can build something from scratch and watch it grow. It won’t happen overnight, but with persistence, you can achieve financial success.
Investing is another avenue to explore. By putting your money into stocks, real estate, or other opportunities, you have the potential to see your wealth grow over time. Of course, investing comes with risks, so it’s important to do your research and make informed decisions.
Remember, gaining money isn’t just about making it, but also about managing it wisely. To truly achieve financial success, we need to learn how to save and invest, as well as spend responsibly. It’s all about finding the right balance.
So, while we might not become overnight millionaires, we can still work towards gaining money and achieving financial security. It might take some time and effort, but with the right mindset and a little bit of luck, we can turn our dreams into reality. Good luck on your journey to financial success!
When you need to spend money, you can move your Influence disc back on the Influence track to the previous space that shows the money icon. This will give you 1 money. And you can keep moving your Influence disc back, gaining an additional 1 money for each money icon space you move to. But remember, if you move from space 35 to space 34, you’ll only generate 1 money.
Let’s say you have 13 Influence and you want to buy something that costs 5. But you only have 3 money. In this case, you can move your Influence disc back to space 8 and gain the 2 money you need.
When you look at the money icon on the Influence track, the number inside it actually only matters for scoring at the end of the game. So, don’t worry too much about it during play.
Here’s something cool: you can use the Influence track to get all the money you need, even if you already have some money in hand. Let’s say you’re playing as the Blue Player and you need 5 money. You could move your Influence disc back to the start, gain an extra 2 money, spend the 5 you need, and still keep 2 of your original money. Pretty neat, right?
But here’s the catch: you can’t use the Influence track to get money and then save it for later. Nope, you gotta spend it right away. Think of it as a “use it or lose it” kind of deal.
Now let’s talk about gaining Fame. This is where things get interesting.
So, here’s the deal. When you do something that makes an Artist more famous, you can move your Influence disc back to the spot on the track with the Fame icon. And guess what? That adds an extra 1 Fame to the Artist. But get this – you can keep moving your Influence disc back and give the Artist even more Fame. Yup, for each Fame Icon space you move to, the Artist gets another 1 Fame.
Let me break it down for you with an example. Imagine Orange has 12 Influence and decides to buy a Work of Art. This action would make the Artist gain 2 Fame, but Orange decides to move their Influence disc back to space 10, where the previous Fame icon is. And guess what? The Artist gets another 1 Fame because of this move. Cool, right? Now, let’s say Orange moved their disc back to space 5 – that would give the Artist an extra 2 Fame.
Welcome to the world of tickets! They may seem simple, but they’re actually quite fascinating. Tickets come in all shapes and sizes, and they serve various purposes. Let’s dive in and explore the intriguing world of tickets together.
You might be wondering, “What exactly is a ticket?” Well, a ticket is a small piece of paper or card that grants you access to something. It’s like a special pass that says, “Hey, you’re invited!” Tickets can be used for all sorts of things, such as events, transportation, or even prizes. They are a gateway to new experiences and adventures.
But tickets are so much more than that. They hold within them the promise of excitement and anticipation. When you hold a ticket in your hand, you can feel the thrill of what’s to come. It’s like holding a little piece of magic.
Now, let’s talk about the different types of tickets. There are tickets for concerts, movies, and sports events. These tickets allow you to enjoy live performances and cheer for your favorite teams. And who doesn’t love a good movie or concert? They can transport you to another world and make you feel alive.
But tickets aren’t just for entertainment. There are also tickets for transportation, like train or plane tickets. These tickets can take you on incredible journeys, allowing you to explore new places and meet new people. They’re like a key that unlocks the door to adventure.
Of course, there are also tickets for raffles and lotteries. These tickets offer the chance to win amazing prizes and change your life in an instant. They hold the excitement of hope, the possibility of something incredible happening.
Now that we’ve talked about all the different types of tickets, let’s discuss how to get them. You can buy tickets online or in person, depending on your preference. Websites and apps make it easy to browse and purchase tickets for a wide range of events. And if you’re feeling lucky, you can try your hand at winning tickets through contests or giveaways.
But here’s the thing about tickets – they’re not just pieces of paper. They’re the gateway to experiences, the spark that ignites excitement. They hold memories and stories, connecting us to moments in time. So the next time you hold a ticket in your hand, remember that it’s not just a piece of paper. It’s a key to a world of possibilities.
So go ahead, embrace the wonder of tickets. Let them take you on adventures, spark your imagination, and remind you of the magic that exists in the world. Because when you have a ticket in your hand, anything is possible.
Hey there! Whenever you score some tickets, you’ll grab them from the stack at the box office on the game board.
Make sure to match the color of the ticket with the icon on the board or the component. If the ticket has three colors printed on it, you can pick a ticket of any color.
Now these tickets are handy for moving Visitors as one of your Executive Actions. How cool is that?
Here’s an important rule: You can’t get two tickets of the same color at the same time.
If you get a ticket of a certain color, but there are no more tickets of that color left, instead of getting nothing, you have to give up a ticket of any other color from the box office (if there are any), put it in the discard pile, and then take a ticket of the correct color from the discard pile.
