How to play Snapshot Safari Official Game Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Snapshot Safari Game Rules

Hey there, fellow nature lover! Are you ready for a wild adventure? Well, look no further, because I’ve got just the game for you: Snapshot Safari! In this thrilling game, you’ll get to explore the wonders of the animal kingdom and capture incredible photos of all sorts of creatures.

Now, let’s dive right into the rules, shall we? First things first, you’ll need a keen eye and a quick finger to be successful in Snapshot Safari. Your mission is to take the best photos you can of different animals in their natural habitats. These animals could be anything from mighty lions on the African savannah to tiny hummingbirds in the rainforest.

But wait, there’s a catch! You’ll be given a limited amount of time to take each photo, so you’ll need to be fast. Keep your camera ready and your finger on the trigger, because you never know when the perfect shot will present itself.

Each animal you photograph will earn you points, and the better the photo, the more points you’ll get. So, it’s not just about snapping away randomly – you’ll need to use your creativity and quick thinking to capture those perfect moments. Pay attention to the lighting, composition, and timing of your shots to maximize your score.

As you progress through the game, you’ll encounter different challenges and obstacles that will test your skills. You might need to use camouflage to sneak up on shy animals or navigate treacherous terrain to get to the perfect vantage point. Don’t worry, though – the more you play, the better you’ll get at overcoming these challenges.

But the excitement doesn’t end there! Snapshot Safari also has a multiplayer mode, where you can team up with friends or compete against other players. Share your best photos, compare scores, and see who truly has what it takes to be the top wildlife photographer.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab your camera, put on your explorer’s hat, and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime with Snapshot Safari!

How to play Snapshot Safari Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play Snapshot Safari Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

  • 1 Die
  • 1 Game Board
  • 4 Character Movers
  • 4 Mover Stands
  • 4 Reward Cards
  • 12 Compass Cards
  • 20 Animal Photo Card
  • Instructions

What’s in the Box?

Inside the box, you’ll find everything you need to play the game. Here’s a list of the items:

– 1 Die

– 1 Game Board

– 4 Character Movers

– 4 Mover Stands

– 4 Reward Cards

– 12 Compass Cards

– 20 Animal Photo Cards

– Instructions

Now that we know what’s included, let’s find out how to play the game!

How to Play

The aim of the game is to collect points by “taking pictures” of animals on the map. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.

Getting Set Up

Before we start playing, let’s make sure we’re all ready to go.

First, set up the game board and place it in the middle of the playing area. Everyone should then choose a character mover and place it at the starting point on the game board.

Each player should also take a mover stand and place it in front of them.

Next, give each player a reward card and place it face up in front of them. Shuffle the compass cards and place them face down within reach of all players.

Finally, shuffle the animal photo cards and place them face down next to the game board. This will serve as the draw pile for the game.

Let’s Play!

Now that we’re all set up, it’s time to start playing!

On your turn, roll the die to determine how far you can move your character on the game board. Move your character mover along the paths on the board, following the arrows and different terrains.

When you land on a space with an animal photo card, take the top card from the draw pile and look at the picture. If the animal matches one of the animals on your reward card, take the card and place it in front of you to keep track of your points. If it doesn’t match, discard the card and continue your turn.

After you have moved and resolved the animal photo card, it’s the next player’s turn. Keep taking turns clockwise until all players have reached the end point on the game board.


At the end of the game, each player counts up their points. The player with the most points wins!

Remember, you earn points by “taking pictures” of animals that match the ones on your reward card.


Now that you know what’s in the box and how to play, you’re ready to embark on an exciting animal adventure! Gather your friends and family, follow the setup guidelines, and start collecting those animal photos to rack up points. Good luck and have fun!

How to play Snapshot Safari Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

  1. To start, I’ll put the game board in the middle of the playing area.
  2. Now, I’ll punch out the Character Movers and place them in their Mover Stands. I’ll choose one Character Mover for myself and place it on the Commvee “Home” space in Asia. If there are any unused Character Movers, I’ll set them aside for now.
  3. Next, I’ll separate the Compass Cards and the Reward Cards from the Animal Photo Cards. I’ll place the Compass Cards to the left of the game board, where everyone can reach them. I’ll lay out the Character Reward Cards, matching the Character Movers in play, face up on the right side of the board. If there are any unused Reward Cards, I’ll set them aside for later.
  4. All the Animal Photo Cards have colorful backgrounds that coordinate with the continents where the animals reside. To set up the board, place the cards with North American animals on top, marked by a blue border, above the matching colored continent. Arrange them in a line. Then, position the cards with South American, African, Antarctic, and Australian animals at the bottom, marked by green, orange, lavender, and yellow borders, respectively, below the corresponding continents. Line them up as well.

