How to play Space Explorers Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Rules for Playing the Space Explorers Game

Hi there fellow space explorers! I’m here to guide you through the rules of the amazing Space Explorers game. Strap on your helmets and get ready for an intergalactic adventure!


The objective of the Space Explorers game is to travel through the galaxy, visiting different planets and completing exciting missions along the way. The ultimate goal is to be the first player to reach the final planet and return safely back to Earth.

Game Setup

To start the game, each player will choose a spaceship token and place it on the starting planet. The game board represents the galaxy, with different spaces for planets, asteroids, and other celestial objects. Shuffle the mission cards and place them face-down in a designated area beside the game board.


On your turn, roll the dice and move your spaceship along the paths on the game board. Each space represents a different planet or celestial object. When you land on a planet, draw a mission card and read it aloud. Missions can range from exploring a planet’s surface to conducting scientific experiments.

Throughout the game, you will encounter various challenges and obstacles. Some spaces may require you to answer space-related trivia questions, while others may have you solve puzzles or make strategic decisions.

Space Resources

As you travel through space, you will collect resources such as fuel, food, and supplies. These resources will be essential for completing missions and moving forward in the game. Be strategic in managing your resources and make sure you have enough to reach the final planet.

Winning the Game

The first player to reach the final planet and successfully complete their mission will be declared the winner. But beware, space explorers! The journey won’t be easy, and unexpected events may occur along the way. Stay focused, use your resources wisely, and most importantly, have fun!

Embark on this exciting space adventure and let the cosmos be your guide. Get ready to explore the unknown and reach for the stars!

How to play Space Explorers Official Rules UltraFoodMess

The conquest of space was an extraordinary accomplishment of the 20th century. Back in 1957, they sent the very first satellite, known as Sputnik 1, up into space. And can you believe it? Just four years after that, Yuri Gagarin became the first ever human to venture into space, riding aboard the amazing Vostok 1 spaceship.

Now, here’s the thing. This game, right here, it’s all about paying tribute to those early space pioneers. You know, those incredible visionaries who put their hearts and souls into making space travel a reality. I mean, just think about what Yuri Gagarin declared when he was about to take off: “Let’s go!” It gives me chills!

How to play Space Explorers Official Rules UltraFoodMess

What You’ll Find in the Box

  • 60 Specialist cards
  • 10 Project tiles
  • 4 two-piece Hub boards
  • 4 Player Reference sheets
  • 20 Research tokens
  • First Player marker
  • Rulebook

Let’s Get Started!

Hi there! Are you ready for an exciting space adventure? Well, I’ve got just the game for you. It’s called “Space Research Center,” and it’s all about heading up a Research & Development Hub during the Golden Age of Astronautics. Your mission? To bring humanity’s greatest space projects to life!

Now, let me tell you how it works. In this game, you’ll compete against other Hub managers to assemble the best teams of researchers and complete monumental space projects. By recruiting top-notch specialists, you’ll launch satellites, manned spaceships, and even orbital stations into the great unknown!

In this game, you earn Progress points by recruiting Specialists and completing Projects. The game will end either when all available Projects are completed, or when you have recruited 12 Specialists to your Hub. The player who has made the most Progress will be the winner!

Let’s get started with the setup:

1. First, shuffle the Specialist cards and place them face-down in the center of the table. This will form the Specialist Deck. Then, reveal the top 6 cards and place them face-up next to the deck. This is the Space Research Center.

2. Next, take Project tiles. You will need a number of tiles equal to the number of players plus 2. Choose these tiles randomly. For example, if there are 3 players, take 5 random Project tiles. Any unused tiles can be returned to the game box.

Now that we have everything set up, we can begin the game!

Note: When it comes to choosing which side of the project tiles to use, there are a few ways you can go about it. One fun method is to toss each tile into the air and use the side that lands face-up. If you prefer, you can use any other method that suits you. Once you’ve decided, line up the chosen projects next to the Specialist deck.

  • You’ll need a Research & Development Hub, with the two pieces connected as shown in the picture.
  • You’ll also need 5 Research tokens, one of each color.
  • Lastly, make sure to grab a Player Reference sheet.

Any unused Hubs, Research tokens, and Player Reference sheets should be returned to the game box.

Note: Throughout the game, the First Player marker does not change hands. It’s important to remember who started the game when you reach the end.

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Exploring the World of Projects: Building and Launching Spacecraft

Hey there! Today, I want to talk to you about a fascinating topic: projects. When someone mentions projects, what comes to your mind? Well, let me tell you something exciting. We’re stepping into the world of building and launching spacecraft from the historical US and Soviet space programs.

