Scattergories – The Card Game Rules
Hey there! Let me tell you all about the exciting game of Scattergories. Get ready to have a blast and challenge your creativity!
The goal of Scattergories is simple: come up with unique answers that start with a specific letter and fit into different categories. To get started, each player needs a pen, a sheet of paper, and a category list.
Here’s how it works:
- First, roll the die to determine the letter that everyone must use for that round.
- Next, choose a category list and set a timer for a certain amount of time. The timer adds some extra excitement!
- Once the timer starts, the challenge begins. For each category on the list, you have to brainstorm words that start with the chosen letter. Be quick, though, because time is ticking!
- Here comes the fun part. Your answers need to be unique. If someone else has the same answer as you, you both cross it off your list and it doesn’t count.
- At the end of the round, players compare their answers. For each unique answer, you get a point. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins!
Scattergories is a fantastic game that really gets your brain working. It challenges you to think creatively, come up with unique answers, and have fun with friends or family. Not only does it test your knowledge, but it also encourages quick thinking and a bit of friendly competition.
So gather your loved ones, get your thinking caps on, and enjoy the exciting game of Scattergories. Start playing now and let the fun begin!
- You’ll Need:
- A deck of Letter Cards
- A deck of Category Cards
- 2 “I Know” Cards
- A Plastic Card Tray
Let’s Play
We’re going to collect cards by being the first to slap the “I Know” card with the correct answers for the ever-changing letter and category mixes.
If we run out of cards from either pile, the game is over. The player with the most cards at that point wins!
Setting Up
First, we need to take out the two “I Know” cards from the deck. Place one of them in the center of the play area where everyone can reach it. The other “I Know” card is an extra, so we’ll set it aside for now.
Now, shuffle the letter card deck and the category card deck. Make sure to keep each deck separate from the other. Then, put the category deck face up on one side of the card tray and the letter deck face up on the other side.
Okay, here’s what you need to do. Grab a card from each deck, any card at all, and put it face-down on the pile. Make sure the card tray is nearby, where everyone can easily see it.
Let’s Play the Game
Scattergories: The Card Game is all about quick thinking and speed. It’s a game where I try to be the first to slap the “I Know” card with an answer every time we reveal a new letter and category combination. Here’s how we play:
To start the game, one of us turns over the top card from each pile. This reveals the first letter and category we’ll be using. We all have to think really fast and come up with an answer that starts with that letter and fits the category.
If I think of an answer first, I slam my hand on the “I Know” card and shout, “I know!” before saying my answer out loud. For example, if the letter is C and the category is Desserts, I might slam the “I Know” card and excitedly say, “I know! Cake!” or “I know! Cookies!” or “I know! Chocolate pudding!”
Sometimes, when playing this game, multiple players will quickly slap the “I Know” card. However, only the player who slaps it first, with their hand at the bottom of the pile, gets to shout out an answer.
If the answer seems questionable, the other players will discuss and decide if it is correct, based on majority rule. For example, if the category is desserts starting with the letter “c,” the word “carrot” would not be an acceptable answer. If the answer is determined to be incorrect, then the next player in the pile will shout out a new answer and score points if it is correct.
Whenever a player gives a correct answer, they get to take either the letter card or the category card and place it in front of themselves. This reveals a new letter and category combination, and the fast-paced action continues as players quickly slap the “I Know” card with answers for the new combination!
Now, let’s talk about some brain-drainers that you might encounter during this game.
Okay, here’s the deal. If nobody can answer within about 30 seconds, just take one of the cards and put it back in the middle. Then start playing again with a new combination.
What to do and what not to do
Here are some important rules to follow:
- Always remember to say “I know!” when you know the answer. If you forget to do this, you won’t be able to collect a card, even if you have the right answer. The next player who slaps the “I Know” card should say “I know!” and try to give the correct answer. If they get it right, they get the card.
The end of the game
Keep playing until one of the piles of cards is gone. Then, everyone counts up their cards, and the player with the most cards wins.
If there’s a tie, just play again!