Hey there! Let’s talk about the rules of the Sorry! Sliders game.
Have you ever played Sorry! Sliders? It’s a super fun game that can sometimes be a little confusing. But don’t worry, I’m here to explain how to play!
Setting up the Game
First things first, let’s set up the game. Each player gets four pawns and places them on the start spaces. The target is to slide your pawns through the home path and get them to the finish line. Remember, you need to slide your pawns to win!
How to Play
On your turn, you’ll have to slide one of your pawns. You can even knock your opponent’s pawns off the board if you slide into them! But be careful, they can do the same to you.
The sliding part can be a little tricky to understand, but I’m here to help. You need to flick your pawn and send it sliding through the board. The way you flick will determine how far your pawn will go and which direction it will take.
If you slide into one of the special areas like a Sorry! or a Home space, special rules come into play. You might get to send someone back to start or even switch places with another player!
The game keeps going, with players sliding their pawns and trying to get them to the finish line. The first player to get all four pawns home is the winner!
Strategy Tips
Now that you know how to play, let me give you some strategy tips to improve your game:
- Pay attention to where your opponent’s pawns are. You can try to block their path and send them back to start.
- Remember the special spaces on the board. They can give you some extra moves or help you knock your opponent’s pawns off the board.
- Try to plan your moves ahead of time. Think about where you want your pawns to be and how to get them there.
- Be observant and take advantage of any opportunities that come your way. You never know when a lucky move can turn the game in your favor!
So there you have it! The rules of Sorry! Sliders. It’s a game of strategy and skill, but always remember to have fun. Grab your pawns, start sliding, and may the best player win!
Hey there! Let me tell you about this cool activity called Hook Tracks. It’s super fun and easy to play! So, the first thing you need to know is that the target boards we use for Hook Tracks are pretty awesome. They’re actually two-sided, which means you get not just one, but four games to choose from. How cool is that?
Alright, now that you’re pumped up and ready to go, it’s time to decide which game you want to play. Once you’ve made up your mind, grab the target board for that game and get ready to attach some tracks to it. Don’t worry, it’s really simple. Just follow the examples below to see how it’s done.
Alright, it’s time to get started! Grab your pawns and score board. Choose your favorite color track and collect the matching-color pawns and score board. Put your 4 roller pawns in front of you, and place your 4 scoring pawns on the START position of your score board. Now, let’s get ready to roll!
Sliding Your Pawns
During the game, we’ll be sliding our roller pawns down our track onto a target board. But there’s a catch – we need to be careful not to cross the foul line with any part of our hand when sliding the pawns. Safety first!
If you want to remove a pawn from play for the rest of the round, go for it.
Take a few practice slides if you feel like it. After that, you can play the game you picked from the next sections.
Game 1: Race For Home
The Game’s Objective
The main goal of the game is to be the first person to get all four of your scoring pawns back to Home.
Rules of Play
To decide who goes first, the youngest player or the one who says “Sorry” the most gets to take the first turn. After that, play proceeds in a clockwise direction.
Round One
During your turn, slide one of your pawns down the track and onto the target board. Your aim is to land on the highest target circle possible, with the center circle labeled 5 being the ultimate goal. While moving, you have the freedom to bump other pawns out of your way, and your own pawns may also get bumped by others.
If your pawn ends up on your own track or is tipping off it and onto the target board, leave it there and attempt to knock it onto the target board using a different pawn on your next turn.
If your pawn instead lands on another player’s track or gets knocked over at any point, remove it from play for that particular round.
If a pawn lands or is knocked onto a corner Sorry! space, or slides off a corner of the board, I have to take it out of play for that round. I also have to move my highest-scoring pawn on my scoring board back to START. I don’t have to worry about any pawns on HOME, they’re safe. If all of my pawns are on START, I won’t face any penalty.
Once all the players have slid their 4 pawns, the round comes to an end. I need to take a good look at where each pawn landed and then score points for each one that I can.
When we reach the end of the game, it’s time to tally up the scores. Here’s how you do it:
1. Check if any of your pawns are standing on a target circle. If they are, you score the number of points indicated on that circle. If your pawn is between two circles, score the higher number.
2. If any of your pawns are tipping between your track and the target board, you score one point.
3. Move one scoring pawn for each of your roller pawns. Move each scoring pawn one space ahead for each point the roller pawn scored. Remember, each scoring pawn can only move once.
4. Scoring pawns can only move onto the HOME space if they land there exactly.
For the remaining rounds, all players remove their pawns from the target board, and a new round begins. The player to the left of the one who started the previous round takes the first turn. Play continues as before.
That’s it! Have fun and keep playing until the end of the game.
When the round is over, and I’ve managed to move all four of my scoring pawns to HOME by rolling the exact number, I win the game. But if two or more players also reach HOME with all their scoring pawns, the player closest to the one who started the round takes the victory. However, if one of the tied players is the one who kicked off the round, they become the winner.
Game 2: Quick Getaway
The Goal of the Game
Your main objective is to be the first player to get all four of your scoring pawns to HOME.
How to Play
Playing the game is quite similar to Game 1, with a few key differences:
If your pawn happens to slide or get bumped into the center target hole, you must immediately remove it from the game for the rest of the round. In exchange, you get to move any one of your scoring pawns to HOME. If the pawn you moved was the last one you had left to reach HOME, congratulations! You win the game instantly!
If your pawn is tipped into the center target hole, but not entirely inside, it should remain there. If the pawn is still in the target hole by the end of the round, you earn 4 points.
Game 3: Instant Sorry
Objective of the Game
The goal is to be the first player to get all four of your scoring pawns to the HOME position.
How to Play
All the rules from Game 1 apply, with a few exceptions:
If your pawn slides or gets bumped into the central target hole, you must remove it for the remainder of the round and move your highest-scoring pawn back to the START position. Pawns that have already reached HOME are safe. If all your pawns are still on START, there is no penalty.
If your pawn is touching the circles numbered 4, 5, or 6, you have the option to move any scoring pawn 4, 5, or 6 spaces.
If your pawn is partially inside the central target hole, leave it there. If it remains there at the end of the round, you will score 4, 5, or 6 points.
Game 4: Danger Dots
The Goal of the Game
My goal is to be the first one to get all four of my scoring pawns to HOME.
How to Play
The rules for this game are just like Game 1, but there are a few differences:
If your game piece lands on or accidentally hits a danger dot, you won’t earn any points for that turn. You’ll need to remove your piece from the board right away and wait for the next round.