Playing the Game

Let’s get started! We’ll all roll the die to see who goes first. If someone rolls a compass, that’s lucky – they get to roll again! The person with the highest roll goes first.

Okay, it’s my turn. I roll the die and I can move my character up to the number I roll. My goal is to land on one of the Animal Photos on the board and collect the corresponding Photo card.

Here’s the cool part – I don’t have to land on an Animal Photo exactly. If I roll a 5 but I see an Animal Photo 2 spaces away, I can just move those 2 spaces and grab the Animal Photo.

The board is split up into spaces by longitude (going north and south) and latitude (going east and west). I can move my character in any combination of right (east), left (west), up (north), and down (south) directions.

If you’re the first person to land on a new Animal Photo, you get to “keep” that photo and add it to your collection. You earn one point for every Animal Photo you collect. But if someone has already collected a particular Animal Photo, you can’t claim it for yourself.

How to play Snapshot Safari Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

When you snap a picture, turn over the Animal Photo Card and listen to Eliza’s interesting animal facts. Make sure to read the card aloud so everyone can hear and learn. The colorful swooshes that extend from the Animal Photos on the board also indicate where those animals live in the world.

After reading the back of the Animal Photo Card, place it face up in front of you so that other players can see which ones have been taken and which ones are still available. Keep the collected Animal Photo Cards separate from the ones that haven’t been taken yet.

Remember, two players can’t be in the same space at the same time. So, if there’s already a Character Mover on a space, you’ll have to move around them.

The play continues in a clockwise direction, passing to the left.

Advanced Play

Hey, did you know that the planet we live on is actually round? Pretty cool, right? Well, because of that, you can travel all the way around it! It’s like a giant game board, and you can even play a fun little trick to “jump” from one side to the other.

Imagine this: you’re at the very top of the map, up in the north. If you step over the edge and keep going, what do you think will happen? Poof! You’ll magically appear on the bottom of the map, down in the south. It’s like a secret portal that takes you to the other side!

And guess what? The same thing works if you’re on the left side of the map and you walk all the way to the right. It’s like turning the world into a giant game of Pac-Man!

Compass Cards

How to play Snapshot Safari Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

When you land on a compass square or roll a compass on the die, something exciting happens! You get to draw a Compass Card. Listen up as I read the card out loud and follow the directions on it!

Imagine this: you draw the Compass Card and it says, “The eagles are migrating. Head to North America, right now!” Guess what you have to do? Move your Character Mover to the space with the “X” in North America. Cool, right?

But hold on! If there’s another player already on that space, they have to go back to the space they were just on. So make sure to remember where you moved from!

Now, here’s the thing. Sometimes you might draw a Compass Card that tells you to do something impossible. Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us. Just give it another go and roll the dice again. Who knows what adventure awaits you!

Hey there! Let me explain how the Snapshot Safari game works. It’s a super fun game where you get to take animal photos and race back to the Commvee to win rewards. Let me break it down for you.

The Animal Photo Cards

The game includes Animal Photo Cards that you collect throughout the game. Each card has a unique action or task written on it. For example, one card might tell you to “take an Animal Photo Card from the player with the most pictures”. If you have the most pictures, you roll the dice again and continue your turn.

But what happens if a Compass Card tells you to collect an Animal Photo Card and all of the pictures have already been taken? Well, you just roll the dice again and see what happens next. Pretty cool, right?

The Race Back Home

Now, here’s where the race comes in. The goal is to collect as many Animal Photo Cards as possible. Once all of the Animal Photo Cards have been collected, it’s time to race back to the Commvee! The Commvee is like the finish line.

The first player who makes it back to the Commvee wins the corresponding Reward Card for their Character Mover. Each Reward Card is worth three bonus points! So, if you make it back first, you get three extra points. That’s a big reward!

How to play Snapshot Safari Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess
Reward Card

Let’s tally up the scores. Just remember, each Animal Photo Card is worth 1 point, and the Reward Card is worth 3 points.

Now, let’s talk about how the game ends. Once all the Animal Photo Cards have been collected and a player has made it back Home, the game is over. Simple, right? But wait, there’s more!

If you’re looking for a quick game, here are two options to choose from:

Game 1: Before the game starts, the players decide on a set number of Animal Photo Cards that a player needs to win. The first player to collect that exact number of cards wins the game and earns their special Reward Card.

Game 2: This time, the players set a time limit before starting the game. Let’s say 20 minutes. Once the timer runs out, the player with the most Animal Photo Cards wins the game and gets to collect their special Reward Card.

So there you have it! Tally up those points, see who collected the most cards, and crown them the winner with a special Reward Card. Have fun playing!

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