How to play The Ancient World Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

The Ancient World Game Rules

Imagine yourself transported back in time to the ancient world, a time of mystery and grandeur. Now, let me guide you through the rules of a thrilling game that will immerse you in that captivating era.

First, we’ll travel to Ancient Egypt, a land of pharaohs and pyramids. The goal of the game is to become the most powerful pharaoh by constructing awe-inspiring monuments and gathering the most valuable resources. Are you ready to embark on this incredible journey?

To begin, each player will receive a game board representing their own mighty empire. On this board, you will strategically place your workers to gather the essential resources needed for your grand undertakings. Additionally, you’ll need to trade wisely and make alliances with other players to secure your dominance.

But be wary, my friend, for you are not alone in this ancient world. There are other ambitious pharaohs vying for power and supremacy. From Rome to Greece, these civilizations will challenge you at every turn. It’s up to you to outmaneuver them and claim victory.

As you expand your empire, you’ll encounter mythical creatures and legendary heroes. These powerful beings can aid you in your quest or hinder your progress. Use their abilities wisely and strategically to gain an advantage over your opponents.

Time is of the essence in this ancient realm. Each round represents a generation, and as the years pass, so do your opportunities. You must carefully manage your resources and make shrewd decisions to stay ahead of the game. Remember, every action has consequences, and each decision shapes the destiny of your empire.

In the end, the player who has amassed the most victory points will emerge as the greatest pharaoh of all. But achieving this feat is no small task. It will require cunning, strategy, and a touch of luck. Are you up for the challenge?

The ancient world awaits you, dear friend. Step into this realm of intrigue and splendor, and let your empire rise to greatness. May the gods smile upon you as you navigate the treacherous path to victory. Enjoy the Ancient World Game and may the sands of time forever be in your favor!

How to play The Ancient World Official Rules UltraFoodMess

In a forgotten world from long ago, colossal titans create havoc across the land. The five tribes have been running from them for as long as anyone can remember, but that’s all about to change.

The city-states have grown and are determined to bring an end to this reign of terror. They are ready to take on the titans and ensure a safer world for everyone. Each city-state competes to attract the tribes, eager for the combined strength of their people. Their hope is to defeat the titans once and for all.

It’s a game of competition as players strive to build the largest and most powerful city-state. This is achieved through the management of citizens, wealth, and military prowess. They must also defeat the titans in battle. To do this, players take turns sending citizens on special missions or using military cards to launch attacks against the colossal beasts.

So, here’s the deal. You can buy these cool empire cards that give you extra citizens, money, and special skills. It’s pretty awesome. Then, after six rounds, whoever has the most epic city-state wins the game. How cool is that?

What’s in the Box

How to play The Ancient World Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • First Player Token
  • 68 Coin Tokens
  • 22 Knowledge Tokens
  • 16 Knowledge Tokens
  • 2 Action-Cover Tokens
  • 1 Round Marker
  • Game Board
  • 8 Starting Military Cards
  • 4 Starting Titan Cards
  • 15 District Cards
  • 85 Empire Cards
  • 25 Military Cards
  • 35 Titan Cards
  • 8 Wooden Player Cubes
  • 20 Citizen Tokens
  • 8 Starting Empire Cards
  • Score Pad
  • Sticker Sheet
  • 4 Player Boards
  • 3 Custom Dice
  • 40 Ambrosia Pieces
  • Rulebook

What’s the Point?

In this game, my goal is to gather sets of tribe banners. Every empire card represents one or more tribe banners. I can also acquire tribe banners by defeating titans.

So, here’s the deal. After we’ve finished six rounds, you’ll start earning victory points. You get these points for gathering sets of tribe banners and using special abilities. The player who ends up with the most victory points is the big winner.

How to play The Ancient World Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play The Ancient World Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Separate the cards by type, as indicated on the back of each card. Keep in mind that if this is your first game, you should use the player board side that doesn’t have the city-state name or special abilities.

Now, let’s move on to the game play. The Ancient World is made up of six rounds, and each round consists of three phases: prepare, player actions, and end of round. These phases are carried out in the following order:

First, we have the prepare phase.