Now, let’s dive deeper. When it comes to these projects, different skills play a crucial role in making them a success. Yes, you heard that right. Skills of different types are required, and each project specifies the type and quantity of skills needed with circular icons. These icons act as a guide, indicating what you need to accomplish the project.

How to play Space Explorers Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! I’m here to tell you all about Specialists and how they can help you with your Projects. Specialists are a diverse group of skilled professionals, including Engineers, Testers, Scientists, Builders, and even Astronauts. Each Specialist has their own unique set of Skills, which we represent with cool circular icons.

Now let’s talk about the Space Research Center, or simply the Center. This is where you’ll find all the Specialist cards that are available for you to recruit. These cards are placed face-up right beside the Specialist deck.

But wait, there’s more! We also have the Research & Development Hub, also known as the Hub. It’s like the backbone of the space industry. With the Hub, you can assemble teams to work on your Projects. Each player has their own Hub, and it’s divided into five awesome Divisions:

  • Engineering (represented by blue)
  • Testing (represented by green)
  • Science (represented by yellow)
  • Construction (represented by red)
  • Space Flight (represented by purple)

Research is what we rely on to find and hire Specialists. We’re not after money when we hire Specialists – the Government already takes care of their salary.

We recruit Specialists by offering them the opportunity to participate in research studies at the Hub. The requirements for recruiting a Specialist are indicated by square icons.

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What’s in a Specialist Card?

When you receive a specialist card, you might be wondering what all the different elements mean. Well, let me break it down for you into simpler terms.

First, let’s talk about the name. The name listed on the specialist card is the name of the specialist, or doctor, who will be treating you. They are the expert in their field and will be guiding you through your healthcare journey.

Next, we have the specialty. This is the area of medicine that the specialist has focused on and become an expert in. For example, they might be a cardiologist, which means they specialize in heart health.

In addition to the specialty, there will also be a title. This title further describes the specialist’s position or level of expertise within their field. It might indicate that they are a professor or a director of a department.

Now, let’s move on to the contact information. This includes the phone number and address of the specialist’s office. If you need to schedule an appointment or have any questions, this is the information you will need.

Lastly, there may be a logo or symbol on the specialist card. This can represent the hospital or healthcare system that the specialist is affiliated with. It’s a way to show their connection and provide a sense of trust and credibility.

So, the next time you receive a specialist card, you’ll know exactly what each element means. From the name and specialty to the contact information and logo, it’s all there to help you navigate your healthcare journey with confidence.

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Imagine this: A single picture that captures the essence of a Specialist’s primary skill. You can think of it as their superpower.

Another important aspect: Progress points, which you score at the end of the game. These points can be affected by various conditions, such as the Specialists you have in your Hub or the number of Projects you’ve completed. Keep an eye out for the asterisk symbol.

Let’s talk about Skills: They play a crucial role in completing Projects. When you recruit a Specialist to your Hub, they bring their unique skill set. They can also be assigned to different Divisions within the Hub. And here’s a bonus: having this Specialist in a Division reduces the cost of recruiting new Specialists to that same Division.

Speaking of costs: Recruitment Cost shows the Research icons required to recruit a Specialist. But here’s a nifty trick: the cost is reduced from the bottom up. Look for that triangle arrow for a quick reminder.

6 Ability – It’s a cool thing you can do when you have the Specialist card on top of your Division or when the game is being scored at the end.

7 Card number – If you want more details about what a Specialist can do, you can find the matching ability number in the reference on pages 12-14.

Your Turn to Play

When it’s your turn to play, you have two choices. You can either grab a Specialist card and put it in your hand, or you can recruit a Specialist to join your Hub.

You have to pick one of these actions and you can only do one per turn.

Getting a Specialist Card

If you choose to get a Specialist card, you have two ways to do it:

  • You can take a Specialist from the Center
  • You can draw a card from the Specialist deck

Guess what? You can bring a Specialist on board at no cost!

If you want to add a card to your hand and there are fewer than 6 Specialists left face-up in the Center, just flip the top card of the Specialist deck and put it in the empty spot.

Hiring a Specialist for Your Team

Hey, it’s your turn! You have the chance to hire a Specialist to join your team:

  • You can pick one from the face-up options in the Center, OR
  • Select one from your own hand.

Follow these steps to bring the chosen Specialist on board:

  1. Decide which Division of your team the Specialist will be a part of.
  2. Check how much Research you need to recruit that Specialist.
  3. Provide the required Research icons and place the Specialist card in the designated Division slot on your team.

Step 1: Choose Your Division

Every Specialist has a unique Skill that they excel in. In fact, some Specialists are skilled in multiple areas! You can easily identify these Skills by the round icons found in the upper left corner of their card.

