Spyfall Game Rules
Let’s dive into the exciting world of the Spyfall game! Get ready for a thrilling adventure where you’ll put your detective skills to the test. In this game, one player takes on the role of a spy, while the others are all trying to figure out who the spy is. Are you up for the challenge? Let’s go!
Once the game starts, you’ll find yourself in various locations, such as a space station or a beach. Each player, except for the spy, will receive a location card that tells them where they are. These location cards are the key to solving the mystery. Pay close attention!
The goal of the non-spy players is to figure out who the spy is, and the goal of the spy is to blend in and figure out the location. You’ll take turns asking each other questions, trying to gather information. Be careful though, you don’t want to give away the location if you’re not the spy!
Asking questions is where the real excitement begins. You’ll have to come up with clever questions that hint at the location without revealing it completely. For example, you might ask, “What kind of equipment do we have here?” or “What’s the weather like?” These questions will help you uncover who the spy is or give the spy a chance to defend themselves.
The spy, on the other hand, will have to do their best to stay inconspicuous. They won’t know the location, so they’ll have to rely on their wit and detective skills to blend in. It’s a true test of their ability to adapt and think on their feet.
At any point during the game, someone can accuse another player of being the spy. If the majority agrees, that player must reveal their role. If they are the spy, the non-spy players win. But if they are not the spy, the spy wins! It’s a constant battle of wits and deduction.
So, are you ready to put your detective skills to the test in the Spyfall game? Get your friends together, choose your roles, and let the mystery begin. Remember, the location cards hold the key to victory. Good luck, and may the best spy (or detective) win!
When you play a game of Spyfall, you’ll experience a series of short rounds. During each round, everyone is assigned a specific role and placed in a unique location. However, there’s always one player who is the spy and has no clue about their whereabouts.
As the spy, your mission is to pay close attention, figure out the location, and make sure you don’t give away your true identity. The other players, who are not spies, have to subtly hint that they know the location’s identity in order to prove that they are not the spy. To succeed in this game, you’ll need to be observant, focused, casual, and clever.
What’s Included
- 208 cards (26 decks of 8 cards each)
- 26 ziplock bags
- Rulebook
Don’t forget to have a stopwatch ready to keep track of time during the game. Someone in your group probably has one on their phone!
The Goal
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to either avoid being discovered as the spy until the round ends or correctly guess the current location. The non-spies’ mission? They need to work together to figure out who the spy is and expose them!
Setting Up for Round One
Before we begin the first round, we need to organize all the cards into different decks based on locations. Each deck will have seven cards that look the same and one card that identifies the spy. Place each deck in its own ziplock bag. Remember to keep all the cards face down, with the spy card on top.
When you play the game, you’ll find all the locations right in the middle of the rulebook. It’s important to take a good look at them before starting the first round. This will give you an idea of the different places you can choose from as a “potential spy.” But here’s a tip: don’t keep studying the middle spread during the game, because that will give you away!
How to Begin a Round
Playing the game consists of several short rounds, and you can decide how many rounds you want to play before starting. It’s a good idea to start with five rounds, which should last about an hour.
Before each round, a new dealer is chosen. The dealer also plays as a regular player in the game. At the start of the first round, the dealer is the person who looks the most suspicious. This player takes all the card ziplock bags out of the box, turns them face down, shuffles them, and chooses a random bag.
Next, the dealer carefully removes the cards from the chosen bag, making sure not to reveal their identities.
Location Card
Spy Card
Hey there! Let me tell you all about the incredible world of the Spy Card.
Now, you might be wondering, what is a Spy Card? Well, let me explain. A Spy Card is a revolutionary device that allows you to stay one step ahead of the game. With its cutting-edge technology, it’s like having a superpower right at your fingertips.
Imagine this: you’re sitting at a poker table, surrounded by seasoned players. They think they’ve got you all figured out, but little do they know, you’ve got a secret weapon. That weapon is the Spy Card. It’s a card that looks just like any other, but hidden beneath its innocuous surface lies an incredible power.
So, how does it work? It’s simple, really. The Spy Card is equipped with a tiny camera that can read the markings on all the other cards. It sends this information to a small earpiece, allowing you to know exactly what your opponents are holding. With this knowledge, you can make calculated moves and come out on top every single time.
But wait, there’s more! The Spy Card isn’t just limited to poker. You can use it in any card game you like. Whether it’s a game of blackjack, baccarat, or even a friendly game of Go Fish, the Spy Card has got you covered. With this incredible device, you can elevate your gaming experience to a whole new level.
I know what you’re thinking, is it legal? Well, that’s a tricky question. While using the Spy Card is not allowed in formal casino settings, it can be a lot of fun for friendly games amongst friends. Just make sure everyone is on the same page and in on the fun!
So, if you’re looking to take your card games to the next level, the Spy Card is the way to go. With its ability to give you that extra edge, you’ll be the master of the table in no time. It’s time to unleash your inner spy and turn every card game into an unforgettable adventure. Get ready to be amazed!
In the card game, the dealer picks a certain number of cards, matching the number of players, from the top of the pile. The cards are thoroughly shuffled and distributed, with each player receiving one card.
If there are five players, each player is dealt five cards. The remaining cards are set aside and won’t be used. Each player secretly glances at their card and keeps it face down in front of them, making sure not to reveal it to others.
