How to play Texas Hold em Poker Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Texas Hold’em Poker Rules

Texas Hold’em Poker Rules

Let’s talk about the rules of Texas Hold’em Poker. If you’re new to the game and want to know how to play, you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, I’ll explain the basics of Texas Hold’em Poker and give you a clear understanding of how the game works.

The Basics

First things first, Texas Hold’em Poker is played with a standard deck of 52 cards. The game can be played with a minimum of 2 players and a maximum of 10 players. The objective of the game is to make the best hand possible using five community cards and two hole cards that are dealt to each player. The player with the highest ranking hand at the end of the game wins the pot.

The Deal

At the start of the game, each player is dealt two private cards face down, also known as hole cards. Then, five community cards are placed face up on the table, one card at a time. These community cards are used by all players to make their final hand. The game is divided into four betting rounds, and players have the option to check, bet, raise, or fold during each round.

Hand Rankings

Now, let’s talk about the hand rankings in Texas Hold’em Poker. Here are the different combinations, ranked from highest to lowest:

  • Royal Flush – A, K, Q, J, 10 of the same suit
  • Straight Flush – Any sequence of five cards of the same suit
  • Four of a Kind – Four cards of the same rank
  • Full House – Three cards of the same rank and a pair
  • Flush – Any five cards of the same suit
  • Straight – Any sequence of five cards of different suits
  • Three of a Kind – Three cards of the same rank
  • Two Pair – Two pairs of cards with the same rank
  • One Pair – Two cards of the same rank
  • High Card – When no other hand combination is made, the highest card wins

During the betting rounds, players can use the community cards to create the best hand possible or bluff their way to victory. It’s all about making strategic decisions and reading your opponents.


So there you have it – the rules of Texas Hold’em Poker. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, understanding these rules is crucial for success in the game. Now it’s time to gather your friends, grab a deck of cards, and start playing Texas Hold’em Poker!

How to play Texas Hold em Poker Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Texas Holdem is a game that is played with two to ten players on a single table. At the start of the game, each player is given two private cards, also known as “hole cards,” that only they can use. Additionally, five community cards are dealt face-up on the table to create what is called the “board.”

To make the best possible poker hand, players can combine their own hole cards with the community cards on the board. The goal of the game is straightforward: try to win as many chips as possible, one pot at a time. You can achieve this by either having the highest hand or convincing all the other players to fold before the final showdown.

Now, let’s take a closer look at the structure of a Texas Hold’em game, which can be divided into three main parts: setup, betting rounds, and showdown. In the setup phase, players gather around the table and make sure they have an ample supply of chips.

Remember, there is an important role called the Button that determines the order of play. The player in this position will be the dealer for that particular round. The Button rotates clockwise after each hand, ensuring that every player gets a turn.

Once the setup is complete and the Button is in place, the betting rounds begin. These rounds are where the real action happens. Players take turns making decisions based on the strength of their cards and their overall strategy. They can choose to bet, raise the stakes, call, or fold, depending on their hand and their assessment of the other players’ moves.

Finally, we have the showdown. This is the moment of truth, where all remaining players reveal their cards to determine the winner. The player with the highest hand takes the pot and adds those precious chips to their stack.

In summary, Texas Holdem is an exciting card game that requires skill, strategy, and a bit of luck. By understanding the setup, mastering the betting rounds, and navigating the showdown, you can increase your chances of coming out on top. So gather your chips, take your seat at the table, and may the best hand win!

The first thing you need to do is choose a player to be the “button.” This player will act as the dealer for the game. In Texas hold’em, the dealer position rotates, and the player on the button gets to make the last moves after the flop.

After each hand is finished, the player with the dealer button passes it to the player on their left.

Now let’s talk about the blinds, which are also known as blind bets.

How to play Texas Hold em Poker Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When playing Holdem, there are two blinds you need to know about: the small blind and the big blind. The small blind is usually half the size of the big blind, though it can change.