When assigning a Specialist to a Division, it’s crucial to match their Skills with the requirements of that Division. Let’s say you have a Tester who is particularly skilled in software testing (indicated by the green Skill icon). It’s important to assign them to the Testing Division, which is also represented by the green section of the Hub.

Now, if a Specialist possesses Skills in two different areas, you have the freedom to choose which Division they join. This allows for flexibility and enables you to utilize their expertise in the most effective way possible.

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What Makes Up a Project Card?


When I see a project card, the first thing I notice is the title. It’s like the name tag of the project – it gives me a quick idea of what it’s all about. A good title is clear and concise, and it grabs my attention.


Next, I look at the description. This is where the project is explained in more detail. The description gives me a sense of what the project is trying to achieve, and it helps me decide if I’m interested in learning more.


Underneath the description, you’ll often find a list of tasks. These are the individual steps or actions that need to be taken to complete the project. The tasks provide a roadmap, showing me what needs to be done and in what order.


Labels are like little tags that provide additional information about the project. They can be used to categorize projects, indicate their priority, or show their status. Labels help me quickly understand the project’s context and give me a better idea of what to expect.

Due Date

Some project cards have a due date. This is the deadline by which the project needs to be completed. Knowing the due date helps me plan my time and prioritize my tasks. It adds a sense of urgency and keeps me on track.


Attachments are files or documents that are relevant to the project. They can be anything from images to spreadsheets or presentations. Attachments provide additional resources and information that can help me better understand the project or complete it more effectively.


Finally, comments allow me to communicate and collaborate with others on the project. I can ask questions, share ideas, or provide updates. Comments keep the project alive and create a space for discussion and teamwork.

Why Do Project Cards Matter?

When I’m managing a project, project cards are my best friend. They help me stay organized, focused, and on top of things. Each element of a project card serves a purpose and contributes to the overall success of the project.

The title and description give me a clear understanding of what the project is about and why it’s important. They set the tone and provide the context I need to make informed decisions.

The tasks and labels help me break down the project into manageable chunks and prioritize them accordingly. They ensure that I stay on track and complete the project step by step.

The due date acts as a gentle reminder that time is ticking and pushes me to stay motivated and meet deadlines. It keeps me accountable and prevents procrastination.

Attachments provide me with the resources I need to complete the project efficiently. They give me the tools and information required to deliver high-quality work.

Finally, comments enable collaboration and teamwork. They foster open communication and feedback, ensuring that everyone involved in the project is on the same page and working towards a common goal.

In conclusion, each element of a project card plays a crucial role in project management. By understanding and utilizing them effectively, I can stay organized, meet deadlines, and deliver successful projects. So, the next time I see a project card, I’ll remember the important role it plays and take full advantage of its benefits.

How to play Space Explorers Official Rules UltraFoodMess

In this game, you’ll find 10 American and 10 Soviet spacecraft illustrations. They depict real satellites, spaceships, and interplanetary stations. These stunning pictures will transport you to outer space and ignite your curiosity.

As you play, you’ll earn progress points for completing projects. These points will be added to your score at the end of the game. The more projects you finish, the higher your score will be.

To complete a project, you’ll need certain skills. These skills are essential for successfully finishing each project. Make sure you have the right skills before attempting a project.

Step 2: Determine The Recruitment Cost

Every specialist has a recruitment cost. This cost is indicated by square icons on the lower left corner of the specialist card. These icons represent the research required to recruit the specialist.

When you recruit the first specialist in a division, you need to pay the full recruitment cost. This means you must have research icons that match all the icons shown on the specialist card. See Example 1 on page 7 for a visual reference.

However, when you add specialists to a division, the recruitment cost for the next specialist reduces. So, the more specialists you have in one division, the less it will cost to recruit new specialists into that division.

When you add a Specialist to your Hub, each Skill icon they have that matches their Division will lower the cost for new recruits. This means you can disregard one Research icon in the Recruitment Cost.

Here are the rules:

How to play Space Explorers Official Rules UltraFoodMess

If you have a Specialist with two Skills, only the Skills that match the Division count towards the Recruitment Cost. Remember, the Recruitment Cost decreases from bottom to top. Look out for the triangle arrow in the lower left corner of the card to remind you of this. If there are already enough Specialists in the Division with matching Skills, the Recruitment Cost can be reduced to zero.

Speaking of Recruitment Costs, the basic cost is 2 Research icons. So, keep that in mind when choosing your Specialists.

How to play Space Explorers Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Let’s talk about recruiting specialists and how to pay for them.

