How to play Sundae Split Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Let’s Play Sundae Split!

Hi there! If you’re ready for some ice cream fun, then you’re in the right place. Today, I’m going to guide you through the exciting game of Sundae Split. Get ready to build the most delicious ice cream sundae ever!

The Objective

In Sundae Split, the goal is to create the tastiest sundae possible. You’ll be collecting different flavors of ice cream, toppings, and even whipped cream. But be careful! Some ingredients might not be as popular as others, so you’ll need to strategize and make wise decisions to maximize your points.

How to Play

Are you ready to dive into the world of sweet treats? Here’s how to play Sundae Split:

Shuffle the ice cream cards and deal them out to all players. Each player will have their own set of ice cream cards to choose from.

  • On your turn, you can do one of three things: take an ice cream card, play a topping card, or make a sundae.

  • To take an ice cream card, simply draw one from the deck and add it to your hand. You can only have a maximum of five ice cream cards in your hand at a time, so choose wisely.

  • If you have a topping card in your hand, you can play it on an opponent’s sundae. This will reduce their points at the end of the game.

  • When you’re ready to make a sundae, choose one flavor of ice cream from your hand and place it face up in front of you. Then, add any toppings you have to your sundae. Each topping will give you extra points at the end of the game.

  • Once all players have made a sundae, it’s time to score! Each player will add up the points from their ice cream and toppings. The player with the most points wins the game and gets to indulge in their delicious creation.

  • Strategy Tips

    Now that you know the rules, it’s time to talk strategy. Here are a few tips to help you become a Sundae Split master:

    Pay attention to what flavors and toppings other players are collecting. If you notice that everyone is going for chocolate, it might be a good idea to collect a different flavor to score more points.

  • Try to play your topping cards strategically. Use them to reduce the points of the player who is in the lead, or to protect yourself from losing points.

  • Don’t forget about the whipped cream! Whipped cream is a special topping that can be added to any sundae. It doesn’t have a flavor, but it gives you extra points at the end of the game.

  • Keep track of the number of cards remaining in the deck. If there are only a few cards left, it might be a good time to start making your sundae.

  • Now that you’re armed with the knowledge of how to play Sundae Split, it’s time to gather your friends and family and start building those mouthwatering sundaes. Get ready for a dessert adventure like no other!

    How to play Sundae Split Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    How to play Sundae Split Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Hey there! So, in this cool game called Sundae Split, we’re going to create the most amazing ice cream sundae ever! We’ll have all these delicious ingredients to choose from, and our goal is to make the tastiest sundae possible. The catch is, we need to avoid adding any vegetables to our masterpiece. After we’re done, we’ll score our sundaes, and the player with the highest score wins!

    What You’ll Need

    • 30 Cards with Different Ice Cream Scoops
    • 9 Cards with Vegetables
    • 29 Cards with Toppings
    • 3 Handy Reference Cards
    • 1 Scorepad
    • A Set of Instructions

    Setting Up the Game

    How to play Sundae Split Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    1. If you’re playing with just two people, you can take out the 20 ingredient cards with “3+” in the bottom left corner. These cards won’t be used, so put them back in the box.
    2. Take all the remaining ingredient cards and shuffle them together. Make sure they’re all facedown to form the ingredient deck.
    3. Now, depending on how many players you have, you’ll need to remove a certain number of ingredient cards at random. Don’t worry, these cards won’t be used either, so put them back in the box. Here’s how many cards to remove:
      • For 5 players, remove 3 cards.
      • For 4 players, remove 8 cards.
      • For 3 players, remove 20 cards.
      • For 2 players, remove 12 cards.
    4. Now, it’s time to randomly choose a player who will be the Splitter for the first round of the game. Whoever you choose gets the ingredient deck and the round sequence reference card. Make sure to use the right side of the card based on the number of players.

    Let’s Play!

    When you play Sundae Split, you’ll go through different rounds. Each round has two phases: the Split Phase and the Choose Phase.

