How to play The Bloody Inn Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

The Bloody Inn Game Rules

Welcome to “The Bloody Inn”! In this suspenseful and strategic card game, your goal is to profit from unfortunate travelers who find themselves at your inn. But be warned – the road to wealth is paved with danger, and the choices you make will determine your success. Let me guide you through the game rules so you can master this thrilling and intriguing experience.

The Objective: Your main objective is to accumulate the most money by the end of the game. You can acquire money through various means, such as robbing your guests or selling their personal belongings. However, be careful not to get caught or draw too much attention to your unsavory actions. Game Setup: To prepare for the game, place the Inn, reception deck, stack of shared cards, money and evidence tokens, as well as the deck of guest cards on the table. Each player starts with 7 francs, and any excess money is placed facedown next to them. Shuffle the initial guest cards, and then reveal as many guest cards as there are players, placing them face-up in the Inn. Finally, randomly determine the first player and give them the first player token. Gameplay: The game is played over several rounds, and each round consists of three phases: Morning, Day, and Evening.

During the Morning phase, players secretly choose one card from their hand to play face-down. Once everyone has chosen, reveal the cards simultaneously. These cards can represent guests, accomplices, actions, or bribes.

In the Day phase, starting with the first player and continuing clockwise, players take turns performing one action each. The available actions are: play an accomplice card, perform an action card, bribe a guest, or kill a guest. Make your choices wisely, as each action can greatly impact the outcome of the game.

The Evening phase occurs once all players have passed or have no more actions to take. During this phase, guests are refreshed in the Inn, and new cards are revealed to replace any guests who were killed or have left the Inn. The first player token is then passed to the next player clockwise.

Winning the Game: The game ends immediately when the deck of guest cards is empty at the end of the Evening phase. All players then count their money, including any extra money next to them, as well as the value of sold cards and stolen goods. The player with the most money is declared the winner.

Now that you understand the rules of “The Bloody Inn,” it’s time to delve into the dark and treacherous world of the innkeeper. Remember, the choices you make will determine your success or demise. May fortune favor the wicked!

How to play The Bloody Inn Official Rules UltraFoodMess

In the year 1831, in a secluded area of Ardeche, a small village called Peyrebeille is a popular stopover for many travelers. There resides a family of greedy farmers who are eager to strike it rich. They have hatched a cunning scheme to achieve their goal: they will invest in an inn and use it as a cover to rob unsuspecting guests. In this way, they hope to amass great wealth without attracting any unwanted attention from the authorities!

However, not every guest who stays at this inn will make it out alive. The family’s sinister plan leaves a trail of victims in its wake.

The Elements

How to play The Bloody Inn Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • 78 Guest cards (70 travelers and 8 peasants)
  • 4 Player aid cards
  • An Inn gameboard
  • 1 First Player card
  • 30 10f (10-franc) Check tiles
  • 32 Key / Room Service tokens in the four player colors
  • 4 white Key tokens
  • 4 wooden discs in the four player colors
  • 1 rulebook

Let’s Talk about the Game

In this game, it’s every person for themselves! When the game ends, we’ll see who has the most money and declare them the winner!’

How to play The Bloody Inn Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Setting Up the Game

Hey there! Let’s get started with the setup of the game. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Each player gets two Peasant cards and one Player Aid card. These cards make up your starting hand. Place your Player Aid card on the table, in your play area. It also doubles as a barn. If you have fewer than four players, don’t worry about the unused cards for now; just leave them in the box.
  2. Now it’s time to build the Traveler deck. The number of cards you’ll include in the deck depends on the number of players and how long you want the game to be. Without peeking at them, take a specific number of cards from the deck and put them back in the box.

And ta-da! With that, you’re all set up and ready to play. Enjoy!

Number of Players
Short Game
Long Game
2 players remove 35 cards remove 25 cards
3 players remove 28 cards remove 16 cards
4 players remove 22 cards remove 6 cards

Now, that wasn’t too tough, was it? You’re almost ready to dive into the game. Just a few more steps to go. Stay tuned!

In this game, there are a few key steps you need to follow in order to get started. First, each player needs to pick a room and place their colored Key token on it. It doesn’t matter which room you choose, just make sure it’s one that’s close to you.

Next, depending on the number of players, there will be neutral Key tokens placed on certain doors of the inn. For a 2- or 3-player game, there will be three neutral Key tokens, while for a 4-player game, there will be four.

Now, let’s move on to the gameplay itself. The game is split into two seasons, with an indefinite number of rounds in each season. During the first season, travelers start arriving at the inn’s entrance, and if they’re lucky, they’ll continue their journey. Those lucky travelers will be put in the entrance stack to wait for the second season.

Each round consists of three phases: welcoming the travelers in the evening, taking player actions during the night, and wrapping up the round in the morning.