How to play The Ancient World Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  1. First, let’s move the round marker on the round track. If it’s the start of the game, we’ll place it on the circle marked with the letter “A”. If we’re already in the second round, we’ll move it to the circle on the right with the ship symbol. Each round brings new actions or effects to the game, which are listed on the round track. So, depending on the current round, we’ll follow the instructions accordingly:
  2. Round 1: Time to use the empire A deck.
  3. Round 2: Get ready for the Explore action! We’ll also place one ambrosia on the action space.
  4. Round 3: The Grow action is revealed! We’ll place one ambrosia on the action space.
  5. Round 4: It’s time to switch to the empire B deck.

Now, let’s refresh the card decks:

How to play The Ancient World Official Rules UltraFoodMess

(Alright, let’s get started) First, let’s remove any remaining empire cards from the card row and put them in a separate discard pile next to the board. Then, let’s draw new cards from the current empire deck, which is either deck A for rounds 1-3 or deck B for rounds 4-6. We’ll place these cards face up on the empire card track on the board. For a 2-player game, we’ll draw 4 cards. For a 3-player game, we’ll draw 5 cards. And for a 4-player game, we’ll draw 6 cards.

Now, let’s draw some Titans:

  • For Round 2: We’ll draw one-star titans.
  • For Rounds 3-4: We’ll draw two-star titans.
  • And for Rounds 5-6: We’ll draw three-star titans.
How to play The Ancient World Official Rules UltraFoodMess
Just a friendly reminder to draw any threatening titans from the bottom of the pile.

Now, when it comes to drawing titans, we’ll need to draw them from the bottom of the appropriate titan deck, not from the face up titan at the top of the deck.

When you’re playing the game, there might be a situation where there are no more cards left in the titan deck. How does it work then? Well, you simply move on to the next-highest deck and draw cards from there. Let me give you an example to make it clearer.

Let’s say we’re on round 4 and there’s only one titan card left in the two-star titan deck. In this case, Player 1 will draw that card. Then, Player 2 will draw a titan card from the three-star titan deck.

What can players do?

How to play The Ancient World Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Let’s get started! When playing the game, each of us will take turns performing actions. It all begins with the first player, who has the first-player token. From there, we continue clockwise, with each player taking one action per turn until everyone has passed. There are several actions you can choose from:

A. Place Citizen:

You have the option to place one of your citizen tokens on an action space on the board. Take a look at the example on the right for guidance. Make sure to position your citizen token just above the parchment in a row, making sure not to cover anything. Once you place your citizen token, you must perform the action associated with that space right away.

Here’s an important rule to remember: If you place your citizen on an action space where another citizen with a higher skill number is already present (even if it’s one of your own citizens), you must pay 1 coin to the supply. If you don’t have a coin to pay, then you won’t be able to place your citizen there.

Ambrosia: When I place my citizen on an action space, I can collect any ambrosia tokens that are there. I can also use these tokens along with any other ambrosia I already have during my turn.

If I want, I can put my citizen on an action space but choose not to actually perform the action. Even if I don’t use the action, I still get to claim the ambrosia tokens.

Empire Cards: Instead of using an action on the board, I can also place my citizen token on one of my empire cards that has an action. However, these card actions can only be used once per round, and only by me since I own the card (unless the card says otherwise).

How to play The Ancient World Official Rules UltraFoodMess

B. Taking on a Titan

When I’m playing this game, I have the choice to take on a titan card. I can go for the top card in the 1, 2, or 3-star piles, or I can target a titan card that’s about to cause trouble on any player’s board, not just mine. Either way, I can only attack one titan per turn.

To actually attack, I have to spend some coins from my military cards. I can choose to pay coins from one or more military cards in the same attack move. However, I can only use military cards that I haven’t already used in the current round.

How to play The Ancient World Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you use a military card, you’ll put your payment in coins on the name area of the card. This shows that you’ve used the military card for this round and you can’t use it again until the next round.

At the end of each round, any coins on the name area of the card will move down to the picture area of the card. This is important because the cost to use a military card is equal to one more coin than what’s already on the card.

For example, if there are no coins on a military card, it will cost 1 coin to use. If there are 3 coins on the card, it will cost 4 coins to use.

Once you pay for a military card, you’ll temporarily have access to all attack symbols and abilities on the card, as well as any legacy abilities on retired military cards below it. This temporary access only lasts for one attack action, not the entire round.