The person sitting on the left side of the dealer button is responsible for posting the small blind, and the person to their left is responsible for posting the big blind.

The stakes of the game are determined by the size of the blinds.

Without these blinds, the game would be very dull because no one would have to put any money into the pot.

Once the blinds are in, it’s time to deal the first hand.

Betting Rounds

The player on the immediate left of the dealer button gets the first card, and then the dealer continues giving cards to each player at the table in a clockwise direction until everyone has two starting cards.

When it’s my turn to bet, I have a few options. First, I can fold and give up any interest in the pot. That means I discard my cards and sit out for the rest of the round. Second, I can call. This means I match the amount that the previous player has bet. Lastly, I can raise. If I choose to raise, I not only match the previous bet, but I also double the amount of the big blind.

Before the round even starts, I get to see my hole cards. After seeing these cards, I have the option to either call or raise the big blind. The action starts to the left of the big blind, which is considered a “live” bet for this round.

When you’re playing a poker game, you have different choices when it’s your turn to act. You can fold, call, or raise. Let me explain what each of these options means.

Now, if you decide to fold, it means you are giving up on your hand. You don’t want to continue playing for this round. It doesn’t cost you any more money to fold.

A call, on the other hand, means you match the current bet that has been placed. Let’s say the big blind is $2, and someone before you has bet $2. To call, you would also need to put in $2.

If you think your hand is strong and you want to increase the bet, you can raise. This means you put in more money than the previous bet. In our example, if someone has bet $2, you’ll need to at least bet $4 to raise – double the amount of the initial bet.

Once you’ve made your decision, the action moves to the next player in a clockwise direction. Each player at the table will have the chance to fold, call, or raise, just like you did.

Betting continues like this for each betting round until all active players, those who haven’t folded, have placed the same amount of money into the pot. That’s when the betting round is considered complete.

The Flop

How to play Texas Hold em Poker Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Alright, so here’s the deal. We’ve got ourselves a game of Hold’em, and now it’s time for the flop. Three cards are gonna be dealt face-up on the board for everyone to see.

Now, these three cards on the flop, they’re special. They’re called community cards. That means they’re available to all the players who are still in the game. No secrets here!

Alright, let’s talk about betting on the flop. The person who gets to start the betting is the player right after the dealer, going clockwise. Pretty straightforward, right?

Now, when it comes to betting options, it’s kinda like what we had before the flop, but with a couple of differences. First off, it’s the player to the left of the dealer who gets to go first. And get this: if nobody has made a bet yet, that first player can choose to check or bet. And the best part? Calling is free! Yeah, you heard that right. No need to put any extra money in unless you really want to.

Alright, now let’s talk numbers. If you’re gonna make a bet on the flop, the minimum amount you gotta put in is the same as the big blind. That’s what we call a bet on the flop.

Now It’s the Turn

After finishing the betting round on the flop, the dealer moves on to the next phase. They deal one card facedown, and then another card face-up, which is called the turn. This turn card is the fourth community card, also known as ‘fourth street’. Now it’s time for a new betting round to begin, starting with the player who is sitting immediately to the left of the dealer button.

The River

Once the betting action is completed for the turn round, it’s time for the river or the “Fifth Street”. The river card is dealt face-up on the board, and it is the fifth and final community card.

Now, the betting resumes, and it starts with the active player who is sitting immediately to the left of the dealer button.

The Showdown

When there are multiple active players remaining in the game, the player who made the last bet or raise is the one who reveals their cards first. However, if there was no bet made on the final round, then the player sitting immediately to the left of the dealer button is the one who shows their cards first.

When you play poker, the goal is to have the best five-card hand. Whoever has the best hand wins the money in the pot.

If two or more players have the same hand, they will split the pot equally. It’s fair that way.

Once someone wins the pot, it’s time for a new round. The button moves to the next player, going around in a circle.

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