Let’s start with the first phase, the evening phase, also known as “Welcome Travelers”. It’s during this phase that the newcomers arrive at the inn’s entrance.

Hey there! I’m the First Player in charge of welcoming travelers this time around. Here’s what I need to do:

  • I start by drawing the top card from the Entrance Stack, which reveals the second traveler in the stack.
  • Next, I get to choose an open room (you know, a room with a Key token) that doesn’t already have a traveler in it.
  • I repeat this process until every open room has a traveler settled in.

By the way: when the Entrance Stack is empty for the first time, I’ll shuffle the cards from the Exit Stack to create a new Entrance Stack. And if it happens again, we’ll have a normal final round, regardless of whether or not every room is full. (However, we won’t have a final round if there are fewer travelers than there are players).

How to play The Bloody Inn Official Rules UltraFoodMess

In a game with three players, I am responsible for greeting the travelers because I am the first player. I take the first card from the Entrance Stack, which is the landscaper, and I choose to put him in the yellow player’s room.

I continue greeting the next five travelers in the same way until all six rooms in the inn are filled.

Now, let’s move on to Phase 2: Player Actions (Night).

Starting with the first player and going clockwise, each player gets to take a first action, and then they must take a second action in turn.

During my turn, I have several options:

1. I can bribe a guest.

2. I can build an annex.

3. I can kill a guest.

4. I can bury a corpse.

5. I can pass and launder money.

The first four actions in the list work in a similar way. They all follow the same principle.

To learn more about these actions, refer to the list below:

When you choose to take action in the game, you have the option to select a Guest card that is currently in play. This card can be in your hand or in the inn, depending on the situation. Once you’ve chosen a card, you must play a number of cards that matches the rank of the chosen card. Afterward, you can retrieve any cards you played that have a talent for the chosen action, but you must discard the rest. Finally, you can perform the action you selected.

Now, let’s go through the steps for the first action – bribing a Guest. This action allows you to bring a Guest card from the inn into your hand. These Guests are your companions, and they will assist you in your dark endeavors. To bribe a Traveler in a room of the inn, you need to follow these four steps:

1. Choose a Guest card.

2. Play the necessary number of cards.

3. Reclaim cards with the right talent.

4. Carry out the action.

Keep these steps in mind as you navigate the treacherous world of the game and make strategic decisions to further your goals.

How to play The Bloody Inn Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Let’s talk about the steps to bribe a Traveler at the inn. It’s a sneaky move, but hey, sometimes that’s what you gotta do!

First things first, select the Traveler you want to bribe. Doesn’t matter who owns the room, just pick one of the folks renting a room at the inn.

Next, you’re gonna play some cards from your hand. The number of cards you play should match the rank of the Traveler you chose. So if they’re a rank-0 Traveler, you play zero cards. If they’re a rank-3 Traveler, you play three cards. You catch my drift?

Now, from the cards you just played, pick out the ones with a nifty icon on them. Those are the special guests who are good at the whole Bribe thing. Put the rest of the cards in the Exit Stack. Oh, but if you played any Peasants, tuck them away in the inn’s bistro instead of the Exit Stack.

Lastly, you get to add the bribed guest to your hand. Nicely done! Now you’ve successfully bribed a Traveler. Just keep it between you and me, alright?

You may be wondering if it’s really possible to influence the peasants sitting at the bistro. Well, let me tell you, it is indeed possible to bribe them. And guess what? You have the power to choose how many peasants you want to bribe – one or two, it’s up to you!

Now, here’s the good news: bribing peasants is easier than you might think. Since peasants are ranked at 0, you don’t even need to play any cards to win them over. It’s like a shortcut to gaining their favor!

How to play The Bloody Inn Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Alright, here’s what happened: I wanted to bribe the rank-3 landscaper in Madeline’s room, so I played 3 cards from my hand. First, the peasant returned to the bistro, just like they always do. Then, the novice continued on his journey because he had no aptitude for bribery. Finally, the newsboy returned to my hand because he had an aptitude for bribery. With that, I took the landscaper into my hand as my accomplice.

2. Time to Build an Annex

This cool action lets you place one of your accomplices, which is basically a Guest card from your hand, right in front of you. And guess what? You get to benefit from its awesome power! Oh, by the way, you’ll need annexes if you want to bury corpses, but we’ll talk about that later.

Hey, hold up: Your accomplice helped you build this annex and all, but don’t expect him to do anything else. He’s way too busy!

So, you’re thinking about building an annex, huh? Well, let me break it down for you. There are 4 simple steps to get you started on this exciting project.

Step 1: Planning

First things first, you need to plan out your annex. Think about how big you want it to be, what purpose it will serve, and where you want to build it. Consider factors like space, zoning laws, and any necessary permits.

Step 2: Designing

Once you have a solid plan in place, it’s time to design your annex. Get creative and think about how you want it to look and feel. Take into account the overall style of your existing property and try to create a seamless transition.