Once there are no more tickets in the box office, you can take any tickets that are in the discard pile.
For example: Let’s say I’m playing as Purple, and I buy a Work of Art that lets me get 2 tickets of any color. I want one white ticket and one brown ticket, but there are only 2 brown tickets left in the box office. So, I take one brown ticket like normal, and then I have to give up another brown ticket from the box office and take a white ticket from the discard pile.
Don’t have any tickets in the right color? Just swap them with the ones nobody wants anymore.
Getting Points in the Middle of the Game
When all the tickets of a certain color are taken from the box office, it’s time to earn some Influence and money.
This kind of scoring only happens once while playing the game, when the first stack of tickets is all gone.
When I first started playing this game, I was unsure about the significance of the Intermediate scoring symbol. But as I continued to explore and learn, I discovered its importance and how it can greatly impact my game strategy.
The Intermediate scoring symbol has a dual effect – it can both elevate my influence and regenerate my response. It’s like a double-edged sword that can work in my favor if I understand how to use it wisely.
Let me break it down for you:
- I gain 2 Influence for each VIP and 1 Influence for each Collector in my Gallery. This means that the more valuable pieces I have and the more collectors I attract, the higher my influence becomes.
- I also earn 2 money for each Investor and 1 money for each Collector in my Gallery. So not only does the Intermediate scoring symbol help me gain influence, it also helps me accumulate wealth.
It’s important to note that this scoring happens immediately after I finish my turn, right before the next player begins their turn. This timing allows me to strategically plan my moves and maximize the benefits of the Intermediate scoring symbol.
So, if you’re looking to boost your influence and grow your wealth in the game, understanding and utilizing the Intermediate scoring symbol is crucial. By following this strategy, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a master player.
Fame and Being Famous
Have you ever wondered what it feels like to be famous? To have people recognize you everywhere you go, to be a household name, to be in the spotlight? Being famous has its perks, but it also comes with its own set of challenges and pressures. Let me tell you more about it.
First of all, being famous means that you are well-known. People recognize you for your talent, your achievements, your skills, or your contribution to society. Whether you are an actor, a musician, an athlete, or a public figure, your fame puts you in the public eye. So many eyes are on you, and that can be both exciting and overwhelming.
On one hand, you have the admiration and appreciation of your fans. They look up to you, they support you, and they follow your every move. Your fame gives you a platform to make a difference, to inspire others, and to use your influence for good. You have the power to make a positive impact on the world, and that is truly something special.
On the other hand, fame also brings a level of scrutiny and invasion of privacy. Your personal life becomes public, and every aspect of it can be dissected and analyzed. The paparazzi follow you around, trying to catch a glimpse of your private moments. Rumors and gossip can spread like wildfire, and it can be challenging to navigate the world of fame while staying true to yourself.
Furthermore, fame can be fleeting. It can come and go, and it requires a lot of hard work and dedication to maintain. There is immense pressure to stay relevant, to keep producing great work, and to constantly be in the public eye. The entertainment industry can be cutthroat, and the competition is fierce. It takes resilience and determination to thrive in the world of fame.
So, being famous is a double-edged sword. It can bring you wealth, adoration, and a platform to make a difference. But it also comes with sacrifices, pressures, and a loss of privacy. It requires a strong sense of self and the ability to handle both the ups and downs of the spotlight. Fame may be appealing, but it’s essential to understand the realities that come with it before chasing after it.
Fame is what determines an artist’s success. It affects the price of their artwork and how much money they make when selling it.
If you want to make a smart investment, buy artwork from an unknown artist and sell it when they become famous.
There are two ways to boost an artist’s Fame:
- Buy their artwork
- Promote them in the industry through the media
When you buy a piece of artwork, keep track of its value by placing a Signature token next to the Art value on your Player board.
Whenever an artist’s Fame increases to the next level, the value of their artwork goes up. Make sure to adjust the Signature tokens accordingly.
If an Artist’s Fame reaches 19, I become a Celebrity and retire.
When I take an action that causes this to happen, I do the following steps:
- I place a Celebrity tile over the Artist and gain 5 money.
- Any exhibited Works of Art by the Artist who has just become a Celebrity become Masterpieces.
If I have at least one Masterpiece in my Gallery, I am allowed to use the 4th slot. This additional slot is only available as long as I still have a Masterpiece in my Gallery.
I can’t buy any more Works of Art from the Artist, except for a commission.
Imagine this: I, Blue, am in search of a beautiful Work of Art. I come across an Artist who already has 16 Fame. Lucky for me, I can get their work at a great price because I’m commissioning it. I only have to pay the original price of 10 Fame. As a result of my purchase, the Artist’s Fame increases by 4. This boost in Fame comes from both the Work of Art itself and the fact that I have 2 Collectors in my Gallery.
Now, the Artist’s Fame is at 19, and they become a Celebrity. To mark this achievement, I proudly place a Celebrity tile on the Artist. As a bonus, I earn 5 money. What a fantastic deal! Oh, and let’s not forget, since the Work of Art I bought is now considered a Masterpiece, my Gallery can now hold 4 Works of Art instead of 3.
