How to play Space Checkers Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Let’s Play the Space Checkers Game!

Are you ready to have some fun? Welcome to the rules of the Space Checkers game! Get ready to explore the galaxy and become a master checkers player!


The goal of the Space Checkers game is simple: capture all of your opponent’s checkers or block their moves until they are unable to make any more moves. If you accomplish this, you win!

Game Setup

Before we begin, let’s set up the game. Each player starts with 12 checkers, which are placed on the dark squares of the game board. The board consists of 64 squares in total, alternating in colors between light and dark.

Moving Your Checkers

Now that we’re all set up, let’s talk about how to move your checkers in the game. You can only move your checkers diagonally, and you can only move them forward. If one of your checkers reaches the opposite side of the board, it gets “kinged” and can then move both forwards and backwards.

You can also jump over your opponent’s checkers to capture them. If there is a checker diagonally adjacent to your checker, and the space beyond it is empty, you can jump over that checker and remove it from the game board. You can continue jumping over your opponent’s checkers as long as there are empty spaces for you to land on.

Multiple Jumps and Capturing

When you have the opportunity to capture your opponent’s checkers, you must take it. This means that if you have multiple options for capturing, you must choose the option that will allow you to capture the most checkers. In addition, if you make a capture that gives you the opportunity to make another capture in the same turn, known as a “multiple jump,” you must take that opportunity as well.

Winning the Game

The game continues until one player has captured all of their opponent’s checkers or has blocked their opponent’s moves completely. At that point, the player who still has pieces on the board is declared the winner!

So, are you ready to become a Space Checkers champion? Remember the rules, plan your moves carefully, and may the best player win!

How to play Space Checkers Official Rules UltraFoodMess

To succeed in the game of Space Checkers, your goal is to capture ten of your opponent’s pawns before anyone else. You achieve this by jumping over their pawns. There are different factions in the game, such as the Ixithan Empire. Take a look at the image below to see their symbol and get a sense of their style.

How to play Space Checkers Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Did you know that the Ixithani have been observing and learning about Earth’s incredible creatures for a long time? It’s pretty fascinating! They might seem protective of us humans, but it’s because they want to keep using us for their experiments.

Now, let me tell you about the Kanaloan Alliance. They are a group of powerful beings who have joined forces to defend Earth and its inhabitants from the Ixithani. It’s a big deal! The Alliance is made up of different species and they each bring their unique strengths to the fight.

Guardians of Earth

How to play Space Checkers Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Millions of years ago, there was an ancient race that inhabited our planet. Today, their home is being destroyed by pollution, so they have returned to reclaim their colony that was abandoned long ago.

The Armada of Mechanoids

How to play Space Checkers Official Rules UltraFoodMess

I’m about to tell you a wild story. Brace yourself! So, the Armada, a group of extraterrestrial beings, actually has plans to do something pretty crazy. Can you believe they want to melt down our planet Earth? Yeah, it’s true! Their plan is to extract the iron from Earth’s core and use it to fuel their enormous factories, which are constantly churning out these creatures called Mechanoids. They must really be desperate for resources, huh?

Now, here’s where things get interesting. There’s this group called the Formic Commune. They’re going up against the big, bad Armada. You can choose to be a part of this heroic resistance if you want!

Let’s Get Set Up

First things first, you need to pick a color. Once you’ve got your color, grab your fleet of 12 flying saucer pawns and place them on the corresponding section of the playing area. If you’re playing with just one other person, it’s best if you sit across from each other for maximum fun!

How to play Space Checkers Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Playing the Game

When it’s my turn to play, I roll both dice. Then, I have to move one of my pawns based on the numbers I rolled.

The regular die tells me exactly how many spaces I have to move my pawn. The direction die tells me which way I have to go.

Now, the colored sections on the board are really important. If I roll a blue, for example, I must move my pawn towards the blue part of the board.

But here’s the tricky part, two sides of the direction die are WILD. That means I can choose any direction I want and move the same number of spaces as I rolled on the regular die.

How to play Space Checkers Official Rules UltraFoodMess

The Dance of Pawns

Let’s talk about how pawns move in this game. It might seem simple, but there are a few important rules to keep in mind.

First, pawns can only move in the direction shown by the direction die. However, there is one exception! If a pawn is in the player’s wild area, it can move in any direction it wants. Pretty cool, right?

Next, pawns cannot jump over or land on the Earth in the middle of the game board. So, be careful not to step on it! Also, remember that pawns cannot jump over two or more neighboring pawns that belong to the same player. It’s like they’re sticking together and not letting anyone pass!

Another rule is that pawns cannot jump over any pawns of their own color. It’s like they don’t want to hurt their friends. So, be mindful of that when plotting your moves.

When it’s your turn, make sure to move your pawn the exact number of spaces shown on the die. Don’t cheat and try to move more or fewer spaces! And most importantly, you must end your move on an empty space. No crashing into other occupied spots, please! If you can’t follow these rules and move any of your pawns, well, you’ll have to sit that turn out. Bummer, I know.

Exploring the Wild Area

The wild area, oh, it’s a special place. When you move your pawn to the four last rows on the opposite side of the board from where you started, magic happens! Your pawn transforms into a wild one. How exciting is that? Now you have even more freedom to move in any direction you please. It’s like breaking free from the rules, just a little bit.

A pawn that goes wild can ignore the direction die and move in any direction. But if a wild pawn moves out of its own wild area, it’s not wild anymore unless it goes back into the wild area again.

In addition, if you move your pawn to the edge of the playing area and still need to move to complete your turn, you can “warp” your pawn to the other side of the board. Then you keep moving your pawn in the same row and direction until you finish your turn.

How to play Space Checkers Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Note: When you move your pawn horizontally or vertically, the space at one end of the row is considered adjacent to the space at the opposite end of the row.

Catching Pawns

If you jump your pawn over the other player’s pawns, you get to capture them and put them in your prison cells.

Game Over

The game ends when a player captures 10 pawns and puts them in their prison cells. The first player to do this wins!

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