In order to defeat the titan, you need to have an attack value that matches or exceeds the titan’s defense value (which you can find on the titan card). There are two kinds of attack values: swords and arrows. If the titan card shows both swords and arrows, you can add up all the swords and arrows you have for your attack. But if the titan card only shows swords, you can only count your swords for the attack.

How to play The Ancient World Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When I’m launching an attack, my attack value is determined by the military cards I use in the attack, along with the empire cards, defeated titans, and district cards that I own.

Let me give you an example. If I decide to pay for the army shown on the right, it will cost me 1 coin. This army gives me an attack value of 5 for swords and arrows, or 2 for swords only. But if I also own an empire card with a sword symbol, I can add it to my attack for free! That means my total attack value becomes 6 for swords and arrows, or 3 for swords only.

Whenever I defeat a titan, I get to keep the card and place it on the right side of my player board, in the row with my districts and other titans. If I attacked a titan from a specific deck, I also need to flip the next card in that titan deck face up.

If I attack a titan on my player board, that space stays empty until a new titan is drawn during the prepare phase at the start of the next round. But if I attack a titan on someone else’s board, I get to take some of the ambrosia on the card, up to the number of tribe banners on the titan.

Let me give you an example. Say I attack the titan on Tom’s board. This titan has five ambrosia, but only two banners. So I can take two ambrosia and discard the remaining three. It’s important to note that I don’t get any ambrosia when I defeat a titan on my own board.

How to play The Ancient World Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Damaged Empire Card

So, here’s what happens as the final step. I need to roll the damage dice to see how much damage the titan does to my city-state. Each banner on the titan card corresponds to one die. Let me break down the effects:

  • Titan Symbol: For each titan symbol rolled, one of my empire cards gets damaged. I’ll choose one card to flip face down, which means it can’t grant its abilities until I repair it. If I don’t have any empire cards that can be damaged, nothing happens.
  • Coin Symbol: If I roll a coin symbol, there’s an immediate effect. I’ll check the bottom of the defeated titan card to see what it says. The details are on page 15.
  • Blank: If I roll a blank, there’s no effect.

I can attack multiple titans in a round, but not in the same turn. Just remember, I need to have at least one unused military card without any coins on the name area to do it.

When playing the game, you must have a military card to launch an attack. You can’t just use the swords and arrows from your empire cards to attack a titan.

When you defeat a titan, you gain abilities, tribe banners, and capacity. This symbolizes how more tribes join your capital city and new lands become available for development.

Let’s talk about titan damage.

How to play The Ancient World Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you roll a titan symbol on a damage die, you have to flip one of your empire cards face down. This means the card won’t give you any benefits until you fix it.

If you damage a card with a food icon, you don’t have to put a citizen in the starving box right away. You only check for starvation at the end of the round.

If you damage an empire card that gives you an extra army, you must immediately get rid of any military cards in any armies that exceed the limit (even retired military cards).

Don’t count any income, food, card actions, attack bonuses, or anything else from a damaged card until you fix it. You don’t have to discard any citizens you gain from damaged cards.

When I roll a coin symbol on a damage die, I need to check the effect at the bottom of the titan card and apply it.

  • Lose a coin: You have to give a coin to the supply if you have one.
  • Put 1 coin on 1 army: Take one of your coins and place it on the picture section of one of your active military cards.
  • Lose X ambrosia: You have to pay ambrosia to the supply if you have it.
  • Lose 1 retired military: You have to get rid of one of your retired military cards. If you don’t have any retired military cards, this won’t have any effect.
  • Discard all stored: If you have any stored empire cards, you have to discard them.

You’ve got to drop one of your districts, just discard it. But don’t worry, if losing a district brings your capacity below the number of empire cards you have, you don’t have to discard those cards too. However, you won’t be able to buy any new empire cards until you regain unused capacity. If you don’t have any district cards, this rule doesn’t apply to you.

Let me give you an example: let’s say Tom has six capacity and six empire cards. Tom loses a district, so now he only has three capacity left. He doesn’t have to discard any of his empire cards. But hey, if he wants to build a seventh district, he’ll need to increase his capacity to seven or higher again.

Now, let’s talk about citizens on damaged empire cards. If you have a citizen on an empire card action and that card gets damaged, don’t worry, the citizen stays on the damaged card until the round ends.

Okay, lastly, we have the C. Build Stored rule.