Step 3: Construction

Alright, now we’re getting into the nitty-gritty. It’s time to start building your annex. If you have the skills and experience, you can take on the project yourself. But if not, don’t be afraid to hire a professional contractor to get the job done right.

Step 4: Finishing touches

Almost there! Once the construction is complete, it’s time to add those finishing touches. This is where you can really make your annex feel like home. Consider things like paint colors, flooring, and furniture to create a space that reflects your style and personality.

And there you have it – 4 simple steps to building an annex. Remember, it’s important to plan, design, construct, and add those finishing touches. So grab your tool belt and get ready to create the perfect annex for you!

How to play The Bloody Inn Official Rules UltraFoodMess

I’m going to tell you how to play the Traveler card. It’s simple, follow these steps:

  • Pick a Traveler card from your hand that looks like an annex.
  • Place all the guest cards from your hand that have a rank equal to the card you chose.
  • Take back the cards you just played if they have the icon (these guests are good at the Building an Annex action). Put the other cards in the Exit Stack. But if you played any Peasants, put them in the bistro of the inn instead of the Exit Stack.
  • Put the Traveler card you chose in front of you on the table, with the Living side facing up. Now it’s an annex. You can have as many annexes as you want, and you can even have multiple copies of the same annex.
  • Just a reminder: You can’t use Police and Peasant cards as annexes. You’ll notice there’s no house icon at the bottom of these cards. That means you can’t choose them as the target of the Build action.

    How to play The Bloody Inn Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Example: So, here’s the thing: I want to build a distillery with the little distiller I have. It’s rank 2, so I need to play 2 other cards from my hand to make it work. Easy peasy, right?

    Well, the viscount – bless his heart – doesn’t have a knack for building annexes, so he continues on his journey. On the other hand, the mechanic is a pro at building annexes, so he returns to my hand.

    With that sorted out, I place the distiller on the table, right in my play area. It becomes an annex and works its magic from now on. How cool is that?

    Now, let’s talk about the not-so-fun part – killing a Guest. Yeah, it’s not exactly pleasant, but hey, it’s the life we chose, right? However, there’s a catch: we have a code of honor. We only steal money from a Guest if we bury them. Fair enough, I guess.

    So, there are 4 steps to killing a Guest. Here they are:

    1. First, you choose a Guest from the inn.
    2. Next, you put the unlucky soul in front of you, facing the grim reality of being dead. Ouch.
    3. Remember, though, we have rules to follow. You can only steal money from a Guest when you bury them. Points for sticking to the code, right?
    4. That’s it! You’ve completed your not-so-nice but necessary task. Pat yourself on the back, I guess.

    In the game, here’s what you need to do to eliminate a Traveler from the inn:

    1. Pick the Traveler you want to take out from the inn. You can choose any room or the bistro, and even kill the Peasants if you want.

    2. Play Guest cards from your hand that match the rank of the chosen Traveler. You can play as many as you have.

    3. After playing the cards, return the ones with the Kill a Guest ability back to your hand. Put the rest in the Exit Stack, except for any Peasants, which go in the bistro.

    4. Place the Guest card you played in front of you with its Dead Guest side facing up. This card now represents a corpse. You can have as many corpses as you want, but keep an eye out for the police!

    How to play The Bloody Inn Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Example: I have a story for you, and it’s a real nail-biter. Madeline is on a mission, and she wants to take out the baron. But there’s a twist – the baron is a real jerk. So let’s get down to business.

    First, Madeline doesn’t have to play any cards to get the job done. It’s that simple. No extra steps, no fancy tricks. She’s ready to go.

    Now, here’s where things get interesting. Madeline grabs the baron and plops him down on the table. She wants everyone to see what’s about to go down. Oh, did I mention she puts him in her play area? That’s right, she wants to make sure he’s right there in front of her, where she can keep a close eye on him.

    4. Bury a Corpse

    Alright, let’s talk about burying a corpse. It might not be the most glamorous task, but it’s gotta be done. Here’s how it goes:

    Step 1: Find a corpse. Yeah, I know, it’s not the prettiest sight. But if you’ve already taken someone out, might as well make sure they’re properly taken care of.

    Step 2: Get ready to bury. You’ve got the stiff, now it’s time to lay them to rest. Grab a shovel, find a spot, and let’s get this show on the road.

    Step 3: Dig a hole. This is where things start to get a little macabre. Grab that trusty shovel and start digging. Make sure it’s deep enough to fit the whole body. We don’t want any unwelcome surprises later.

    Step 4: Lower the corpse. Carefully, and with a touch of solemnity, lower the body into the hole. Give them a proper farewell, and make sure they’re set for their eternal rest.

    And there you have it – burying a corpse in four easy steps. It might not be the most pleasant task, but hey, it’s all in a day’s work, right?

