How to play Scattergories Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Let’s Play Scattergories!

Hey there! Are you ready to have some fun with the Scattergories game? Great, because I’m here to guide you through the rules. So let’s jump right in and get started!

The Objective of the Game

The goal of Scattergories is to think creatively and come up with unique answers that fit the given categories within a time limit. The more original and clever your answers are, the higher chance you have of earning points!

How to Play

First things first, gather your friends and form teams if you’d like. Each player will need a pen or pencil and a piece of paper.

Next, choose a letter of the alphabet. This letter will be the starting point for all your answers in the round.

Once you have the letter, a list of categories will be read out loud. You’ll have a set amount of time, usually around two minutes, to come up with an answer for each category that starts with the chosen letter.

For example, if the letter is ‘S’ and the category is “Things in the Ocean,” you might write down “shark” or “seaweed.”

Here’s the twist – your answers must be unique! If two or more players write the same answer, none of them score points for that category. So be creative and think outside the box!

Once the time is up, each player or team takes turns sharing their answers. If your answer is unique, you score one point for that category. Be ready to explain and defend your answers if someone challenges them!


After all the answers are shared, it’s time to tally up the points. Each unique answer is worth one point. The player or team with the most points after all the rounds are completed is the winner!

Game Variations

Now, that’s the basic way to play Scattergories, but there are endless variations and ways to make the game even more exciting. You can adjust the time limit, add more challenging categories, or even create your own personalized categories.

Remember, the key to winning at Scattergories is to think fast, be creative, and have fun! So gather your friends, grab those pens, and get ready for a memorable game night!

How to play Scattergories Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Let’s have some fun and play a game that will get our brains working. I’ll explain how to set it up and how to play. Ready? Let’s go!

Game Setup

First, we need to prepare the game. Take the category cards and divide them into 6 sets. Each set has 8 cards.

Now, let’s get our folders ready. Take one folder at a time and do the following:

  • Place a set of category cards under the left clip
  • Put an answer sheet under the middle and right clips
  • Slide a pencil into the middle holder

Great job setting up the game! Now we’re all ready to start playing.

How to play Scattergories Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to Play the Game

Playing the game is super easy! Just follow these simple steps:

  1. First, we’re going to play three rounds. So let’s get started!
  2. During each round, pay attention and do exactly what I say. It’s important to listen carefully!
  3. After I give you the instructions, take your turn by following them. Remember, it’s all about following directions!
  4. Once everyone has taken their turn, I’ll let you know if you were correct or not. Take a moment to celebrate your successes!
  5. Now, let’s move on to the next round and repeat the same steps again.
  6. Once we’ve completed all three rounds, we’ll tally up the scores and see who did the best. Exciting, right?
  7. Don’t worry if you make mistakes along the way. This game is all about having fun and learning!

Remember, the most important thing is to listen and follow the instructions. Are you ready? Let’s dive in and start playing!

How to play Scattergories Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  1. First, I’ll grab a folder. Then, I need to decide which List number I want to use and attach the corresponding card to the folder, making sure it’s facing me. It’s important that all players are using the same List number.
  2. Next, I’ll place the die-rolling board on the table. One player will roll the letter die on the board and announce the letter that comes up. This letter is the key letter for this round of play.

Remember: be careful with the 20-sided die – it’s heavy. Only roll it on the die-rolling board to avoid damaging the table.

  • How to play Scattergories Official Rules UltraFoodMessLet’s start the game: Turn the timer over and make sure it’s set to 3 minutes. If needed, adjust the switch to the correct setting. Flip the timer back upright and press the top to start the countdown. (You can pause the timer by pressing it once and resume it by pressing it again). And now, let the round begin!
  • Everyone, quickly fill in the first column of your answer sheets. Remember, your answers must match the category and start with the chosen letter. Take a look at Figure 2 for an example of a completed answer sheet. In this game, we’re using List #1 and the letter P was rolled. How to play Scattergories Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    How to play Scattergories Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    So here’s the deal: when the timer runs out, we all stop writing. Then it’s time to score the round. Each player takes turns reading their answers out loud. As you listen, circle any of your own answers that no one else has chosen. Once all the categories have been read, count up the circles and give yourself 1 point for each one. Don’t forget to write your score at the top of the column on your answer sheet.

    Starting a new round

    Get ready for another round! Roll that letter, start the timer, and keep playing. Use the same list of categories as last time, and fill in the next column with your new answers.

    Remember: If the same letter comes up twice in a game, choose a different letter by rolling the die again.

    End of the Game

    So, after you’ve played 3 rounds, you’re ready to tally up the scores. Make sure you add up the scores from all 3 rounds on your answer sheet. The player who has the highest score is the winner. Simple as that!

    Take a look at Figure 4 to see an example of a fully-scored sheet:

    How to play Scattergories Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    If there’s a tie, here’s what happens: the players who tied have to play another round. This time, they get a new letter. Whoever gets the highest score in that round is the winner.

    Now, let me tell you about the rules for acceptable answers. First, your answer has to start with the letter given. No exceptions! Also, you can’t use the words “A,” “An,” or “The” as the key letter. For example, if the key letter is “B” and the category is “movie title,” you can’t use “A Beautiful Mind” because it starts with “A.” Finally, you can’t give the same answer more than once in the same round.

    And what if someone challenges your answer? Well, that’s when things get interesting.

    As I read out the answers, you can challenge them if you think they’re incorrect. When a challenge happens, all players, including the one being challenged, have the chance to vote on whether the answer is acceptable. If you think the answer is correct, give a thumbs-up. If not, give a thumbs-down.

    If there’s a tie, the challenged player’s vote doesn’t count.

    Starting a New Game

    To start a new game, take out the answer sheet and attach a blank one (the answer sheets have two sides). Also, switch the category card to the other side or attach a new card with the List number you want.

    Make sure everyone is using the same List number.

    Game Variations

    Extra points: When you respond with names or titles, you earn an extra point for using the letter more than once as the first letter.

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