    1. Split Phase

    At the start of every round, the Splitter will draw a certain number of cards from the ingredient deck. The number of cards depends on how many players are in the game (see the table below). The Splitter will look at these cards, but keep them secret from everyone else.

    Next, the Splitter will decide how to divide the cards into piles, and there are three important rules to follow:

    How to play Sundae Split Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    1. I need to have one pile for each player.
    2. Each pile can have anywhere between one and four cards.
    3. I have to place a certain number of cards face down, depending on how many players there are (see table below). The rest of the cards should be face up.

    For example: Let’s say there are three players in the game. I draw eight cards, and now I need to split them into three piles. Three of those cards need to be placed face down.

    First, I’ll put the two cards that I really want in Pile 1, facing down. I’ll also add a corn card face up to intimidate the other players.

    In Pile 2, I’ll hide a broccoli card facing down, and I’ll place a banana and a vanilla scoop card facing up. As for Pile 3, I’ll place a strawberry scoop card and a banana card facing up.

    How to play Sundae Split Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Scoring Reference

    When it comes to playing the game Sundae Split, scoring points is what it’s all about. Here are the different ways you can earn points in the game:

    1. How to play Sundae Split Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    The players who have the most and second-most bananas will both score points. It’s a sweet victory!

    How to play Sundae Split Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • How to play Sundae Split Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Choose the ice cream flavor with the most scoops. For every cherry on that flavor, you’ll earn points equal to the number of scoops. Yum!

  • How to play Sundae Split Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    If you have a complete set of all three ice cream flavors, you’ll score points.

    How to play Sundae Split Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • How to play Sundae Split Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    For each set of sprinkles and whipped cream, you’ll earn points.

    How to play Sundae Split Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • First of all, let’s lay out the steps to play Sundae Split:

    1. Score Phase:

    – Look at your ice cream cards and add up the points they show.

    – Subtract the points shown on your vegetable cards.

    2. Choose Phase:

    – Starting with the player to the left of the Splitter and going clockwise, each player picks one of the piles without looking at the face-down cards.

    – Once you pick a pile, reveal the cards and arrange them by type in front of you. These cards will make up your sundae throughout the game.

    That’s it! It’s a simple and fun game. Enjoy playing Sundae Split!

    Note: This means that when it’s your turn to choose a pile, you always take the last one remaining.

    Once each player has chosen a pile, the round ends. If there are no more ingredients in the deck, the game is finished, and we move on to the Game End & Scoring.

    If there are still ingredients in the deck, the current Splitter passes the deck and the round sequence reference card to the player on their left. That player becomes the new Splitter for the next round.

    How to play Sundae Split Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    The End of the Game

    When we reach the end of a round and there are no more cards left in the ingredient deck, that’s when the game comes to a close. It’s time to add up the final scores and find out who made the most delicious sundae!

    Grab your scorepad and start recording points for each player based on the following categories:

    1. Extra Points for Bananas: If you have the most bananas, you get a bonus of 10 points. If you have the second-most bananas, you get a bonus of 5 points. If there’s a tie for either of these bonuses, everyone who’s tied gets the bonus. Remember, you need at least 1 banana to be eligible for a bonus.
    2. Cherries Boost: Choose the ice cream flavor where you have the most scoops. Multiply the number of scoops with the amount of cherries and score those points.

    Here are the rules to play the Best Sundae Game:

    1. Flavor Variety: You earn 3 points for each complete set of flavors: vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry.
    2. Sprinkles + Whipped Cream: You earn 5 points for each set of sprinkles and whipped cream.
    3. Ice Cream Scoops: You earn the points shown on all your ice cream scoops.
    4. Vegetable Penalty: You lose the points shown on all your vegetables.

    Add up the points for each player. The player with the most points wins and has made the best sundae!

    If two or more players have the same number of points, the player(s) with the most ice cream scoops win.

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