The Game Ends
The game continues until at least two of the following conditions are met:
- The box office runs out of tickets.
- Two or more Artists become Celebrities.
The bag is empty of Visitors.
As soon as two or more of these conditions happen, the round keeps going until the last player finishes their turn.
Then, starting with the Starting Player, in order, each player gets one more turn like usual, except if a Player is Kicked-Out, they just send their Gallerist home and don’t do a Kicked-Out action.
After that, final scoring occurs and the Player with the most money wins the game.
Endgame scoring:
– Use the spots in the upper right of the game board to keep track of the Endgame Scoring steps.
International Market Majorities:
When it comes to the International Market, each column is evaluated separately. I, as a Player, am awarded money based on the number of Assistants I have in each column. The Player who has the most Assistants in the first column, including those involved in the auction, receives 6 money. The Player with the second most Assistants gets 3 money, while the Player with the third most earns 1 money. If there is a tie, we add up all the tied positions and divide the result between the Players. The money awarded is rounded down. If I have no Assistants in a column, I won’t receive any money for it. This process is then repeated for the second and third columns, with the specific amounts of money awarded displayed below the table.
To Score Reputation tiles:
Earning money and Influence is an important part of the game. Each Player gets rewarded for having Reputation tiles on their Player board.
How to Score:
When you have a Work of Art displayed in your Gallery, you get paid an amount of money equal to its sales value. It’s like getting paid for sharing your art with others! Isn’t that cool?
Get Ready to Auction Your Amazing Art:
When the auction for the Works of Art on the easels begins, I carefully add up the total value of each player’s offer. This value is based on the number of Assistants they have on the bottom three rows of the International Market. Depending on which row an Assistant is on, they are worth either 1, 3, or 6 points.
Once I have calculated each player’s total offer, the player with the highest value gets to choose one of the renowned Works of Art. They can either place it in their Gallery, even if there are no available spaces, or next to their Player board alongside any previously sold works. If there is a tie for the highest offer, the player with the higher offer in the third column wins. If there are no offers in the third column, we move on to the second column, and so on.
The player with the second highest offer then takes one of the remaining Works of Art. We continue this process until all of the works have been taken. It’s important to note that each player can only take one renowned work.
When a player takes a Renowned Work of Art, regardless of where they place it, they receive money equal to the sales value of that work. It’s as if the work was created by the most famous discovered Artist of the chosen Art form.
Score Curator cards:
Let’s talk about Score Curator cards. These little beauties are designed to help you keep track of your scores and elevate your gaming experience. They’re like your personal game assistant, providing you with all the information you need to dominate the leaderboard. So, let’s dive in and see what makes these cards so special.
First, let’s talk about their purpose. Score Curator cards are meant to help you keep track of your scores. They provide a visual representation of your progress, allowing you to easily see how you’re doing in the game. With these cards, you can quickly see if you’re improving or if you need to step up your game.
But these cards aren’t just for tracking scores. They also come with additional features that can enhance your gaming experience. From personalized recommendations to helpful tips and tricks, Score Curator cards are your go-to resource for all things gaming. They’ll help you level up your skills, discover new strategies, and ultimately, become a better player.
Now, let’s talk about how to use these cards. It’s really simple. Just download the Score Curator app and connect it to your game. Once you’ve done that, the app will automatically generate personalized cards based on your gameplay. You’ll receive notifications when new cards are available, so you never miss an opportunity to improve your score.
And if you’re wondering about the design of these cards, don’t worry. They’re sleek, stylish, and easy to read. The clean layout and vibrant colors make them a joy to use. Plus, they’re fully customizable, allowing you to choose the information that matters most to you.
In conclusion, Score Curator cards are a game-changer for any serious gamer. They provide a simple yet effective way to track your scores and improve your gameplay. With personalized recommendations and helpful tips, these cards will help you level up your skills and dominate the leaderboard. So, what are you waiting for? Download the Score Curator app and start taking your gaming to the next level.
When you’re playing this game, you have the opportunity to earn money by completing collections of Art. These collections are displayed in your Gallery, as shown on your Curator card. You can have up to five Works of Art exhibited in your Gallery, but it’s important to include at least one Masterpiece and one Auctioned Work of Art in your collection. One Work of Art can be part of two collections and can help you achieve multiple goals.
Collect Art Dealer cards and score points:
When you sell a set of works of art, you receive money based on the information on your Art Dealer card. The more sets you sell, the more money you earn. Keep in mind that the value of each set may vary.
Impact on Score:
When we play this game, we all get money based on where we are on the Influence track. The person with the most money is the winner. However, if there is a tie, we have some rules for deciding who wins.
Rule 1 for breaking the tie:
We look at who has the most Works of Art. This includes the ones that have been displayed and sold.
Rule 2 for breaking the tie:
Next, we check who has the most Visitors in their Gallery.
Rule 3 for breaking the tie:
If the tie still stands, we then look at who has the most Assistants in play.
If the tie still can’t be broken, all the tied players are considered winners. It’s a fair game for everyone!