Step 3: Add the Specialist to Your Division

So, you’ve figured out that it costs 6 Research icons to recruit a specialist. Now it’s time to actually pay for them and add them to your division.

There are three ways you can get Research icons, and you can use any combination of these methods to get the icons you need.

  1. The first way is to give matching tokens from your supply directly to the player on your left. This helps both of you make progress, so it’s important to share your Research!

When you want to get more Research icons for your project, you can send some of your Specialists back to the Center. You can return as many Specialists as you like, even if there are already 6 or more in the Center. Each Specialist you send back will give you up to two Research icons of your choice. But remember, these icons can only be used immediately and won’t carry over to the next turn. Also, before leaving, the Visiting Specialists will share their Research with you. Just keep in mind that you can’t return a Specialist to the Center and then recruit that same Specialist in the same turn. The order of the Research icons on the Specialist card doesn’t matter, so you can get them in any sequence you like.

Once you’ve rounded up all the necessary Research icons, simply place your fresh recruit on top of the existing Specialists in that Division. It’s important to note that you won’t be able to use the new Specialist’s ability right away. Instead, you’ll have to wait until your next turn to put it into action.

Adding a new Specialist to a Division means that the abilities of the previous Specialists are no longer accessible. Only the abilities of the Specialists on the top of each Division are currently active.

How to play Space Explorers Official Rules UltraFoodMess

I’m here to tell you about the first Specialist recruited to the Space Flight Division. And let me tell you, it’s a pretty big deal. This person is so important that the player who wants to recruit them needs to have all three required Research icons. Yep, you heard that right – all three! So, it’s safe to say that this Specialist is not just your average astronaut. They’re a superstar! But hey, don’t worry, I’m here to help you understand all the ins and outs of this process. You see, when it comes to choosing the right Specialist, you need to take into account their unique abilities and qualities. You want someone who can elevate your team’s performance to new heights. And trust me, it’s not an easy task. You’re looking for someone with experience, someone who knows how to handle the challenges of space travel. But it’s not just about their skills, it’s also about their personality. You want someone who can work well with others, someone who can be a team player. After all, they’re going to be spending a lot of time together up there in space! So, as you can see, there’s a lot to consider when it comes to finding the right Specialist. But hey, with these factors in mind, I’m confident that you’ll be able to make the best decision for your team. So go ahead, recruit that first Specialist and watch your space program reach new heights!

How to play Space Explorers Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Example 2: Hey there! So, let me break it down for you. When you’re working with the Division, you want to take a look at the Skill icons of the Specialists already on your team. The Division has a specific color, and if you find Specialists with three Skill icons that match that color, you’re in luck! That means you can skip the first three Research icons in the basic Recruitment Cost. Pretty neat, right? All you’ll need now is the Construction (red) icon. Just keep an eye out for that one (it’s circled!).

How to play Space Explorers Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Example 3: The awesome folks in this Division have two Skill icons that are the same as the Division color. The third Skill – Engineering (blue) – doesn’t match the Division color and we don’t count it. This means you can forget about the first two icons in the basic Recruitment Cost, and only focus on the upper three Research icons (circled).

How to play Space Explorers Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Ultimately, your Hub might end up looking like this. Just remember that only the abilities of the Specialists whose cards are on the top are active.

In this example, the Engineer, Builder, and Astronaut abilities are all active. The Tester doesn’t have an ability (but does have two skills), while the Researcher’s ability scores Progress points at the end of the game.

When the game reaches its final round, it happens either when all available Projects are completed or when one player recruits 12 Specialists to their Hub. To make sure all players get an equal number of turns, we keep playing until it reaches the First Player. That player doesn’t take another turn, and that’s when the game ends.

Now let’s talk about scoring. Add up your Progress points to find out how much your Hub has contributed to the field of astronautics.

Here’s what you need to do:

1. Count the Progress points marked on your completed Projects.

2. Add the Progress points scored by your active Specialist abilities.

3. Finally, multiply your score by the number of Skills your Specialists have.

And that’s it! With these simple steps, you can calculate your Hub’s contributions to astronautics. Good luck!

  • First, count all the Progress points marked on the Specialists in your Hub, regardless of whether they’re on top of their Division.
  • Next, calculate the score for Specialists marked with an asterisk in the upper left corner. These Specialists have abilities that score Progress points based on those abilities, even if their cards aren’t on top of their Division. To make it easier, you can count the regular Progress points first and then add in the Progress points scored by the asterisked Specialists.
  • Remember to exclude any Specialist cards in your hand from your count.

The player who has the highest number of Progress points will be the winner!

In the event of a tie, the player with the most points from completed Projects will be the winner. If there is still a tie, both players will be declared winners!

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