When you play the game, you have the option to construct one empire card from your player board’s bottom left corner. You don’t need to use a citizen for this task, but it does count as one action. For more detailed information on building empire cards, please refer to page 10.


If you find yourself in a situation where you can’t or don’t want to attack a titan, build a stored empire card, or place a citizen token, you have the option to pass. Once you pass, you won’t be able to take any more actions during that round. Just skip over players who have passed until all the players have made their decision.

Capital City

The Capital City, situated on each player’s board, contains some of the starting resources for every player. It’s worth noting that the capital city cannot be damaged by a powerful Titan.

How to play The Ancient World Official Rules UltraFoodMess

District Cards: Unleash Your Creativity

Hey there! I wanted to talk to you about district cards. They’re pretty amazing! These cards can give you some cool rewards, but you need to know how to use them effectively. So, let’s dive in!

First things first, timing is key when it comes to district cards. If a card promises you a reward, like a shiny coin, you get it after you complete the action required. So, don’t get too excited and be patient!

Now, let’s talk about the Repair Empire card. This card is special because it lets you repair one of your empire cards. But here’s the trick – you can only play this card right before you collect your income and right after you confront your threatening titan. So, it’s like a double-edged sword that can give you a great advantage when used correctly.

End of the Round: What Happens?

Picture this: all the players have passed their turns. That’s when the round comes to an end. Simple, right?

Now, let’s talk about when the game ends. If you’ve played enough rounds and you’ve reached the sixth one, time’s up! The game ends. But here’s the catch: you don’t get to collect any more coins, knowledge, or ambrosia. Tough luck! The board won’t be refilled either. But here’s what you do have to do: you must confront any threatening titans left on your player board (they’re not going anywhere) and make sure to feed your citizens. It’s your responsibility, so take care of it!

Confronting Titans: Are You Ready?

When someone talks about confronting a titan, it sounds pretty epic, right? Well, it is! If you’re brave enough (which I know you are), you’ll face those titans head-on. Don’t worry, you’ll have the skills and strength to defeat them!

So, are you ready to unleash your creative power with these district cards? I know you can do it! Just remember to play them at the right time, repair your empire when it counts, and stay on top of things when the round ends. You’ve got this!

First things first, let’s face our intimidating titan – that titan card chilling on our player board. But hold up, we can’t launch an attack just yet. Now, it’s time to roll the damage dice for each banner on our titan and see what effects we get.

How to play The Ancient World Official Rules UltraFoodMess
Behold, the Threatening Titan

How to play The Ancient World Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Alternatively, you can calm down the titan by giving it ambrosia, so you don’t have to roll the damage dice. The amount of ambrosia you need to give is based on what’s already on the titan card. If there’s no ambrosia, you need to give the same number of banners the titan has. You have to pay the full amount of ambrosia to avoid rolling the dice. You can’t just give one ambrosia to a titan with three banners and only roll two dice. The titan stays on your board even after you roll the dice or give it ambrosia. The ambrosia you give stays on the titan card until you defeat it. For example, let’s say Miriam wants to calm down her titan by giving it ambrosia. There are already three ambrosia tokens on the card. Miriam adds four more tokens, making it a total of seven. This means she doesn’t have to roll the dice this round.

Make Money:

Hey there! If you’re anything like me, the idea of making money is always on your mind. Whether it’s just to cover the bills or to have a little extra cash for those fun treats, we all want to find ways to bring in more income. But where do you even start? How can you make money in a way that feels authentic and true to who you are?

Consider Your Passions:

Well, here’s a tip: start by looking at your passions. What are the things you love to do? What brings you joy and fulfillment? By turning your hobbies and interests into income streams, you can make money doing something that genuinely makes you happy. Think about it – getting paid to do what you love? That’s the dream!

Embrace the Digital Age:

Nowadays, the internet makes it easier than ever to monetize your skills and talents. You can set up an online store, create a blog or YouTube channel, offer online services, or become an influencer on social media platforms. The possibilities are endless! Embrace the digital age and utilize the power of technology to reach a vast audience and turn your passion into profit.

Take Advantage of Freelancing:

If you have a particular skill set, why not put it to good use by freelancing? There are countless platforms where you can find freelance gigs, whether you’re a graphic designer, writer, photographer, or programmer. You can work on projects that interest you, choose your own hours, and be your own boss. It’s a win-win situation!