For the next round, the dealer is the player who was the spy in the previous round. They choose a new set of cards and repeat the distribution process.
Playing the Game
The game starts when the dealer starts the stopwatch. One player is then asked a question by the dealer, who addresses the player by name, saying something like, “Tell me, John…”. It’s common for the questions to relate to the current location, but that’s not mandatory.
Have you ever played a game where you ask a question and get a response, but you can’t ask a question of the person who just asked you one? Well, that’s the essence of this unique game.
In this game, each player takes turns asking a question to another player. But there’s a catch – you can’t ask a question to the same person who just asked you one. So, you’ll have to think carefully about who to direct your questions to.
The order in which the questions are asked is determined by the players themselves. After hearing the questions and answers, players base their suspicions on who should be questioned next. It’s an interesting twist that keeps everyone on their toes.
Note: If you ain’t the spy, your card will also tell you your role at the location we’re playin’ at. Before we start the game, we gotta agree if we gonna stick to the role on our card or not. I really recommend it ’cause it makes the game way more fun, but it’s totally up to you, especially if you’re new to the game.
Like, let’s say you’re a fancy college professor, and someone asks why you didn’t come to the faculty party. You could whine about your arthritis and bein’ old; if you’re a student, you might wanna pretend like you’re super mad ’bout not gettin’ invited by those stuck-up senior faculty.
The names of the roles might make it seem like you gotta play a certain gender, but that ain’t true. All the characters can be male or female. So, the flight attendant on the plane can also be a stewardess, and the actor can also be an actress.
Sample Round
Imagine a game where I, along with my friends Anne, Juan, Maria, and Isaac, find ourselves in the crusader army. The catch is, Anne doesn’t realize that she’s actually the spy with a secret mission. While Anne tries to identify the location without giving away her true identity, Juan becomes the Knight, Maria becomes the Squire, and Isaac takes on the role of the Archer.
As we play the game, Maria, playing the Squire, starts things off by asking a question to Isaac: “Hey Isaac, do you remember which sea we all went swimming in yesterday?” Isaac, confidently replies the Mediterranean, unknowingly capturing Anne’s attention. The spy, Anne, realizes that the location could be either the beach or the pirate ship.
Next, Isaac, the Archer, can’t ask Maria, so he turns to Juan, the Knight, and makes his move. “Juan, tell me, do we get paid at the beginning of the month or at the end?” This question grabs everyone’s focus, as it could potentially expose Isaac as the spy.
Isaac, however, is simply testing the waters, trying to gauge his fellow players’ reactions. Juan, being a knight and not the spy, easily responds, “Who knows? We’ll get paid whenever the commander feels like it.” This confuses Anne, the spy, even more. Now she suspects that the location might be the military base or the submarine.
Continuing the game, Juan asks Anne his question: “Hey Anne, what did they serve for dinner last night? I couldn’t make it.” Anne evades the question, answering vaguely, “Oh, you know, just the usual stuff – potatoes, nothing special.” This is when the others start to grow suspicious of Anne being the spy. As crusaders, they all know that potatoes weren’t around during their time, and it would take three hundred more years before Columbus would introduce them from the New World.
End Of Round
Hey there! Just a quick note: You and your friends can decide on a different round length if you want. It’s important to discuss and agree on how long you want the rounds to be before you begin the game. If you’re new to the game, you might want to try longer rounds, like around 12-15 minutes.
A round comes to an end when one of these three things happens:
Eight minutes have passed
When eight minutes have ticked away on the clock, it’s time to wrap up the round. Keep an eye on the time and make sure you finish within the time limit.
When a Player Gets Suspicious
If someone in the game becomes suspicious and starts to suspect who the spy might be, the round ends. This could happen if someone asks a question that reveals their suspicions or if the tension in the game reaches a boiling point.
At the Spy’s Request
Lastly, a round can end if the spy themselves decides to call it quits. They might do this if they feel like they’ve gathered enough information or if they’re starting to feel too exposed. The spy has the power to request the round’s end.
Once the round is over, all the cards used in that round go back to the dealer and can no longer be used in the current game. Don’t forget to put the deck of cards back in the box in its ziplock bag.
What I’m Trying to Achieve and How I’ll Do It
My main goal is to find the spy and keep my location a secret, while the non-spies want to do the same. We need to be smart about it.
So, when I ask questions, I have to be careful not to give away too much information. For example, I shouldn’t ask something like, “How much money did the robbers steal from the bank yesterday?” because that would make it obvious where we are.
On the other hand, if I ask questions that are too vague, the others might start suspecting me of being the spy. That would be bad because then the real spy could win.
As the spy, my job is to listen carefully to what the others say and try to figure out our location in less than eight minutes. But if I don’t make a guess, I’m taking a risk. The others might figure out that I’m the spy and vote to expose me.
How to Score Points in the Game
At the end of each round in the game, you can calculate the points earned by each player based on the results.
When the Spy Wins
- If no one is able to correctly accuse the spy, the spy earns 2 points.
- If a player successfully accuses another player who is not the spy, the spy earns 4 points.
- If the spy is able to stop the game and correctly guess the location, the spy earns 4 points.
When the Non-Spies Win
- Each non-spy player earns 1 point for a victory.
- The player who successfully accuses the spy earns 2 points instead of 1.
How to Determine the Winner
The player with the most points at the end of the agreed-upon number of rounds is the winner of the game.