    How to play The Bloody Inn Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    • Choose a corpse from the ones in front of you.
    • Play on the table as many accomplices as the card’s rank that you just picked.
    • Take back any cards with the icon that you just played (these travelers are skilled at the Bury a Corpse action); put the rest of the cards in the Exit Stack. (Except: If you played any Peasants, put them in the inn’s bistro instead of the Exit Stack).
    • Under an annex of your choice, place the corpse card, regardless of who owns it. Make sure to leave part of the card visible so you can see how much money is in the corpse’s pocket. The number of corpses that can be buried under an annex is equal to the annex’s rank (for instance, you can bury 2 corpses in a rank-2 annex and no corpses under a rank-0 annex).

    Listen up: You can totally bury a body under the barn.

    Here’s the deal: You can’t have more than 40 francs on the Wealth Track. If you earn more than that, tough luck! There’s no place to stash the extra cash. But don’t worry, 40 francs isn’t the ultimate high score. Let me break it down for you.

    How to play The Bloody Inn Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Example: When I want to bury the corpse of a player with a rank of 2, I have to play 2 cards from my hand. First, the peasant comes back to the bistro. Then, the grocer goes to the Exit Stack. After that, I slide the corpse under my own rank-3 annex, and move my disc 18F forward on the Wealth Track.

    5. Pass (and Launder Money)

    If I don’t want to perform any of the actions mentioned above, I have the option to pass. However, if I choose to pass, I can still meet the corrupt village notary to launder money. There are two things I can do in this case:

    How to play The Bloody Inn Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    • Hey there! If you want to boost your money in the game, here’s what you can do: exchange some of your cash for 10F Checks. For instance, you can trade in 20 francs on the Wealth Track to earn two 10F Checks.
    • Then, you can cash those Checks to add 10 francs to your stash for each Check you have.

    Phase 3: End of Round (Morning)

    The end of the round is divided into three steps: police investigation, travelers leave, and pay wages.

    A. Police Investigation

    If there’s a Police card in a room at the inn, the police investigate! If you have any bodies that haven’t been buried, you need to go see the village gravedigger. You’ll have to pay 10 francs for each unburied body and then get rid of them.

    Note: If you don’t have enough money, you can also pay the gravedigger with a 10F Check. Even if you can’t pay everything, the gravedigger will still help you out. What a guy!

    B. Travelers Leave

    When I play the game, I earn 1F for each room that has a Key token of my color and is occupied by a Guest card. It’s kind of like getting a reward for each guest who stays in one of my rooms.

    Just a heads up: The rooms that have white Key tokens don’t earn me any money. So I better make sure my rooms have the right Key tokens!

    After that, it’s time to clear out the inn. I take all the Traveler cards from the rooms in the inn and place them on the Exit Stack, with the Living side facing up. It’s like saying goodbye to all the guests and making space for new ones.

    Now comes the part where I have to pay my accomplices.

    I need to move my disc back on the Wealth Track and give away 1F for each Guest card I have in my hand. It’s like paying my helpers for their hard work.

    But here’s the thing: my accomplices don’t trust me enough to accept checks. So if I run out of money and reach 0 on the Wealth Track, I have to let some of my unpaid helpers go. They go on the Exit Stack, except for the Peasants, who go to the bistro.

    Finally, I pass the First Player card to the player on my left, and a new turn begins. It’s like passing on the responsibility to someone else and starting fresh.

    How to play The Bloody Inn Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Example: I’ve already taken my two turns and used up all my actions. There’s only one Police card left in the inn, so it’s time for a Police Investigation. But there’s a problem – I still have a dead body that needs to be buried. Thankfully, the village gravedigger is available to help me out, but it’ll cost me 10F. On the bright side, Sebastien has all his rooms occupied, so he earns 2F. Once we’ve placed the remaining 4 Traveler cards in the Exit Stack, we each have to pay 1F for every Guest card we have in our hands.

    The End of the Game

    When the Entrance Stack becomes empty for the second time, we finish the round and that’s it – the game ends.

    Just a heads up: If there aren’t enough Travelers left in the inn for each player, we skip the last round and put the remaining Guests on the Exit Stack. It’s a bit of a bummer, but that’s how it goes sometimes.

    Hello there! If you have any unburied corpses, you’ll need to talk to the village gravedigger. Don’t worry, he won’t arrest you or anything. Just pay him 10 francs for each corpse you have, and then get rid of them. You can pay with a check if you need to. Oh, and make sure you don’t have more than 40 francs on the Wealth Track, even now!

    To figure out your booty, just add 10 francs for each check you have to your value on the Wealth Track. Simple, right?

    Here’s the deal: the player with the most money is the winner! If there’s a tie, then it’s all about who has the most corpses under their annexes. If there’s still a tie, well, it’s a tie game and you’ll have to play again. Best of luck!

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