Invest in Yourself:

Investing in yourself is never a waste of time or money. Take the initiative to learn new skills, expand your knowledge, and develop yourself both personally and professionally. Attend workshops and seminars, take online courses, or enroll in a degree program. The more you invest in yourself, the more valuable you become, and the more opportunities for making money will come your way.

Network, Network, Network:

They say it’s not what you know, but who you know. I believe there’s truth in that. So, make an effort to network and connect with like-minded individuals in your industry or field. Join professional organizations, attend events, and engage with others online. You never know when a chance encounter or a conversation can lead to a lucrative partnership or job opportunity.


So there you have it – some ideas to get you started on your money-making journey. Remember, the key is to find what you’re passionate about and leverage that into a profitable venture. With the power of the internet and a little bit of networking, the possibilities are endless. So go out there, get creative, and start collecting that income!

How to play The Ancient World Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When playing this game, I get to collect coins, knowledge, and ambrosia. Each time I have a symbol with a green arrow on my player board and cards, I add more of these resources to my collection. To keep track of how many coins I have, I simply look at the track at the bottom of my player board.

Preparing the Game Board:

First, we need to place ambrosia on the game board based on the number of players. Here’s how:

2 Place 1 on each action with no citizens
3 Place 1 on each action with 1 citizen or fewer
4 Place 1 on each action with 2 citizens or fewer

How to play The Ancient World Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Just a friendly reminder: you can’t put ambrosia on any covered action spaces. Once it’s placed, you get to gather up all the citizen tokens you’ve used and any new ones you acquire, and put them back on your own player board. Oh, and the player who had the first-player token? They’ll just flip it over so the hand symbol is face down. Easy peasy, right?

Time to Feed!

How to play The Ancient World Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Finally, it’s time for me to check if I can feed all of my citizens. If I don’t have a food symbol for each citizen token that I own (remember to include the food in my capital city), I have to place any unfed citizen tokens to the left of my player board, in the “starving/new” area. I can choose any of my citizens to place in the starving area, but I can’t use them in the next round. At the start of the game, I have one food from my capital city and one food each from my two starting empire cards. That’s enough to feed my three starting citizens. Now, let’s start the next round with phase 1.

End of the Game

After six rounds, the game is over. Now, it’s time for me to count up my victory points.

How to play The Ancient World Official Rules UltraFoodMess

First of all, let’s talk about how the game works. In this game, there are certain things that can cause you to lose victory points. If any of your citizens are starving, you’ll lose 2 points for each one. And if you have any damaged empire cards, you’ll lose 1 point for each card.

But don’t worry, because next we move on to the scoring phase. In this phase, all of your damaged empire cards will be repaired and ready for scoring.

Now, let’s talk about how you can earn some victory points. You can score points based on the number of tribe banners you have on your empire cards and titans. Each color of tribe banner can earn you points, but there’s a maximum of 6 banners per tribe. So if you have more than 6 banners in any color, you won’t earn any extra points for them. Here’s a table to show you how many points you can earn based on the number of banners:

Victory Points
1 2
2 4
3 7
4 11
5 16
6+ 22

Finally, there’s one last way to earn some bonus victory points. You can get these points from any special empire cards you have. Each card has its own scoring text that will tell you how many points it’s worth. So make sure to pay attention to those special cards and see how many extra points you can get.

That’s it! Now you know how scoring works in the game. It’s time to put your strategy to the test and see how many victory points you can earn. Good luck!

So, I’ll tell you a secret: the player who gathers the most victory points becomes the ruler of the strongest city-state and emerges as the ultimate winner!

But here’s the catch, my friend. If there’s a tie, the player with the most coins snatches the victory. It’s all about that moolah, you know?

Now, if there’s still a tie (can you believe it?), we’ll have to dig deeper. The champion will be the one with the highest combined empire, district, and defeated titan cards! Quite the feat, don’t you think?

But wait, there’s more! If we still can’t decide a winner, we have to measure knowledge. The player with the most knowledge tokens takes the crown. They must be the brainiest of them all!

And if, by some miracle, we still can’t declare a winner, then we look at the ambrosia tokens. The player with the most of those precious tokens reigns supreme!

How to play The Ancient World Official Rules UltraFoodMess
Behold the Victory Point Symbol!

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